• Title/Summary/Keyword: National Base Maps

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3-D modeling and Application Methods for Urban Areas by Convergence of Topographical Spatial Contents (지형공간 콘텐츠 융합에 의한 도시 및 지역의 3차원 모델링 및 활용기법 연구)

  • Yeon, SangHo;Lee, Youngwook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.488-490
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    • 2009
  • The Spatial Image contents of Geomorphology 3-D environment is focused by the requirement and importance in the fields such as, national land development plan, telecommunication facility management, railway construction, general construction engineering, Ubiquitous city development, safety and disaster prevention engineering. The currently used DEM system using contour lines, which embodies geographic information based on the 2-D digital maps and facility information has limitation in implementation in reproducing the 3-D spatial city. Moreover, this method often neglects the altitude of the rail way infrastructure which has narrow width and long length. This As the results, We confirmed the solutions of varieties application for railway facilities management using 3-D spatial image contents and database design. Also, I suggested that U-city using topographical modeling about matching methods of high density elevation value using 3-D aerial photo with laser data are best approach for detail stereo modeling and simulation. There for of this, Using of rapid spatial information generation by various images and laser data through matching methods for the make of Spatial data base management inplementation are very powerful and much application of our life and real worlds.

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Forestry Education Support by a Forest Research Institute: Development of Forestry Educational Programs for Vocational High Schools

  • Inoue, Mariko;Oishi, Yasuhiko;Fujii, Tomoyuki;Kobayashi, Hiroyuki
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 2008
  • Forestry education in vocational high schools is one of the fundamental keys for achieving sustainable forest management. However, support systems for forestry education have not been well developed in Japan. Forest research institutes, which have accumulated relevant information, should have sufficient ability to develop new educational programs in this field. This study examined the possibility of support systems for forestry technical education by a research institute. Educational programs for vocational high schools were developed, and the programs were examined for their practical applications through a workshop for these teachers. We set the following five requirements for the programs: They should 1) incorporate new contents related to sustainable forest management, 2) be based on forestry education textbooks, 3) meet recent demands of the schools and society, 4) allow participants to learn through actual practice and experience, and 5) utilize readily available teaching materials. With these criteria, we developed the following two educational programs: (a) Forest management program to teach advanced techniques, (b) A timber-program to teach about biomass resources. The workshop was held on July $28^{th}$, 2007 with ten teachers attending. The programs were very interesting, who gave them high average evaluation of 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5. Only a few issues need to be resolved before classroom instruction can begin, such as making wood structure easier to understanding for some teachers, and obtaining base maps of school forests. In conclusion, forest research institutes can effectively support forestry education by providing and implementing programs based on scientific information.

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Liquid Level System Realizing Van de Vusse Reactor Dynamics and its Control Experiments (Van de Vusse 반응기 동특성을 구현하는 액위시스템 및 제어 실험)

  • Lee, Jietae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.184-189
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    • 2020
  • Van de Vusse reactors show the maximum points in input-output steady state maps and dramatic changes in their dynamic characteristics around those maximum points. According to their operating regions, there appear sign changes in steady state gains and nonlinear characteristics such as non-minimum phase dynamics which cause difficulties in applying controllers. Many nonlinear controllers that are available and newly designed are applied to these Van de Vusse reactor processes and their performances are tested. Reactor examples with real reactions have been reported. However, due to difficulties in constructing and operating chemical reactor systems, they are not adequate to be used for real applications of control experiments and hence most of results are based on simulations studies. Here, we propose a liquid level system that realizes most of the steady state and dynamic characteristics of Van de Vusse reactor, and two nonlinear control methods that can be used as base methods to compare nonlinear controllers newly designed. Liquid level experimental system and two nonlinear control methods are very simple and can be used to test performances of nonlinear controllers in practice.

Data Base Design Methods for Railway Facility Information using 3D Spatial (3차원 공간에서의 철도시설정보 데이터베이스 설계방안)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1003-1009
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    • 2009
  • The Spatial Image contents of Geomorphology 3-D environment is focused by the requirement and importance in the fields such as, national land development plan, telecommunication facility management, railway construction, general construction engineering, Ubiquitous city development, safety and disaster prevention engineering. The currently used DEM system using contour lines, which embodies geographic information based on the 2-D digital maps and facility information has limitation in implementation in reproducing the 3-D spatial city. Moreover, this method often neglects the altitude of the rail way infrastructure which has narrow width and long length. This As the results, We confirmed the solutions of varieties application for railway facilities management using 3-D spatial image contents and database design. Also, I suggested that U-city using railway modeling about matching methods of high density elevation value using 3-D aerial photo with laser data are best approach for detail stereo modeling and simulation.

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Development of a Oak Pollen Emission and Transport Modeling Framework in South Korea (한반도 참나무 꽃가루 확산예측모델 개발)

  • Lim, Yun-Kyu;Kim, Kyu Rang;Cho, Changbum;Kim, Mijin;Choi, Ho-seong;Han, Mae Ja;Oh, Inbo;Kim, Baek-Jo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2015
  • Pollen is closely related to health issues such as allergenic rhinitis and asthma as well as intensifying atopic syndrome. Information on current and future spatio-temporal distribution of allergenic pollen is needed to address such issues. In this study, the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling (CMAQ) was utilized as a base modeling system to forecast pollen dispersal from oak trees. Pollen emission is one of the most important parts in the dispersal modeling system. Areal emission factor was determined from gridded areal fraction of oak trees, which was produced by the analysis of the tree type maps (1:5000) obtained from the Korea Forest Service. Daily total pollen production was estimated by a robust multiple regression model of weather conditions and pollen concentration. Hourly emission factor was determined from wind speed and friction velocity. Hourly pollen emission was then calculated by multiplying areal emission factor, daily total pollen production, and hourly emission factor. Forecast data from the KMA UM LDAPS (Korea Meteorological Administration Unified Model Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System) was utilized as input. For the verification of the model, daily observed pollen concentration from 12 sites in Korea during the pollen season of 2014. Although the model showed a tendency of over-estimation in terms of the seasonal and daily mean concentrations, overall concentration was similar to the observation. Comparison at the hourly output showed distinctive delay of the peak hours by the model at the 'Pocheon' site. It was speculated that the constant release of hourly number of pollen in the modeling framework caused the delay.

Spatial Variability Analysis of Paddy Rice Yield in Field (필지내 벼 수량의 공간변이 해석)

  • 이충근;우메다미키오;정인규;성제훈;김상철;박우풍;이용범
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2004
  • Using geo-statistical method, yield data of different fields were analyzed to examine their field variability according to examining year, analysis method. Semivariogram and Kriged maps of geo-statistical analysis were used to examine their spatial dependence within a filed. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Descriptive statistical results of the yield showed that the yield and the difference of yield ranged from 100 to 946kg/10a and from 272 to 653kg/10a, respectively within a field. The coefficient of variation also ranged from 5.9 to 22.4 %. 2) More than 90% of yield data were placed between 350 to 850kg/10a. e results indicated that the gram mass flow sensor should have the measuring range from 0.34 to 0.82kg/s considering the yields when 4 rows head-feeding combine with 0.8 m/s of working speed was utilized. 3) A high spatial dependence was found within paddy field. The Q values ranged from 0.20 to 0.97, and the range of spatial dependence was from 6.9 to 53.3m. From this result, the rational sampling interval for yield investigation was estimated 6.9m. 4) Yields within a field between observation years showed considerable variability even if the field was evenly cultivated and managed. To apply precision agriculture in a paddy field, the field test should be continued to build a solid data-base including meteorological data, blight damage and insect damage.

GIS-based Disaster Management System for a Private Insurance Company in Case of Typhoons(I) (지리정보기반의 재해 관리시스템 구축(I) -민간 보험사의 사례, 태풍의 경우-)

  • Chang Eun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.1 s.112
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    • pp.106-120
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    • 2006
  • Natural or man-made disaster has been expected to be one of the potential themes that can integrate human geography and physical geography. Typhoons like Rusa and Maemi caused great loss to insurance companies as well as public sectors. We have implemented a natural disaster management system for a private insurance company to produce better estimation of hazards from high wind as well as calculate vulnerability of damage. Climatic gauge sites and addresses of contract's objects were geo-coded and the pressure values along all the typhoon tracks were vectorized into line objects. National GIS topog raphic maps with scale of 1: 5,000 were updated into base maps and digital elevation model with 30 meter space and land cover maps were used for reflecting roughness of land to wind velocity. All the data are converted to grid coverage with $1km{\times}1km$. Vulnerability curve of Munich Re was ad opted, and preprocessor and postprocessor of wind velocity model was implemented. Overlapping the location of contracts on the grid value coverage can show the relative risk, with given scenario. The wind velocities calculated by the model were compared with observed value (average $R^2=0.68$). The calibration of wind speed models was done by dropping two climatic gauge data, which enhanced $R^2$ values. The comparison of calculated loss with actual historical loss of the insurance company showed both underestimation and overestimation. This system enables the company to have quantitative data for optimizing the re-insurance ratio, to have a plan to allocate enterprise resources and to upgrade the international creditability of the company. A flood model, storm surge model and flash flood model are being added, at last, combined disaster vulnerability will be calculated for a total disaster management system.

A Study on Ontology and Topic Modeling-based Multi-dimensional Knowledge Map Services (온톨로지와 토픽모델링 기반 다차원 연계 지식맵 서비스 연구)

  • Jeong, Hanjo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2015
  • Knowledge map is widely used to represent knowledge in many domains. This paper presents a method of integrating the national R&D data and assists of users to navigate the integrated data via using a knowledge map service. The knowledge map service is built by using a lightweight ontology and a topic modeling method. The national R&D data is integrated with the research project as its center, i.e., the other R&D data such as research papers, patents, and reports are connected with the research project as its outputs. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the simple relationships between the integrated data such as project-outputs relationships, document-author relationships, and document-topic relationships. Knowledge map enables us to infer further relationships such as co-author and co-topic relationships. To extract the relationships between the integrated data, a Relational Data-to-Triples transformer is implemented. Also, a topic modeling approach is introduced to extract the document-topic relationships. A triple store is used to manage and process the ontology data while preserving the network characteristics of knowledge map service. Knowledge map can be divided into two types: one is a knowledge map used in the area of knowledge management to store, manage and process the organizations' data as knowledge, the other is a knowledge map for analyzing and representing knowledge extracted from the science & technology documents. This research focuses on the latter one. In this research, a knowledge map service is introduced for integrating the national R&D data obtained from National Digital Science Library (NDSL) and National Science & Technology Information Service (NTIS), which are two major repository and service of national R&D data servicing in Korea. A lightweight ontology is used to design and build a knowledge map. Using the lightweight ontology enables us to represent and process knowledge as a simple network and it fits in with the knowledge navigation and visualization characteristics of the knowledge map. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the entities and their relationships in the knowledge maps, and an ontology repository is created to store and process the ontology. In the ontologies, researchers are implicitly connected by the national R&D data as the author relationships and the performer relationships. A knowledge map for displaying researchers' network is created, and the researchers' network is created by the co-authoring relationships of the national R&D documents and the co-participation relationships of the national R&D projects. To sum up, a knowledge map-service system based on topic modeling and ontology is introduced for processing knowledge about the national R&D data such as research projects, papers, patent, project reports, and Global Trends Briefing (GTB) data. The system has goals 1) to integrate the national R&D data obtained from NDSL and NTIS, 2) to provide a semantic & topic based information search on the integrated data, and 3) to provide a knowledge map services based on the semantic analysis and knowledge processing. The S&T information such as research papers, research reports, patents and GTB are daily updated from NDSL, and the R&D projects information including their participants and output information are updated from the NTIS. The S&T information and the national R&D information are obtained and integrated to the integrated database. Knowledge base is constructed by transforming the relational data into triples referencing R&D ontology. In addition, a topic modeling method is employed to extract the relationships between the S&T documents and topic keyword/s representing the documents. The topic modeling approach enables us to extract the relationships and topic keyword/s based on the semantics, not based on the simple keyword/s. Lastly, we show an experiment on the construction of the integrated knowledge base using the lightweight ontology and topic modeling, and the knowledge map services created based on the knowledge base are also introduced.

Farmland Use Mapping Using High Resolution Images and Land Use Change Analysis (고해상도 영상을 이용한 농경지 지도 작성 및 토지이용 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Kyungdo;Hong, Sukyoung;Kim, Yihyun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1164-1172
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to make a "farmland use map" using high-resolution images and to analyze the land use change for about 8 years in Goyang, Namyangju, and Yongin cities. We have made a new numerical map named as a farmland use map using high-resolution images taken mostly in 2007 and digital topographical maps in Goyang, Namyangju, and Yongin cities near metropolitan areas to classify farmland use of paddy, upland, plastic film house, and orchard. We also made a land use map by overlaying the farmland use map and the land registration map of each city made in 2007, and compared the land use map made by RDA (Rural Development Administration) in 1999. Paddy areas decreased at a range of 3,000 to 5,000 ha during 8 years and were changed to residential areas in the cities. Upland and orchard areas also showed similar tendency and were changed to residential areas as well. On the other hand, the areas of the plastic film houses in the cities showed an increase or same in size. It is suggested that farmland use map can be broadly used as a base map for various survey projects including soil survey, statistics, and farmland information management.

Construction Plan of 3D Cadastral Information System on Underground Space (지하공간 3차원 지적정보시스템 구축 방안 연구)

  • Song, Myungsoo;Lee, Sungho
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2014
  • Recently, Construction business is changing from on the ground to underground space because of deficit of developing space, creation of green space and of incremental of land compensation expenses. Meanwhile, 3D Topographic, Marine and Cadastral maps need to have Spatial Interrelation. Also, understanding of the information is also needed. Spatial information object registration system is impossible to contact and understanding intelligence mutually because the former one is managed as automatic ID system. Therefore, 3D Object information ID System of underground space is managed based on Object Identifier. Construction of Spatial information integration ID System is required and it will offer Division Code (Ground, Index, Underground) and depth information. We are defined and classified Under Spatial Information in this paper. Moreover, we developed the integration ID System based on UFID for cadastral information Construction. We supposed underground spatial information DB Construction and a developed the way of exploiting 3D cadastral information system through the study. The research result will be the base data of Standard ID system, DB Construction and system Development of National spatial data which is considered together with spatial interrelation.