• Title/Summary/Keyword: Muscle color

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The Development of Bicycle Wear for New Senior Women (뉴시니어 여성을 위한 자전거의류 개발)

  • Jung, Hee-Kyeong;Lee, Jeong-Ran
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.498-508
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an aesthetic and functional bicycle wear for new senior women in their 50s and 60s. Based on the results of the survey, we developed bicycle wear that is friendly to bicycling posture and reflects the preference of new senior women. The results are as followed: First, emphasis is placed on the simple and functional design of the experimental wear consisting of jacket and pants. Jacket is different from the color scheme with the armhole princess line in order for the waistline to look slim. Pants are designed to hold the leg muscles tightly in order to help reduce the muscle fatigue on the bicycle ride. Second, cutting lines and coloring materials are used for the wearer to look slim and the safety of the wearer is planned to secure by inserting the reflective material along the cutting lines on the bicycle ride. Third, the pattern of the experimental wear is designed in consideration of the riding motion of the bicycle. Jacket is designed to have back length longer than front length as compared to the bicycle wears available on the market. Sewing lines in the armpit are designed to be eliminated in order to move the arms smoothly on the ride. Pants are designed to minimize the seam line in consideration of the movement of muscles and ligaments and the experimental wear is produced by combining the material with the functions of cool comfort and stretch.

Quality Characteristics of Marinated Chicken Breast as Influenced by the Methods of Mechanical Processing

  • Kim, Hack-Youn;Kim, Kon-Joong;Lee, Jong-Wan;Kim, Gye-Woong;Choe, Ju-Hui;Kim, Hyun-Wook;Yoon, Yohan;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of various marination processes on the quality characteristics of chicken breast prepared with chicken feet gelatin and wheat fiber. The chicken feet gelatin was swollen with hydrochloric solution (0.1 N HCl, pH $1.31{\pm}0.02$) and dehydrated by freeze-drying. The composition (w/w) of the marinade was water (10%), soy sauce (12%), phosphate (0.3%), wheat fiber (1.5%), and chicken feet gelatin (1.5%). Three samples of chicken breast were manufactured with Tumbler (only tumbler), Tenderizer (tenderizer and tumbler), and Injector (injector and tumbler). The water content of the Injector sample was significantly higher than those of the Tumbler and Tenderizer samples (p<0.05). During heating, the lightness of all chicken breasts increased and the redness decreased. The tumbling and cooking yield of the Injector sample were significantly higher than those of the Tumbler and Tenderizer samples (p<0.05). The shear force of the Tenderizer sample was significantly lower than that of the Tumbler and Injector samples (p<0.05). No significant differences, except for color, were observed in the sensory analysis of the samples. Thus, the proper selection of mechanical processing is important to improve the quality characteristics of marinated chicken breast, considering the types of final products.

Cooking Pattern and Quality Properties of Ground Pork Patties as Affected by Microwave Power Levels (전자레인지 출력에 따른 분쇄 돈육 패티의 가열패턴 및 품질특성)

  • Jeong, Jong-Youn;Lee, Eui-Soo;Choi, Ji-Hun;Choi, Yun-Sang;Yu, Long-Hao;Lee, Si-Kyung;Lee, Chi-Ho;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of microwave power level on cooking properties of ground pork patties (fat level: 20%). Each patty was cooked from a thawed state to $76.7^{\circ}C$ (center temperature) in a microwave oven with power levels of 40% (360 W), 60% (540 W), 80% (720 W), and 100% (full power, 900 W), respectively. Cooking rate increased with power level, and the non-uniformity also increased with time during cooking. Overheating at the edge of the patties was observed for all power levels, and maximum temperature differences in between the edge position and center position were found in patties cooked at the 900 W power level. Compositional properties, total cooking loss, and drip loss were not affected by power level, although moisture content was lower at the edge than at the center position. As the power level increased, the reduction in patty diameter of cooked patties increased while the reduction in patty thickness decreased. Pork patties cooked at lower power levels (360 W and 540 W) had higher shear force values than those cooked at higher power levels (720 W and 900 W). Few changes were observed in instrumental color values.

The rs196952262 Polymorphism of the AGPAT5 Gene is Associated with Meat Quality in Berkshire Pigs

  • Park, Woo Bum;An, Sang Mi;Yu, Go Eun;Kwon, Seulgi;Hwang, Jung Hye;Park, Da Hye;Kang, Deok Gyeong;Kim, Tae Wan;Park, Hwa Chun;Ha, Jeongim;Kim, Chul Wook
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.926-930
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    • 2017
  • High-quality meat is of great economic importance to the pig industry. The 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-O-acyltransferase 5 (AGPAT5) enzyme converts lysophosphatidic acid to phosphatidic acid in the mitochondrial membrane. In this study, we found that the porcine AGPAT5 gene was highly expressed in muscle tissue, influencing meat characteristics, and we also identified a non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP) (rs196952262, c.673 A>G) in the gene, associated with a change of isoleucine 225 to valine. The presence of this nsSNP was significantly associated with meat color (lightness), lower cooking loss, and lower carcass temperatures 1, 4, and 12 h after slaughter (items T1, T4, and T12 on the recognized quality scale, respectively), and tended to increase backfat thickness and the water-holding capacity. These results suggest that nsSNP (c.673A>G) of the AGPAT5 gene is a potential genetic marker of high meat quality in pigs.


  • Ryu Byeong-Ho;LEE Jong-Chul;LEE Eung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 1974
  • Secondary amines are known as one of the precursors of nitrosamines which are potent carcinogenic compounds of man and animals. Nitrosamines are formed when both secondary amines and nitrite are present. The nitrites are occurred naturally in vegetables, fruits and many others, and frequently used in fish product as a color fixative or a preservative. In this paper, to know the formation of nitrosamines in fish meat, the changes of dimethylamine (DMA) content during the heat treatment such as drying, roasting and fish cake processing are discussed. The results showed that generally DMA increased considerably during heat processing. During drying, DMA in cuttle fish increased 16 times higher, while in Alaska pollack doubled than the fresh. In the roasted mackerel, the DMA content appeared 6 times higher than the fresh, while 9 times higher in canning. In fish cake from yellow corvenia, DMA increased 4 times higher than the fresh. On the contrary diethylamine and diphenylamine were not found in this experiment.

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Effects of Incremental Levels of α-Tocopherol Acetate on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Meat Quality of Commercial Broilers

  • Chae, B.J.;Lohakare, J.D.;Choi, J.Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was conducted to explore the efficacy of ${\alpha}$-tocopherol acetate (AT), a commercial supplement containing tocopherols, in commercial broilers. Three hundred and thirty Ross broiler chicks (4-d old) were randomly distributed and allotted to five dietary treatments for six weeks. Each treatment comprised 3 pens as replicates containing 22 chicks per pen. The five dietary treatments were: 0 mg/kg AT (negative control); 10 mg/kg AT; 50 mg/kg AT; 100 mg/kg AT; and 200 mg/kg AT; respectively, supplied totally by the supplement under study. Supplementation of AT improved weight gain significantly (p<0.05), with higher values in the 100 and 200 mg/kg AT fed group than the control during all phases of study, but feed intake remained unaffected. The nutrient digestibility studies conducted after 15 and 35 days of experimental feeding showed significantly higher digestibility of CP, ether extract and gross energy, in these two groups over the control diet. Carcass traits like dressing percentage and the color of the breast meat did not differ significantly due to treatments, but significantly (p = 0.0152) lower abdominal fat percent was noted in the 200 mg/kg fed group. Higher (p = 0.0003) tibia bone strength was noticed in groups fed diets above 50 mg/kg AT because of higher bone mineral content. The serum levels of tocopherols were not influenced but the muscle tocopherols content showed a positive linear trend with the dietary levels supplemented. The thio-barbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) level in meat also suggested that supplemental AT has a protective role in rancidity. Overall, it could be concluded that AT supplementation at higher levels was found beneficial for growth and increased chicken meat quality.

Effects of the Sarcodon aspratus on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Cooked Beef (능이버섯 첨가가 우육의 물리화학적 및 관능적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 송영선;이승아;조정원;이종호;조재선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.266-272
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    • 2001
  • An instrumental analysis of cooked beef was carried out along with sensory evaluation to find out the effect of Sarcodon aspratus on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics in comparision with kiwi fruit and pear. Transmission electron microscopy showed the muscle fiber started to be degraded when treated with Sarcodon aspratus(1,000unit) for 10 min at $25^{\circ}C$. No distinct sarcomere, A-band, and Z-line was observed when treated with Sarcodon aspratus for 60 min at same condition. The moisture content of cooked beef was increased in proportion to the increment of Sarcodon aspratus, kiwi fruit and pear. In the texture, shear force of cooked beef was decreased with the increment of Sarcodon aspratus, kiwi fruit and pear. In terms of color, L-value was decreased by addition of Sarcodon aspratus, whereas L-value was increased by addition of kiwi fruit and pear in dose-dependent manners. a-value and b-value was decreased with the increment of Sarcodon aspratus, kiwi fruit and pear. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the sensory characteristics of the samples in which control was most preferred in taste and flavor. As the content of Sarcodon aspratus, kiwi fruit and pear was increased, the score of juiciness and tenderness was increased. In the overall acceptance, score of 0.05~0.1% Sarcodon aspratus and 10% pear was not different from that of control. Therefore, it can be concluded that 0.05~0.1% addition of Sarcodon aspratus might be desirable for the improvement of texture and juiciness of cooked beef.

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Morphological studies on hemal nodes and hemolymph nodes in the water deer(Hydropotes inermis) (고라니 혈절과 혈림프절에 관한 형태학적 연구)

  • Yoon, Yeo-sung;Lee, Joon-sup
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.463-469
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    • 1997
  • This study was performed to investigate the gross anatomical features and microscopical structures of the hemal nodes and the hemolymph nodes in the water deer (Hydropotes inermis) found in Kangwon-do, Korea. The hemal nodes and hemolymph nodes were observed mainly in the periphery of the thoracic and abdominal aortae of the animals. The size of hemal nodes was generally smaller than that of the hemolymph nodes, and the shape of the both organs was spherical or ovoid. The color of the hemal nodes was red or black while that of the hemolymph nodes was gray with red bands. The hemal nodes were surrounded by a thin connective tissue capsule and there were extensive subcapsular and deep sinuses distended by a great number of erythrocytes. Although a few number of lymphatic nodules and small areas of diffuse lymphatic tissues were observed in the parenchyma, no typical cortex and medulla were defined in the hemal node. Small numbers of blood vessels were found at the connective tissue capsule but lymph vessel was not observed microscopically in this organ. The hemolymph nodes were covered by a relatively thick connective tissue capsule and there was a hilus in each node. The parenchyma was divided into cortex and medulla. The cortex was composed of a few numbers of lymphatic nodules and some diffuse lymphatic tissues. The medulla comprised medullary sinus and cords. Afferent and efferent lymph vessels were observed at the periphery of the capsule and the hilus, respectively. The subcapsular and medullary sinuses were not extensive but filled with small numbers of erythrocytes. The stroma of hemal node and hemolymph node was composed of reticular cells and fibers, and the capsule and trabecula consisted of collagenous fibers with smooth muscle fibers.

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Comparative Study on the Effects of Boiling, Steaming, Grilling, Microwaving and Superheated Steaming on Quality Characteristics of Marinated Chicken Steak

  • Choi, Yun-Sang;Hwang, Ko-Eun;Jeong, Tae-Jun;Kim, Young-Boong;Jeon, Ki-Hong;Kim, Eun-Mi;Sung, Jung-Min;Kim, Hyun-Wook;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • The effects of five different cooking methods (boiling, steaming, grilling, microwaving, and superheated steaming) on proximate composition, pH, color, cooking loss, textural properties, and sensory characteristics of chicken steak were studied. Moisture content and lightness value (L*-value) were higher in superheated steam cooked chicken steak than that of the other cooking treatments such as boiling, steaming, grilling and microwaving cooking (p<0.05), whereas protein content, redness value (a*-value), hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of superheated steam cooked chicken steak was lower than that in the other cooking treatments (p<0.05). Fat content and ash content, springiness, and cohesiveness were not significantly different among the chicken steak cooked using various methods (p>0.05). Among the sensory characteristics, tenderness score, juiciness score and overall acceptability score were the highest for the superheated steam samples (p<0.05), whereas no difference in flavor scores were observed among the other treatments (p>0.05). These results show that marinated chicken steak treated with superheated steam in a preheated 250℃ oven and 380℃ steam for 5 min until core temperature reached 75℃ improved the quality characteristics and sensory properties the best. Therefore, superheated steam was useful to improve cooked chicken steak.

Quality Assessment of Beef Using Computer Vision Technology

  • Rahman, Md. Faizur;Iqbal, Abdullah;Hashem, Md. Abul;Adedeji, Akinbode A.
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.896-907
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    • 2020
  • Imaging technique or computer vision (CV) technology has received huge attention as a rapid and non-destructive technique throughout the world for measuring quality attributes of agricultural products including meat and meat products. This study was conducted to test the ability of CV technology to predict the quality attributes of beef. Images were captured from longissimus dorsi muscle in beef at 24 h post-mortem. Traits evaluated were color value (L*, a*, b*), pH, drip loss, cooking loss, dry matter, moisture, crude protein, fat, ash, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS), peroxide value (POV), free fatty acid (FFA), total coliform count (TCC), total viable count (TVC) and total yeast-mould count (TYMC). Images were analyzed using the Matlab software (R2015a). Different reference values were determined by physicochemical, proximate, biochemical and microbiological test. All determination were done in triplicate and the mean value was reported. Data analysis was carried out using the programme Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Calibration and validation model were fitted using the software Unscrambler X version 9.7. A higher correlation found in a* (r=0.65) and moisture (r=0.56) with 'a*' value obtained from image analysis and the highest calibration and prediction accuracy was found in lightness (r2c=0.73, r2p=0.69) in beef. Results of this work show that CV technology may be a useful tool for predicting meat quality traits in the laboratory and meat processing industries.