• Title/Summary/Keyword: Morning

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The Urinary Fluoride Concentration and Periodontal Condition in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women (골밀도가 저하된 폐경 후 성인여성의 뇨중 불소농도와 치주조직과의 관계)

  • Kim, Young-Jun
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.837-846
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    • 1999
  • There were few reports about the fluoride concentration in bone and osteoporotic women. This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between the urinary fluoride concentration and periodontal condition in osteoporotic old women. Twentyeight postmenopausal women(Test group) and twenty-one premenopausal women(Control group) were examined. Bone mineral density(BMD) of lumbar spine(L2-L4) was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA). The urine samples were collected at early morning and determined with the help of a fluoride-specific electrode and Tisabbufferd samples. The results were as follows. 1. The mean urinary fluoride concentration in test and control group showed statistically no difference. 2. The bone mineral density(BMD) of the spine in test group was significantly lower than control group(p<0.05). 3. The significant negative correlation was found between BMD level and age after menopause $(p<0.001,\;{\gamma}=-0.526$. 4. The urinary fluoride concentration was not correlated with age, age after menopause and bone mineral density. 5. The urinary fluoride concentration was not correlated with periodontal condition.

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The Clinical Study in Children with Cough (만성(慢性)기침 환아(患兒)의 임상적()臨床的) 고찰(考察))

  • Lee Seung-Yeon
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to prepare the new effective oriental medical treatments. This study was performed at Dongeui Oriental Medical Hospital from October, 1, 1999 to November, 30, 1999, and 59 patients with cough persisting for longer than 3 weeks were evaluated. The following results were obtained. 1. In sex, male was 32 patients(54.24%) and female was 27 patients(45.76%), and in age group, between 2 and 6 years was 43 patients(72.88%) as first. 2. In the distribution of complicated signs, sputum was 42 patients(7l.18%) as first, rhinorrhea was 24(40.68%) as second. 3. In the style of cough. attack on morning or sleeping time was 32 patients(54.24%) as first. 4. In the past history, pulmonary diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis were 10 patients(16.95%) as first. 5. In the family history of allergy, allergic dermatitis was 6 patients(10.l7%) and allergic rhinitis was 4 patients(6.78%)

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Monitoring of Airborne Fine Particle using SMPS in Ansan Area (SMPS(Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer)를 이용한 안산지역 대기중 초미세입자(30\~500nm) 분포연구)

  • Kim Yong-min;Ahn Kang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2005
  • The fine particles in the range of $30\~500nm$ are monitored at Hanyang University campus in Ansan using house made DMA (differential mobility analyzer) and commercial CPC (condensation particle counter, TSI inc.) in SMPS mode. The monitoring period is March 16th 2004 through May 7th, 2004. During the monitoring period, Aitken nuclei mode $(30\~100nm)$ particle concentration has a tendency of increase in the morning and evening hours. However, the accumulation mode $(100\~500nm)$ particle concentration stays rather stable than that of Aitken mode.

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis (족저 근막염의 진단과 치료)

  • Eun, Il-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2016
  • Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is primarily based on the presentation of symptoms and physical examination. Patients usually complain of heel pain at the medial calcaneal tubercle when taking their first step in the morning or when walking after resting. Diagnostic imaging is rarely required for the initial diagnosis of plantar fasciitis; however, it can be used for differential diagnosis. Conservative treatments, such as stretching, rest, ice massage, oral analgesics, foot orthotics, use of night splint, and corticosteroid injection, may be effective. The majority of patients report improvement with conservative treatments, and those who show no response from conservative treatments for a duration of six months or longer can consider extracorporeal shock wave therapy or surgery.

Early Detection of Foliar Damage Caused by Ozone Exposure with Thermal Image Analysis (식물체 잎표면의 열화상 분석을 통한 오존 피해 조기 진단)

  • 허재선;이충일
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.132-136
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    • 1996
  • 오존에 의한 식물체의 가시피해 발현 이전에 나타나는 비가시적 피해를 찾아내기 위하여 적외선 열화상장치(infrared thermography)를 이용하여 하루 8시간씩 0.3 ppm 오존에 노출된 나팔꽃(Ipomoea purpurea)잎표면의 온도분포 변화를 조사하였다. 노출 첫날에는 온도분포의 뚜렷한 변화를 볼 수 없었다. 노출 2일째, 오존 노출 2시간 결과후, 완전히 자란 제3엽의 특정 부분에서 급격한 온도분포 변화를 보였으며, 그로부터 약 4시간 경과 후에 동일 지점에서 최초의 가시적 피해가 발생했다. 급격한 온도분포 변화를 보인 부분과 최초 가시피해가 발생한 부분이 일치한 점은 가시피해 발생과 그 이전의 온도분포 변화가 밀접하게 상관되어 있다는 것을 의미한다고 하겠다. 잎표면의 열화상 분석방법을 대기오염원에 의한 식물체의 가시피해 발현 이전에 진행되고 있는 비가시적 반응의 조기진단에 적용할 수 있으며 생태환경 친화적인 대기 환경관리를 위한 대기오염원은 배출조절용 생체반응기(biosensor)로 이용 가능하겠다.

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Study on Propagated Crack and Stress Level of Boshinkak Bell(No.2 Trensure) ((보물(寶物) 제2호(濟2號)) 보신각종(普信閣鐘)의 전파(傳播)크랙 및 응력(應力)레벨에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yum, Yung-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.9-23
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    • 1985
  • Boshin-Kak Bell, which is one of the largest bells, is located at Chong-Ro Square in the center of Seoul. The bell has been struct early morning and late evening for time-report since the 14th century in Lee Era. Therefore Boshin-Kak Bell has been an intimate old friend of Seoul citizen more than 500 years. Unfortunately, motal large cracks were found inside this bell in the horizontal and vertical directions in 1979. The present paper has investigated the propagated bell-crack by ultrasonic flaw detecting method, and the stress level, bell vibration and weight measurement by electric wire resistance strain gauge method. The results indicate that they are useful for further study of Korean bell by nondestructive test.

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What is paradoxical about the Cable Guy paradox? (수리기사의 역설, 무엇이 역설적인가?)

  • Won, Chiwook
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.425-440
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    • 2014
  • In his recent paper, Hanseung Kim (2014) discusses the Cable Guy paradox and argues that given the nature of regret, it is rational to bet on the cable guy's afternoon arrival, though it is equally probable for him to arrive in the morning or afternoon interval. In this paper, I argue that regret is not essential to the paradox in that the paradox still arises even if we ignore regret. I then briefly discuss a possible way to proceed to resolve the paradox.

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Characteristics of Air Pollution at a Junction Area Contaminated with Vehicle Emissions (자동차 배출가스에 의한 도심 교차로의 대기오염 특징)

  • Lee, Seung-Bok;Bae, Gwi-Nam
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2010
  • Roadside measurement of ultrafine particles, black carbon, and NOx was carried out to investigate air pollution at a junction area contaminated with vehicle emissions in Seoul from March 19 to 23, 2007. Diurnal variation of ultrafine particles, black carbon, and $NO_x$ concentrations at a roadside showed minimum at around 2-4 a.m. and two peak modes during the morning and evening rush hours. Since these pollutants might be mainly emitted from vehicles, the roadside was highly contaminated with vehicles.

Three Cases of Sequela following Thyroid Lobectomy for Thyroid Cancer (갑상선 유두암 환자의 갑상선엽절제술 후유증에 대한 증례 보고 3례)

  • Cho, Su-Yun;An, Tteul-E-Bom;Kim, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This paper aims to report the effects of Korean medical treatment on three patients who underwent thyroid lobectomy for thyroid cancer. Methods: Three patients were hospitalized at hospital to treat pain and general weakness after thyroid lobectomy. The patients took Korean medical treatment including herbal medicine and acupuncture. Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) of symptoms was measured every morning. Results: After the treatment, the pain and general weakness following surgery decreased, and general conditions improved. Conclusions: This cases show that Korean medical treatment is effective for a patients who underwent thyroid lobectomy for thyroid cancer.

A Study on the Congestion Alleviation Method and the Enhancement of the Transport Capacity in the SeoulMetro No.2 Outer Circle line (서울메트로 2호선 외순환 구간의 혼잡완화 및 수송력 증대 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju;Kook, Kwang-Ho;Son, Young-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1416-1425
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    • 2008
  • Urban railway carries large numbers of passengers during the rush hour. According to the announcement of Ministry of Land Transport and Maritime Affairs(MLTM), 221% of the congestion rate is reported in the SeoulMetro No.2 outer circle line from sadang to bangbea between eight and nine o'clock in the morning. This study analyzes the cause of the client's dissatisfaction about SeoulMetro such as the train delay, and decides the preference rank of the alternatives for congestion alleviation and enhancement of the transport capacity using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP).

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