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A Study on 'Verfremdung' effects in visual advertisements with a special reference to the <017-I-Touch series, The Hand Transformed into a Web >, mobile network advertisement (동영상 광고에서 나타나는 '소격화' 효과에 관한 연구 - 광고 <017-I-Touch편 (손이 물갈퀴) >를 중심으로 -관어영시광고중소출현적‘맥생화’효과적연구(關於影視廣告中所出現的‘陌生化’效果的硏究))

  • Jin, Ri-Long;Ahn, Sang-Soo;Kim, Jong-Deok
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2005
  • Today's advertisement is dominated by visual images, which deliver messages in the most efficient and engaging way. Vivid and live images, through multimedia, attract the viewer to consume the products being advertised. In this course, the effect of 'Verfremdung' or alienation is often detected. This terminology was at first used in a epic play of Bertolt Brecht to signify a specific effect to block the empathy of the audience by reminding them of their position as the audience separate from the play. 'Verfremdung' helps them to have a sense of objectivity and critical attitude toward the performance. Multimedia commercials nowadays exhibit such a quality together with 'viewer participation:' criticism on reality: and 'speed.' In an advertisement for Shinsegi Communications' mobile system titled <017-I-Touch series, the hand transformed into a web>, the copy, 'my blood type is 'i', ' is accompanied by six unrelated fictitious scenes in which the same ocean appears as a common denominator. Because there is no connection between the scenes, free imagination of the viewer has to be involved and thus plays a significant role in making them into a context. This fact dearly exhibit some characteristics of post- modern advertisement. Momentary 'Gap' and 'Difference' between scenes contribute to 'Verfremdung' or alienation' that makes it hard for the consumers to comprehend the content on the spot. Such an uneasy situation, however, keeps the viewers thinking about the advertisement itself. While repeatedly exposed to the alienated images, the viewers come to get involved in the advertisement, trying to make the fragmented images into a coherent context. In addition, the leaps between the scenes produce a sense of 'speed' in a context, which adds more impact to the way of delivering messages using multimedia. With the help of multimedia, 'Verfremdung: which was originally intended to bring about objective and critical altitude of the audience in a play, plays a crucial role in attracting the viewer's attention and conveying a specific message in a moment in contemporary advertisement.

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A Methodology for Extracting Shopping-Related Keywords by Analyzing Internet Navigation Patterns (인터넷 검색기록 분석을 통한 쇼핑의도 포함 키워드 자동 추출 기법)

  • Kim, Mingyu;Kim, Namgyu;Jung, Inhwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2014
  • Recently, online shopping has further developed as the use of the Internet and a variety of smart mobile devices becomes more prevalent. The increase in the scale of such shopping has led to the creation of many Internet shopping malls. Consequently, there is a tendency for increasingly fierce competition among online retailers, and as a result, many Internet shopping malls are making significant attempts to attract online users to their sites. One such attempt is keyword marketing, whereby a retail site pays a fee to expose its link to potential customers when they insert a specific keyword on an Internet portal site. The price related to each keyword is generally estimated by the keyword's frequency of appearance. However, it is widely accepted that the price of keywords cannot be based solely on their frequency because many keywords may appear frequently but have little relationship to shopping. This implies that it is unreasonable for an online shopping mall to spend a great deal on some keywords simply because people frequently use them. Therefore, from the perspective of shopping malls, a specialized process is required to extract meaningful keywords. Further, the demand for automating this extraction process is increasing because of the drive to improve online sales performance. In this study, we propose a methodology that can automatically extract only shopping-related keywords from the entire set of search keywords used on portal sites. We define a shopping-related keyword as a keyword that is used directly before shopping behaviors. In other words, only search keywords that direct the search results page to shopping-related pages are extracted from among the entire set of search keywords. A comparison is then made between the extracted keywords' rankings and the rankings of the entire set of search keywords. Two types of data are used in our study's experiment: web browsing history from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, and site information. The experimental dataset was from a web site ranking site, and the biggest portal site in Korea. The original sample dataset contains 150 million transaction logs. First, portal sites are selected, and search keywords in those sites are extracted. Search keywords can be easily extracted by simple parsing. The extracted keywords are ranked according to their frequency. The experiment uses approximately 3.9 million search results from Korea's largest search portal site. As a result, a total of 344,822 search keywords were extracted. Next, by using web browsing history and site information, the shopping-related keywords were taken from the entire set of search keywords. As a result, we obtained 4,709 shopping-related keywords. For performance evaluation, we compared the hit ratios of all the search keywords with the shopping-related keywords. To achieve this, we extracted 80,298 search keywords from several Internet shopping malls and then chose the top 1,000 keywords as a set of true shopping keywords. We measured precision, recall, and F-scores of the entire amount of keywords and the shopping-related keywords. The F-Score was formulated by calculating the harmonic mean of precision and recall. The precision, recall, and F-score of shopping-related keywords derived by the proposed methodology were revealed to be higher than those of the entire number of keywords. This study proposes a scheme that is able to obtain shopping-related keywords in a relatively simple manner. We could easily extract shopping-related keywords simply by examining transactions whose next visit is a shopping mall. The resultant shopping-related keyword set is expected to be a useful asset for many shopping malls that participate in keyword marketing. Moreover, the proposed methodology can be easily applied to the construction of special area-related keywords as well as shopping-related ones.

A Study on the Strategic Use of an IMC Planning Model for the Distribution Industry (유통업 IMC 기획모델의 전략적 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Mo, Sun-Jong;Song, In-Am
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-145
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    • 2008
  • Marketing for the distribution industry is making an ongoing progress in the changes of customers, the competitive environment, and the internal marketing environment. Integrated marketing communication activities are required for the enhancement of efficiency in the market.oriented activities. In this study, IMC is defined as "a notion that a market oriented business integrated marketing communication means, conducting and evaluating marketing activities with consistent messages in order to communicate with customers based on databases." In this study, an IMC planning model for the improvement of marketing efficiency in the distribution industry was derived from a pilot study. This model may be broken down into the following phases: IMC goals setting, situational analysis (customer analysis, competition analysis and company analysis), customer data analysis, contact management, budgeting, the establishment of an IMC strategy, the IMC mix and execution, an evaluation system, and feedback. In consideration of the characteristics of the distribution industry, this study was accompanied by a vocational study on IMC means employed by, in particular, department stores and other distributors such as: advertising, sales promotion, sales promotion advertising, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, the Internet, mobile, visual merchandising, words of mouth. In addition, this study also covered the correlation among variables such as IMC activities of distributors, the process of forming customer's brand attitudes, brand loyalty and repurchase intention. This research would enhance the utilization of IMC. The analysis on customer's brand attitudes toward the IMC activities of distributors requires the simultaneous consideration of how they are linked to purchase as well as their attitudes toward both distributors and stores. The formation of brand loyalty and repurchase intention is related to the integration of marketing communication and the maintenance of consistency in contents, which requires integrated brand communication (IBC) strategies. IBC is a concept of using IMC means to manage the brand in a continuing and consistent manner and measuring their effect, which is a process to establish enterprise.level brand identity and maximize brand loyalty and repurchase intention by integrating IMC means. For an empirical analysis in this study, an online questionnaire survey was conducted among those department store customers from 20's to 50's who reside either in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas and have made purchase at department stores. In this study, the research model consisted of four theoretical variables: IMC activities, IMC attitudes, brand loyalty, and repurchase intention, on which variables a pilot study was conducted. A number of hypotheses were constructed on the relations between IMC activities and IMC attitudes, between IMC attitudes and repurchase intention, and between brand loyalty and repurchase intention. The test of the hypotheses may be summarized as follows: Firstly, the test of the hypothesis concerning the relation between IMC attitudes and IMC activities - advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, the Web, mobile, visual merchandising, and word of mouth - indicates that advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, mobile, visual merchandising, and word of mouth have significant impact on IMC activities. In addition to the result similar to those of previous studies that such marketing communication means as word of mouth, advertising, personal selling and sales promotion, in particular, play very important roles, a notable finding of this study is that visual merchandising performed by department stores is shown to have very significant impact on IMC activities. On a separate note, it is also noteworthy that Internet marketing activities engaged by department stores are not shown to have significant impact on IMC attitudes. Secondly, the test of the hypothesis on the relation between IMC attitudes and brand loyalty attests that IMC attitudes for the distribution industry significantly affect brand loyalty. Thirdly, the test of the hypothesis concerning the relation between IMC attitudes and repurchase intention confirms that IMC attitudes for the distribution industry significantly affect repurchase intention. Fourthly, the test of the hypothesis concerning the relation between brand loyalty and repurchase intention indicates that brand loyalty significantly affect repurchase intention. A comprehensive view of these findings points to the conclusion that the IMC activities for the distribution industry do affect IMC attitudes, brand loyalty, and repurchase intention.

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A Categorization Method based on RCBAC for Enhanced Contents and Social Networking Service for User (사용자를 위한 향상된 콘텐츠 및 소셜 네트워킹 서비스 제공을 위한 RCBAC 기반 분류 방법)

  • Cho, Eun-Ae;Moon, Chang-Joo;Park, Dae-Ha
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2012
  • Recently, social network sites are very popular with the enhancement of mobile device function and distribution. This gives rise to the registrations of the people on the social network sites and the usage of services on the social sites is also getting active. However, social network sites' venders do not provide services enough compared to the demand of users' to share contents from diverse roots by users effectively. In addition, the personal information can be revealed improperly in processes sharing policies and it is obvious that it raises a privacy invasion problem when users access the contents created from diverse devices according to the relationship by policies. However, the existing methods for the integration management of social network are weak to solve this problem. Thus, we propose a model to preserve user privacy, categorize contents efficiently, and give the access control permissions at the same time. In this paper, we encrypt policies and the trusted third party classifies the encrypted policies when the social network sites share the generated contents by users. In addition, the proposed model uses the RCBAC model to manage the contents generated by various devices and measures the similarity between relationships after encrypting when the user policies are shared. So, this paper can contribute to preserve user policies and contents from malicious attackers.

Development and Field Test of a Smart-home Gas Safety Management System (스마트 홈 가스안전관리 시스템 개발 및 현장시험)

  • Park, Gyou-Tae;Kim, Eun-Jung;Kim, In-Chan;Kim, Hie-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we proposed a system and a scenario to raise efficiency of gas safety management by developing wireless ZigBee communication modules, smart-home gas safety appliances and the system suitable for gas safety. Our designed system consists of a micom gas meter, an automatic extinguisher, sensors, and a wall-pad. A micom-gas-meter monitors gas flow, gas pressure, and earthquake. An automatic fire extinguisher checks combustible gas leaks and temperature of 100C(cut off) and 130C(fire). Sensors measure smoke and CO gas. In our novel system, a micom-gas meter cut off inner valve with warnings, an automatic fire extinguisher cut off middle valve and spray extinguishing materials, and sensors generate signals when detecting smoke and CO and then take a next action. Gas safety appliances and sensors automatically takes measures, and transmit those information to a wall-pad. The wall-pad again transmits real time information to server. Users can check and manage gas safety situations by connecting BcN server through web or mobile application. We hereby devised scenarios for gas safety and risk management based on the smart, and demonstrated their efficiency through test applied to filed.

A 2D / 3D Map Modeling of Indoor Environment (실내환경에서의 2 차원/ 3 차원 Map Modeling 제작기법)

  • Jo, Sang-Woo;Park, Jin-Woo;Kwon, Yong-Moo;Ahn, Sang-Chul
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 2006
  • In large scale environments like airport, museum, large warehouse and department store, autonomous mobile robots will play an important role in security and surveillance tasks. Robotic security guards will give the surveyed information of large scale environments and communicate with human operator with that kind of data such as if there is an object or not and a window is open. Both for visualization of information and as human machine interface for remote control, a 3D model can give much more useful information than the typical 2D maps used in many robotic applications today. It is easier to understandable and makes user feel like being in a location of robot so that user could interact with robot more naturally in a remote circumstance and see structures such as windows and doors that cannot be seen in a 2D model. In this paper we present our simple and easy to use method to obtain a 3D textured model. For expression of reality, we need to integrate the 3D models and real scenes. Most of other cases of 3D modeling method consist of two data acquisition devices. One for getting a 3D model and another for obtaining realistic textures. In this case, the former device would be 2D laser range-finder and the latter device would be common camera. Our algorithm consists of building a measurement-based 2D metric map which is acquired by laser range-finder, texture acquisition/stitching and texture-mapping to corresponding 3D model. The algorithm is implemented with laser sensor for obtaining 2D/3D metric map and two cameras for gathering texture. Our geometric 3D model consists of planes that model the floor and walls. The geometry of the planes is extracted from the 2D metric map data. Textures for the floor and walls are generated from the images captured by two 1394 cameras which have wide Field of View angle. Image stitching and image cutting process is used to generate textured images for corresponding with a 3D model. The algorithm is applied to 2 cases which are corridor and space that has the four wall like room of building. The generated 3D map model of indoor environment is shown with VRML format and can be viewed in a web browser with a VRML plug-in. The proposed algorithm can be applied to 3D model-based remote surveillance system through WWW.

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Design and Implementation of Event Based Message Exchange Architecture between Servers for Server Push (서버 푸시를 위한 이벤트 기반 서버간 메시지 교환 아키텍처의 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho, Dong-Il;Rhew, Sung-Yul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2011
  • Server push which is technology of sending contents from servers to browsers in real time using long polling requests enables real time bidirectional communications between servers and browsers in HTTP environment. Recently, thanks to the rapid supply of mobile devices having ability of full browsing, server push is being applied to various applications. However, because servers providing services should offer distributed contents to a large number of users simultaneously in various user environments, they have a burden that offers contents quickly distinguishing much more concurrent users than before. The method of message exchange so far achieved in distributed server environment has difficulties in the performance of simultaneous user request process, the identification of users and the contents delivery. In this paper, We proposed message exchange architecture between servers for offering server push in the distributed server environment. The proposed architecture enables message exchange in the method of push between servers based on event driven architecture. In addition, the proposed architecture enables flexible identification of a event agent and event processing under the connected environment of a lot of users. In this paper, we designed and implemented the proposed architecture and compared performance with the previous way through a performance test. In addition, function is confirmed through the case realization. As a result of the performance test, the proposed architecture can lessen the use of server Thread and response time of users and increase simultaneous throughput.

Development and Usage of Interactive Digital Linear Algebra Textbook (대화형 수학 디지털교과서 개발과 활용 사례 연구 - 선형대수학을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae Hwa;Park, Kyung-Eun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.241-255
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    • 2017
  • The 4th industrial revolution is coming. In order to prepare for the new learning environment with it, we may need digital mathematics textbooks that fully utilize all possible technologies. So various attempts have been made in elementary and middle school mathematics education. However, despite the importance of higher mathematics, we haven't seen a best possible math digital textbooks yet in Korea. In this paper, we introduce our new model of interactive math digital textbook about Linear Algebra/ Calculus/ Differential Equations/ Statistics/ Engineering Math. Especially, this manuscript focuses on our experience of using digital contents and interactive labs for developing a new model for linear algebra digital textbook. We introduce our works on linear algebra digital textbooks which include pdf e-book, web contents, video clips of lectures, interactive lab. Using this linear algebra digital textbook, students can freely use any mobile devices to access diverse learning materials, lessons, and hands-on exercises without any limitations. Also, times saved in the computation, coding, and typing process can be used to have more discussions for deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. This type of linear algebra digital textbook, which contains all interactive free cyber-lab with codes and all lectures for each sections, can be considered as a new model for the next generation of math digital textbook.

Cascade Composition of Translation Rules for the Ontology Interoperability of Simple RDF Message (단순 RDF 메시지의 온톨로지 상호 운용성을 위한 변환 규칙들의 연쇄 조합)

  • Kim, Jae-Hoon;Park, Seog
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.528-545
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    • 2007
  • Recently ontology has been an attractive technology along with the business strategy of providing a plenty of more intelligent services. The essential problem in application domains using ontology is that all members, agents, and application programs in the domains must share the same ontology concepts. However, a variety of mobile devices, sensing devices, and network components manufactured by various companies, a variety of common carriers, and a variety of contents providers make multiple heterogeneous ontologies more likely to coexist. We can see many past researches fallen into resolving this semantic interoperability. Such methods can be broadly classified into by-mapping, by-merging, and by-translation. In this research, we focus on by-translation among them which uses a translation rule directly made between two heterogeneous ontology data like OntoMorph. However, the manual composition of the direct translation rule is not convenient by itself and if there are N ontologies, the direct method has the rule composition complexity of O(N2) in the worst case. Therefore, in this paper we introduce the cascade composition of translation rules based on web openness in order to improve the complexity. The research result made us recognize some important factors in an ontology translation system, that is speediness of translation, and conveniency of translation rule composition, and some experiments and comparing analysis with existing methods showed that our cascade method has more conveniency with insuring the speediness and the correctness.

The Study Of Development Plan Based On The Analysis of the Import & Export Market In Korean Webtoon (한국웹툰의 수출입 시장분석을 통한 발전방안 연구)

  • Ryu, Yu-Hee;Lee, Seung-Jin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.42
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    • pp.105-123
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    • 2016
  • The webtoon market has been consisently developing in the digital market. Under such circumstances, The Korea webtoon market is rapidly growing and leading of them. This is the time to prepare the base of a stable environment for the webtoon market which shows a swift rise. The Korean webtoon is surely aiming at the global market as well as the domestic one. As the Korean webtoon companies spread out to the world briskly, The leading publication cartoon market, Japan tries to break into the Korean digital market. The domestic market that has the good-quality cartoons through exportation and importation to make people of all ages enjoy them. and also the Korean webtoon is in the center of the global webtoon markert. The early model of Korean webtoon, line-webtoon is translated in English, Chinese, Thai language and Indonesian language to use on the mobile applications and web. Nevertheless, It is just the stating point. With Eradicating of the Achilles heel of the digital contents, illegal distribution and finding materials for cultural discount rate minimized cartoon, The Korean webtoon can become the highest in the global market and hold it. Moreover, not only webtoon but also published cartoons are existing together to have a long run. Beyond the existing cartoon books printed on paper, we should reach toward the digital books with portability and economic feasibility to make the contents stay out longer.