• Title/Summary/Keyword: Monitoring data

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Verification of Reinforcement with Grouting Materials in a Small Scale Reservoir Dike using Surface and Borehole Electrical Resistivity survey (지표 및 시추공 전기비저항 탐사를 중심으로)

  • Song, Sung-Ho;Yong, Hwan-Ho;Kim, Yang-Bin
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2009
  • To verify the reinforcing effect of grouting materials composed of colloid cement and ordinary portland cement on the water leakage region in a small scale dike, we performed a tubecasing method and applied surface electrical resistivity survey including electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to find resistivity variation before and after grouting. Hydraulic conductivities after grouting show 10 times lower than those of before grouting. These variation indicates that the cement grout blocks the leakage pathway effectively. As the results of dipole-dipole resistivity survey along the dike, resistivity distribution after grouting did not represent noticeable spatial variation in time. Resistivity monitoring results at the dike with vertical electrical sounding (VES) showed that the region of decreasing apparent resistivity was occupied by the grout after grouting. Predicted resistivities from the inversion of ERT data well matched with results of VES at the same regions. From the ERT using check holes to inspect the effect of grouting, we could find that the ERT is quite effective to identify spatially the grout region in a dike.

Aquatic and Riparian Flora of Hwangjicheon Stream (황지천의 수생 및 수변 식물상)

  • Hwang, Yong;Hong, Jeong-Ki;Bae, Mi-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.138-152
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    • 2020
  • We investigated the Riparian floras in Hwangjicheon stream from April 2017 to October 2019. 223 taxa (i.e. 203 species, 2 subspecies,18 varieties from 158 genera of 65 families) of the vasclur plants were found in Hwangjicheon stream. Among 223 taxa, we found 4 endemic species, and However, rare and endangered plants were not found in Hwangjicheon stream. The number of floristic regional indicator plants was 22 (i.e. 3 species of IV degree, 4 taxa of III degree, 7 taxa of II degree, and 8 taxa of I degree). In addition, 28 naturalized plants were identified, and the percentage of Naturalized Index (NI) and Urbanization Index (UI) were 12.5%, and 8.7%, respectively. Vascular plant usability and reclassification result is Edible 166 species (74.4%), Medicinal 187 species (83.8%), Flavor 9 species (4.0%), Industrial 99 species (44.3%), Ornamental 106 species (47.5%), Restoration 84 species (37.6%), Compost 112 species (50.2%), Unknown 5 species (2.2%). We hope that our results provide reference data to set up strategy of conservation of biodiversity in the Hwangjicheon stream and Taebaek-si areas.

An Adaptive Authentication Protocol for Ambient Assisted Living Systems (전천 후 생활보조 시스템을 위한 적응형 인증 프로토콜)

  • Yi, Myung-Kyu;Choi, Hyunchul;Whangbo, Taeg-Keun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, the substantial increase in the population's average age leads to an exceeded number of older persons comparing with the number of any other age group. As a result, both industry and academia are focused on the development of several solutions aimed to guarantee a healthy and safe lifestyle to the elderly. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) approach is the way to guarantee better life conditions for the aged and for monitoring their health conditions by the development of innovative technologies and services. AAL technologies can also provide more safety for the elderly, offering emergency response mechanisms, fall detection solutions, and video surveillance systems. Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of AAL data, AAL systems should satisfy security requirements such as integrity, confidentiality, availability, anonymity, and others. In this paper, we propose an adaptive authentication protocol for the AAL systems. The proposed authentication protocol not only supports several important security requirements needed by the AAL systems, but can also withstand various types of attacks. In addition, the security analysis results show that the proposed authentication protocol is more efficient and secure than the existing authentication protocols.

Interactions between Pine Needle Gall Midge, Thecodiplosis japonensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), and its Parasitoids in Newly Invaded Areas (솔잎혹파리 확산지역에서 솔잎혹파리와 기생봉의 상호작용)

  • 박영석;정여진;전태수;이범영;이준호
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2001
  • The pine needle gall midge (PNGM), Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye, is a serious pest in pine forests in Korea. Since the first report of PNGM infestation in Korea in 1929, the infestation area has been expanded gradually. In 1975 the distribution of PNGM and its parasitoids were surveyed throughout several infested areas in Korea. Annual survey has been made for the rates of gall formation by PNGM and parasitism by its parasitoids at the monitoring sites including newly infested area in 1975 since 1980. These data were used to examine the relationship between PNGM and its parasitoids for newly invaded areas. The gall forming rate of PNGM and the parasitism by the parasitoid were 34.8 and 1.9% in 1975, respectively, while the gall forming rate and the parasitism were 20.7 and 8.9% in 1985, respectively. The relationships of densities between PNGM and its parsitoid were weak in the early stage of dispersion, but the density of parasitoid was with an asymptotic increase along with PNGMs density increase during the observation period for 10 years.

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Analysis of Land Use Change within Four Major River Areas Using High-Resolution Air-Photographs: The Case of the Nakdong River Basin (고해상도 항공사진을 이용한 4대강 하천구역 내 토지이용변화 분석 - 낙동강 유역을 사례로)

  • Park, Soo-Kuk;Kim, Jin;Lee, Kil-Jae;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 2013
  • Landuse changes and cadastral information error categories in the four major river areas were analyzed for the use of policy data as cadastral re-arrangement of national and public lands would be required, using high-resolution air-photographs and cadastral maps before and after the river development. The study sites were the river areas of 40km around four dams of the Nakdong river where their landuses were changed most. As the results, national and public lands reached 79.9% of land parcels and 93.3% of land areas of the study sites similar with those of the four river areas, 84.3% of land parcels and 85.5% of land areas. The landuse classification of the study sites before the four river development was consisted most of 'river'(71.6%) and 'rice field'(12.3%), but after the development the 'river' was reduced to 42.7% and 'park area'(19.6%) including sport fields and 'mixed lots'(20.8%) were increased. Also, 86.7% of land parcels before the development could be reduced after the development if administrative districts and land ownerships were not considered. Cadastral information error categories can be found as cadastral polygon missing, polygon overlap, location and boundary non-coincidence, small polygon generation, and non-coincidence between cadastral boundary and river boundary. Landuse change monitoring method using air-photographs will be useful to analyze landuse state through fast information aquisition and to manage properties of national and public lands such as river areas.

A Study of the Diagnosis of Downtown Deterioration in Busan (부산시 도심 노후화 진단에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Il-Hwa;Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2013
  • Although the efficient formation of urban space structure is a key factor in energy saving and environmentally-friendly aspect, the maintenance of the center and sub-center of the city that are key factors has been becoming increasingly difficult due to the variability and complexity of urban activities. In the case of Busan, amid the expansion of urban scale due to rapid economic development and overpopulation, systematic approaches to professional diagnosis and maintenance have been significantly insufficient - other than the city basic plan which has been conducted at an interval of 20 years. For the effective management of urban central area, systematic monitoring of the CBD through demand forecast and blight forecast at a city level must first be implemented. In order to fulfill this goal, this study is to figure out the current state of the CBD through the diagnosis on blight of the urban central area in the viewpoint of rehabilitation of the CBD and to propose the measures for practical utilization of the information about space for the further management of the central area of the city. For analysis, the study looks into the present state in terms of physical index, economic index, and social index. And then as a micro-approach by utilizing economic index, the study has thoroughly examined the economic blight of the Seomyun urban central area of Busan. The outcome of the analysis shows that in terms of population distribution and land utilization the area is in the stage of inefficient dispersion after having gone through the stage of suburbanization. It is expected that this study, as the material that proves the necessity of enhancing the function of the CBD, can propose the direction for the management of the urban center of Busan through blight prediction and management of the urban center and can provide the basic data for the long-term urban development that aims at the efficient strengthening of functions of the CBD.

An Algorithm for Segmenting the License Plate Region of a Vehicle Using a Color Model (차량번호판 색상모델에 의한 번호판 영역분할 알고리즘)

  • Jun Young-Min;Cha Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.43 no.2 s.308
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2006
  • The license plate recognition (LPR) unit consists of the following core components: plate region segmentation, individual character extraction, and character recognition. Out of the above three components, accuracy in the performance of plate region segmentation determines the overall recognition rate of the LPR unit. This paper proposes an algorithm for segmenting the license plate region on the front or rear of a vehicle in a fast and accurate manner. In the case of the proposed algorithm images are captured on the spot where unmanned monitoring of illegal parking and stowage is performed with a variety of roadway environments taken into account. As a means of enhancing the segmentation performance of the on-the-spot-captured images of license plate regions, the proposed algorithm uses a mathematical model for license plate colors to convert color images into digital data. In addition, this algorithm uses Gaussian smoothing and double threshold to eliminate image noises, one-pass boundary tracing to do region labeling, and MBR to determine license plate region candidates and extract individual characters from the determined license plate region candidates, thereby segmenting the license plate region on the front or rear of a vehicle through a verification process. This study contributed to addressing the inability of conventional techniques to segment the license plate region on the front or rear of a vehicle where the frame of the license plate is damaged, through processing images in a real-time manner, thereby allowing for the practical application of the proposed algorithm.

Research on Communication and The Operating of Server System for Vehicle Diagnosis and Monitoring (차량진단 및 모니터링을 위한 통신과 서버시스템 운용에 관한 연구)

  • Ryoo, Hee-Soo;Won, Yong-Gwan;Park, Kwon-Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2011
  • This article is concerned with the technology to provide car driver the car's status which are composed of car trouble code in car engine and many sensors. In addition, it installs vehicle diagnostic programs on wireless communication's portable device, for example, Smart phone, PDA, PMP, UMPC. As a result, this is to provide car manager with many information of car sensors when we go to car maintenance. it can monitor relevant information on vehicle by portable device in real time, alert drivers with specific messages and also enable them to address abnormalities immediately. Moreover, the technology could help the drivers who perhaps don't know very well about their vehicles to drive safely and economically as well; the reason is because the whole system is composed of just Vehicle-information collecting device and personal wireless communication's portables and transfers the relating data to server computers through wireless network in order to handle information on vehicles. This technology make us monitor vehicle's running, failure and disorder by using wireless communication's portable device. Finally, this study system is composed of a lot of application to display us the car's status which get car's inner sensor information while driving a car.

Effects of Community-based Case Management Program for Clients with Hypertension (고혈압 대상자의 지역사회 중심 사례관리 프로그램 효과)

  • So, Ae-Young;Kim, Yun-Mi;Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Chang-Yup;Kim, Cheol-Hwan;Kim, Hee-Gerl;Shin, Eun-Young;Yoo, Weon-Seob;Yi, Ggod-Me;June, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.822-830
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze effects of a community-based case management program for clients with hypertension living in the community. Methods: The research design was a one group pre and post-test design with 30 participants with hypertension who agreed to participate in the 8-12 week case management program provided by case managers from the National Health Insurance Corporation in 2002. Data were collected three times, before and after the case management services, and 6 months later. Outcomes included changes in blood pressure, knowledge of hypertension and daily life practices, including alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise, and medication adherence. Results: Repeated-measures ANOVA and post-hoc tests of means revealed significant differences before and after service for systolic blood pressure, daily life practices (monitoring body weight and BP, low salt and cholesterol and high vegetable diet, and stress-relief practices), and exercise. The goal for medication adherence was attained after service. Significant improvements from baseline to 6 months after service were observed in measures of salt and vegetables in diet. There were no significant differences on hypertension knowledge, alcohol consumption or smoking behavior between before service and after, and at 6 months. Conclusion: The findings provide preliminary evidence that case management intervention can have positive outcomes on BP control, daily life practices, exercise, and medication adherence for clients with hypertension. However, additional interventions are needed to sustain long-term effects.

Initial Responses of Understory Vegetation to 15% Aggregated Retention Harvest in Mature Oak (Quercus mongolica) Forest in Gyungsangbukdo (경상북도 신갈나무 성숙림에서 15% 군상잔존벌 이후 초기 하층식생 변화)

  • Ming, Zhang;Kim, Jun-Soo;Cho, Yong-Chan;Bae, Sang-Won;Yun, Chung-Weon;Byun, Bong-Kyu;Bae, Kwan-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.2
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2013
  • This study observed changes of understory vegetation to evaluate the role of forest aggregate after 15% aggregated retention harvest in mature oak forest (> 100 years) in Gyungsangbukdo Bonghwagun in 2010 and 2011. Spontaneous responses of understory vegetation cover (%), species richness, abundance of plant growth forms (herbaceous and woody plants), and overall attributes (by Ordination analysis) were estimated in aggregate area (0.15 and n=36) and clear cut area (0.85 and n=192) in experimental site and control site (1 and n=300). Based on ordination analysis, overall change of species composition in aggregated sites were relatively lower than in harvest area. Right after treatment, total cover of cutted area slightly decreased from 15.6% to 14.7%, and species richness increased from 14 species to 22 species. Cover and richness in the both of aggregate and control sites increased. In plant growth forms, 15% aggregate harvest revealed positive effects on the abundance (cover and richness) of herbaceous plants than woody group. After retention treatment, overall, edge effect likely played major component of vegetation changes in aggregate forest and in harvested area, mechanical damage from harvest operation and change of forest structure by clear cutting were critical. As pre-treatment data, which are rare in ecological studies in Korea, were critical for interpretation between patterns that may have arisen from spatial distributions in the original forest, our experimental design have higher opportunity for long term monitoring on the effect of forest aggregate and vegetation regeneration in clear cutted area.