• Title/Summary/Keyword: Monte Carlo collision

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Dynamic Resource Reservation for Ultra-low Latency IoT Air-Interface Slice

  • Sun, Guolin;Wang, Guohui;Addo, Prince Clement;Liu, Guisong;Jiang, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.3309-3328
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    • 2017
  • The application of Internet of Things (IoT) in the next generation cellular networks imposes a new characteristic on the data traffic, where a massive number of small packets need to be transmitted. In addition, some emerging IoT-based emergency services require a real-time data delivery within a few milliseconds, referring to as ultra-low latency transmission. However, current techniques cannot provide such a low latency in combination with a mice-flow traffic. In this paper, we propose a dynamic resource reservation schema based on an air-interface slicing scheme in the context of a massive number of sensors with emergency flows. The proposed schema can achieve an air-interface latency of a few milliseconds by means of allowing emergency flows to be transported through a dedicated radio connection with guaranteed network resources. In order to schedule the delay-sensitive flows immediately, dynamic resource updating, silence-probability based collision avoidance, and window-based re-transmission are introduced to combine with the frame-slotted Aloha protocol. To evaluate performance of the proposed schema, a probabilistic model is provided to derive the analytical results, which are compared with the numerical results from Monte-Carlo simulations.


  • Sanchez, Richard;Zmijarevi, Igor;Coste-Delclaux, M.;Masiello, Emiliano;Santandrea, Simone;Martinolli, Emanuele;Villate, Laurence;Schwartz, Nadine;Guler, Nathalie
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.474-499
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the mostortant developments implemented in the APOLLO2 spectral code since its last general presentation at the 1999 M&C conference in Madrid. APOLLO2 has been provided with new capabilities in the domain of cross section self-shielding, including mixture effects and transfer matrix self-shielding, new or improved flux solvers (CPM for RZ geometry, heterogeneous cells for short MOC and the linear-surface scheme for long MOC), improved acceleration techniques (DP1), that are also applied to thermal and external iterations, and a number of sophisticated modules and tools to help user calculations. The method of characteristics, which took over the collision probability method as the main flux solver of the code, allows for whole core two-dimensional heterogeneous calculations. A flux reconstruction technique leads to fast albeit accurate solutions used for industrial applications. The APOLLO2 code has been integrated (APOLLO2-A) within the ARCADIA(R) reactor code system of AREVA as cross section generator for PWR and BWR fuel assemblies. APOLLO2 is also extensively used by Electricite de France within its reactor calculation chain. A number of numerical examples are presented to illustrate APOLLO2 accuracy by comparison to Monte Carlo reference calculations. Results of the validation program are compared to the measured values on power plants and critical experiments.

System Reliability Analysis of Rack Storage Facilities (물류보관 랙선반시설물의 시스템신뢰성 해석)

  • Ok, Seung-Yong;Kim, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2014
  • This study proposes a system reliability analysis of rack storage facilities subjected to forklift colliding events. The proposed system reliability analysis consists of two steps: the first step is to identify dominant failure modes that most contribute to the failure of the whole rack facilities, and the second step is to evaluate the system failure probability. In the first step, dominant failure modes are identified by using a simulation-based selective searching technique where the contribution of a failure mode to the system failure is roughly estimated based on the distance from the origin in the space of the random variables. In the second step, the multi-scale system reliability method is used to compute the system reliability where the first-order reliability method (FORM) is initially used to evaluate the component failure probability (failure probability of one member), and then the probabilities of the identified failure modes and their statistical dependence are evaluated, which is called as the lower-scale reliability analysis. Since the system failure probability is comprised of the probabilities of the failure modes, a higher-scale reliability analysis is performed again based on the results of the lower-scale analyses, and the system failure probability is finally evaluated. The illustrative example demonstrates the results of the system reliability analysis of the rack storage facilities subjected to forklift impact loadings. The numerical efficiency and accuracy of the approach are compared with the Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the proposed two-step approach is able to provide accurate reliability assessment as well as significant saving of computational time. The results of the identified failure modes additionally let us know the most-critical members and their failure sequence under the complicated configuration of the member connections.

Towards a better understanding of detection properties of different types of plastic scintillator crystals using physical detector and MCNPX code

  • Ayberk Yilmaz;Hatice Yilmaz Alan;Lidya Amon Susam;Baki Akkus;Ghada ALMisned;Taha Batuhan Ilhan;H.O. Tekin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.4671-4678
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this comprehensive research is to observe the impact of scintillator crystal type on entire detection process. For this aim, MCNPX (version 2.6.0) is used for designing of a physical plastic scintillation detector available in our laboratory. The modelled detector structure is validated using previous studies in the literature. Next, different types of plastic scintillation crystals were assessed in the same geometry. Several fundamental detector properties are determined for six different plastic scintillation crystals. Additionally, the deposited energy quantities were computed using the MCNPX code. Although six scintillation crystals have comparable compositions, the findings clearly indicate that the crystal composed of PVT 80% + PPO 20% has superior counting and detecting characteristics when compared to the other crystals investigated. Moreover, it is observed that the highest deposited energy amount, which is a result of the highest collision number in the crystal volume, corresponds to a PVT 80% + PPO 20% crystal. Despite the fact that plastic detector crystals have similar chemical structures, this study found that performing advanced Monte Carlo simulations on the detection discrepancies within the structures can aid in the development of the most effective spectroscopy procedures by ensuring maximum efficiency prior to and during use.