• 제목/요약/키워드: National Medical Insurance data

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응급의료센터를 보유한 의료기관 입원 중 응급실경유입원 관련 요인 (Factors Related to Admission via Emergency Room in Korean Hospitals with an Emergency Medical Center)

  • 나백주;이선경;오경희;김건엽;정설희
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of admission via the emergency room(the rest is ER) in an emergency medical center and to examine the factors related to admission. Methods : This study used 2005 National Health Insurance claims data for admitted patients of 112 hospitals having emergency medical centers in Korea. The study sample had 2,335,610 patients. The data was classified into emergency admission and non-emergency admission. To investigate the factors affecting the type of admission, the following were included as independent variables: type of health assurance_(national health insurance beneficiaries or medical aid beneficiaries), demographic characteristics_ (sex, age), cause of admission_ (disease or injury), whether an operation was performed or not, DRG severity level, the number of beds, and the location of the hospital. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test for the differences in emergency admission rates for each variables, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used for identifying the factors affecting admission type. Results : The proportion of admission via the ER accounted for 40.6% of the total admission among hospitals having emergency medical centers. The risk of admission via ER was relatively high for patients who were male, the aged, the injured, the surgical patients, the patients having more severe symptoms, and the patients admitted the hospitals located in metropolitan areas, and the patients admitted the hospitals having 300-699 beds. Medical aid patients were more likely admitted through the emergency room than health insurance patients after other variables ware adjusted. Conclusions and Discussion : We analyzed the proportion of admission via the ER for the total admission rate of hospitals having an emergency medical center in Korea. And we explored the factors related to admission via the ER. This proportion may be used as an indicator of the adequacy of medical utilization or low accessibility to hospitals of patients with low socioeconomic status.

Association Between Persistent Treatment of Alzheimer's Dementia and Osteoporosis Using a Common Data Model

  • Seonhwa Hwang;Yong Gwon Soung;Seong Uk Kang;Donghan Yu;Haeran Baek;Jae-Won Jang
    • 대한치매학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2023
  • Background and Purpose: As it becomes an aging society, interest in senile diseases is increasing. Alzheimer's dementia (AD) and osteoporosis are representative senile diseases. Various studies have reported that AD and osteoporosis share many risk factors that affect each other's incidence. This aimed to determine if active medication treatment of AD could affect the development of osteoporosis. Methods: The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service provided data consisting of diagnosis, demographics, prescription drug, procedures, medical materials, and healthcare resources. In this study, data of all AD patients in South Korea who were registered under the national health insurance system were obtained. The cohort underwent conversion to an Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership-Common Data Model version 5 format. Results: This study included 11,355 individuals in the good persistent group and an equal number of 11,355 individuals in the poor persistent group from the National Health Claims database for AD drug treatment. In primary analysis, the risk of osteoporosis was significantly higher in the poor persistence group than in the good persistence group (hazard ratio, 1.20 [95% confidence interval, 1.09-1.32]; p<0.001). Conclusions: We found that the good persistence group treated with anti-dementia drugs for AD was associated with a significant lower risk of osteoporosis in this nationwide study. Further studies are needed to clarify the pathophysiological link in patients with two chronic diseases.

한국형 ACSC에 대한 실증분석 및 건강보험 적용 가능성에 관한 연구 (The Empirical Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Study & its Potential Health Insurance Applicability in Korea)

  • 김양균;성주호
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of the study is to identify Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) and their potential health insurance applicability in Korea, using the correlation and regression analysis with the empirical data provided by Korean Health Insurance Review Agency(KHIRA). Here, ACSC would be thought of as conditions that when timely and effectively treated in the outpatient medical services can help reduce the risk of hospitalizations. As for ACSC, reducing accessibility for outpatient visit results in increasing hospitalization. In this respect, the ACSC concept is popularly adopted as one of the performance indicators of the national health system. As one of main results, fortifying the accessibility to necessary health care in a way of sharing appropriately the role with private health insurance can lead to the efficiency of national health care delivery systems in view of total health care expense, in particular in a case of ACSC children. Lastly, we would like to strongly suggest that the disease treatment data set reported to KHIRA needs to be opened to private insurance companies only for illness experience investigation.

민간의료보험이 암 환자의 의료이용과 의료비에 미치는 영향: 일개 암전문의료기관의 우리나라 주요 암종을 중심으로 (Effects of Private Health Insurance on Health Care Utilization and Expenditures in Korean Cancer Patients: Focused on 5 Major Cancers in One Cancer Center)

  • 임진화;최귀선;김성경;박은철;박재현
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : To identify the effects of supplemental private health insurance on health care utilization and expenditure under the mandatory National Health Insurance(NHI) system in Korea. Methods : The data were collected by the National Cancer Center in Korea. Cancer patients who were newly diagnosed with stomach (ICD code, C16), lung(C33-C34), liver (C22), colorectal cancer(C18-C20) or breast(C50) cancer were included as study subjects. Data were gathered using a structured questionnaire from face-to-face interviews, the hospital Order Communication System (OCS) and medical records. Clinical, socio-demographic and private health insurance related factors were also gathered. The differences of health care utilization and expenditure were compared between those who have private health insurance and those who do not using t-test and multivariable regression analysis. Results : Individuals with private health insurance spent larger inpatient costs than those without, but no differences were found in utilization in other service such as hospital admissions, hospital days and physician visits. Conclusions : We found that private health insurance exerts a significant effect on the health care expenditure in inpatient service. These study results can provide a rational basis to plan a national health policy regarding private health insurance. Further studies are needed to investigate the impacts of private health insurance on cancer patients' outcomes and survival rates.

요양병원 장기입원에 대한 본인부담상한제 개편 영향 분석 (Impact of Adjusted Out-of-Pocket Maximum Rules of Long-stay Admissions in Long-Term Care Hospitals)

  • 구여정;임승지
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of adjusted out-of-pocket maximum rules in the 'differential co-payment ceiling', which means having a higher burden of co-payment, that expanded to the entire ceiling level in long-stay admission patients in long-term care hospitals(LTCH). Methodology: We used health insurance claim data between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022 received from the National Health Insurance Service. The study populations were inpatients in long-term care hospitals more than 1 days during the study period. We performed the difference in characteristics of the LTCH patient of the differential and general ceiling by the chi-square test. We estimated the change of the population, cost, and co-payments per person under the assumption of restructuring. Finding: Based on adjusted out-of-pocket maximum rules in 2023, it was expected that the number of benefits decreases at the high-income level while increasing at the low-income level. The burden of health expenditure after reimbursement of co-payment ceiling, is expected to increase by 65.1% in the highest medical necessity, whereas the low medical necessity would decreases compared to 2022. Practical Implications: The results demonstrate that the current out-of-pocket maximum rules do not reflect the needs of medical necessity. This study suggested the need to reflect the medical necessity in LTCH on the out-of-pocket maximum rules in the future.

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건강보험 의료행위의 비용구조 (Cost Structure of Medical Services in Korean National Health Insurance)

  • 오영숙;강길원
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2010
  • Health insurance fees are set by relative value scales and conversion factors. Since 2008 the conversion factor has been classified into 7 according to the provider type, and a separate contract has been made respectively. As such classification of the conversion factor reflects only the different characteristics of providers, however, further classification to reflect the different cost structures of providers is proposed. Cost varies according to the type of not only providers but also services each provider supply. In fact different cost structures of providers are the result of their different services. This study analyzed the cost structure of medical services to propose a new approach to the classification of the conversion factor. This study analyzed the cost structure of medical services using cost data constructed in the revision study of relative value scales. The cost data consist of doctor's fee, support staff's fee, cost of medical equipments, cost of medical supplies and indirect cost. The proportion of each cost component to the total cost was analyzed in terms of service department and service type. 72 service groups are defined in terms of the combination of service department and service type. Through cluster analysis, 72 service groups were reduced into 7 clusters each of which has a similar cost structure. Conversion factor is contracted annually to reflect the change in the cost of providing medical services. So the classification of conversion factor has to be based on the cost structures of medical services, not the characteristics of providers. Service clusters derived in this study can be used as a new classification for health insurance fee contract.

고혈압 환자의 의료이용 행태 변화 및 관련 요인: 2003~2007년 건강보험청구자료를 활용한 추적연구 (Patterns of Medical Care Utilization Behavior and Related Factors among Hypertensive Patients: Follow-up Study Using the 2003-2007 Korean Health Insurance Claims Data)

  • 송현종;장선미;신숙연
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: Several practice guidelines recommended both medication and behavior modification to control hypertension. The objective of this study was to analyze ambulatory care utilization pattern and related factors. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among 45,267 new users who initiated treatment with hypertensive drugs in 2003. Korean National Health Insurance Claims Data was used to study the medical care utilization behavior and related factors after treatment initiation for up to four years. Taking prescription was considered as medical care utilization. Results: More than 20% of patients discontinued visiting physicians for prescription after initiating antihypertensive drug therapy. The average number of institutions visited by patients was about 1.3 annually. Clinic was the most frequently visited institution by patients. In GEE analysis, probability of continuous visit one institution after initiating antihypertensive drug treatment increased in patients who were women, old, have comorbidity, visited clinic or hospital mainly in previous year. Conclusions: Young hypertensive male patients who have no major comorbidity showed high possibility to discontinue medical service utilization. It is necessary to educate these targeted patients about importance of hypertension management in early stage after treatment initiation.

의료용 마약류 유통 관리에 대한 고찰과 정책적 함의: 유통자료 및 청구자료 분석을 중심으로 (A Study on the Policy Implication on the Management of Narcotics Distribution for Medical Use)

  • 유수연;조현민;강현아;김수경
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.280-285
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: To suggest direction for improving policies by understanding current management of narcotics or psychotropic drugs and analyzing their distributions and usage. Method: We conducted a comparison analysis between health insurance claims and the amount supplied to health care institutions for narcotics or psychotropic drugs through health insurance claims data and drug distribution supply data from 2010 to 2012 collected from Korea Pharmaceutical Information Service Center (KPIS). Furthermore, we carried out literature investigation and online search to comprehend the current management of narcotics drugs in Korea. Results: The amount supplied to medical institutions for all drugs in 2012 was 19.4 trillion won, which increased from 19.5 trillion in 2011 by 0.54%. For narcotic drugs, the amount supplied was 318.4 billion won in 2011 and increased to 335.1 billion won by 5.3% in 2012, which exceeded the rate of increase for the amount supplied for all drugs. The proportion of amount claimed in the total amount supplied to medical institutions for all drugs was 60.5% in 2012, whereas the proportion of amount claimed for narcotic drugs was 55.6%, which showed that narcotic drugs were used relatively less within health insurance. Furthermore, management of the current domestic distribution supply data focuses on manufacturing and medical institution supply stages. Conclusion: Hereafter, the management of narcotics or psychotropic drugs needs to be improved by reinforcing active monitoring in optimal prescription and usage in patients by collecting and analyzing information on drug usage of patients.

일본 건강보험의 한약 급여제도 현황 (The National Health Insurance Scheme for Herbal Medicines in Japan)

  • 현은혜;임병묵
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2022
  • Background & Objectives : As the government of South Korea implemented policies to strengthen health insurance coverage, the health insurance benefit for raw herbal medicines has been promoted. This study investigated the current status of the herbal medicines coverage in the Japanese national health insurance to secure reference data for the design of herbal medicines coverage in South Korea. Methods : Literature review was conducted to collect and analyze the history and current situation on herbal medicines coverage in the Japanese health insurance system. To supplement the contents not presented in the documents, on-site interviews were conducted at the medical institutions and pharmacies that prescribed or prepared herbal medicines in Tokyo, Japan. The contents of the survey included the background and progress of the herbal medicines coverage, the status of herbal medicines use, the payment system, and the safety management of herbal medicines. Results : Since the introduction of health insurance in the 1960s, Japanese insurance system has covered herbal medicines, and so far, it has been maintained without any additional restrictions. When the raw herbal medicines are prescribed to outpatients, the preparation fee is set higher than that of other medicines, but overall payment regulations and systems for herbal medicine are generally the same as other medicines. Conclusions : The case of Japan can be a useful references and implications for national health insurance policy on herbal medicines in south Korea.

일부 노인층의 틀니, 임플란트 건강보험에 대한 인식도 연구 (A Study on the Recognition about National Health Insurance Coverage of Denture, Implant of Elderly People)

  • 오상환;이유정;이유진;이정미;이주희;김설희
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.502-509
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    • 2014
  • 노인틀니와 임플란트 건강보험 지원사업에 대한 인식과 개선요구도를 조사하기 위해 2014년 6~7월 기간 동안 일부 지역사회의 60세 이상 238명을 대상으로 틀니와 임플란트 보험적용과 개선에 관한 설문조사를 하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 대상자의 틀니 보험적용 인식은 76.9%였으나 틀니 적용시기와 보험 지원비용의 적절성, 임플란트 보험 적용 인식은 50% 미만으로 낮게 나타났다. 특히 틀니 사후관리 인식은 18.6%로 매우 낮게 조사되었다. 건강보험 급여화 개선요구 조사결과 틀니 적용시기는 60세 이상(42.5%), 임플란트 적용시기는 65세 이상(34.6%)이었고, 건강보험비 자부담은 50% (34.6%)가 가장 높게 조사되었다. 틀니 재제작 기간과 임플란트 지원은 무제한이 각각 32.0%, 47.8%로 가장 높게 조사되었으며, 치과위생사의 구강(틀니) 관리의 참여희망은 94.1%로 높게 조사되었다. 결론적으로 틀니와 임플란트 인식은 높았으나 세부적인 운영사항은 인식하지 못하여 지속적인 정보제공이 필요하며, 건강보험 지원연령을 낮추는 방안이 고려되어 건강보험지원사업의 효율성을 높여야 할 것으로 생각된다.