• Title/Summary/Keyword: NETs

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Influence of Dam Water Discharge on the Oceanography and Fishery (해황과 어황에 미치는 댐 방수의 방향)

  • Chang Sun-duck
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 1971
  • After the heavy precipitation from April 1969 to September 1970, more than 1.359 10$\^$6/㎥ of fresh water was discharged through diversion channel of the Namgang Dam. The sands and muds in the northern Sachon Bay were moved and swept away by the strong southsard flow which was observed to be speedier than five knots. The shellfish culture facility as well as the oysters and bivalves were buried. In Sachon Bay, a southward surface ebb current of approximately one knot stratifies above the northward flow of approximately 0.5 knot, which seems to be similar to the salt wedge estuary. The stratified current is responsible for the breaking of the gill nets and other fishing gears. The salinity of sea water in Chinju Bay decreased remarkably and the abnormal low salinity water lower than 5 was distributed in Sachon Bay. The low salinity water front was observed in eastern Chinju Bay and the Samchonpo Channel, where the salinity was increased from 4.6 to approximately 30 within half a tidal cycle. These caused the oysters and bivalves die, and drove anchovies and octopus out to the sea and prevented them from approaching the bay. The decrease of salinity causes the decrease of density and osmotic pressure of sea water. Turbid water would prevent the sunlight from penetrate into deep layer.

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Environmental Condition of Sea Areas for Anchovy Lift Net in Kamak Bay (가막만 멸치 들망 어장의 해역별 특성)

  • Lee, In-Weon;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 1998
  • In order to find out the environmental factors influencing the catch of anchovy lift nets in kamakbay, the three oceanographic factors, i. e., the water temperature, the salinity, the amount of chlorophyll-a were observed respectively from August 1 to 12, 1995 and from September 20 to 26, 1995, and each of them was compared with the catch of anchovy by the lift net. The results obtained are summerized as follow : 1) The water temperature was ranged from 17.3 to 29.6$^{\circ}C$ and its difference between the surface and bottom was 1 to 3$^{\circ}C$. In the three areas, A, B and C, the area A was the hightest in temperature, the area B being a second, and the area C being the lowest. 2) The salinity was ranged from 32.20 to 33.47$\textperthousand$ and its difference between the surface and bottom was not significant. In the three areas, the area A was the highest in salinity, the area B being a second, and the area C being the lowest. 3) The amount of chlorophyll-a was ranged from 0.19 to 5.30mg/m supper(3) and its difference among the three areas was not significant. Daily variation of the amount was very irregulated because the position operated was changed daily. 4) A comparison of the water temperature, the salinity and the amount of chlorophyll-a with the catch gave that the water temperature and the amount of chlorophyll-a had large influence on the catch and the salinity did not so. However, the influence of the amount of chlorophyll-a was larger than that of the water temperature. 5) The catch of anchovy was large respectively during two hours after sun set and during two hours before sun rise.

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Catching efficiency and development of the biodegradable monofilament gill net for snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio (생분해성 대게 자망용 단일섬유 개발과 어획성능)

  • Park, Seong-Wook;Park, Chang-Doo;Bae, Jae-Hyun;Lim, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2007
  • In order to develop the biodegradable monofilament gill net for the protection of marine ecosystem and reduction of ghost fishing, enpol monofilament gill net was made for Chionoecetes opilio using polybutylene succinate as a biodegradable chip. Catching efficiency on 2 type monofilament gill net, PA and Enpol, were carried out using 2 commercial fishing boats around the fishing ground of Wang-dol rock from January 2004 to May 2006. Enpol monofilament gill net spun polybutylene succinate as a biodegradable chip was appeared high practicality for Chionoecetes opilio gill net. Target fishing ratio were 98% and 98.3% for the PA and enpol monfilament gill net, respectively. In addition, CPUE ratio of female and male(CL < 90mm) to Chionoecetes opilio caught in the enpol gill net were 25.3-40.3%, 14.0-22.1% less than PA gill net, respectively. However, CPUE ratio of male(CL > 90mm) to Chionoecetes opilio caught in the enpol gill net were 2.5-11.3% more than PA gill net. There was no difference in CPUE of female and male to Chionoecetes opilio caught using 2 gill nets as a result of the significance level of 5% by T-test.

Hydrodynamic characteristics of knotless nettings for large purse seine gear (대형선망어구에 사용되는 무결절 망지의 종류별 유체역학적 특성 연구)

  • KANG, Da-Young;KIM, Hyun-Young;KOO, Myeong-Seong;LEE, Chun-Woo;CHA, Bong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.228-239
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the drag coefficient and lift coefficient of thirteen kinds of knotless nettings used for large purse seine gear. By comparing the hydrodynamic characteristics with nets of the previous study, the characteristics of this study were derived as a purse seine gear. Thirteen kinds of nettings with different length of bar (l) and diameter (d) were used in the experiment, out of which six kinds used the 30 mm in mesh size and three kinds with 40 mm. The drag coefficient ($C_d$) also increased with increasing d/l. It can be expressed as $C_d=3.71499(d/l)+0.76595$ at a current speed 0.4 m/s and $C_d=4.30324(d/l)+0.69056$ at a current speed 0.5 m/s. Compared with previous studies, drag coefficient values were similar to knotless net of similar d/l and smaller than drag coefficient of knot net. Therefore, using knotless net in a purse seine has the advantage of reducing the resistance acting on the purse seine gear.

The development of industrial secure L2 switch and introduction example for management and security improvement of supervisory control network in purification plant (정수장 감시제어망의 관리와 보안개선을 위한 산업용 보안 L2스위치 개발 및 적용사례)

  • Kim, Yunha;Yu, Chool;Oh, Eun;Kim, Chanmoon;Park, Ikdong;Kim, Yongseong;Choi, Hyunju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the advancement of information and communication technology(ICT) is expanding the connectivity through Internet of Things(IoT), and the media of connection is also expanding from wire/cable transmission to broadband wireless communication, which has significantly improved mobility. This hyperconnectivity has become a key element of the fourth industrial revolution, whereas the supervisory control network of purification plants in korea is operated as a communication network separated from the outside, thereby lagging in terms of connectivity. This is considered the best way to ensure security, and thus there is hardly any consideration of establishing alternatives to operate an efficient and stable communication network. Moreover, security for management of a commercialized communication network and network management solution may be accompanied by immense costs, making it more difficult to make new attempts. Therefore, to improve the conditions for the current supervisory control network of purification plants, this study developed a industrial security L2 switch that supports modbus TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) communication and encryption function of the transmission section. As a result, the communication security performance improved significantly, and the cost for implementing the network management system using Historical Trend and information of HMI(Human Machine Interface) could be reduced by approximately KRW 200 million. The results of this study may be applied to systems for gas, electricity and social safety nets that are infrastructure communication networks that are similar to purification plants.

Design and test of cable based airborne capture mechanism for drone (케이블을 사용한 드론용 공중 포획 메커니즘의 설계 및 테스트)

  • Jung, Sanghoon;Nguyen, Van Sy;Kim, Byungkyu;An, Taeyoung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2020
  • We propose a capture mechanism based on the principles of fishing nets that can be mounted on the drone using cable. The gripper mechanism, mainly proposed for the drone is heavy, and is limited to catch standardized objects. In contrast, the proposed capture device in this paper is light, flexible, and can capture various types of objects from a long distance. The theoretical relationships between cables and mechanisms were analyzed. Finally, the capture device was designed and manufactured to be installed in the drone (DJI S900) to conduct capturing experiments for various objects and verify the validity.

A Study on Fuzzy Searching Algorithm and Conditional-GAN for Crime Prediction System (범죄예측시스템에 대한 퍼지 탐색 알고리즘과 GAN 상태에 관한 연구)

  • Afonso, Carmelita;Yun, Han-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2021
  • In this study, artificial intelligence-based algorithms were proposed, which included a fuzzy search for matching suspects between current and historical crimes in order to obtain related cases in criminal history, as well as conditional generative adversarial networks for crime prediction system (CPS) using Timor-Leste as a case study. By comparing the data from the criminal records, the built algorithms transform witness descriptions in the form of sketches into realistic face images. The proposed algorithms and CPS's findings confirmed that they are useful for rapidly reducing both the time and successful duties of police officers in dealing with crimes. Since it is difficult to maintain social safety nets with inadequate human resources and budgets, the proposed implemented system would significantly assist in improving the criminal investigation process in Timor-Leste.

Economic Activities in Digital Platforms: Types, Natures, Risks, Policy Suggestions (플랫폼 경제활동에 대한 시론적 고찰: 유형, 특성, 예상위험, 정책대안을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Suyoung;Kang, Myungjoo;Ha, Eunsol
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.199-231
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    • 2018
  • The development of ICT has led to changes in the pattern and the meaning of work and requires restructuring of the existing social security system, which was established chiefly for the wage workers in the industrial economy. However, while economic activities within the digital platform markets are different from industrial labour, there is still a lack of discussion on what social problems platform workers can face and how to cope with them. As a comprehensive sketch of economic activities in platform economy, this study identifies the types of platform workers and analyses three characteristics of their economic activities - flexibility, virtuality, and connectivity. It then examines what social risks can be derived form the three characteristics. This research lastly suggests alternative social safety nets and policies to alleviates the social risks and problems that platform workers may face in the digital society.

Bibliographic Research on the Modern Japan's Investigation on Korean Sea (근대 일본의 조선 바다 조사에 대한 서지학)

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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.448-456
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    • 2019
  • From the 1890s to the 1900s, Modern Japan investigated the sea of Korea (Joseon Dynasty) several times. The records of investigation result were "Fishery Circumstances of Korean Sea"(1893), "Official Trip Report on Wonsan Area of Korea"(1895), "Nautical Publication of Korea"(1894), "Patrol Reports of Korea Fishery Association"(1898~1900), "Fishery Guide for Korean Sea"(1903) and "Chronicles of Korea Fisheries"(1908~1911). Although these surveys were conducted more than 100 years ago, they provide a glimpse into the fishing situation of Korea as well as the lives of residents in the coastal areas. In particular, Chronicles of Korean Fisheries is a vast collection of four volumes, and it has much to do with the history and culture of Korea, including marine products from the coastal waters, the population of coastal villages, the number of people engaged in fishing, and the number of fishing boats and nets. From the perspective of the development of fisheries studies, the modern classification of marine products after Linne has already been applied, and the classification of those days is quite different from that of the present classification, so it can be said to be an interesting data from the viewpoint of animal and plant taxonomy.

The improvement of the shellfish dredge vessel in Jeonnam province (전남 지역의 패류 형망어선의 개량)

  • PARK, Sang-Jun;JANG, Choong-Sik;AN, Young-Su;JIN, Song-Han;CHO, Youn-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.162-171
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    • 2019
  • This study is aimed to develop an improved shellfish dredge vessel considering the increase of the fishing safety and welfare of fishermen in Jeonnam province. We visited five fishing village societies in Korea, and conducted field surveys and survey questions to investigate the current status. In order to solve the problems presented by the investigation, a general arrangement of the improvement vessel was written and adopted after meeting between the fishermen and research team, and calculated the initial stability in five loading conditions by using the Napa program. As a result of field surveys and survey questions, the existing vessel have buoyant materials under the bow and the warp pass through the wheel-house. In addition, most fishing equipment and nets are concentrated on a narrow stern, making it difficult to work efficiently. According to the survey, fishermen also responded that operation of casting and hauling is very inconvenient. The fishing equipment of the improvement vessel was rearranged, the size of the wheel-house and the crew room was increased, and we secured a basic welfare space. As a result of the initial stability test, the stability criteria of the fishing vessel were satisfied in all loading condition.