• 제목/요약/키워드: Narrative Curriculum

검색결과 37건 처리시간 0.02초

<춘향전>과 지리(地理) - 문학교육과 지리교육의 공동 영역의 탐색 ("Chunhyangjeon" and Geography -With a focus on the common realm of Literary Education and Geographic Education)

  • 김종철
    • 고전문학과교육
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    • 제35호
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    • pp.47-85
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    • 2017
  • 공간은 작품의 배경으로서 문학교육의 관심사이고, 또한 지리교육의 주교육 대상인 점에서 문학교육과 지리교육의 공동의 대상이다. 이러한 전제에서 <춘향전>을 제재로 한 두 교과의 교육에서 공간을 중심으로 문학교육과 지리교육의 공동 영역을 모색하였다. 구체적으로 공간의 실체, 공간의 역할, 공간 의식, 공간 체험, 공간 재구성 등을 항목으로 <춘향전>에 이들이 어떻게 구현되어 있는지를 분석하고 아울러 그 지리교육적 의의를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 <춘향전>은 실제의 지리 공간을 서사 전개에 효과적으로 활용하고 있으며, 또한 등장인물들의 공간 의식, 장소감 등을 잘 형상화하였고, 나아가 작품이 그 배경인 실제 공간을 변화시키는 전형적 사례임을 확인하였다. 또한 이러한 작품 내 외적 현상에 대한 학습은 작품의 심도 있는 이해를 추구하는 문학교육의 목표와 지리적 안목의 성장을 추구하는 지리교육의 목표를 동시에 수행할 수 있는 교육 자료가 됨을 확인하였다. 앞으로 공간을 중심으로 한 문학교육과 지리교육의 소통과 공동 영역의 구축을 통한 교과 융합을 추구하기 위해서는 두 교과의 교육 목표 체계의 비교와 연계 요소의 확인 위에서 공동 영역의 체계를 수립하는 작업이 선행되어야 한다고 본다.

중학교 과학 교과서에 포함된 과학-기술-사회(STS) 내용, 활동 유형 및 포함 정도 분석 (An Analysis of STS Material and Activity in the Middle School Science Textbooks Published by the Sixth Curriculum)

  • 최경희
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to examine for middle school science textbooks published by the sixth curriculum to analyze STS material, activity, and space devoted to STS. Because most teachers and students are dependent upon textbooks in teaching and learning, analyzing science textbooks will give basic information to ascertain the extent to which the current school science incorporate STS themes. Results indicated that lots of STS topics in the middle school science text books are related to applications of science. They also revealed that about 3% of the narrative space is devoted to STS topics, with a range of 0.7% to 5.2%. The coverage of STS topics increases as grade level increases.

  • PDF

Multimodal Discourse: A Visual Design Analysis of Two Advertising Images

  • Ly, Tan Hai;Jung, Chae Kwan
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2015
  • The area of discourse analysis has long neglected the value of images as a semiotic resource in communication. This paper suggests that like language, images are rich in meaning potential and are governed by visual grammar structures which can be utilized to decode the meanings of images. Employing a theoretical framework in visual communication, two digital images are examined for their representational and interactive dimensions and the dimensions' relation to the magazine advertisement genre. The results show that the framework identified narrative and conceptual processes, relations between participants and viewers, and symbolic attributes of the images, which all contribute to the sociological interpretations of the images. The identities and relationships between viewers and participants suggested in the images signify desirable qualities that may be associated to the product of the advertiser. The findings support the theory of visual grammar and highlight the potential of images to convey multi-layered meanings.

KSL 학습자의 학업 문식성 신장을 위한 교과 언어 교육 내용 연구 -역사 교과 텍스트를 중심으로- (A Study on the Language of Content Area for Improving Academic Literacy of KSL Learners: Focusing on History Texts)

  • 신범숙
    • 한국어교육
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the linguistic elements that can promote academic literacy in terms of content-based instructions for KSL learners. In order to study the characteristics of learning languages for subjects, focus was given to the framework of systematic functional linguistics that has been extensively used in ELL teaching and learning research in the United States and Australia. History, which is taught in all classes and classified as a required course, was the subject of analysis. From the history curriculum, the elementary school level texts "Social Studies 5-2" and "Social Studies 6-1" were chosen for the analysis. Based on the results, we can come to the following conclusions. First, history textbooks are divided into narrative and analytical explanatory sub-genres based on their content, and there are differences in the factors that need to be focused on to find the main information. Second, the vocabulary of history textbooks should focus on the use of verbs which comprehend material processes. Particularly, learners should pay attention to the differences in meaning between low-frequency expressions. We hope that the results of this study will have a positive effect on history subject learning for learners in the "Adaptive Korean Course" and will help establish direction in terms of building curriculum contents for KSL learners.

스토리텔링을 통한 감성교육 프로그램 구안 방향 탐구: 문헌연구를 중심으로 (In Search of the Emotional Education Program Design through Storytelling: Literature Review)

  • 엄명자;강현석
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the direction of program development in emotional education through storytelling without separating intellectual education in current schooling. As the basic research on program development for elementary school students' emotional intelligence, this study examined how storytelling affects program development in emotional education, and the direction of program contents and structures using storytelling. Firstly, current storytelling and existing programs used for emotional education were analyzed and the direction of program development in emotional education was investigated. Secondly, the structures and procedures of programs for emotional education through storytelling were examined. Finally, stressed contents and items by each factor consisting of emotional intelligence related to the curriculum, and more discussions to consider were inquired. For systematic emotional education, there must be efforts made on developing contents of each factor comprising emotional intelligence; and teaching must be done through the interrelatedness among home, society and school. Furthermore, the construction of social system across the country is required. In conclusion, this study suggest the emotional education needs new curricula based on narrative, because it is dependent on personal emotions and situations.

내러티브-종이아트 활동 기반 로봇활용 SW교육 효과성 비교 (Comparison on Effectiveness of SW Education using Robots based on Narrative-Paper Art Activities)

  • 손경진;한정혜
    • 정보교육학회논문지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.419-425
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    • 2018
  • 2015 교육과정에는 SW교육의 문제해결과정, 알고리즘 및 프로그래밍 교육을 포함하고 있는데, 컴퓨터에 능숙하지 않거나 흥미가 없는 학생을 대상으로 직접 만지고 체험함으로써 보다 효과적으로 역량을 강화할 수 있도록 로봇활용교육도 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 로봇활용교육에서 로봇을 제작하는 시간제한을 극복하면서도 창의적 활동을 할 수 있는 내러티브 종이아트 활동을 기반으로 하는 로봇활용 SW교육 프로그램을 개발하였다. 초등학교 3학년을 대상으로 창의적 문제해결력에 대해 사전-사후 검사를 실시한 결과, 창의적 문제해결의 하위 요소 4가지는 모두 유의미한 상승을 보여주었다. 또한 로봇에 대한 이해력과 학습태도도 유의미한 효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다.

A narrative review on immersive virtual reality in enhancing high school students' mathematics competence: From TPACK perspective

  • Idowu David Awoyemi;Feliza Marie S. Mercado;Jewoong Moon
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈A:수학교육
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    • 제63권2호
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    • pp.295-318
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    • 2024
  • This narrative review explores the transformative potential of immersive virtual reality (IVR) in enhancing high school students' mathematics competence, viewed through the lens of the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) framework. This review comprehensively illustrates how IVR technologies have not only fostered a deeper understanding and engagement with mathematical concepts but have also enhanced the practical application of these skills. Through the careful examination of seminal papers, this study carefully explores the integration of IVR in high school mathematics education. It highlights significant contributions of IVR in improving students' computational proficiency, problem-solving skills, and spatial visualization abilities. These enhancements are crucial for developing a robust mathematical understanding and aptitude, positioning students for success in an increasingly technology-driven educational landscape. This review emphasizes the pivotal role of teachers in facilitating IVR-based learning experiences. It points to the necessity for comprehensive teacher training and professional development to fully harness the educational potential of IVR technologies. Equipping educators with the right tools and knowledge is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of this innovative teaching approach. The findings also indicate that while IVR holds promising prospects for enriching mathematics education, more research is needed to elaborate on instructional integration approaches that effectively overcome existing barriers. This includes technological limitations, access issues, and the need for curriculum adjustments to accommodate new teaching methods. In conclusion, this review calls for continued exploration into the effective use of IVR in educational settings, aiming to inform future practices and contribute to the evolving landscape of educational technology. The potential of IVR to transform educational experiences offers a compelling avenue for research and application in the field of mathematics education.

초등학교 교사의 과학과 온라인 수업 경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구 (A Narrative Inquiry of Elementary School Science and Online Class Experiences)

  • 김윤경
    • 대한지구과학교육학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.273-284
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 D광역시 초등학교 3~6학년 담임교사 중 과학 교과 온라인 수업 경험이 있는 교사 4명을 대상으로 4개월간 수집한 자료를 바탕으로 교사들의 과학과 온라인 수업을 통한 교육과정 운영의 실제와 교육적 시사점을 도출하기 위한 내러티브 탐구이다. 연구대상자들의 지구과학단원의 온라인 수업 경험을 바탕으로 인터뷰, 심층면담을 실시하고, 온라인 수업관련 제작자료 및 교사일지 등 관련 문서들과 현장 수업을을 실시한 결과, 교사들은 기존의 대면수업에 비해 온라인 수업 준비에 더 많은 시간을 할애하고, 온라인 수업에서 활용되는 새로운 매체에 적응하는 과정에 어려움을 보였다. 또한 팬데믹 상황에서 제작된 과학자료 및 원활한 수업운영을 위한 수업플랫폼 제공을 요구하였다. 특히 실험단원의 경우, 계획된 교육과정이수 시수에 부담감이 있었으며, 팬데믹 상황에서 학생들의 밀도 있는 과학수업을 위해 개인별 실험도구의 필요성을 느꼈다. 더불어 효과적인 교육과정 운영을 위한 교육과정 재구성과 이를 위한 교사의 재량권 확대 및 융통성 있는 교육과정 운영이 필요하다. 결과적으로 팬데믹 현상을 대비한 미래교육으로의 전환을 위해 새로운 수업형태로 대면수업과 온라인 수업의 장점을 결합한 블랜디드 러닝 학습체계 도입이 필요하며, 온라인 학습의 질과 효과를 높이기 위해 다양한 수업형태 및 온라인 수업 경험에 대한 지속적인 교사연구가 요구된다.

의과대학생을 위한 환자안전 교육의 국제적 동향 및 국내 현황 (Patient Safety Education for Medical Students: Global Trends and Korea's Status)

  • 노혜린
    • 의학교육논단
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • This study is a narrative review introducing global trends in patient safety education within medical schools and exploring the status of Korean education. Core competences for patient safety include patient centeredness, teamwork, evidence- and information-based practice, quality improvement, addressing medical errors, managing human factors and system complexity, and patient safety knowledge and responsibility. According to a Korean report addressing the role of doctors, patient safety was described as a subcategory of clinical care. Doctors' roles in patient safety included taking precautions, educating patients about the side effects of drugs, and implementing rapid treatment and appropriate follow-up when patient safety is compromised. The Korean Association of Medical Colleges suggested patient safety competence as one of eight essential human and society-centered learning outcomes. They included appropriate attitude and knowledge, human factors, a systematic approach, teamwork skills, engaging with patients and carers, and dealing with common errors. Four Korean medical schools reported integration of a patient safety course in their preclinical curriculum. Studies have shown that students experience difficulty in reporting medical errors because of hierarchical culture. It seems that patient safety is considered in a narrow sense and its education is limited in Korea. Patient safety is not a topic for dealing with only adverse events, but a science to prevent and detect early system failure. Patient safety emphasizes patient perspectives, so it has a different paradigm of medical ethics and professionalism, which have doctor-centered perspectives. Medical educators in Korea should understand patient safety concepts to implement patient safety curriculum. Further research should be done on communication in hierarchical culture and patient safety education during clerkship.

의학과 신학의 융합 교육과정 개발, 의료선교의 역사적 사례, 연구개발 성과에 관한 연구 (The Design of Convergence Curriculum, the Historical Case of Medical Mission and the Research Initiative Outcome of Medicine and Theology)

  • 손문
    • 기독교교육논총
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    • 제65권
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    • pp.133-161
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    • 2021
  • 이 연구는 코로나-19 펜데믹의 상황 속에서 우리 사회의 취약성에 주목한다. 중증호흡기증후군 코로나바이러스 2019는 사스-코비드-2 바이러스의 심각성을 파생하고 그것의 의학적 치료 속에서 새로운 회복 탄력성의 희망을 제공한다. 이에 더하여, 기독교 여성실천신학의 생태적 관계 속에서 사회와 환경의 지속가능한 회복 가능성을 제공한다. 연구자는 코로나-19 시대의 침체와 우울감을 절망과 통합의 기독교교육적 내러티브 속에서 해석학적 대안으로 제안한다. 특히 의학과 신학의 융합교육 과정 개발은 노인세대를 위한 의료선교와 코로나-19 시대의 새로운 교육적 모형으로 제네바대학교가 제공하는 역사적 사례로서 칼빈의 MOOC 강좌를 사례를 통해 제공된다. 이와 같은 의학과 신학의 융합 교육과 연구의 개발 성과는 코로나-19의 심각성을 극복하며 신앙공동체의 새로운 회복과 복지를 위한 기독교교육의 도덕적 함의를 제공함으로 의미 있는 공헌을 하게 된다.