• Title/Summary/Keyword: Morning

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Mathematical Approaches Related to Daily Feeding Activities of Rock Trout, Agrammus agrammus (노래미, Agrammus agrammus의 일주섭식활동에 관한 수리적 접근)

  • KIM Chong-Kawn;KANG Yong-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 1991
  • This study was tried for a mathematical approaches related to daily fluctuations in the stomach fullness of Agrammus agrammus. The specimen was collected by angling and gill net from September 1984 to August 1985 off Shinsudo, Samchonpo. Fullness of the stomachs was increased in the early morning and the late afternoon, decreased in the late morning, at noon, and during the night. That is, feeding activity of the fish was more intense at sunrise and sunset. Daily feeding activity of the fish in a day was divided into the time period of gastric evacuation and both feeding and gastric evacuation. Stomach fullness with the lapse of time in the time period of gastric evacuation was geometrically decreased. Stomach fullness in the time period of both feeding and gastric evacuation was affected by gastric evacuation rates, feeding rates, and maximum fullness of the stomach. These parameters were able to estimate from the method estimating the regression coefficient in the relationship between the time(t) and the stomach fullness$(F_t)$, or between stomach fullness at the time t and $t+\Deltat$. The rates of feeding and gastric evacuation were the highest in spring and the lowest in winter. The relationships between time(t) and stomach fullness$(F_t)$ in the time period of gastric evacuation and both feeding and gastric evacuation induced from hypotheses were respectively as follows. $$F_t=F_{to}e^{-r(t-to)}$$, $$F_t=F\infty-(F\infty-F_{to})e^{-(p+r)(t-{to})}$$

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Clinical Assessment of Patients with Mandibular Condyle hypoplasia (하악 과두저형성증 환자의 임상적 평가)

  • Yi, Young-Chul;Cho, Bong-Hae;Ok, Soo-Min;Heo, Jun-Young;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Ahn, Young-Woo;Ko, Myung-Yun;Jeong, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2013
  • Objective : Condyle hypoplasia in temporomandibular joint(TMJ) is often observed in several radiographic views. Mandibular Condyle hypoplasia is frequently confused with osteoarthritis with bony changes in TMJ. This paper investigated clinical characteristics of mandibular condyle hypoplasia as compared with TMJ osteoarthritis. Material and method : 276 patients with TMD were taken clinical and radiological examination and were divided into study group, 189 patients diagnosed with mandibular condyle hypoplasia, and control group, 87 patients diagnosed with TMJ osteoarthritis. And clinical features(Onset, Overjet, Overbite, Noise, Locking, NAS of noise, LOM, pain, MCO, and site of diagnosis and pain)of the two groups were compared. Results : 1. Mandibular condyle hypoplasia and TMJ osteoarthritis were similar in many of the clinical features. 2. Mandibular condyle hypoplasia concordance rates of the radiographic diagnosis site and the pain site was significantly lower than TMJ osteoarthritis. 3. Bilateral mandibular condyle hypoplasia group had more occlusal discomfort, and clenching habits than unilateral mandibular condyle hypoplasia group. 4. Unilateral mandibular condyle hypoplasia group had more unilateral chewing habits and LOM than unilateral TMJ osteoarthritis group. Unilateral TMJ osteoarthritis group had more morning stiffness and higher concordance rates of the radiographic diagnosis site and the click sound site than unilateral mandibular condyle hypoplasia group. 5. Bilateral mandibular condyle hypoplasia group had more usual headaches and overjet than bilateral TMJ osteoarthritis group. Conclusion : Mandibular condyle hypoplasia has somewhat distinguishing clinical characteristics as compared with TMJ osteoarthritis.

A clinical study about painful manifestation on lumbar with regard to movement change of trunk (체간의 움직임 변화에 따른 요추부 근육의 통증 발현에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Sung-Ryul;Lee, Suk-Min;Song, Chang-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2004
  • A clinical study about painful manifestation on lumbar with regard to movement change of trunk The purpose of this study is to present the basis of low back pain therapy which is close examined of back muscle that is the main reason for that case of back pain when trunk rotation, flexion and extension. Therefore this study, which is based on literature review and clinical experience, has tried to figure out that back pain which is considered to be significant for the most increasing time, posture, motion, painful area, involved muscle have any influence on trunk rotation, flexion and extension This study has done with the patients in oriental rehabilitation clinic, K-oriental hospital, from Jan, 2003 to Dec, 2003. Total cases were 145(male:$39\%$-52 patients, female:$64.1\%$-93 patients) those who complained lumbosacral pain with radiating that makes patient unable to bending or extending the trunk. And they were surveyed retrospect way, checking the medical record and that of therapist. Results are as followings. 1. For sprain patient, $34.5\%$ complained pain on extension, and among them, the most remarkably, patients who did right rotation extension pattern were $20\%$. Herniated disc patient shows greater limit on flexion when trunk moves bending route, but right rotation with extension pattern shows the most limitation on flexion-extension according to the rotation of trunk 2. Cases of morning back pain($60.5\%$) showed high value on right rotation extension pattern($18.6\%$), right rotation flexion pattern($16.3\%$) but did not show big difference on left flexion and extension pattern 3. Patients those who complain pain on sitting position showed highest value each left, right $14.6\%$ of left and right rotation extension pattern 4. Among extension painful patient, there showed highest value of each $32.5\%$ on right rotation extension pattern, and $20.0\%$ on right rotation flexion pattern. 5. Tenderness distribution of quadratus lumborum showed $34.5\%$ on right rotation extension pattern, $20.7\%$ on left rotation extension pattern, and that of iliopsoas muscle at right rotation flexion pattern showed right muscle $20.0\%$, left $50.0\%$ Derived from the results of survey above, for sprain and HIVD patient showed greatest pain on right rotation pattern, for pain plus patient on right rotation extension among those who has extreme pain on sitting in the morning described tenderness on right quadratus lumborum, and those who complain pain on left rotation extension described tenderness on left lumborum the most Decisively, it is possible to figure out the problem muscle that involved when I found the time, position, motion that aggravating and painful area. Therefore this study would be expected to be able to be a useful clinical materials on diagnosis and therapy of low back pain.

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Concentrations of Criteria Pollutants in Indoor and Ambient Air of Public Facilities in Taegu Area (대구지역 공중이용시설의 실내 $\cdot$ 외 공기 중 기준성오염물질의 농도)

  • 송희봉;민경섭;한개희;김종우;백성옥
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 1996
  • A comprehensive air quality monitoring was carried out in this study to investigate the concentrations of criteria air pollutants in indoor and outdoor air of public facilities in Taegu area. Four different kinds of public facilities were seleced as sampling sites, which are underground stores, stations & terminals, general hospitals, and department stores. Each group of the public facilities was consisted of three different sampling sites. As a consequence, a total of 12 different sampling sites were surveyed throughout this study. Sampling was conducted simultaneously indoors, three times per day (in the morning, afternoon, and evening) and four times per year (spring, summer, fall, and winter) at each sampling site during the period of October 1994 to July 1995. A range of criteria pollutants were measured in order to obtain a broad profile of indoor and ambient air quality, including total suspended particles (TSP), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide ($CO_2$), formaldehyde (HCHO), sulfur dioxide ($SO_2$), and nitrogen dioxide ($NO_2$). In addition, temperature, relative humidity, and air current were measured on site together with those air pollutants. Results of this study indicated that the indoor levels of TSP, CO, $SO_2, and NO_2$ appeared to be generally higher in stations/terminals and underground stores than those in department stores and hospitals. However, HCHO and $CO_2$ were found to have higher levels in the department stores and hospitals than other places, indicating that the effects of indoor sources for these pollutants are significantly different from other combustion related pollutants such as TSP, CO, and $SO_2$. It was also found that there are marked seasonal and daily variations both in indoor and outdoor air quality. In general, combustion related pollutants such as CO, $SO_2$ and $NO_2$ showed a typical pattern of higher levels in winter than insummer, and also higher in the morning and/or in the evening than in the afternoon. However, the seasonal and daily patterns of HCHO appeared to be opposite to the combustion related pollutants, i.e., higher both in summer and in the afternoon, implying the effect of temperature on the volatilization from indoor sources of HCHO. Results of correlation analyses between indoor and outdoor air quality also indicated that the effects of outdoor sources on the indoor levels of TSP, $SO_2$, CO, and $NO_2$ and much significant, whilst no significant correlations between indoor and outdoor levels were found for HCHO and $CO_2$.

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Sleep Habits and Insomnia-Associated Factors in Korean Adult Population: A Cross-sectional Survey of Three Rural Communities (한국 성인의 수면습관 및 불면증 관련 요인 : 3개 농촌지역주민을 대상으로 한 단시적 연구)

  • Jeong, Do-Un;Sohn, Chang-Ho;Sung, Joo-Hon;Chang, Song-Hun;Lee, Kun-Sei;Lee, Won-Jin;Shin, Hai-Rim;Lee, Bu-Ok;Cho, Soo-Hun
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 1997
  • Objectives: We attempted to study sleep habits and insomnia-associated factors in Korean rural adult population. Methods : In 1,441 adult subjects of three rural communities selected by cluster sampling, we administered an epidemiologic survey using questionnaire methods from July 14, 1996 to July 28, 1996. Results : 1) Mean sleep latency and mean time to sleep again after awakening during nocturnal sleep were longer in females than in males. Females suffered more frequently from insomnia symptom, awakening during nocturnal sleep. morning headache, dysphoric mood in the morning, and the feeling of 'not refreshed' on waking-up than males. 2) The older age group (defined as those older than 65 years) was found to have earlier bed-time, longer sleep latency, more frequent nocturia, longer time to sleep again after awakening during nocturnal sleep, and more frequent insomnia symptom. 3) The presence of insomnia symptom more than once a week was significantly associated with suffering from physical illness, being divorced-separated-widowed, frequently feeling depressed, nocturia, or low education level. 4) In multiple logistic regression analysis, old age, being female, low education level, frequently feeling depressed, and nocturia were independently associated with the presence of insomnia symptom more than once a week. Conclusion : We conclude that, in a Korean rural adult population, insomnia symptom increases with age and females usually suffer more from insomnia symptom than males. In addition, low education level, feeling depressed mood frequently, and nocturia are found to be significantly associated independently with the presence of insomnia symptom more than once a week.

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Transmission of Paulownia witches'-broom virus by tobacco leaf bug, Cyrtopeltis tenuis REUTER (담배장님노린재 (Cyrtopeltis tenuis REUTER)에 의한 오동나무천구 소병(도깨비집병) 바이러스의 매개전염)

  • La Y. J.;Pyun B. H.;Shim K. J.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.5_6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1968
  • The present investigation was initiated to find out the possible insect vector of the paulownia witches'-broom virus disease. 1. Among a number of piercing-sucking mouth type insects that were feeding on the witches'-broom infected Paulownia leaves, the tobacco leaf bug, Cyrtopeltis tenuis REUTER, was most abundant. Eggs, nymphs and adults of Cyrtopeltis tenuis were observed from the mid-August through the end of October. 2. It was found that Paulownia witches'-broom virus is transmitted by Cyrotopeltis tenuis. 3. On young Pnulownia plants, first symptom appeared twenty days after exposure to virus-bearing colonies of Cyrtopeltis tenuis. Forty days after exposure to these viruliferous insects, the characteristic symptom of Paulownia witches'-broom was apparent. 4. Paulownia witches' -broom virus was also transmitted by Cyrtopeltis tenuis to calendula and morning glory. No app"rent symptom was observed from tomato, carrot. aster, zinnia, cosmos, soybean and plantago at least until sixty days after exposure to the viruliferous colonies of Cyrtopeltis tenuis. 5. Calendula and morning glory appear to be highly suitable test plants for Paulownia witches'-broom vims because of their relatively short incubation period and distinct symptom appearance.

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Studies on the Behaviour of Fish Schools in the Main-net of a Large Scale Set-net using Scanning Sonar-V - The Behaviour of Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata School Entrapped in a Large Set-net and the Catching Function of the Funnel-net - (소나 관찰에 의한 대형정치망내 어군행동의 연구 ( V ) - 방어어군의 망내행동과 등망의 어획기능 -)

  • 김문관
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 1998
  • The moving behaviour of Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata schools in the main-net of a large scale set-net was investigated in relation to the catching function of the funnel-net by a scanning sonar. The investigation was took place in the Kishihata set-net fishing ground located in Nanao city Ishigawa prefecture, Japan from Nov. 9 to Nov. 13, 1992. The obtained results are summarized as follows; 1. Fish schools showed the greatest number at the playground in the morning and at the bag-net in the afternoon. The fish schools remained long time in the main-net. 2. The rate of fish school through the funnel-net was smaller than that of fish school which is though the playground and bag-net. Because the Yellowtail school changed the shape of school in passing the funnel-net. 3. The rate of entering the bag-net was 24%, among the fish school heading to the outer funnel-net. But, the rate of escaping to the playground was 27%, among the fish school heading to the inner funnel-net. It seems that the structure of the outer funnel-net was not enough to lead the fish to the bag-net. However, the structure of the inner funnel-net was very effective at preventing escape. 4. It is appropriate to haul the net in the morning in considering the number of accumulated fish in the bag-net during the survey.

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Theatricality of Absence: Male Identity and O'Neill's Self-reflection in Before Breakfast (부재의 연극성-『조식 전』에서 남성 정체성과 오닐의 자기반영)

  • Park, Jungman
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.249-277
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    • 2012
  • Eugene O'Neill's one-act play Before Breakfast (1916) depicts a morning scene of a married couple who live in a slovenly flat at Greenwich Village. There is no apparent dramatic action occurring in the play. Instead, the play is full of Mrs. Rowland's incessant complaints about her husband Alfred's loafing around bars with artists friends, neglecting his role as breadwinner. An irony is that every morning she prepares breakfast for the good-for-nothing husband even in the moment of complaining. It is worth noting that Alfred is an 'unseen character' who is never directly observed by the audience but is only described by her wife. Deprived of all chances to speak and present himself on stage, he is kept in the room throughout the play. In contrast, Mrs. Rowland dominates the stage, monopolizing language and action. The audience has to listen to her, judge from her statements, and take her one-sided complaints. The accused husband, with zero chance of showing up and defending himself, has no choice but to be the sinner as the wife intends. Another irony is that the audience's feeling about the situation is quite different from what is expected. The wife's complaints are regarded to be unfair and groundless in the reason that the situation is monopolized by her. In case of the husband, in contrast, the loss of voice and presence stresses the injustice of his dead-lock situation. In other words, the 'absent' quality of Alfred works to evoke the audience's sympathy for himself and subsequently makes his presence recognized, not visually but emotionally, by the audience throughout the play. Discovered in this paradoxical moment where the spectators understand or 'see' the status of the unseen and the devoiced message is successfully conveyed to the listeners, is the theatricality of absence. Adding to the function as theatrical device, the 'unseen character' Alfred works as a device of self-reflection to mirror the author's own life. Alfred, the alter-ego of O'Neill, effectively exorcises the author's life-long feeling of guilty as the unfaithful husband and father in the unhappy first marriage, successfully evoking the audience's sympathy for himself.

The Characteristics of Groundwater and a Field Test for Thermal Insulation of Landfarming of Petroleum Contaminated Soil in Winter Season (유류오염지역의 지하수 수질특성 및 동절기 토양경작법의 온도보전을 위한 현장사례 연구)

  • Cho, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Soon-Heum;An, Jong-Ik;Lee, Yoon-Oh;Choi, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2013
  • The objectives of this study were to identify the characteristics of groundwater in the petroleum contaminated site and to evaluate the applicability of house-type landfarm facilities heated with briquette stoves in winter season. The six monitoring wells were installed at the site where pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature were all measured. Also groundwater contaminants, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and total petroleum hydrocarbon, were analyzed twice. House-type two landfarm facilities ($12m{\times}40m{\times}4.8m$) each installed with four briquette stoves were constructed. During four rounds treatment process, VOCs, moisture, temperature were monitored and soil contaminants were analyzed. The pH was 6.37 and considered subacid and DO was measured to be 3.12 mg/L. The temperature of groundwater was measured to be $9.48^{\circ}C$. The groundwater contaminants were detected only in the monitoring wells within the contaminated area or close to it showing that the groundwater contaminated area was similar to the soil contaminated area. During the landfarm process, 73.3% of VOCs concentration in interior gas was decreased and moisture was lowered from 17.7% to 13.4%. In the morning, at 8:00 am, the temperature was decreased showing soil ($5.5^{\circ}C$) > interior ($4.8^{\circ}C$) > exterior ($3.5^{\circ}C$). In the afternoon, at 2:00 pm, the temperature was soil ($8.6^{\circ}C$) < interior ($9.9^{\circ}C$) < exterior ($11.5^{\circ}C$) with solar radiation. The temperature difference between interior and exterior was $0.7^{\circ}C$ in the morning, but it was $1.6^{\circ}C$ in the afternoon. A total of 130 days were taken for four round landfarm processes. Each process was completed within 33 days showing 80% of cleanup efficiency ($1^{st}$ order dissipation rate(k) = 0.1771).

Travel Disparity among the Elderly in Seoul during the COVID -19 Pandemic Period: Differences in Destination Diversification according to Socioeconomic and Spatial Factors - (COVID-19 대유행기에 나타난 서울시 고령층의 통행격차 - 사회경제적 요인과 공간적 요인에 따른 목적지 다변화의 차이를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jaegeon;Sohn, Jungyul
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2021
  • By defining a travel disparity based on the degree to which travelers diversify their destinations, this paper examines how socioeconomic and spatial factors affect the travel disparity among the elderly in Seoul. This paper uses the COVID-19 pandemic as a natural experiment which can bring about different behavioral responses among the older travelers. Using the smart card data, we compare the destination diversification patterns before and after the pandemic. In the early morning(4:30-9:00), the degree of destination diversification varies between the core and the periphery and this trend persists through the pandemic. In the late morning(9:00-12:00), a new trend of disparity appeared after the pandemic. Although those who hold higher socioeconomic status and live closer to the core have a larger range of choices for destinations, the difference of range did not lead to differences in diversification before the pandemic, due to the discretionary nature of the elderly's trip. In contrast, as the elderly were forced to search alternative destinations right after the outbreak of the pandemic, the range of choices became an important factor causing observable differences in destination diversification. The findings suggest that the travel disparity observed during the pandemic is due to the difference in the range of choices by socioeconomic and spatial factors.