• 제목/요약/키워드: Multi comparison

검색결과 2,026건 처리시간 0.026초

학교에서의 집단 따돌림 피해 경험의 정도가 성인기의 신체 수용에 미치는 영향 -신체적 매력 비교와 미인에 대한 양가 감정의 다중 매개 효과- (Effect of the Degree of School Bullying Victimization on Body Appreciation in Adulthood -Multi-Mediating Effects of Physical Attractiveness Comparison and Ambivalent Emotions toward Beauty-)

  • 김선우;최나홍
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.182-198
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    • 2022
  • Bullying at school results in a variety of psychological and social issues. Even after victims reach adulthood, these issues do not resolve and can have detrimental effects. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of school bullying victimization on body appreciation in adulthood. Considerations include multi-mediating effects of physical attractiveness comparison and ambivalent emotions toward beauty. A research model comprised of six hypotheses was derived applying the A (adversity)-B (belief)-C (consequence) theory. A survey with 583 South Korean women in their twenties to forties was conducted to collect data. Confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multi-mediation analysis were applied, and all hypotheses were accepted. School bullying victimization had a negative influence on body appreciation in adulthood. Additionally, physical attractiveness comparison and ambivalent emotions toward beauty mediated this causal relationship. Also, the mediating effect of physical attractiveness comparison on the relationship between school bullying victimization and body appreciation was the greatest among the three mediating effects. This study demonstrated that bullying victimization at school continues into adulthood, which hurts body appreciation of adulthood. The findings would contribute to the development of therapy programs for school bullying victims.

월유출량의 모의발생에 관한 비교 연구 (Comparative Studies on the Simulation for the Monthly Runoff)

  • 박명근;서승덕;이순혁;맹승진
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.110-124
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to simulate long seres of synthetic monthly flows by multi-season first order Markov model with selection of best fitting frequency distribution, harmonic synthetic and harmonic regression models and to make a comparison of statistical parameters between observes and synthetic flows of five watersheds in Geum river system. The results obtained through this study can be summarized as follow. 1. Both gamma and two parameter lognormal distributions were found to be suitable ones for monthly flows in all watersheds by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. 2. It was found that arithmetic mean values of synthetic monthly flows simulated by multi-season first order Markov model with gamma distribution are much closer to the results of the observed data in comparison with those of the other models in the applied watersheds. 3. The coefficients of variation, index of fluctuation for monthly flows simulated by multi-season first order Markov model with gamma distribution are appeared closer to those of the observed data in comparison with those of the other models in Geum river system. 4. Synthetic monthly flows were simulated over 100 years by multi-season first order Markov model with gamma distribution which is acknowledged as a suitable simulation modal in this study.

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다중해상도 개념을 이용한 기계 부품의 유사성 비교 (Similarity Comparison of Mechanical Parts)

  • 홍태식;이건우;김성찬
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2006
  • It is very often necessary to search for similar parts during designing a new product because its parts are often easily designed by modifying existing similar parts. In this way, the design time and cost can be reduced. Thus it would be nice to have an efficient similarity comparison algorithm that can be used anytime in the design process. There have been many approaches to compare shape similarity between two solids. In this paper, two parts represented in B-Rep is compared in two steps: one for overall appearances and the other for detail features. In the first step, geometric information is used in low level of detail for easy and fast pre-classification by the overall appearance. In the second step, feature information is used to compare the detail shape in high level of detail to find more similar design. To realize the idea above, a multi resolution algorithm is proposed so that a given solid is described by an overall appearance in a low resolution and by detail features in high resolution. Using this multi-resolution representation, parts can be compared based on the overall appearance first so that the number of parts to be compared in high resolution is reduced, and then detail features are investigated to retrieve the most similar part. In this way, computational time can be reduced by the fast classification in the first step while reliability can be preserved by detail comparison in the second step.

다중모드 및 단일모드 광섬유의 특성의 순회측정 (Interlaboratory Measurement Comparison of the Characteristics of Multi-mode and Single-mode Optical Fibers)

  • 안종평;전영윤;이동호;박희갑;김용환;강민호
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.296-307
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    • 1985
  • 다중모드와 단일모드 광섬유의 특성을 순회측정한 결가이다. 7개의 다중모드 광섬유와 4개의 단일모드 광섬유를 사용하여 5개의 국내 기관이 참여하고 비교, 연구하였다. 그 결과를 외국의 순회측정과 비교하여 보았다.

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적응형 스마트 공유 TMD의 MIMO 제어알고리즘개발 (Development of Multi-Input Multi-Output Control Algorithm for Adaptive Smart Shared TMD)

  • 김현수;강주원
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2015
  • A shared tuned mass damper (STMD) was proposed in previous research for reduction of dynamic responses of the adjacent buildings subjected to earthquake loads. A single STMD can provide similar control performance in comparison with two traditional TMDs. In previous research, a passive damper was used to connect the STMD with adjacent buildings. In this study, a smart magnetorheological (MR) damper was used instead of a passive damper to compose an adaptive smart STMD (ASTMD). Control performance of the ASTMD was investigated by numerical analyses. For this purpose, two 8-story buildings were used as example structures. Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was used to control the command voltages sent to two MR dampers. The MIMO FLC was optimized by a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Numerical analyses showed that the ASTMD can effectively control dynamic responses of adjacent buildings subjected to earthquake excitations in comparison with a passive STMD.

경남지역 다문화가정과 일반가정 초등학생들의 식습관, 음식기호도 비교 연구 (Comparison of Eating Habits and Food Preference of Elementary School Children between Multi-cultural Families and Ordinary Families in Gyeongnam Province)

  • 이주희;정선옥;김창임
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.973-987
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the eating habits and food preferences of elementary school children belong to multi-cultural families and ordinary families. The data were obtained by interview based on questionnaire from November to December in 2012. The subjects of multi-cultural families and ordinary families were 99 and 376 children, respectively. In comparison with eating habits, the ordinary children showed higher scoring in the items of eating proteins, green and yellow vegetables, and fruits or fruit juice than those of multi-cultural children. The ordinary children ate less midnight-meals than those of multi-cultural children (p<0.05). Furthermore, the ordinary children ate kimchi more frequently than the multi-cultural children. It was significantly different (p<0.05) on the items of 'eating-out types' dietary habits between two groups. Education of mothers correlated with the ordinary children's eating habits more than multi-cultural families. In the investigation of the food preference to Korean foods, 'beef and radish soup', 'pumpkin porridge', and 'wheat flakes noodles' were more preferred by children of ordinary families than by those of multi-cultural families (p<0.05). To conclude, nutritional education for their parents should be done and maintained to keep a right eating habit of children of multi-cultural families even at home.

다중해상도 알고리즘을 이용한 고속 움직임 정합 (High Speed Motion Match Utilizing A Multi-Resolution Algorithm)

  • 주헌식
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문에서는 다중해상도 알고리즘을 제안하여 탐색점과 복잡도를 블록정합 알고리즘과 비교하여 나타내었다. 또한 스피드 업을블록정합 알고리즘과 비교 하였다. 제안한 다중해상도 NTSS-3 Level 알고리즘을 비교대상인 TSS-3 Level 알고리즘과 NTSS 알고리즘에 비교하였다. 비교 결과 탐색점과 스피드업에서 제안한 NTSS-3 Level 알고리즘이 우수함을 나타내었다. 따라서 제안한 NTSS-3 Level 알고리즘이 비교 대상인 블록정합 알고리즘에 비해 탐색점에서 $2{\sim}3$배 우수한 성능을 나타내었고 복잡도 계산에서도 $2{\sim}4$배의 우수함을 나타내었다. 스피트업에서도 제안한 NTSS-3 Level 알고리즘이 2배 이상의 성능을 나타내었다. 따라서 제안한 다중해상도 NTSS-3 Level 알고리즘이 탐색점과 스피드 업 대비 PSNR 우수함을 나타내었다.

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    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • 제39권3_4호
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    • pp.587-600
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    • 2021
  • Some problems in engineering and science can be equivalently transformed into solving multi-linear systems. In this paper, we propose two preconditioned AOR iteration methods to solve multi-linear systems with -tensor. Based on these methods, the general conditions of preconditioners are given. We give the convergence theorem and comparison theorem of the two methods. The results of numerical examples show that methods we propose are more effective.

다문화아동과 일반아동의 작업기억 및 음운인식 능력 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on the Working Memory and the Phonological Awareness between Children with Multi-cultural Families and General Families)

  • 박유린;권도하
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제13권11호
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    • pp.5025-5032
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 다문화아동과 일반아동의 작업기억과 음운인식능력이 집단 간에 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 전라남도 D시에 거주하며 초등학교 1~3학년에 재학중인 다문화 아동 15명과 일반아동 15명이었다. 작업기억을 검사하기 위하여 K-TTFC-2를 실시하였고, 음운인식능력을 검사하기 위하여 아동들의 연령을 고려하여 음소수준의 검사만을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 다문화아동과 일반아동의 작업기억의 차이를 비교한 결과 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 둘째, 다문화아동과 일반아동의 음운인식능력 중에서 음소 수준의 차이를 비교한 결과 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 다문화 아동과 일반아동의 하위과제별 차이를 비교한 결과 음 짝짓기(어중 종성), 단음절 단어에서 중성 대치하기, 음 전환하기에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 다문화 아동의 음운 및 작업기억 결과를 고려한 치료를 위한 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.