• Title/Summary/Keyword: Model generation

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The Generation of a Digital Elevatio Model in Tidal Flat Using Multitemporal Satellite Data (다시기 위성자료에 의한 조간대 수치지형모델의 작성)

  • 安忠鉉;梶原康司;建石降太郞;劉洪龍
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 1992
  • A low cost personal computer and image processing S/W were empolyed to derive Digtal Elevation Model(DEM) of tidal flat from multitemporal LANDSAT TM images, and to create three-dimensional(3D) perspective views of the tidel flat on Komso bay in west coasts of Korea. The method for generation of Digital Elevation Model(DEM) in tidal flat was considered by overlapping techniques of multitemporal LANDSAT TM images and interpolations. The boundary maps of tidal flat extracted from multitemporal images with different water high were digitally combined in x, y, z space with tide in formation and used as an inputcontour data to obtain an elevation model by interpolation using spline function. Elevation errors of less than $\pm$0.1m were achived using overlapping techniques and a spline interpolation approach, respectively. The derived DEM allows for the generation of a perspective grid and drape on the satellite image values to create a realistic terrain visualization model so that the tidal flat may be viewed from and desired direction. As the result of this study, we obtained elevation model of tidal flats which contribute to characterize of topography and monitoring of morphological evolution of tidal flats. Moreover, the modal generated here can be used for simulation of innudation according to tide and support other studies as a supplementary data set.

Iterative Cyclic Model of Generation MZ's Consumer Purchase Decision Journey for a Fashion Product (MZ세대 소비자의 패션상품 구매의사결정여정의 반복순환모델)

  • Lee, Jung-Woo;Kim, Mi Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.638-656
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to identify characteristics of Generation MZ's consumer purchase decision journey to develop the new fashion CDJ model. The initial stage was affected by habit, online community, social media, aesthetics, circumstantial need, and proxy. In the search and consideration stage, mobile channels were used actively. In the active search and evaluation stage, online media, experiential data, and personal information were employed. In the purchase stage, zoomers took plenty of time in search and evaluation before spending, contrary to millennials who made their purchases more quickly. In the post-purchase experience stage, zoomers actively displayed follow-up behaviors depending on their satisfaction, such as retaining or deleting the app. While, millennials did not turn away from the store or brand, but followed up on their purchases even when they had an unsatisfactory experience. Based on the characteristics of CDJ, iterative cycle CDJ models were developed. Zoomers CDJ model was presented as a search loop that consists of the search and evaluation process, in which information accumulates, and a purchase loop in which the actual purchase occurs. The iterative cycle CDJ model was presented connected to the loyalty loop as the main section, which is accelerated in millennials' CDJ model.

Analysis of System Impact of the Distributed Generation Using EMTP with Particular Reference to Voltage Sag

  • Yeo, Sang-Min;Kim, Chul-Hwan
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.4A no.3
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2004
  • With the advent of distributed generation, power systems are fundamentally impacted in regards to stability and power quality. Distributed generation has a positive impact on system restoration following a fault, higher reliability, and mitigation of effect due to voltage sag. However, distributed generation also has a negative impact on decrease of reliability such as changes of protective device setting and mal-operation. Because bulk power systems consist of various sources and loads, it becomes complicated to analyze a power system with distributed generation. The types of distributed generation are usually classified by both rotating machinery and the inverter-based system. In this paper, distributed generation is designed by rotating machinery, and the distributed system having a model of the distributed generation is simulated using EMTP. In addition, this paper presents the simulation results according to the types of distributed generation.

Analysis of the System Impact of Distributed Generation using EMTP

  • Yeo, Sang-Min;Kim, Il-Dong;Kim, Chul-Hwan;Aggarwal, Raj
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.4A no.4
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2004
  • With the advent of distributed generation, power systems in general are impacted in regards to stability and power quality. Distributed generation has positive impacts on system restoration following a fault, higher reliability, and mitigation of effect due to voltage sag. However, distributed generation also has negative impacts on the decrease of reliability such as changes of protective device setting and mal-operation. Because bulk power systems consist of various sources and loads, it is complicated to analyze power systems that have distributed generation. The types of distributed generation usually are classified as the rotating machinery system and the inverter-based system. In this paper, distributed generation is designed as a synchronous generator, and the distribution system with its distributed generation model is simulated using EMTP. In addition, this paper shows the simulation results according to the types of distributed generation

Optimization of settlement layout based on parametric generation

  • Song, Jinghua;Xie, Xinqin;Yu, Yang
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2018
  • Design of settlement space is a complicated process while reasonable spatial layout bears great significance on the development and resource allocation of a settlement. The study proposes a weighted L-system generation algorithm based on CA (Cellular Automation) model which tags the spatial attributes of cells through changes in their state during the evolution of CA and thus identifies the spatial growth mode of a settlement. The entrance area of the Caidian Botanical and Animal Garden is used a case study for the model. A design method is proposed which starts from the internal logics of spatial generation, explores possibility of spatial rules and realizes the quantitative analysis and dynamic control of the design process. Taking a top-down approach, the design method takes into account the site information, studies the spatial generation mechanism of settlements and further presents a engine for the generation of multiple layout proposals based on different rules. A optimal solution is acquired using GA (Genetic Algorithm) which generates a settlement spatial layout carrying site information and dynamically linked to the surround environment. The study aims to propose a design method to optimize the spatial layout of the complex settlement system based on parametric generation.

Study on the Relationship between CO2, Nuclear, and Renewable Energy Generation in Korea, Japan and Germany (CO2 배출, 원자력에너지, 신재생에너지 발전량과의 관계분석: 한국, 일본, 독일을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Junghye;Kang, Sangmok
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the short- and long-term effects of nuclear and renewable energy generation on CO2 emissions in Korea, Japan, and Germany from 1987 to 2016 by using the unit root test, Johansen cointegration test, and ARDL model. The unit root test was performed, and the Johansen cointegration test showed cointegration relationships among variables. In the long run, in Germany, the generation of both nuclear and renewable energy was found to affect CO2 emission reduction, while South Korea's renewable energy generation, including hydropower, increased the emissions. Japan only showed significance in fossil fuels. In the short run, in the three countries, the generation of nuclear and renewable energy, excluding hydropower, affected CO2 emission. However, in Korea and Germany, nuclear and renewable energy generation, respectively, affected CO2 emission reduction. Although the rest are significant, the results showed that they increased CO2 emissions.

Registration-free 3D Point Cloud Data Acquisition Technique for as-is BIM Generation Using Rotating Flat Mirrors

  • Li, Fangxin;Kim, Min-Koo;Li, Heng
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2020
  • Nowadays, as-is BIM generation has been popularly adopted in the architecture, engineering, construction and facility management (AEC/FM) industries. In order to generate a 3D as-is BIM of a structural component, current methods require a registration process that merges different sets of point cloud data obtained from multiple locations, which is time-consuming and registration error-prone. To tackle this limitation, this study proposes a registration-free 3D point cloud data acquisition technique for as-is BIM generation. In this study, small-size mirrors that rotate in both horizontal and vertical direction are used to enable the registration-free data acquisition technique. First, a geometric model that defines the relationship among the mirrors, the laser scanner and the target component is developed. Second, determinations of optimal laser scanner location and mirror location are performed based on the developed geometrical model. To validate the proposed registration-free as-is BIM generation technique, simulation tests are conducted on key construction components including a PC slab and a structural wall. The result demonstrates that the registration-free point cloud data acquisition technique can be applicable in various construction elements including PC elements and structural components for as-is BIM generation.

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SysML-Based System Modeling for Design of BIPV Electric Power Generation (건물일체형 태양광 시스템의 전력발전부 설계를 위한 SysML기반 시스템 모델링)

  • Lee, Seung-Joon;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.578-589
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    • 2018
  • Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) system is a typical integrated system that simultaneously performs both building function and solar power generation function. To maximize its potential advantage, however, the solar photovoltaic power generation function must be integrated from the early conceptual design stage, and maximum power generation must be designed. To cope with such requirements, preliminary research on BIPV design process based on architectural design model and computer simulation results for improving solar power generation performance have been published. However, the requirements of the BIPV system have not been clearly identified and systematically reflected in the subsequent design. Moreover, no model has verified the power generation design. To solve these problems, we systematically model the requirements of BIPV system and study power generation design based on the system requirements model. Through the study, we consistently use the standard system modeling language, SysML. Specifically, stakeholder requirements were first identified from stakeholders and related BIPV standards. Then, based on the domain model, the design requirements of the BIPV system were derived at the system level, and the functional and physical architectures of the target system were created based on the system requirements. Finally, the power generation performance of the BIPV system was evaluated through a simulated SysML model (Parametric diagram). If the SysML system model developed herein can be reinforced by reflecting the conditions resulting from building design, it will open an opportunity to study and optimize the power generation in the BIPV system in an integrated fashion.

Development of Trip Generation Type Models toward Traffic Zone Characteristics (Zone특성 분할을 통한 유형별 통행발생 모형개발)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Rho, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, Young-Il;Oh, Young-Taek
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2010
  • Trip generation is the first step in the conventional four-step model and has great effects on overall demand forecasting, so accuracy really matters at this stage. A linear regression model is widely used as a current trip generation model for such plans as urban transportation and SOC facilities, assuming that the relationship between each socio-economic index and trip generation stays linear. But when rapid urban development or an urban planning structure has changed, socio-economic index data for trip estimation may be lacking to bring many errors in estimated trip. Hence, instead of assuming that a socio-economic index widely used for a general purpose, this study aims to develop a new trip generation model by type based on the market separation for the variables to reflect the characteristics of various zones. The study considered the various characteristics (land use, socio-economic) of zones to enhance the forecasting accuracy of a trip generation model, the first-step in forecasting transportation demands. For a market separation methodology to improve forecasting accuracy, data mining (CART) on the basis of trip generation was used along with a regression analysis. Findings of the study indicated as follows : First, the analysis of zone characteristics using the CART analysis showed that trip production was under the influence of socio-economic factors (men-women relative proportion, age group (22 to 29)), while trip attraction was affected by land use factors (the relative proportion of business facilities) and the socio-economic factor (the relative proportion of third industry workers). Second, model development by type showed as a result that trip generation coefficients revealed 0.977 to 0.987 (trip/person) for "production" 0.692 to 3.256 (trip/person) for "attraction", which brought the necessity for type classifications. Third, a measured verification was conducted, where "production" and "attraction" showed a higher suitability than the existing model. The trip generation model by type developed in this study, therefore, turned out to be superior to the existing one.

A GUI State Comparison Technique for Effective Model-based Android GUI Testing (효과적인 모델 기반 안드로이드 GUI 테스팅을 위한 GUI 상태 비교 기법)

  • Baek, Youngmin;Hong, Gwangui;Bae, Doo-hwan
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.11
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    • pp.1386-1396
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    • 2015
  • Graphical user interface testing (GUI testing) techniques have been widely used to test the functionality of Android applications (apps) and to detect faults for verification of the reliability and usability of apps. To adequately test the behaviors of apps, a number of studies on model-based GUI testing techniques have been performed on Android apps. However, the effectiveness of model-based techniques greatly depends on the quality of the GUI model, because model-based GUI testing techniques generate test inputs based on this model. Therefore, in order to improve testing effectiveness in model-based techniques, accurate and efficient GUI model generation has to be achieved using an improved model generation technique with concrete definition of GUI states. For accurate and efficient generation of a GUI model and test inputs, this study suggests a hierarchical GUI state comparison technique and evaluates this technique through comparison with the existing model-based techniques, considering activities as GUI states. Our results show that the proposed technique outperforms existing approaches and has the potential to improve the performance of model-based GUI testing techniques for Android apps.