• Title/Summary/Keyword: National plan

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GIS Application for Site Planning

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Lee, Jin-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2009
  • The general urban plan is the plane plan which limits general and uniformed constructions; however, the district unit plan is the solid plan that can leads various constructions by discriminating by plot, housing area and lot. Therefore, for the zone plan, not only the two-dimensional plot information such as plot usage plan, but also the three-dimensional plot information needs to be used to analyze lighting, sewerage and directions. To fulfill such requirements, the information can be gathered using GIS and photogrammetric method for the reasonable and efficient zone plan. In this research, the information about the testing area for the zone plan has been gathered using GIS method, and the three-dimensional model about the area has been built using the satellite image and DEM. As the result, plot usage analysis, direction analyst, water system analysis, and slope analysis has been done and used efficiently to build the district unit plan. Also, after the result after applying the analyzed result to the actual area says this is very appropriate and efficient.

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The study about fire counter plan through the properties qualities research of the main temple properties in Korea (우리나라 중요사찰문화재의 문화재 보유특성 조사를 통한 화재대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ho-Jun;Jung, Eun-Ji;Lee, Ji-Hyang;Kim, Jung-Ho;Back, Min-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.495-501
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    • 2008
  • This study analyzes into the basic fire counter plan through classifying a kind, material, and transfer of which 66 the main temple properties among 124 the main wooden properties in Korea.

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A Study on the Visual Resource Management for Soraksan National Parks and Adjacent Area (국립공원 및 인접지역 경관관리 방안에 관한 연구 - 설악산 국립공원을 중심으로 -)

  • 임승빈;신지훈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest visual resource management methods for the national parks and adjacent areas, where visual impacts by high rise buildings such as hotel, condominium, etc. become serious problems. In this study Soraksan National Park has been selected as a case study for landscape management planning. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Comprehensive landscape management planning for National Parks and adjacent areas is necessary to solve visual impact problems by high rise buldings such as hotel, condominium, etc. 2) It is suggested to investigate visual resources and conceptual landscape management ideas, to select landscape control points and lines, landscape management areas, and to prepare building height control plan for proper landscape management plan. 3) In case of Soraksan national park, the landscape management plan includes three landscape management areas : Landscape preservation area, General landscape management area, and special landscape management area. 4) In the part of special landscape management area, it is necessary to introduce landscape impact assessment system to more effective landscape management.

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Study on Establishment of National Technology Transfer System

  • Kim, Eun-Sun;Koo, Young-Duk;Park, Young-Seo
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we examine the necessity and the role of technology transfer/diffusion in the frame of national technology innovation system. On the base of this, we present a construction plan of technology transfer/diffusion system to make the national electric industry for 21st century to possess the competitive power. To achieve above purpose, we examine the relations between theory of technology transfer/diffusion structure and policy. Furthermore, we try to find the necessity for construction of technology transfer & diffusion system and a driving plan. Then, it is analyzed that expected design requirements for the construction of electric technology transfer & diffusion system. Finally, construction and activation plan for electric technology transfer & diffusion system are presented, which would strengthen the national technology competitiveness.

Research on National Korean Medicine Policy Priorities using Delphi-AHP : Focusing on the 4th Comprehensive Plan for Korean Medicine Development (델파이-AHP 기법을 사용한 국가한의약정책 우선순위에 관한 연구 - 제4차 한의약육성발전종합계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi, Eunhee;Kim, Dongsu;Park, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to identify priorities for the 4th Comprehensive Plan for Korean Medicine Development using Delphi and AHP techniques. Methods : This study uses Delphi-AHP method to first, select the target priority policy based on the policy content of the 4th Comprehensive Plan. In addition, two surveys on the priorities were conducted to reach consensus between experts. The main results of the first survey were also provided to experts participating in the second survey to help form expert consensus. Finally, the final policy priority was chosen based on the second survey result. Results : Survey results showed that of the 39 policies in the 4th Comprehensive Plan, "improve the accessibility of Korean medicines," was the most important goal. This was followed by "support for Korean medicine R&D from clinical research to industrialization," "provide foundation for a pilot project that provides customized medical services" and "strengthen the public medicine function of Korean medicine by expanding the its infrastructure in national and public hospitals." Conclusion : The results showed that capacity building of Korean medicine in primary care, improvement of the health insurance system, and research centered on industrialization are relatively more important goals, while the need to enhance global competitiveness was much less important. These key points can serve as a reference when formulating the 5th Comprehensive Plan for Korean Medicine Development in the future.

Modified Multi-Level Skip-Lot Sampling Plans

  • Cho, Gyo-Young;Choi, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.915-927
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    • 2003
  • This paper is the generalization of the modified two-level skip-lot sampling plan(MTSkSP1) to n-level. The general formulas of the operating characteristic(OC) function, average sample number(ASN) and average outgoing quality(AOQ) for the plan are derived using Markov chain properties. The operating characteristic curves, average sample numbers and average outgoing qualities of a reference plan, modified two-level, three-level and five-level skip-lot sampling plans are compared.

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A Study on Fostering Plan for the Hydrogen Industry in Changwon City (창원시 수소 산업 2040 중장기 육성계획 수립 연구)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.509-521
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to propose a mid- to long-term fostering plan for the hydrogen industry customized to Changwon City by reviewing the government's policy and the status of the domestic and foreign hydrogen industry. The adopted methodologies were policy analysis, literature review, field investigation, and committee operation that could consider institutions, knowledge (technology), and networking between activity subjects. The short-term projects and long-term projects for the fostering plan are established using these methodologies. The short-term projects were structured so that the ongoing hydrogen industry fostering plan leads to a successful result, and the hydrogen mobility field is expanded to not only land vehicles but also marine and air vehicles. The long-term projects consist of a high proportion of the hydrogen utilization field to take advantage of the industrial strength of Changwon City, and a support system for new and turning companies for localization of parts was added to provide industrial competitiveness.

Study on the Development of Management System of National Forest in Japan - Emphasis on the Management Plan and Regulation - (일본(日本)의 국유림시업(國有林施業) 전개(展開)에 관한 고찰(考察) - 시업계획(施業計劃) 방침(方針)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Choi, In-Hwa
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the historical development process on management plan and regulation in Japan in order to contribute to the systmatic management plan of national forest in Korea. Before the World War II, remarkable national forest management plan in Japan was introduction of the normal forest ideas by the management plan of the combination system of maximum forest rent and maximum soil rent, employing the clear-cutting of small area, simplified area-period method, and about 70-80 years rotation. After World War II, enterprise management was developed from the previous combination system. During the rapid economic development period, the original working system and normal forest ideas were not recognized, so that the destructions of forest and environment were resulted from the yield of future increment and clear-cutting of large area. During the slow economic development period, on the other hand, the reproduction of forest resources was difficult, as the result of the negligent management system and the depression of management. Future management system of national forest, therefore, should establish the working system and the management plan for the purpose of both forest resources reproduction and environment maintenance, simultaneously.

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Analysis of the cause of dose delivery errors due to changes in abdominal gas volume during MRgART pancreatic cancer (췌장암 MRgART시 복부가스용적 변화에 의한 선량전달오류 원인 분석)

  • Ha, Min Yong;Son, Sang Jun;Kim, Chan Yong;Lee, Je Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.32
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to confirm the matching of the electron density between tissue and gas due to variation of abdominal gas volume in MRgART (Magnetic Resonance-guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy) for pancreatic cancer patients, and to confirm the effect on the dose change and treatment time. Materials and Methods: We compared the PTV and OAR doses of the initial plan and the AGC(Abdominal gas correction) plans to one pancreatic cancer patient who treated with MRgART using the ViewRay MRIdian System (Viewray, USA) at this clinic. In the 4fx AGC plans, Beam ON(%) according to the patient's motion error was checked to confirm the effect of abdominal gas volume on treatment time. Results: Comparing the Initial plan with the average value of AGC plan, the dose difference was -7 to 0.1% in OAR and decreased by 0.16% on average, and in PTV, the dose decreased by 4.5% to 5.5% and decreased by 5.1% on average. In Adaptive treatment, as the abdominal gas volume increased, the Beam ON(%) decreased. Conclusion: Abdominal gas volume variation causes dose change due to inaccurate electron density matching between tissue and gas. In addition, if the abdominal gas volume increases, the Beam ON(%) decreases, and the treatment time may increase due to the motion error of the patient. Therefore, in MRgART, it is necessary to check the electron density matching and minimize the variability of the abdominal gas.

A Study on the Plan of Central Area in Pienza Town (피엔짜 도시 중심지역의 계획에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Man
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the plan of central area in Pienza town. The nucleus of the plan was the principal square with the surrounding buildings - Cathedral, Piccolomini, Episcopal and Communal palace, focused attention on the first city plan of the Renaissance. The results of study are as follow: 1. The plan of central area in Pienza town is formed by relation with each other, in which theory including the "De re aedificatoria" of Alberti and practical plan of Pienza were united. 2. Though the plan of Pienza is not total city planning for new function and system, it has a many influence for city planning, square type and building disposition, through new project method as a result of prospective at central area in Pienza town 3. The square plan is formed of centripetal role to integrate with harmony the partial units of each other from diverse elements in scale, function, style and type of buildings, in which it can characteristics of the beginning of Renaissance. 4. Not only composition of plan, elevation and section of the Cathedral, Piccolomini and Episcopal palace, but composition of opennings are formed of proportional system of 1:1, 1:${\surd}$2, 1:2 etc.. And such proportional systems is composed of relation with each other in harmony, deciding width, length and height from among part and part, whole and part for spatial and formal composition.

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