• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi Project

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  • Kim, Moon-Gyu;Kim, Tae-Jung;Park, Sung-Og;Im, Yong-Jo;Shin, Ji-Hyun;Choi, Myung-Jin;Park, Seung-Ran;Lee, Jong-Ju
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.804-809
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    • 2002
  • Remote sensing division of satellite technology research center (SaTReC), Korea advanced institute of science and technology (KAIST) has developed a ground receiving and processing system for high resolution satellite images. Developed system will be adapted and operated to receive, process and distributes images acquired from of the second Korean Multi-purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT-2), which will be launched in 2004. This project had initiated to develop and Koreanize the state-of-the-art technologies related to the ground receiving system fur high resolution remote sensing images, which range from direct ingestion of image data to the distribution of products through precise image correction. During four years development, the system has been verified in various ways including real operation of custom-made systems such as a prototype system for SPOT and a commercialised system for KOMPSAT-1. Currently the system is under customisation for installation at KOMPSAT-2 ground station. In this paper, we present accomplished work and future work.

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  • Ahn Myoung-Hwan;Seo Eun-Jin;Chung Chu-Yong;Sohn Byung-Ju;Suh Myoung-Seok;Oh Milim
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.95-97
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    • 2005
  • Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) to be launched in year 2008 will be the first Korean multi-purpose geostationary satellite aiming at three major missions, i.e.: communication, ocean, and meteorological applications. The development of systems for the meteorological mission sponsored by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) consists of payloads, ground system, and data processing system. The program called COMS Meteorological Data Processing System (CMDPS) has been initiated for the development of data processing system. The primary objective ofCMDPS is to derive the level-2 environmental products from geo-Iocated and calibrated level 1.5 COMS data. Preliminary design for the level-2 data processing system consists of 16 baseline products and will be refined by end of 3rd project year. Also considered for the development are the necessary initial information such as land use and digital elevation map, algorithms for the vicarious calibration and procedures for the calibration monitoring, and radiative transfer model. Here, we briefly introduce the overall development strategy, flow chart for the intended baseline products, a few preliminary algorithm results and future plans.

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Knowledge Reorganization Method of Temporary Facility Planning for High-rise Building Constructions (고층건축공사를 위한 가설계획 지식의 체계화 방법)

  • Kim Wan-Soo;Choi Yoon-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.411-414
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    • 2002
  • As high density of cities, construction project is getting to be high rise, large sized and multi purposed, whereas it has some difficulties due to disordering of classification and undeveloped management systems. In this study, it would be suggested that classification method for knowledge and constraint of temporary facility in order to efficient decision making of temporary facility planning with knowledge reorganization and establishment process.

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The Extract of 3D Road Centerline Using Video Camera (비디오 카메라를 이용한 3차원 도로중심선 추출)

  • Seo Dong-Ju;Lee Jong-Chool
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1 s.27
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2006
  • According to development of computer technology, the utilization of the fourth generation of digital photogrammetry progresses favorable. Especially the method of using digital video camera is very practicable and has an advantage such as a profitability for the amateur. In road field which if centrical facilities of national industry, this method was utilized to acquire road information for the safety diagnosis or maintenance. In this study, 3-dimensional position information of road centerline was extracted using digital video camera which has practicality and economical efficiency. This data could be a basic source in road information project.

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Dynamic Analysis of Topside Module in Lifting Installation Phase

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2011
  • The installation phase for a topside module suggested can be divided into 9 stages, which include start, pre-lifting, lifting, lifted, rotating, positioning, lowering, mating, and end of installation. The transfer of the topside module from a transport barge to a crane vessel takes place in the first three stages, from start to lifting, while the transfer of the module onto a floating spar hull occurs in the last three stages, from lowering to the end. The coupled multi-body motions are calculated in both calm water and in irregular waves with significant wave height (1.52m), with suggested force equilibrium diagrams. The effects of the hydrodynamic interactions between the crane vessel and barge during the lifting stage have been considered. The internal forces caused by the load transfer and ballasting are derived for the lifting phases. The results of these internal forces for the calm water condition are compared with those in the irregular sea condition. Although the effect of pitch motion on the relative vertical motion between the deck of the floating structure and the topside module is significant in the lifting phases, the internal force induced pitch motion is too small to show its influence. However, the effect of the internal force on the wave-induced heave responses in the lifting phases is noticeable in the irregular sea condition because the transfer mass-induced draught changes in the floating structure are observed to have higher amplitudes than the external force induced responses.

Planning for the Yeonin Mountain Provincial Park (연인산 도립공원 조성계획)

  • Lee, Jun-Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2007
  • This plan was submitted as part of an invited competition for the provincial park planning of Yeonin Mountain, which was held by the Gyeonggi Innovation Corporation in November, 2006. The proposed site is located at Seungan-ri, Gapyung-eup, Gapyung-gun, Gyunggi-do and covers about $150,010m^2$. The main goal of this project is to "Suggest a New Park Paradigm" by shedding old ways of thinking about parks through an integrated development concept. Planning was approached as follows: First, providing an unique theme to the support facilities area of Yeonin Mountain Piovincial Park. To achieve this theme, the Seungan support facilities area was designated to be home to a Seven Colored Theme Garden, currently named the Native Wild-flower Garden, while the Baekdun facilities area is to be centered on a Self-loaming Forest Camp, which will give the chance of a hands-on wildlife experience. With these themes, which create recreational goals that will encourage not only tourism but education as well, the foundation was laid for a multi-purpose park paradigm. Second, Developing a Core Facility Zone. To accomplish the development of a core facility zone, park buildings will be arranged in accordance with an integrated building lay-out for easy access and use, and the facilities specified by design for the Seven Colored Theme Garden are provided for the newly prepared site. This will allow focus on the user's viewpoint instead of the view of the planner or of ease of maintenance.


  • Lee, Ju-Young
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2004
  • Several computer programs have been developed to make stochastically generated weather data from observed daily data. But they require fully dataset to run WGEN. Mostly, meterological data frequently have sporadic missing data as well as totally missing data. The modified WGEN has data filling algorithm for incomplete meterological datasets. Any other WGEN models have not the function of data filling. Modified WGEN with data filling algorithm is processing from the equation of Matalas for first order autoregressive process on a multi dimensional state with known cross and auto correlations among state variables. The parameters of the equation of Matalas are derived from existing dataset and derived parameters are adopted to fill data. In case of WGEN (Richardson and Wright, 1984), it is one of most widely used weather generators. But it has to be modified and added. It uses an exponential distribution to generate precipitation amounts. An exponential distribution is easier to describe the distribution of precipitation amounts. But precipitation data with using exponential distribution has not been expressed well. In this paper, generated precipitation data from WGEN and Modified WGEN were compared with corresponding measured data as statistic parameters. The modified WGEN adopted a formula of CLIGEN for WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) in USDA in 1985. In this paper, the result of other parameters except precipitation is not introduced. It will be introduced through study of verification and review soon

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A Systems Engineering Approach for Developing An Automated Raw Material Sampling Plant (원료 샘플링 플랜트 자동화 시스템 개발을 위한 시스템엔지니어링 접근방안 연구)

  • Kwouk, Ho-Kyun;Hong, Dae-Geun;Suh, Suk-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2015
  • In steel making plant, sampling system for raw material such as iron ore, limestone is necessary for quality control purpose. For the sake of efficiency and productivity, automation of the sampling system is highly desirable. From technical standpoint, the development of the automated system requires multi-disciplinary domain knowledge such as mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, information technology and computer engineering. Up to present time, the development has been mainly carried out by a single domain expert with project manager. The automated system developed in this way caused problems in the final system. This paper suggests a systems engineering approach to the development of automation for raw material sampling plant via a tailored process called Plant Systems Engineering (PSE) Process based on ISO/IEC 15288. Through the PSE process, we could derive right requirements and architecture of the Systems Of Interest (SOI), and we were convinced that the PSE Process can be applied to many other Plant Systems.

Design and Implementation of PC-based hospital-integrated PACS in Seoul National University Hospital

  • Kim, Jong-Hyo;Yeon, Kyoung-Mo;Han, Man-Chung;Lee, Dong-Hyuk;Jo, Han-Ik
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.05
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    • pp.478-483
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    • 1997
  • The SNUH has started a PACS project with three main goals : to develop a fully hospital-integrated PACS, to develop a cost effective PACS using open systems architecture, and to extend PACS' role to the advanced application such as image guided surgery, multi-media assisted education and research. In order to achieve these goals, we have designed a PACS architecture which takes advantages of client-server computing, high speed communication network, computing power of up-to-date high-end PC, and advanced image compression method. We have installed ATM based communication network in radiology department and in-patient wards, and implemented DICOM compliant acquisition modules, image storage and management servers, and high resolution display workstations based on high-end PC and Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. The SNUH PACS is in partial scale operation now, and will be expanded to full scale by the end of 1998.

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  • Kim, Jin-Woo;Kim, Jong-Hong;Lee, Jung-Bin;Heo, Joon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.512-515
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    • 2006
  • Forest stand height and volume are important indicators for management purpose as well as for the environmental analysis. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is backscattered over forest canopy and DSM can be acquired from such scattering characteristic, while National Elevation Dataset (NED) provides bare earth elevation data. The difference between SRTM and NED is estimated as tree height, and it is correlated with forest parameters, it is correlated with forest parameters, including average DBH, Trees per acre, net BF per acre, and total Net MBF. Especially, among them, net Board Foot(BF) per acre is the index that well represents forest volume. The Project site was Douglas-fir dominating plantation area in the western Washington an the northern Oregon in the U.S. This study shows a relationship of high correlation between the forest parameters and the product from SRTM, NED, and ETM+. This research performs multi regression analysis and regression tree algorithm, and can get more improved relationship between several parameters.

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