• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountain slope

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The Identification and Comprehension of the Mountain Wetlands (산지습지의 정의와 이해)

  • Moon, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.74
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2006
  • The groundwater is very important in the watersource of mountain wetlands. The groundwater is out through the change of slop from gentle to steep. The watersource of the wetlands is supplied from the net of groundwater drainage. So, the slops surrounded the mountain wetlands is very important conditions. There is many the terminology of the mountain wetlands. But, it become to one, the mountain wetlands. There are two types:the slope mountain wetlands and the basin mountain wetlands.

Estimation of Rock Drilling Work Size for Mountain Forest Road Construction (산악지(山岳地) 임도시설(林道施設)을 위한 암석천공(岩石穿孔) 작업량(作業量)의 예측(豫測))

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 1987
  • Simple estimating method of rock drilling and blasting work size is necessary to apply as a guidance of general road plan and a cost analysis of mountain forest road construction. For this work study, 11 cycles were divided in 5km route at Hyeonnammeon Yangyang-gun and the mountain slope at every 20m interval was measured. During working days all kind of works concerned on drilling and blasting was investigated in every cycle. Depending on the simple work study results it's work size can bef estimated with high correlation between drilling length in meter and frequency percentage of mountain slope more than 70%. With total drilling length known the machinery hours, drillers and explosive quantify can be estimated by the regression with high correlation. Estimation of drilling and blasting work by mountain slope gradient in road route is proposed like table 5 with estimating value of machinery hour, drillers and explosive in granite gneiss region.

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A Study on Failed Slope Stability by Localized Torrential Downpour (집중호우로 붕괴된 절토부 사면의 사면안정 처리에 관한 연구)

  • 신희순;배규진;이승호;정용진;심정훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2003
  • Continuous road improvement is required by situation that need link between cities by special quality that is our country's topography enemy that most of country have consisted to mountain district. According to this, occurrence of large cutting slope is formed necessarily Cutting slope are very weak real condition because of concentrative downpour and can know easily by example of typhoon Rusa. This study did helpful in slope design and carrying out suitable reinforcing method.

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Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation in Sokcho Coast (속초연안에서 대기순환의 특성)

  • Choi Hyo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2005
  • Using three-dimensional non-hydrostatical numerical model with one way double nesting technique, atmo­spheric circulation in the mountainous coastal region in summer was investigated from August 13 through 15, 1995. During the day, synoptic westerly wind blows over Mt. Mishrung in the west of a coastal city, Sokcho toward the East Sea, while simultaneously, easterly upslope wind combined with both valley wind from plain (coast) toward mountain and sea-breeze from sea toward inland coast blows toward the top of the mountain. Two different directional wind systems confront each other in the mid of eastern slope of the mountain and the upslope wind goes up to the height over 2 km, becoming an easterly return flow in the upper level over the sea and making sea-breeze front with two kinds of sea-breeze circulations of a small one in the coast and a large one in the open sea. Convective boundary layer is developed with a thickness of about 1km over the ground in the upwind side of the mountain in the west and a thickness of thermal internal boundary layer from the coast along the eastern slope of the mountain is only confined to less than 200 m. On the other hand, after sunset, no prohibition of upslope wind generated during the day and downward wind combined with mountain wind from mountain towardplain and land-breeze from land toward under nocturnal radiative cooling of the ground surfaces should intensify westerly downslope wind, resulting in the formation of wind storm. As the wind storm moving down along the eastern slop causes the development of internal gravity waves with hydraulic jump motion in the coast, bounding up toward the upper level of the coastal sea, atmospheric circulation with both onshore and offshore winds like sea-breeze circulation forms in the coastal sea within 70 km until midnight and after that, westerly wind prevails in the coast and open seas.

A Study on the Slope Ecological Restoration and Revegetation Models of the Baekdu-Mountain Range (백두대간 절토 비탈면의 생태복원녹화 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Choon;Nam, Un-Jung;Shin, Kyung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.72-84
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    • 2008
  • Since enactment of the Baekdu-Mountain Range protection law in Dec. 31st 2003, great interest arose in recovery of the natural environment in the Baekdu-Mountain Range. Since the Baekdu-Mountain Range has formed boundaries between different regions and it is the mountain that crosses our country from East to West, there are so many roads that penetrate this area. Slopes made by the construction of roads have poor foundation for the growth of vegetation and it takes a long period to restore only with natural restoration force. For this reason, various methods of revegetation to restore the damages are implemented but until now, revegetation of domestic soil cutting slopes are mainly covered by foreign import grasses to stabilize and cover grounds early. As we depended upon foreign import grasses for slopes revegetation, the landscape did not match in harmony with surrounding vegetation and therefore, we could see that these foreign grasses are withered in 2~3 years after the revegetation works and slopes become barren again. However, currently, there are no applicable standards for designs of green hill, desirable revegetation methods for the hill areas, roads and recovery models. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the status of revegetation plants and revegetation methods for the hill areas of the Baekdu-Mountain Range (azimuth, degree of tilt, and tilted places). Based on this, we attempted to find the desirable recovery models for the hill areas of the Baekdu-Mountain Range.

Growth and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Rhus javanica Populations Sowed on Cut-Slopes - Focusing on the Dae-Ji Mountain Case Study - (비탈면에 파종된 붉나무(Rhus javanica) 개체군의 생육 및 공간분포 특성 - 용인 대지산 사례지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Chae-young;Oh, Choong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2015
  • This study was to evaluate the growth and spatial distribution characteristics of Rhus javanica population. The study was conducted between 2015 January and July at the cut-slope revegetation site in Dae-Ji Mountain. Seeds of native species were sowed on the disturbed cut-slope in 2002. There were 119 vascular plant species 55 families and 94 genera on the cut-slope. Compositae, Rosaceae, and Leguminosae plants were dominant species, which are pioneer species in dry and barren site. Canopy of trees covered 44.1% total area, which was 8.3% increase from 2008. Rhus javanica, main species, dominated all DBH classes except DBH >24cm. Albizzia julibrissin showed high frequency in the 6~17cm DBH class and Salix koreensis was abundant at >12cm. Elaeagnus umbellata, Corylus heterophylla var. heterophylla, Alnus sibirica, and Acer pictum were not observed. Rhus javanica population was the most frequently observed on the south facing cut-slope. The average DBH of Rhus javanica was $7.3({\pm}3.7)cm$ and the average height of them was $5.2({\pm}1.7)m$. Annual average DBH growth was 7.9mm/yr and the maximum growth(12.0mm/yr) was the $3^{rd}$ year. It decreased after $6^{th}$ years. Although Rhus javanica population in the Dae-Ji Mountain was a seed originated plantation, the forest had reverse J shape diameter frequency distribution. It indicated that the forest is uneven-aged forest. The Rhus javanica population was expected to sustain.

Characteristics Analysis of Debris Flow Disaster in Korean National Parks (국립공원 지역에 있어서 토석류 재해의 특성 분석)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Jeong, Won-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to analyze the occurrence characteristics and the influence of forest environment factors on the debris flow of 3 national parks in korea. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; The total number of debris flow occurrence was 125 areas. The average length of the debris flow scar was 144m, average width was 20m. And the average area and sediment were $2,854m^2$ and $3,959m^3$ respectively. The factors influencing the debris flow were highly occurred in Metamorphic rock, mixed forest type. And also, slope gradient was $30{\sim}35^{\circ}$, aspect was NE, altitude was over 1,000m, vertical and cross slope was concave (凹), soil depth was below 15cm, stream order was 0 order. The variables of cross slope (complex), deciduous tree, soil depth (over 46cm), cross slope (concave), mixed forest type and altitude (801~1200m) in correlation analysis were significant at 1 % level. The landslide of high mountain area highly tend to change the debris flow in stream bed of torrent. The debris flow in national parks mainly occurred in high mountain area with long ridge and steep slope.

A study of the habitat preferences of the azalea, Rhododendron mucronulatum T. (진달래나무의 입지선택에 관한 연구)

  • 남영우
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1970
  • The ratio of occurrence of azalea (Rhododendron mucromultum T.) was determined on the north and south facing slopes on a mountain in Koyang county, Kyungi Province. Data was actually recorded at the eight aspects facing N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW on the mountain. In each of the eight aspects, six 10m transect tapes were placed in parallel directly down the slope, each 1m apart, and fifty 1$m^2$ quadrats were constructed between them. Frequency of the azalea in each of these quadrats was determined by counting the central stumps of the bushes Soil samples were also taken from pits dug in each plot to use for determination of the following: Soil pH, soil moisture loss on ignition, total nitrogen, and available phosphorus. The occurrence rate of azalea on the northern slop e was found to be for higher on the northern slope than on the southern slope. The abundance of azalea on the northern slope was found to be partially correlated with soil moisture(r=0.93; 0.01>p) and the amount of humus in the soil (r=0.04;0.01>p). The content of total nitrogen, soil PH, and available phosphorus in the soil, however, were found to have no evident relationship with the abundance of azalea. The conditions for growth in the species of azalea Rhododendron mucronulatum T'. were generally found to be more favorable on the northern slope.

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A Research on the Forms and Characteristics of the Ondal Cave

  • Hong, Hyun-Cheal
    • Journal of the speleological society of Korea
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    • no.4
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 1996
  • Ondal cave is located in Ha-ri Yongchun - myon, Tanyang - gun, Chungchongbuk - do, which has its site at the valley of southern side of Namhangang which winds up to the southwest. Namsan is kurungbong which is at the mid - slope of the steep and high mountain, Songsan which is 427 m high above sea level, and shows the aspect of the limestone area, a rough and steep mountain one.(omitted)

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Analysis of Soil Erodibility Potential Depending on Soil and Topographic Condition - A Case Study of Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Kyungsangnam-do, South Korea- (토양 및 지형 조건에 따른 토양침식 잠재성 분석 - 경상남도 창녕군 이방면을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, In-Hwan;Jang, Gab-Sue;Lee, Geun-Sang;Seo, Dong-Jo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • Changes in the soil physical property and the topographic condition derived from agricultural activities like as farming activities, land clearance and cutting down resulted in environmental and economic problems including the outflow of nutrient from farms and the water pollution. Several theories on the soil conservation have been developed and reviewed to protect soil erosion in the regions having a high risk of erosion. This study was done using the USLE model developed by Wischmeier and Smith (1978), and model for the slope length and steepness made by Desmet and Govers (1996), and Nearing (1997) to evaluate the potential of the soil erodibility. Therefore, several results were obtained as follows. First, factors affecting the soil erosion based on the USLE could be extracted to examine the erosion potential in farms. Soil erodibility (K), slope length (L), and slope steepness (S) were used as main factors in the USLE in consideration of the soil, not by the land use or land cover. Second, the soil erodibility increased in paddy soils where it is low in soil content, and the very fine sandy loam exists. Analysis of the slope length showed that the value of a flat ground was 1, and the maximum value was 9.17 appearing on the steep mountain. Soil erodibility showed positive relationship to a slope. Third, the potential soil erodibility index (PSEI) showed that it is high in the PSEI of the areas of steep upland and orchard on the slope of mountainous region around Dokjigol mountain, Dunji mountain, and Deummit mountain. And the PSEI in the same land cover was different depending on the slope rather than on the physical properties in soil. Forth, the analysis of land suitability in soil erosion explained that study area had 3,672.35ha showing the suitable land, 390.88ha for the proper land, and 216.54ha for the unsuitable land. For unsuitable land, 8.71ha and 6.29ha were shown in fallow uplands and single cropping uplands, respectively.