• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern philosophy

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Tendency of Traditional Character in Korean Modern House Architecture as an Art Work (한국 근.현대 주택작품에서 나타나는 전통성 해석의 시대적 경향)

  • Jun, Nam-Il
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2010
  • Since modernization period thru Japanese colonial era the modern architect began to play a important role for Korean housing architecture. So called 'House as an Art Work', detached houses by prominent architects, belong to a meaningful sector in Korean modern housing architecture. The harmony with tradition was always big issue for such works. This study aims to understand how paradigms for tradition were interpreted with the changes of the time. The analysis showed various tryout by architects, that concretize traditional characteristics in their work. For example, traditional lifestyle were clearly reflected in the floorplan during 30's and 40's. In the 70's building mass and formative roof design were emphasized to present traditional image. As well as it represented primitive esthetic and vernacular decoration. In addition, expressive tendency, that demonstrates korean sentiment through material and its texture, got a preference. Since latter half of 80's some traditional architectural elements were modernized and space characteristics were newly created from acculturation. Furthermore the philosophy of "Subdivision of building wings and Emptiness" follows this trend. This type made a courtyard and connected articulated building masses each other. "Sympathy with Nature" were most essential for a traditional houses in contrast with western architecture. Many architects today make various method to bring nature into interior space and to contemplate nature In the house. Such kinds of adaptation to tradition could be understood as a unique process to manifest identity of Korean modern houses.

Ugliness Portrayed in Modern Makeup

  • Kwon, Ku-Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2005
  • This paper has examined how ugliness has aesthetically been portrayed in modern make-up. In the past, ugliness was regarded as an antonym of beauty, but it recently plays a role on part of beauty, as independent portion of art. It was Schegel who initially maintained the view. According to his theory, ugliness represents interesting things including suffering reality, shock, attention, humor, surprises brought by distort and deformation. Hegel had a different view on it. As for him, he had the notion that ugliness was the opposite to beauty and that it had to be dependent in art, he argued that art was subordinate to philosophy, and that it was just nostalgia for the past, not representing reality, therefore, it could not be a foothold in contemporary art. In this context, some images of ugliness can be classified accordingly to Schegel's view deteste, decadence and androgynous can be fallen into a category describing reality; fetish, kitsch and grotesque can be included in interesting things. There is no fine line between the two. There are sometimes things they have in common. They mutually draw attentions by distancing themselves from general images of beauty, or making many changes and distorts in its part, using unique materials, unprecedented attempts of colors which result in creative and shocking images. Attempts made in ugly images in modern art are widening its concept to depicting reality on the body of human beings, also creating its new definition, playing a major role in independent part of modern art, not in the past way like wearing make-up on the face to make it look better.

Ultimate Reality in Daesoon Thought as Viewed from Perennial Philosophy (영원철학(The Perennial Philosophy)으로 본 대순사상의 궁극적 실재)

  • Heo, Hoon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.32
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    • pp.137-173
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    • 2019
  • Modern scientists are trying to find the basic unit of order, fractal geometry, in the complex systems of the universe. Fractal is a term often used in mathematics or physics, it is appropriate as a principle to explain why some models of ultimate reality are represented as multifaceted. Fractals are already widely used in the field of computer graphics and as a commercial principle in the world of science. In this paper, using observations from fractal geometry, I present the embodiment of ultimate reality as understood in Daesoon Thought. There are various models of ultimate reality such as Dao (道, the way), Sangje (上帝, supreme god), Sinmyeong (神明, Gods), Mugeuk (無極, limitlessness), Taegeuk (太極, the Great Ultimate), and Cheonji (天地, heaven and earth) all of which exist in Daesoon Thought, and these concepts are mutually interrelated. In other words, by revealing the fact that ultimate reality is embodied within fractal geometry, it can be shown that concordance and transformation of various models of ultimate reality are supported by modern science. But when the major religions of the world were divided along lines of personality (personal gods) and non-personality (impersonal deities), most religions came to assume that ultimate reality was either transcendental or personal, and they could not postulate a relationship between God and humanity as Yin Yang (陰陽) fractals (Holon). In addition, religions, which assume ultimate reality as an intrinsic and impersonal being, are somewhat different in terms of their degree of Holon realization - all parts and whole restitution. Daesoon Thought most directly states that gods (deities) and human beings are in a relationship of Yin Yang fractals. In essence, "deities are Yin, and humanity is Yang" and furthermore, "human beings are divine beings." Additionally, in the Daesoon Thought, these models of ultimate reality are presented through various concepts from various viewpoints, and they are revealed as mutually interrelated concepts. As such, point of view regarding the universe wherein Holarchy becomes a models in a key idea within perennial philosophy. According to a universalized view of religious phenomena, perennial philosophy was adopted by the world's great spiritual teachers, thinkers, philosophers, and scientists. From this viewpoint, when ultimate reality coincides, human beings and God are no longer different. In other words, the veracity of the theory of ultimate reality that has appeared in Daesoon Thought can find support in both modern science and perennial philosophy.

Mathematics Education as a Humanity Education (인간교육으로서의 수학교육)

  • 우정호;한대희
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.263-277
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    • 2000
  • mathematics holds a key position among the subject-matters of school education. Nevertheless, beyond Its Instrumental one, humanity-educational value of mathematics for the general public has been under estimated. For the past fifty years, in the our country there has not been enough systematic and profound examination and discussion concerning the goals of mathematics education in order to establish the philosophy of mathematics education. Thus, in this thesis we argue how mathematics education could contribute to the humanity education. For this, we examine how western educational theorists have emphasized the value of mathematics as humanity education and how their theories have been reflected in the goals of the modern mathematics education. First of all, we discuss Platonism as a philosophical basis of the traditional mathematics teaching mainly with Euclid's "Elements" since the ancient Greece and the relationship between mathematics education and humanity education in the light of this traditional thought. Next, we examine the thoughts of Pestalozzi, Harbert, Froebel who provided the theoretical basis for the public education since 19th century, and discuss the value of mathematics teaching in their humanistic educational thoughts. Also we examine the humanistic value of mathematics education in Dewey's educational philosophy, which criticized the traditional western ethics and epistemology, and established instrumen talism. Further, we analyze how such a philosophy of mathematics teaching is reflected mathematics education of 20th century, and confirm that the formation of Dewey's rational intelligence is one of the central aims of mathematics education of late 20th century. Finally, we discuss the ideals of humanistic mathematics education ; develop ment of the rational intelligence via 'doing knowledge'and change of mind via 'looking knowledge'. In this paper identify the humanistic values of mathematics education through the historical examination of the philosophies of mathematics education, and we could find significance as a fundamental study for one of the most important problems which Korean mathematics educational society confronts, that is establishing the philosophy of mathematics education.

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A Case Study of Using PBL

  • Park, Hae Rang
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.100-105
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the effectiveness of the study through a case of PBL(problem-based-learning) class conducted in a balanced culture course called at 00- University in the second semester of 2020. The effects of learning are as follows: First, PBL(problem-based-learning) has sufficient active interaction between the teacher and the learner. In the face of prolonged non-face-to-face learning, the PBL teaching method has sufficient interaction between the professors-learner and the learner. Second, PBL learning can actively utilize various problems that fit the characteristics of the subject and actively utilize the process of role sharing and collaboration. By presenting various problem situations suitable for the subject, students will be able to share roles individually or as a team, and fully experience the process of collaboration and discussion in the process of investigating the data. Third, critical perceptions of problem situations can be extended. In modern times, a variety of problem situations arise and critical perceptions of them must be fully learned. In a mass production and mass consumption society, students should develop the ability to blindly recognize and distinguish between real and fake information in a flood of information. The limitations identified in this class case are, first, the nature of the subject, "Understanding Culture and Philosophy," which makes it possible to discuss the global cultural phenomenon, but it should be discussed in terms of philosophy. Second, it is not easy to work as a team on non-face-to-face online. Nevertheless, PBL is a very effective method of learning in which active interactions and learning activities take place between professors and students, whether face-to-face or face-to-face online learning.

The Problem of Individuality and Intrinsic Norms in Canguilhem's Philosophy of Life (캉길렘의 생명철학에서 개체성과 내재적 규범의 문제)

  • Hwang, Su-young
    • Philosophy of Medicine
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    • v.15
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    • pp.3-37
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    • 2013
  • George Canguilhem(1904-1995) is one of the rare French philosophers of the 20th century to develop an approach that was shaped by a medical education. For him, medicine is considered as "a technique or an art at the junction of many different sciences, rather than a proper science." The thesis that medicine is a technique is presented not at a practical level, but on an axiological horizon which reflects the totality of humanity. This character of medicine became a motive that concretized Canguilhem's philosophical thinking. Medical knowledge is not an application of physiology, but is derived from clinical observations which are based on the personal experiences of each patient. If medicine were based on scientific knowledge and its practice the very application of this pure knowledge, the patient might be a passive object. However, the patient doesn't remain passive, but reacts to the menace of disease according to attitude that the patient developed over the course of his or her life. Canguilhem characterizes this point as 'normativity', the core of individual life, which eludes positivist medicine. Here appear the essential contents of his vitalism. Although they emphasized the activity of individual living being, other modern French vitalists didn't consider this dimension of norms. Since the normativity in Canguilhem concerns the subjectivity of the first person, it avoids a mechanical form of explanation. Thus Canguilhem's originality is found in his derivation of the essence of medicine from individuality, values and norms.

The Study on Modern Neo-Confucianism in China : Accepting and Understanding Modern Neo-Confucianism in China (중국의 현대신유학 수용과 이해 - 1980년대 현대신유학 연구를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Young-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.23
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    • pp.349-392
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    • 2008
  • Modern Neo-Confucianism was formed as a school by solving the modern problems in China through accepting western philosophies with Chinese basic philosophies since New Cultural Movement. Marxism, Liberalism, and Modern Neo-Confucianism are called three representatives of Chinese modern philosophies. Since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, Modern Neo-Confucianists have tried to keep their philosophy and cultural conservatism in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Modern Neo-Confucianism which had been prohibited before 1978 was brought again to people's attention in the middle of 1980s by their active lectures and writings. Furthermore, the study on Modern Neo-Confucianism was supported by the Chinese government in 1987. China was trying to find the way to enhance Chinese tradition and to develop China to a modern society at the same time through the study on Modern Neo-Confucianism. The purpose of Modern Neo-Confucianism is to keep Chinese tradition which was broken off, to develop China to a modern society, to control the problems caused by capitalism socially, and ultimately to strengthen socialism in China in the political aspect. The study on Modern Neo-Confucianism in the 1980s focused on introducing, organizing, and understanding Modern Neo-Confucianism as its early stage. This study was led by Marxists with their methods and viewpoints. Even though the acceptance and understanding of Modern Neo-Confucianism was limited in a short period, the study on Modern Neo-Confucianism in the 1980s propagated Modern Neo-Confucianism. Modern Neo-Confucianism also played an important role to grow the argument about the critical succession of Chinese tradition and to reconsider the fact that modernization does not mean only westernization.

A Phenomenological Interpretation on the Principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' of Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 대대성 원리에 대한 현상학적 해석)

  • Chung, Byung-hwa
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.63-90
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    • 2019
  • In pluralistic political realities that have been exposed as antagonistic relationships between self and others, the principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' in Daesoon Thought emphasizes the complementarity between self and others and presents us with a new form of cognition and attitude which can overcome pluralistic political realities. Though solipsism that objectificates others on the basis of the self, the principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' presents us a new form of cognition and attitude with which we can approach others. The principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' is based on the logic that we can secure and extend ourselves only in relation between self and others. Self is not fully formed or perfected without others. Previous discussions on the principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' as it is exists within Daesoon Thought have been limited to Eastern Philosophy. On one hand, this inclination may be due to a narrow understanding of Western Philosophy. The flow of Modern Western Philosophy can at times be a self-reflective output for solipsism. On the other hand, the understanding of the principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum in context of a dualistic contrast between Eastern Philosophy and Western Philosophy is not concordant with the principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' which emphasizes the creation of harmony between self and others. This paper aims to investigate avenues to create harmony between Eastern Philosophy and Western Philosophy regarding the principle of 'Coincidentia Oppositorum' in Daesoon Thought. Specifically, attention will be paid to 'flesh' as used by Merleau-Ponty. In his writings, flesh is the matrix which activates the fundamental involvement between self and others. Self is a being of flesh and an ambiguous being which is formed in a double position (seeing and being seen). Flesh can secure and extend the self only through its relationship to an other or multiple others. Restoring the other that has been excluded from modern Western Philosophy, Merleau-Ponty's flesh call for contemplation into the meaning of the other and of otherness.

Education for Philosophy of Leadership Using Yulgok's 《Seonghakjipyo》 (율곡 『성학집요』를 활용한 지도자 철학교육)

  • 황정희
    • 유학연구
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    • v.46
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    • pp.53-78
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    • 2019
  • Our leaders and our nation exerted lots of efforts and sacrifices to make rapid change and development of our country in modern times. However, recently their negative images were gradually exposed to us, making our nation have their aspiration for well-conditioned leaders, along with their own responsibilities. For this study, who are good leaders and what are needed for them were deeply thought of. Although there was no clear solution, this study made a premise that the leaders should be nourished to have benevolence, knowledge, bravery and deed, realizing political activities to give our nation satisfactory results. For this, the leaders, for themselves, should make philosophical thoughts for becoming good leaders and for executing their thoughts. However, they are confronted with many problems to do so in real world. Therefore, it is necessary to consistently give them an country-level education for philosophy of leadership for them to form their own philosophical thoughts and to realize their thoughts in our actual lives. One type of method for that can be accomplished through contents of 《Seonghakjipyo》, written by Yulgok Yi yi (李珥, 1536~1584), for the hope of saint king. In this book, he described in details the sayings of the saints and his own thoughts on what should be learnt and practiced for doing self-discipline and ruling the country, adding that it was useful and common to all as well as the leaders. It can be said that this book is very usefulto educate philosophy of leadership for modern leaders, for it is containing the contents both for individuals to learn and practice for restoration of their human nature and for leaders to directly utilize in real political world. This argument may be originated from the fact that the wisdom and the deed needed for good leaders are, in general, all the same, although the system of the great organization like country has been changed. Based on the sections of Self-discipline and Politics in the above book, this study argued the general education for philosophy of leadership. It is focused on definition of education for philosophy of leadership, its meaning in 《Seonghakjipyo》, the reason for using the above book for it, and the suggestion of concrete methods to solve insufficiency of education programs at present for leaders and to execute education for philosophy of leadership that can be practicable in real world. This study showed that the above book could be used for education for philosophy of leadership, arguing that such education could be useful for independently solving many problems both the leaders and our nation might be confronted with in our lives.

Mathematics Education and Constructivism (수학교육과 구성주의)

  • 이경화
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-80
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    • 1999
  • The paper reviews of the constructivist view of mathematics and mathematics education. First of all, we shall study how mathematics has been treated as an object of cognition in philosophy or cognitive theories, what is changed in modern mathematics. It can lead us to understand the constructivist perspective on mathematics. Secondly, we will examine the view, the teaching and learning principles of mathematics education based on constructivism. Didactic transposition theory will be used as a frame of reference for this examination.

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