• Title/Summary/Keyword: National center

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Characteristics of Sea Exchange in Gwangyang Bay and Jinju Bay considering Freshwater from Rivers (하천유출수를 고려한 광양만과 진주만의 해수교환 특성)

  • Hong, Doung;Kim, Jongkyu;Kwak, Inn-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2022
  • At the center of the Noryang waterway, the Gwangyang bay area (including the Yeosu Strait) is located at the west, and the Jinju bay area (including Gangjin bay and Sacheon bay) is located at the east. Freshwater from several rivers is flowing into the study area. In particula,r the event of flood, great quantities freshwater flow from Seomjingang (Seomjin river) into the Gwangyang bay area and from Gahwacheon (discharge from Namgang Dam) into the Jinju bay. The Gwangyang and Jinju bay are connected to the Noryang waterway. In addition, freshwater from Seomjingang and Gahwacheon also affect through the Noryang waterway. In this study, we elucidated the characteristics of the tidal exchange rate and residence time for dry season and flood season on 50 frequency, considering freshwater from 51 rivers, including Seomjingang and Gahwacheon, using a particle tracking method. We conducted additional experiments to determine the effect of freshwater from Seomjingang and Gahwacheon during flooding. In both the dry season and flood season, the result showed that the particles released from the Gwangyang bay moved to the Jinju bay through the Noryang waterway. However, comparatively small amount of particles moved from the Jinju bay to the Gwangyang bay. Each experimental case, the sea exchange rate was 44.40~67.21% in the Gwangyang bay and 50.37~73.10% in the Jinju bay, and the average residence time was 7.07~15.36days in the Gwangyang bay and 6.45~12.75days in the Jinju bay. Consequently the sea exchange rate increased and the residence time decreased during flooding. A calculation of cross-section water flux over 30 days for 7 internal and 5 external areas, indicated that the main essential flow direction of the water flux was the river outflow water from Seomjingang flow through the Yeosu strait to the outer sea and from Gahwacheon flow through Sacheon bay, Jinju bay and the Daebang waterway to the outer sea.

Development and Assessment of a Non-face-to-face Obesity-Management Program During the Pandemic (팬데믹 시기 비대면 비만관리 프로그램의 개발 및 평가)

  • Park, Eun Jin;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Lee, Jung Jeung;Kim, Keonyeop
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.166-180
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    • 2022
  • Objective: This study evaluated the effects of a non-face-to-face obesity management program, implemented during the pandemic. Methods: The non-face-to-face obesity management program used the Intervention mapping protocol (IMP). The program was put into effect over the course of eight weeks, from September 14 to November 13, 2020 in 48 overweight and obese adults, who applied to participate through the Daegu Citizen Health Support Center. Results: IMP was first a needs assessment was conducted; second, goal setting for behavior change was established; third, evidence-based selection of arbitration method and performance strategy was performed; fourth, program design and validation; fifth, the program was run; and sixth, the results were evaluated. The average weight after participation in the program was reduced by 1.2kg, average WC decreased by 3cm, and average BMI decreased by 0.8kg/m2 (p<0.05). The results of the health behavior survey showed a positive improvement in lifestyle factors, including average daily intake calories, fruit intake, and time spent in walking exercise before and after participation in the program. A statistically significant difference was seen (p<0.05). The satisfaction level for program process evaluation was high, at 4.57±0.63 point. Conclusion: The non-face-to-face obesity management program was useful for obesity management for adults in communities, as it enables individual counseling by experts and active participation through self-body measurement and recording without restriction by time and place. However, the program had some restrictions on participation that may relate to the age of the subject, such as skill and comfort in using a mobile app.

A Study on the Application of Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures(OECMs) for Natural Heritage - Focusing on the Old Big Trees of Natural Monument and Dangsan Ritual - (자연유산의 '기타 효과적인 지역기반 보전수단(OECMs)' 등재기준 적용 연구 - 천연기념물 노거수와 당산제를 중심으로 -)

  • Jun, Da-Seul;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • This study compared and reviewed the recognition determinants by applying the OECMs criteria, focusing on old big trees, plant of natural monument that are natural heritage under the national heritage system of the Cultural Heritage Administration, and the results are as follows. First, among the protected areas designated and managed by government agencies according to each protection purpose, it is necessary to actively introduce new conservation measures, OECMs, to fulfill the Biodiversity strategy for 2030 while the land area is already saturated. Second, the OECMs are geographically defined areas(CBD, 2018), not currently recognized as a protected areas, governed and managed in a way that achieves positived sustained and effective contribution to in situ conservation of biodiversity. Since the selection of term, the scope of application criteria, and the context of interpretation are inevitably different, it is necessary to separately legislate and establish related laws of the OECMs suitable for each country's situation. Third, as a result of reviewing the OECMs criteria for plant of natural monument, the final 58 potential resources were recognized. Important elements among the OECMs criteria are that buffer zones should be spaced apart from designated zones to secure a certain area, and that economic activities through commercial production should not occur and meet biodiversity standards. Among the potential candidates, 23 areas were analyzed to be geographically isolated and independent, such as Forest of Oriental Arborvitae in Do-dong, Daegu, and forest types such as Carstor Aralia of Gungchon-ri, Samcheok and Forest of Common Camellias in Maryang-ri, Seocheon. As a result of reviewing the application of OECMs criteria for plant of natural monument, it was confirmed that the functions as a traditional uses were specialized among the values of biodiversity, and ecosystem services and cultural and spiritual values were inherited through Korea's unique culture of old big trees and Dangsan ritual. In terms of biodiversity criteria, it can be used as an important factor in connecting human and natural ecosystem networks without the discovery of new species.

Development of tracer concentration analysis method using drone-based spatio-temporal hyperspectral image and RGB image (드론기반 시공간 초분광영상 및 RGB영상을 활용한 추적자 농도분석 기법 개발)

  • Gwon, Yeonghwa;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun;Han, Eunjin;Kwon, Siyoon;Kim, Youngdo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.623-634
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    • 2022
  • Due to river maintenance projects such as the creation of hydrophilic areas around rivers and the Four Rivers Project, the flow characteristics of rivers are continuously changing, and the risk of water quality accidents due to the inflow of various pollutants is increasing. In the event of a water quality accident, it is necessary to minimize the effect on the downstream side by predicting the concentration and arrival time of pollutants in consideration of the flow characteristics of the river. In order to track the behavior of these pollutants, it is necessary to calculate the diffusion coefficient and dispersion coefficient for each section of the river. Among them, the dispersion coefficient is used to analyze the diffusion range of soluble pollutants. Existing experimental research cases for tracking the behavior of pollutants require a lot of manpower and cost, and it is difficult to obtain spatially high-resolution data due to limited equipment operation. Recently, research on tracking contaminants using RGB drones has been conducted, but RGB images also have a limitation in that spectral information is limitedly collected. In this study, to supplement the limitations of existing studies, a hyperspectral sensor was mounted on a remote sensing platform using a drone to collect temporally and spatially higher-resolution data than conventional contact measurement. Using the collected spatio-temporal hyperspectral images, the tracer concentration was calculated and the transverse dispersion coefficient was derived. It is expected that by overcoming the limitations of the drone platform through future research and upgrading the dispersion coefficient calculation technology, it will be possible to detect various pollutants leaking into the water system, and to detect changes in various water quality items and river factors.

Mineral Geochemistry of the Albite-Spodumene Pegmatite in the Boam Deposit, Uljin (울진 보암광산의 조장석-스포듀민 페그마타이트의 광물 지화학 조성 연구)

  • Park, Gyuseung;Park, Jung-Woo;Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.283-298
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we investigated the mineral geochemistry of the albite-spodumene pegmatite, associated exogreisen, and wall rock from the Boam Li deposit, Wangpiri, Uljin, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. The paragenesis of the Boam Li deposit consists of two stages; the magmatic and endogreisen stages. In the magmatic stage, pegmatite dikes mainly composed of spodumene, albite, quartz, and K-feldspar intruded into the Janggun limestone formation. In the following endogreisen stage, the secondary fine-grained albite along with muscovite, apatite, beryl, CGM(columbite group mineral), microlite, and cassiterite were precipitated and partly replaced the magmatic stage minerals. Exogreisen composed of tourmaline, quartz, and muscovite develops along the contact between the pegmatite dike and wall rock. The Cs contents of beryl and muscovite and Ta/(Nb+Ta) ratio of CGM are higher in the endogreisen stage than the magmatic stage, suggesting the involvement of the more evolved melts in the greisenization than in the magmatic stage. Florine-rich and Cl-poor apatite infer that the parental magma is likely derived from metasedimentary rock (S-type granite). P2O5 contents of albite in the endogreisen stage are below the detection limit of EDS while those of albite in the magmatic stage are 0.28 wt.% on average. The lower P2O5 contents of the former albite can be attributed to apatite and microlite precipitation during the endogreisen stage. Calcium introduced from the adjacent Janggun formation may have induced apatite crystallization. The interaction between the pegmatite and Janggun limestone is consistent with the gradual increase in Ca and other divalent cations and decrease in Al from the core to the rim of tourmaline in the exogreisen.

Automated Analyses of Ground-Penetrating Radar Images to Determine Spatial Distribution of Buried Cultural Heritage (매장 문화재 공간 분포 결정을 위한 지하투과레이더 영상 분석 자동화 기법 탐색)

  • Kwon, Moonhee;Kim, Seung-Sep
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.551-561
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    • 2022
  • Geophysical exploration methods are very useful for generating high-resolution images of underground structures, and such methods can be applied to investigation of buried cultural properties and for determining their exact locations. In this study, image feature extraction and image segmentation methods were applied to automatically distinguish the structures of buried relics from the high-resolution ground-penetrating radar (GPR) images obtained at the center of Silla Kingdom, Gyeongju, South Korea. The major purpose for image feature extraction analyses is identifying the circular features from building remains and the linear features from ancient roads and fences. Feature extraction is implemented by applying the Canny edge detection and Hough transform algorithms. We applied the Hough transforms to the edge image resulted from the Canny algorithm in order to determine the locations the target features. However, the Hough transform requires different parameter settings for each survey sector. As for image segmentation, we applied the connected element labeling algorithm and object-based image analysis using Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) in QGIS. The connected components labeled image shows the signals associated with the target buried relics are effectively connected and labeled. However, we often find multiple labels are assigned to a single structure on the given GPR data. Object-based image analysis was conducted by using a Large-Scale Mean-Shift (LSMS) image segmentation. In this analysis, a vector layer containing pixel values for each segmented polygon was estimated first and then used to build a train-validation dataset by assigning the polygons to one class associated with the buried relics and another class for the background field. With the Random Forest Classifier, we find that the polygons on the LSMS image segmentation layer can be successfully classified into the polygons of the buried relics and those of the background. Thus, we propose that these automatic classification methods applied to the GPR images of buried cultural heritage in this study can be useful to obtain consistent analyses results for planning excavation processes.

Colombia Border Area Refugees: Centered on Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador Border Areas (콜롬비아 국경지역 난민증가 원인: 베네수엘라, 파나마 그리고 에콰도르 접경지역 강제실향민을 중심으로)

  • Cha, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.109-134
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    • 2011
  • Drug-related crime has increased in spite of visible results of Uribe government's hard-line policies on drug eradication and illegally armed organizations which were pursued under U.S. support, without the accompaniment of quantity change in drug cultivation and trade. Military disputes of left-right illegally armed communities surrounding illegal crop cultivation rights were rather intensified, and the number of refugees was increased through enforced displaced people. The 2005 refugee registration committee RUPD reports that 3,316,862 people, 7.3% of total population, were refugees. In particular, the number of refugees presented a large increase rate of 624% when compared to the past year due to enforced displaced people. Main discharge areas of enforced displaced people are connected with drug crime and activities of illegally armed organizations, and are places of increased armed disputes in the process of occupied territory expansion of illegally armed communities and militia. Undiscriminated attacks were executed on farmers in the process of occupation of illegal crop cultivation sites by illegally armed organization and militia to emit enforced displaced people, who moved to border areas by crossing national borders. Enforced displaced people were restricted to certain areas before the appearance of Uribe administration. However, enforced displaced people not only presented quantitative expansion, but also showed tendency of nationwide expansion after national security policy was pursued. With the closing of the Amazon area, previously the main route of drug trade, activity base of illegally armed organizations was moved to the Pacific region, and Panama border area experienced refugee increase due to the new policy of enforced displaced people. This study aims to understand the actual condition and cause for the increase in refugees in Colombia based on border areas of Venezuela, which is the nation of highest dispersion of Columbian refugees, Panama, which has appeared as a new destination for refugees after the 90s, and Ecuador, which has experienced sudden refugee increase in 2000.

Comparative Study on the Independence of Central bank in Transition Countries: Focused on the Russia, Czech Republic, Poland (체제전환기 국가의 중앙은행 독립성 비교 연구 - 러시아, 체코, 폴란드를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang Won
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.499-524
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to based on review of theoretical and empirical studies to assess the independence of central banks - the former Socialist republics, including the Russian Federation and Czech, Poland. In addition, the work is expected to clarify whether a link exists between independence and the most important economic indicators such as inflation, economic activity, the budget deficit. And The subject of this study are the formal and actual independence of national banks, as well as limiting factors: political and economic. Background investigation of the problem of independence of central banks from the fact that, according to many economists, it is essential to the successful development of a market economy. The effectiveness of any country's economy due to currency volatility, low inflation, high reliability of the banking system, etc. As far as the independence of monetary regulation contributes to these goals - one of the most actively debated issues in the world of economic theory and practice for a long time. The issue of central bank independence is extremely important for Russia, Czech, Poland. In the near future to the central bank has important tasks, among which are the transition to inflation targeting in the rejection of significant intervention in the foreign exchange market, as well as improving the sustainability of the national banking system. Transparency and independence of the Bank of Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, in my view, should be an important factor in achieving these goals. The countries of Czech Republic, Poland have already made a number of steps to bring the status of their banks to the European standards. Many other developing countries are also in the process of reforming their central banks and the improving conditions of their functioning. However, despite the fact that as a model for reform used by the central banks of countries with developed market economies, central banks in developing countries are still yet deprived of the legal, economic and political independence. A different situation exists in transition space. Because of significant differences in the views of the authorities in transition republics at the necessary level of independence of central banks and the exchange rate and monetary policy reform of monetary management in these countries led to different results.

Fossil Saline Groundwater and Their Flushing Out At Gilsan Stream Catchment in the Western Coastal Area of Seocheon, Korea (서천 해안지역 길산천 소유역에서의 고염분 지하수와 씻김 현상)

  • Sang-Ho Moon;Yoon Yeol Yoon;Jin-Yong Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.671-687
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    • 2022
  • It has been reported that about 47% of groundwater wells within 10 km from the coastline in the western/southern coastal areas of Korea were affected by seawater. It has been interpreted that the cause of groundwater salinization is seawater intrusion. The Gilsan stream in the Seocheon area was a tidal stream until the Geumgang estuary dam was constructed and operated. Therefore, it is likely that the Gilsan stream catchment was deposited with sediments containing high-saline formation water prior to the use of landfill farmland at this catchment area. The groundwater in this study area showed EC values ranging from 111 to 21,000 µS/cm, and the water quality types were diverse including Ca(or Na)-HCO3, Ca(or Na)-HCO3(Cl), Na-Cl(HCO3), Na-Cl types. It is believed that this diversity of water quality is due to the mixing of seawater and fresh groundwater generated by infiltration of precipitation and surface water through soil and weathered part. In this study, we discussed whether this water quality diversity and the presence of saline groundwater are due to present seawater intrusion or to remnant high-saline pore water in sediments during flushing out process. For this, rain water, surface water, seawater, and groundwater were compared regarding the water quality characteristics, tritium content, oxygen/hydrogen stable isotopic composition, and 87Sr/86Sr ratio. The oxygen/hydrogen stable isotopic compositions indicated that water composition of saline groundwaters with large EC values are composed of a mixture of those of fresh groundwater and surface water. Also, the young groundwater estimated by tritium content has generally higher NO3 content. All these characteristics showed that fresh groundwater and surface water have continued to affect the high-saline groundwater quality in the study area. In addition, considering the deviation pattern in the diagrams of Na/Cl ratio versus Cl content and SAR (sodium adsorption ratio) versus Cl content, in which two end members of fresh surface-ground water and seawater are assumed, it is interpreted that the groundwater in the study area is not experiencing present seawater intrusion, but flush out and retreating from ancient saline formation water.

Effect of thinning ratio on the forest environment and fruiting of ectomycorrhizal mushrooms in a Pinus densiflora stand (소나무림에서 간벌률이 산림 내 환경과 외생균근성 버섯 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Yong-Woo Park;Jin-Gun Kim;Hwayong Lee
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the effect of thinning intensity on environmental factors and ectomycorrhizal mushroom fruiting in forest ecosystems, we studied canopy closure, throughfall, soil temperature, soil moisture, light response of understory vegetation, and ectomycorrhizal mushroom fruiting in a 10-year-old pine forest after 34%, 45%, and 60% thinning. Canopy closure was significantly higher in the 34% treatment and control plots, ranging from 80-85% in April. However, in November, all thinning treatment plots showed a decrease of approximately 5-10% compared with the control plot. The 60% treatment plot had over 200 mm of additional throughfall compared with the control plot, and monthly throughfall was significantly higher by more than 100 mm in October. The soil temperature in each treatment plot increased significantly by up to 1℃ or more compared with the control plot as the thinning rate increased. The soil moisture increased by more than 5% in the thinning treatment plots during rainfall, particularly in the 34% treatment plot, where the rate of moisture decrease was slower. The photosynthetic rate of major tree species (excluding Pinus densiflora)was highest in Quercus mongolica, with a rate of 7 µmolCO2·m-2·s-1. At a lightintensity of 800 μmol·m-2·s-1, Q. mongolica showed the highest photosynthetic level of 6 ± 0.3 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1 in the 45% treatment. The photosynthetic rate of Fraxinus sieboldiana and Styrax japonicus increased as the thinning intensity increased. The Shannon-Wiener index of mycorrhizal mushrooms did not significantly differ among treatments, but the fresh weight of mushrooms was approximately 360-840 g higher in the 34% and 45% treatments than in the control. Additionally, the fresh weight of fungi in the 60% treatment was 860 g less than that in the control. There were more individuals of Amanita citrina in the control than in the thinning treatment, while Suillus bovinus numbers increased by more than 10 times in the 34% thinning treatment compared with the control.