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Communal Ontology of Landmarks for Urban Regional Navigation (도시 지역 이동을 위한 랜드마크의 공유 온톨로지 연구)

  • Hong, Il-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.5 s.116
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    • pp.582-599
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    • 2006
  • Due to the growing popularity of mobile information technology, more people, especially in the general public, have access to computerized geospatial information systems for wayfinding tasks or urban navigation. One of the problems with the current services is that, whether the users are exploring or navigating, whether they are travelers who are totally new to a region or long-term residents who have a fair amount of regional knowledge, the same method is applied and the direction are given in the same way. However, spatial knowledge for a given urban region expands in proportion to residency. Urban navigation is highly dependent on cognitive mental images, which is developed through spatial experience and social communication. Thus, the wayfinding service for a regional community can be highly supported, using well-known regional places. This research is to develop the framework for urban navigation within a regional community. The concept of communal ontology is proposed to aid in urban regional navigation. The experimental work was implemented with case study to collect regional landmarks, develop the ontological model and represent it with formal structure. The final product of this study will provide the geographical information of a region to the other agent and be the fundamental information structure for cognitive urban regional navigation.

Multimedia Application and Ubiquitous English Education Environment (멀티미디어 기기 활용과 유비쿼터스 영어 교육환경)

  • Choi, Michelle Mi-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.393-399
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    • 2012
  • New and creative skills must be developed, and adapted into a lesson, to motivate learners to acquire a second language easily and enjoyment, Multimedia tools which are of interest to learners, such as; smart phones, computers, and notebooks with wireless internet compatability, will provide learners opportunities to study, and do their work practically anywhere and anytime. Recently, podcasts, which are a type of digital media, consisting of a series of audio episodes or video files, subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication, or streamed online to a computer or mobile device, are used to facilitate ESL (English as a Second Language) learning. Development of a variety of teaching methods, using multimedia tools, is needed. There are advantages and disadvantages to using a variety of multimedia tools. The current research aims to study its characteristics and application, in order to maximize their effective use, in English education. The current study suggests a ubiquitous learning environment using multimedia content tools, internet media, video teleconferencing, cyber-learning, and one-to-one videos used in conjunction with, or as a digital textbook for the English lesson. This study also investigates future educational changes, using state-of-the-art equipment for the self-learning experience, and will present a new direction in English education, through a variety of instructional devices and a marginalized class system model.

An Improvement of Interoperability for HD-Class VOD Content Management System Based on H.264 (H.264 기반 HD급 VOD 콘텐츠관리시스템 상호운용성 개선)

  • Min, Byung-Won
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2014
  • Recently, although the requirement of quality of VOD content has been transferred upto the class of HD, conventional management systems characterized by OS dependency are truly limited in quality of video image, stability, and compatibility of network environments. In addition most of the content management systems realize very limited capabilities for the real affairs of content management and distribution services in such an OS dependent environment. In this paper, we propose a new scheme of HD-Class VOD Content Management System to solve these problems. We design and implement the proposed system based on open sources by using H.264 video compression method. The proposed system offers high quality content management method based on opened systems and independent on-line distribution method so that it can be realized as an integrated management scheme for VOD contents. Moreover, our system solves the problems of occasional cutting-down video, small screen, and poor image quality that exist in the conventional wmv-type CMS. According to the result of performance evaluation, our system maintains sufficient performance and tolerence for the case of large scale HD content operations or fabrications. We expect that the proposed integrated DB scheme will especially be effective when the content management applications are changed from Internet Web environments to mobile terminal environments.

A Study on Enhancing Efficiency for Feeling-of-Hit in Games (게임의 타격감에 대한 효율 향상 연구)

  • Moon, Sung-Jun;Cho, Hyung-Je
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2012
  • As one of elements to be able to endow more exciting and higher degree of completion for game, the feeling of hit is realized by image, sound and body-sensing (vibration) effects. When the feeling of hit is realized by game developer, most proper effects will be chosen with regard to genre, system and standpoint of world for the game. In general, most of choices for the effects are performed by the experience of game developer or referring the other games. Nevertheless the related studies are not significant in comparison with the importance for the feeling of hit, and the fundamental studies are mostly not accomplished. This paper introduces a study on efficiency and important factors for the feeling of hit by analyzing the properties and degrees of feeling for all effects to represent the feeling of hit through experiments. For this, a software simulator was implemented to test all effects and therewith the final results are presented through questionnaires for the feeling of hit sent to gamers. Our results are expected to be used to accomplish higher degree of completion for mobile games or web games with limited resources.

An Empirical Analysis on How Participants' Characteristics and Forum Quality Influence their Expectation and Satisfaction in Social Learning Forum (포럼 품질이 만족도에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석: 포럼 참가자 특성 및 기대감의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eunsoo;Kim, Eunhee;Kim, Chulwon
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-116
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze empirically analyze how the characteristics of participants in educational and social learning forums and the quality of events influence expectations and satisfaction of forums. The study also aims to provide strategic implications for forum organizers and give them suggestions on how to set up target audience, manage forum contents, speakers, and services, improve attendee satisfaction, and ultimately maximize overall outcomes. As exchanges among individuals, enterprises, and organizations, as well as countries are growing rapidly, the convention industry has become a key player in the market. Conventions have also become a venue for people to discuss a specific agenda or topic, exchange information and learn knowledge and insights. Especially, the forum - as part of the convention industry - plays a vital role providing educational and social learning opportunities as scholars and expertise come together to share their knowledge and experience through a variety of discussions. With its role, many of forums are taking place in recent years; however, there have been few empirical studies upon the forum itself. Also, there have been few attempts to research how the quality of forums affect participants' satisfaction along with their characteristics and how much of practical knowledge is provided throughout the events. This study is meaningful in that it is the first practical study that takes a deep understanding of the forum and sees how the quality of the forums influences participants' satisfaction and whether the characteristics of participants have a moderating effect in increasing the level of satisfaction. Forum organizers could also take a strategic approach as their major concerns are to increase the number of participants and raise degree of satisfaction by providing significant information. There are four key elements that determine success or failure of a social learning forum. The four elements are contents, speakers, services, and participants. Content plays an important role in providing rich information and knowledge for participants. Speakers are the main knowledge providers who contribute to the forum's social learning role. Also, the services provided by forum organizers such as simultaneous interpretation services, program brochures, lunch and refreshments, and the overall design of event hall can also influence the level of participants' satisfaction. Lastly, the participants and their characteristics are important since they are the ones who receive knowledge from the providers. The results of this study show that the quality of forum (content, speaker, and services) has a decisive effect on the participants' satisfaction and there are some differences in expectation among the participants in the forum. Also, some groups of participants were more likely to be stimulated by the quality of forum when determining their satisfaction. The study is modeled after MBN Y Forum 2016 and its participants' characteristics. The forum is one of the most representative social learning forums of South Korea and its audiences are mostly young people. It has analyzed how the participants' characteristics influence their satisfaction by grouping them into Δparticipants who have invited for free and those who paid for the entrance fee, Δfirsttime participants and returning participants, Δvoluntary and involuntary participants, Δparticipants who registered through web and those who did through mobile, and Δparticipants who registered during pre-sale opens and those who registered during general opens.

Implementation of OpenVG on Embedded Systems (임베디드 시스템을 위한 OpenVG 구현)

  • Lee, Hwan-Yong;Baek, Nak-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2009
  • Embedded systems and web browsers have started to provide two-dimensional vector graphics features, to finally support scalability of graphics outputs, while traditional graphics systems have focused on the raster and bitmap operations. Nowadays, SVG and Flash are actively used while OpenVG from Khronos group plays the role of a de facto low-level API standard to support them. In this paper, we represent the design and implementation process and the final results of an OpenVG implementation, AlexVG. From its design stage, our implementation aims at the cooperation with SVG-Tiny, another de facto standard for embedded systems. Currently, our overall system provides not only the OpenVG core features but also variety of OpenVG application programs and SVG-Tiny media file playing capabilities. For the conformance with the standard specifications, our system completely passed the whole OpenVG conformance test suites and the graphics output portions of the SVG-Tiny conformance test suites. From the performance point of view, we focused on the efficiency and effectiveness especially on the mobile phones and embedded devices with limited resources. As the result, it showed impressive benchmarks on the small-scale CPU's such as ARM's, even without neither any other libraries nor acceleration hardware.

  • PDF

Survey and Analysis of the Audio Description Acceptance for Improving the Media Accessibility of the Visually Impaired (시각장애인 미디어접근권 향상을 위한 해설오디오 수용도 조사 및 분석)

  • Jang, Inseon;Ahn, ChungHyun;Seo, Jeongil;Lee, Eun Ha;Kang, Wan Sic
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.214-233
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    • 2017
  • For people with physical or sensory limitations, broadcasting is the main means of information acquisition and leisure. Recently, changes in the media environment, such as convergence of broadcasting and communication, digital mobile conversion of broadcasting, and active media usage behavior of users, make broadcasting accessibility of the disabled difficult, and as a result, the information gap between the disabled and the non-disabled is increasing. A notice on broadcasting rights for the disabled was enacted in consequence of the amendment of the Broadcasting Law in July 2011 and the web accessibility guideline became more effective with the amendment of the National Informatization Act in 2013 so that legal basis for the right of media access for the disabled was established. However, media services for them are still lacking quantitatively and qualitatively. In this study, we describe the present status of the audio description service for the visually impaired, and analyze the results of the questionnaire survey on the usage status, satisfaction and improvement requirements of the audio description service for 100 visually impaired people.

Dynamic Distributed Adaptation Framework for Quality Assurance of Web Service in Mobile Environment (모바일 환경에서 웹 서비스 품질보장을 위한 동적 분산적응 프레임워크)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwa;Cho, Jae-Woo;Lee, Eun-Seok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.6 s.109
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    • pp.839-846
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    • 2006
  • Context-aware adaptive service for overcoming the limitations of wireless devices and maintaining adequate service levels in changing environments is becoming an important issue. However, most existing studies concentrate on an adaptation module on the client, proxy, or server. These existing studies thus suffer from the problem of having the workload concentrated on a single system when the number of users increases md, and as a result, increases the response time to a user's request. Therefore, in this paper the adaptation module is dispersed and arranged over the client, proxy, and server. The module monitors the contort of the system and creates a proposition as to the dispersed adaptation system in which the most adequate system for conducting operations. Through this method faster adaptation work will be made possible even when the numbers of users increase, and more stable system operation is made possible as the workload is divided. In order to evaluate the proposed system, a prototype is constructed and dispersed operations are tested using multimedia based learning content, simulating server overload and compared the response times and system stability with the existing server based adaptation method. The effectiveness of the system is confirmed through this results.

Recommendation of Best Empirical Route Based on Classification of Large Trajectory Data (대용량 경로데이터 분류에 기반한 경험적 최선 경로 추천)

  • Lee, Kye Hyung;Jo, Yung Hoon;Lee, Tea Ho;Park, Heemin
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the implementation of a system that recommends empirical best routes based on classification of large trajectory data. As many location-based services are used, we expect the amount of location and trajectory data to become big data. Then, we believe we can extract the best empirical routes from the large trajectory repositories. Large trajectory data is clustered into similar route groups using Hadoop MapReduce framework. Clustered route groups are stored and managed by a DBMS, and thus it supports rapid response to the end-users' request. We aim to find the best routes based on collected real data, not the ideal shortest path on maps. We have implemented 1) an Android application that collects trajectories from users, 2) Apache Hadoop MapReduce program that can cluster large trajectory data, 3) a service application to query start-destination from a web server and to display the recommended routes on mobile phones. We validated our approach using real data we collected for five days and have compared the results with commercial navigation systems. Experimental results show that the empirical best route is better than routes recommended by commercial navigation systems.

Interactive Statistics Laboratory using R and Sage (R을 활용한 '대화형 통계학 입문 실습실' 개발과 활용)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Geung-Hee;Choi, Yong-Seok;Lee, Jae Hwa;Lee, Jenny Jyoung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.573-588
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce development process and application of a simple and effective model of a statistics laboratory using open source software R, one of leading language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. This model consists of HTML files, including Sage cells, video lectures and enough internet resources. Users do not have to install statistical softwares to run their code. Clicking 'evaluate' button in the web page displays the result that is calculated through cloud-computing environment. Hence, with any type of mobile equipment and internet, learners can freely practice statistical concepts and theorems via various examples with sample R (or Sage) codes which were given, while instructors can easily design and modify it for his/her lectures, only gathering many existing resources and editing HTML file. This will be a resonable model of laboratory for studying statistics. This model with bunch of provided materials will reduce the time and effort needed for R-beginners to be acquainted with and understand R language and also stimulate beginners' interest in statistics. We introduce this interactive statistical laboratory as an useful model for beginners to learn basic statistical concepts and R.