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Annealing Cycle Dependence of MR Properties for Free Layer in $Ni_{25}Mn_{75}-Spin$ Valve Films ($Ni_{25}Mn_{75}-Spin$ Valve 박막 자유층의 열처리 순환수에 따른 자기저항 특성)

  • 이낭이;이주현;이가영;김미양;이장로;이상석;황도근
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2000
  • Annealing cycle number and nonmagnetic layer thickness dependences of interlayer coupling field ( $H_{inf}$ ) and coercivity ( $H_{cf}$ ) of free magnetic layer on NiMn alloy-spin valve films (SVF) were investigated. The SVF is Glass (7059)/N $i_{81}$F $e_{l9}$(70 $\AA$)/Co(10 $\AA$)/Cu(t $\AA$)/Co(15 $\AA$)N $i_{81}$$Fe_{19}$(35 $\AA$)/N $i_{25}$M $n_{75}$(250 $\AA$)Ta(50 $\AA$) films, it were fabricated using the dc sputtering method at different pinning layer thickness and nonmagnetic spacer thickness (Cu thickness; 30 $\AA$, 35 $\AA$, 40 $\AA$) of NiMn alloy with 25 at.%. Ni In case that Cu thickness of SVF is 35 $\AA$ and peak exchange coupling field ( $H_{ex}$) was 620 Oe, while coercivity $H_{c}$ = 280 Oe and MR ratio showed 2.5%. As for $H_{inf}$ and $H_{cf}$ , every SVF increased up to the stabilized values with the increase of annealing cycle number 15, which were $H_{inf}$ of 120 Oe and $H_{cf}$ of 75 Oe. The increase of $H_{cf}$ with the annealing cycle number seems to be caused by the effective reduction of Cu layer thickness due to the increase of interfacial mixing of Cu layer and Co layer. In addition, the $H_{inf}$ and $H_{cf}$ dependences of free NiFe layer by the interfacial mixing effect were appeared the different aspects when Cu layer becomes more thinner and thicker than Cu layer thickness of 35 $\AA$, respectively.ively....

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A study on design and analysis of collaboration oriented system (협업 지향적 시스템 설계와 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Mun-Bong;Chun, Seung-Su;Son, Hong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2012.06b
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    • pp.178-180
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    • 2012
  • 협업은 둘 이상의 사람들이 하나의 업무 또는 목적을 달성하기위해 공동으로 협력하여 일하는 것이다. 최근 개인 및 조직 간 협업 범위가 공동분석, 데이터 연계, 서비스 조합 등으로 확장되고 대용량 데이터 공유 및 실시간 연계분석 활동이 증대되면서 협업 지향적인 시스템 설계와 개발이 중요시 되고 있다. 특히 스마트워크와 지능화된 협업 기반은 데이터, 프로세스, 서비스, 사람 간의 다차원 연계와 실시간 활용, 의미 기반의 기계적 협력을 전재로 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 Data, Process, Service, People 측면의 4가지 계층으로 전사적 자원을 설계하고 메타 메타데이터 기반의 온톨로지 분석을 통해 자원 간의 연계와 조합을 지원하는 시스템을 설계했다. Data 계층은 프로세스별 Input, Output 정보를 식별하여 Data의 메타 정보를 정의하고 이를 검색 에이전트가 색인하여 모델링에 참조할수록 한다. Process 계층은 BPMN모델을 확장한 exCPM의 개선 모델을 바탕으로 프로세스를 수행주체 간, 정보공유측면에서 프로세스를 분석했다. Service 계층은 협업지향적인 프로세스를 구성하는 컴포넌트를 서비스로 인식하고 프로파일을 통해 협업을 위한 검색과 프로세스를 연계지원하도록 설계 했다. 마지막으로 People계층은 자원, 프로세스, 서비스 등 시스템에 관여하는 참여자들의 메타정보를 정의하고 이를 온톨로지 기반의 모델에 통합하여 자동 검색되도록 설계했다. 이를 통해 프로세스와 서비스 측면에서 협업을 요구하는 에이전트와 일반 검색 사용자들이 프로세스 간 협업 자원을 파악하고 상호 관계를 분석할 수 있도록 하는 한편, 프로세스를 지원하는 컴포넌트와 서비스 간의 자동적인 조합을 통해 통합적 자원 협력과 실시간 협업 지원 기반을 제시했다.

Binary Compound Formation upon Copper Dissolution: STM and SXPS Results

  • Hai, N.T.M.;Huemann, S.;Hunger, R.;Jaegermann, W.;Broekmann, P.;Wandelt, K.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.198-205
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    • 2007
  • The initial stages of electrochemical oxidative CuI film formation on Cu(111), as studied by means of Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), in-situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and ex-situ Synchrotron X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (SXPS), indicate a significant acceleration of copper oxidation in the presence of iodide anions in the electrolyte. A surface confined supersaturation with mobile CuI monomers first leads to the formation of a 2D-CuI film via nucleation and growth of a Cu/I-bilayer on-top of a pre-adsorbed iodide monolayer. Structurally, this 2D-CuI film is closely related to the (111) plane of crystalline CuI (zinc blende type). Interestingly, this film causes no significant passivation of the copper surface. In an advanced stage of copper dissolution a transition from the 2D- to a 3D-CuI growth mode can be observed.

동북아시아 지역 강수의 화학적 성분 비교에 관한 연구

  • 김선태;임봉빈
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.523-530
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    • 1998
  • Precipitation samples were collected at sixteen sites in Northeast Asia from June 1995 to February 1997, and were analysed for the anions $SO_4^{2-}$, $NO_3^-$and $Cl^-$ and for the cartons $Na^+, NH_4^+, K^+, Mg^{2+} and $Ca^{2+}$in addition to pH and conductivity measurements. The quality assurance of chemical composition data was checked by considering the ion balance evaluating by 1 h 1 value and the conductilfty balance. The sum of cation concentrations were slightty greater than the sum of anion concentraions. For the anions, $SO_4^{2-}$ clearly dominates in most of sampling states whereas $Cl^-$ is more abundant in coast and rural sites In. Tapan. For the cations. $Ca^{2+}$ and $NH_4^+$ are generally the more abundant tons except when sources of Na+ exist. The contribution rate of nss-$SO_4^2-and NO_3^-$ to acidity are about 70% and 10-30%. respectively. The neutralizing capacity by a major neutralizing cations such as $NH_4^+$ and nuts -$SO_4^2$. are above 98%(heavy polluted and urban sites in China), above 70%(urban sites in Japi,n and in Korea, coast sites In Chinas and above 60%(rural sites in Japan and in Korea), respectively.

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Studies on MMIC oscillator using HBT for X-band (X-band용 MMIC 오실레이터 설계연구)

  • Chae, Yeon-Sik;An, Dan;Rhee, Jin-Koo
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.387-390
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, HBT's with lower phase noise and passive elements, such as resistors, capacitors and inductors, for resonance and impedance matching networks are designed, fabricated, tested, and carefully analysed, respectively, and then, they are integrated for the design and fabrication of functional X-band oscillators with lower phase noise. Epi-wafers for HBT's with the structure of graded $Al_{x}$G $a_{1-x}$ As emitter and C-doped base layer of 700.angs. thick were used to specially emphasize the improvement of $f_{T}$ and $f_{max}$, and the lowering of phase noise, in design aspects. At the test frequencies of 12GHz, capacitances of MIM capacitors, spiral inductor, and resistances are 0.5~10pF, 0.4~11.06nH, and 20~1,380.ohm., respectively. The emitter size of HBY's for the X-band MMIC oscillators is 3*10u $m^{2}$, and find chip size is 0.9*0.9m $m^{2}$..EX>.

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A Study on the Flue Gas Mixing for the Performance Improvement of De-NOx plant (배연탈질설비의 성능향상을 휘한 가스혼합에 관한 연구)

  • 류병남
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.462-472
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    • 1999
  • De-NOx facility using Selective Catalytic Reduction method is the most widely applied one that removes NOx from flue gas emitted from combustion facility such as boiler for power generation engine incinerator etc. Reductant $NH_3\;or\;NH_4OH$ is sprayed into flue gas to convert NOx into $H_2O$ and $N_2.$ Good mixing between flue gas and $NH_3$ is the most important factor to increase reduction in catalytic layer and to reduce unreacted NH3 slip. Therefore the development of mixer device for mixing effect is one of the important part for SCR facility. Objectives of this study are to investigate the relation between flow and concentration field by observation at the wake of delta-wing type mixer. At the first stage qualitative measurement of flow field is conducted by flow visualization using laser light sheet in lab. scale wind tunnel. Also we have conducted the quantitative analysis by comparing flow field measurement using LDV with numerical simulation. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis we investigate the dis-tribution of flow and concentration in flow model facility. The results of an experimental and compu-tational examination of the vortex structures shed from delta wing type vortex generator having $40^{\circ}$ angle of attack are presented, The effects of vortex structure on the gas mixing is discussed, too.

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Ex Vivo ${1}^H$ MR Spectroscopy: Normal gastric and cancer tissue (정상 위 조직과 위암 조직의 시험관 내 수소자기공명분광)

  • Cho Ji Youn;Shin Oon Jae;Choi Ki Seung;Kim Su Hyun;Eun Choong Ki;Yang Young Il;Lee Jung Hee;Mun Chi Woong
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: In this study, we attempted to ascertain the proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (${1}^H$ MRS) peak characteristics of human gastric tissue layers and finally to use the metabolic peaks of MRS to distinguish between normal and abnormal gastric specimens. Materials and Methods: Ex-vivo ${1}^H$ MRS examinations of thirty-five gastric specimens were performed to distinguish abnormal gastric tissues invaded by carcinoma cells from normal stomach-wall tissues. High-resolution 400-MHz (9.4-T) ${1}^H$ nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of two gastric layers, a proper muscle layer, and a composite mucosasubmucosa layer were compared with those of clinical 64- MHz (1.5-T) MR spectra. Three-dimensional spoiled gradient recalled (SPGR) images were used to determine the size and the position of a voxel for MRS data collection. Results: For normal gastric tissue layers, the metabolite peaks of 400-MHz ${1}^H$ MRS were primarily found to be as follows: lipids at 0.9 ppm and 1.3 ppm; alanine at 1.58 ppm; N-acetyl neuraminic acid (sialic acid) at 2.03 ppm; and glutathione at 2.25 ppm in common. The broad and featureless featureless spectral peaks of the 64-MHz MRS were bunched near 0.9, 1.3, and 2.0, and 2.2 ppm in human specimens without respect to layers. In a specimen (Borrmmann type III) with a tubular adenocarcinoma, the resonance peaks were measured at 1.26, 1.36 and 3.22 ppm. All the peak intensities of the spectrum of the normal gastric tissue were reduced, but for gastric tumor tissue layers, the lactate peak split into 1.26 and 1.39 ppm, and the peak intensity of choline at 3.21 ppm was increased. Conclusion: We found that decreasing lipids, an increasing lactate peak that split into two peaks, 1.26 ppm and 1.36 ppm, and an increasing choline peak at 3.22 ppm were markers of tumor invasion into the gastric tissue layers. This study implies that MR spectroscopy can be a useful diagnostic tool for gastric cancer.

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Effects of Fly Ash,Gypsum,and Shell on the Chemical Properties of Soil and Growth of Chinese Cabbage in Plastic Film Housed Paddy (시설재배논에 석탄회,석고,패각시용이 토양화학성과 배추의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Ho-Sung;Kang, Ui-Gum;Lee, Hyub;Lee, Yong-Bok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 1998
  • In order to evaluate the utility of bituminous coal fly ash, gypsum, oyster shell as soil amendments, aadic clayloam paddy soils with low calaum content were amended in the upper 15㎝ with amendments, and then Chinese cabbage was cultivated under plastic film house. Amendments treated were, in metric tons per hectare, i) none(Check) ; ii) 80 fly ash(FA) ; iii) 4 shell(SH) ; iv) 56 fly ash+24 gypsum (FG) ; v) 40 fly ash+24 gypsum+0.8 shell(FGS). On the whole, soil chemical properties were improved by amendments treatments. Amongst treatments, FA prominently neutralized soil pH and increased contents of Av. $P_2O_5$, Ex. K, and Av. B in soils. Besides, it showed the highest ratio in bacteria/fungi and (bacteria+actinomycetes)/fungi. FGS also affected the neutralization of soil pH and the increment of Ex. Mg. Amendments plants appeared alkaline damages only at early growing stage, but showed positive responses in fresh weight yields : 23% for FGS : 21% for FG : 19 18% for SH. At harvesting, leaves both of FA and FGS plants had higher values in contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, reduang-sugar, and vitamin-C than of others. In especial, Check plants appeared the heart rot symptoms owing to calaum defiaency differently from amendments plants. Taken together, FGS was an effective combination enable to maximize the utility of fly ash, gypsum, shell as soil amendments, espeaally in cabbage yield and quality.

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Conservation of Thymus pallidus Cosson ex Batt. by shoot tip and axillary bud in vitro culture

  • Ansari, Zineb Nejjar El;Boussaoudi, Ibtissam;Benkaddour, Rajae;Hamdoun, Ouafaa;Lemrini, Mounya;Martin, Patrick;Badoc, Alain;Lamarti, Ahmed
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2020
  • Here, we describe an efficient and rapid protocol for the micropropagation of Thymus pallidus Cosson ex Batt., a very rare medicinal and aromatic plant in Morocco. After seed germination, we tested the effect of different macronutrients, cytokinins alone or in combination with gibberellic acid (GA3) or auxins, on T. pallidus plantlet growth. We found that Margara macronutrients (N30K) had the best effect on the in vitro development of the plantlets. The addition of 0.93 μM/L 1,3-diphenylurea (DPU), 0.46 μM/L adenine (Ad), and 0.46 and 0.93 μM/L kinetin (Kin) resulted in the best shoot multiplication and elongation. In addition, the combination of 0.46 μM/L Kin, DPU, or Ad with gibberellic acid, in particular, 0.46 μM/L Ad + 0.58 μM/L GA3 and 0.46 μM/L Kin + 1.15 μM/L GA3, led to better bud and shoot multiplication. Moreover, the integration of the combinations of 0.46 μM/L Kin and auxins, namely 0.46 μM/L Kin + 2.85 μM/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 0.46 μM/L Kin + 2.85 or 5.71 μM/L indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), and 0.46 μM/L Kin + 0.3 or 0.57 μM/L 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), in the culture medium led to better root development and optimized aerial growth. Finally, the in vitro plants from the medium containing N30K + 0.46 μM/L Kin + 2.85 μM/L IAA were successfully acclimatized; these plants served as a source for repeating in vitro culture.

핵심 잡지의 결정 요인에 관한 연구

  • 김선호
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.53-78
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the factors determining core journals in a field based upon the results of the citation analysis of the journals in the field of Korean History(KH). In order to verify the determinant factors, dividing the articles of the KH journals into their novelty and author's seniority, the following hypotheses were established. Hypothesis 1: When a KH journal publishes more articles on prehistoric and ancient eras than others, the journal will have higher chance to be included in the core journals. Hypothesis 2: When a KH journal publishes more articles by senior researchers than others, the journal will have higher chance to be included in the core journals. To achieve the purpose, the cited articles found in the two sample journals, namely, Backsan Hakbo and Hanguksa Yongu were analysed during the past 20 years from 1962 to 1981. Applying the Hirst's Discipline Impact Factor method to the the study, Historical Science Impact Factor(HSIF) on the samples itself and the historical era dealt with in the articles and the seniority of the authors during every five-year period. Based upon thr present study to ver~fy the two hypotheses, the following conclusions have been reached. 1) Tht. most influencing sublect mattcr era or1 thix liSIF of the lo~lrual is arranged in prehistoric arid ancient, Koryo, Chosun, recent era, and the others by order of era. 2 ) Clial~g~~lg a fringe or semicore journal u~to a core j ~ u r n a l , very IISIF' 011 it> article e r a 1s grown up arrd prcllistoric a ~ ~ d ancierlt era:. are, s p c c ~ a l l ~ , incr.eased high relatively. Char~ging a core journal int:~ a fr~ngr or semicort. journal, t.very IISIF ti dropped and prel~istc~ric and ancieut taras arc, fallen sharp relatively. 3) The most irlflr~encin~ s~niority 011 the t1SII- of ihc journal I. the senior.., written or1 prehistoric and ancient eras. Above all, the senilir'b HSIF olr prehistoric anti anclent e r a s a r e most ~nfluencing the cliangi~rg of the core journal into the fringe ur bemicore. .i) flypothesis fl is no1 vcrif~ed i r t general. T l ~ e rt, lative connections bet wee^^ the senior's HSIF 011 each era and tht, ~ l ~ a l ~ g i t l g of the tort. ji1ur.tia1 arc \:er~fied in part hut r~ot in the wliole. 5) 'The reason why the 11SIF or1 prehistori~. arid ar~cic~nt e r a s is higl~er than others can be assumed becaltic the new <, xcavations a r r contit~ued actively i l l the prrsr.llt as to the relics arid remains or1 that eras. Accordingly, the HSIF' r i l l thr 11ew 3ubject matter l~ke arcl~acmlogy trends to grow up greatly. Bctween the senior's and juriior's JISIE', junior'.; is higl~er than s., nior's except ancient e r a . That reason can be assumed bccausr Iunlorb t r j to solve the ex~sting problems thr~urglr their ow11 new viewpoints and sights. So, i t should be studied whether the 11SlF on the artic1t.s of the new subject matters and viewpoirrts is influenced to the changing of the core jorlrnal or not.

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