• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mixed-use Housing

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A Study on the Application and the Forming Factors of the Outdoor-Space of the Mixed-Use Dwellings -Focused on Si-Ji Housing Development District in Daegu- (복합주택의 외부공간 형성요인과 활용방안에 관한 연구 -대구광역시 시지택지개발지구를 대상으로-)

  • 이재기;권소현;최무혁
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2001
  • It seems that outdoor-space has been properly neither planned nor used in the Mixed-Use Dwellings. The purpose of this research is to analyze the present condition and problems of outdoor-space utilization in the Mixed-Use Dwellings to find the application and the correlativity between outdoor-space types and forming factors. The results are as follows; 1) Entire samples of outdoor-space are classified into 6 groups by the road and site jointing type and the building layout type. 2) There are 5 prime factors forming and utilizing outdoor-space, which are the hierarchy of the road, the way of parking area utilization, the types of business in the commercial part, combining type of two uses which are residential and commercial, and the type of access to each part of them. 3) Amongst the factors, the way of parking area utilization, combining type, and the type of access are greatly related to the type of outdoor-space in the Mixed-Use Dwellings.

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Mixed-Use In England

  • Park, Jun-Hyeong
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.194
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2006
  • 영국의 주거 트렌드가 조금씩 변화하고 있다. 뒤뜰에 넓은 정원이 있는 주택이나 저층 맨션이 주를 이루던 영국의 주택 시장에 주택과 오피스, 상가, 심지어 호텔까지 혼합한 다양한 형태의 최첨단 'Mixed-Use'가 등장하고 있는 것. 이러한 'Mixed-Use' 형태의 빌딩은 해당 지역의 랜드마크로서 큰 인기를 끄는 것은 물론이고, 주택 시장에서도 가격을 선도하고 있다. 최근 개발된 영국의 'Mixed-Use' 빌딩을 소개한다.

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A Study on the Composition of the Transitional Space of the Mixed-Use Buildings (주상복합건축물의 전이공간 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jin-Sook;Ku Bon-Deok
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2005
  • This study focuses on the planning and actual use of the transitional spaces in the residential-commercial mixed-use buildings. The range of case study include from the year of 1960's to 2000. Through the case study and field survey, we can extract the elements of the transitional space and the problems of Mixed-Use building from the viewpoint of transitional space. According to the field survey, most of the residential-commercial mixed-use buildings contain the transitional space to some degree, but there need to be a more active planning method to secure the residential factors and for this reason, the application of the transitional space must be emphasized at a higher level.

A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of the Mixed-use Buildings in the Residential Land Development District in country-side cities - Focused on Shin-Eum Housing district in Gimcheon - (중소도시 택지개발지구내 복합건축물의 건축적 특성에 관한 연구 - 김천시 신음택지지구를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Keun-Taek;Park, Kyoung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2006
  • The intent of this study is to propose future planning guidelines and directions of the mixed-use buildings in the residential land development district in country-side cities, based on the concept that the neighborhood facilities are to be strategically laid out in a convenient location and planned in a proper manner for a healthy, safe, friendly and new neighborhood environment. For this purpose, seventeen mixed-use buildings which had been built in Shin-Eum housing development district in Gimcheon from 1995 until 2004 were chosen and investigated in terms of architectural characteristics in that process with surveying and analyzing those. The scope of investigation on case studies was that site size would be below 400 square meters, total area below 1500 square meters, and the number of stories below five stories high on the ground. Method of investigation on those was through field investigation, field photographs, recordings and drawings on those. Investigative contents have been divided and analyzed into the quantitative and qualitative factors in urban and architectural dimension. From results of quantitative investigations, five planning guidelines or directions could be obtained. From results of qualitative investigations, five planning guidelines or directions could be obtained. The criteria will be applied to new architectural developments of the neighborhood facilities linked with the small shops.

A Study on the Survey for Directions of Development of the Mixed-Use Apartments in Daegu (대구시 주상복합건축물의 개발방향을 위한 의식 조사 연구)

  • 권소현;최무혁
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the survey of the residential and commercial user consciousness of 4 cases(DB, YM, TP, HG) to propose directions of development of the mixed-use apartments in Daegu. The results of the survey are as follows; 1) The residential users of DG, YM, TP and the commercial users of DG, TP, HG were not satisfied with generally present situation. 2) It showed that the development factors of the satisfaction, the reason of the move, the difficulty to operate the business, the possible use of Mixed-Use Development, the using system of the main entrance, and the reasonable residential size were the statistical significance level(p<0.05). Finally, this study proposes that 4 Cases with the diverse physical and social environment must be different with the approach, and that the reasonable residential space program, size planning for commercial unit, and choices of what kind of business should be discussed before Mixed-Use Development regarding needs of region.

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An Investigation of the Building-use Changes of Residential and Commercial Areas in the Land-used Superblocks in Seoul (서울시 대가구 주거지역의 상업화·업무화와 상업지역의 주거화 현상의 고찰)

  • Jun, Jinbu;Yang, Woohyun
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2015
  • This investigation is to question as to whether and how much urban residential superblocks have changed the uses of facilities, as compared with original zoning plan. The difference between the original plan for 'land use' in 1960's and current 'building uses' has been examined on six superblocks in Seoul, and the reasons for change were analyzed. Investigation results are as follows: As the original urban planning was intended for use-purification by the subdivision of zones in a superblock through zoning, current buildings uses are different from the land-use. Commercial facilities are located in residential zone along community paths because of the necessity, and business buildings are placed on the appropriate-sized lots in the middle of residential blocks, due to the need of small and low-rent offices. Also, different types of residence have been built on convenient locations in commercial zone to meet various housing needs. In conclusion, the current zoning system plays a role of controling the volume of buildings rather than the use of land. Therefore, mixed use of land, not functional separation, becomes a natural phenomenon taken place in the contemporary cities, and it is high time to adopt a mixed-use zoning system.

A Study on the Type of Welfare Service for Strengthening Tenant's Housing Welfare in Permanent Affordable Housing

  • Roh, Sang-Youn;Yoon, Young-Ho;Cho, Young-Tae;Lee, Ji-Eun;Cho, Yong-Kyung
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2012
  • Since the provision of Permanent Affordable Housing in the early 1990's, it is confronted with the need to strengthen its welfare service due to aging of its facilities and the declining welfare system for its tenants. In addition, the aging population of tenants is on the rise, increasing the group of tenants that are in need of care. The local social community center has entered into the community of permanent affordable housing and takes partial responsibility in the tenant's social welfare. However, social community center is mainly responsible for providing welfare service to its local residents and thus limited in its ability to satisfy welfare service to tenants of permanent affordable housing. Therefore, it is required to renew the existing welfare system to better suit social demands of tenants according to its specific social group and the characteristics of housing complex. This study aims to propose methods that can strengthen welfare service and analyze the characteristics of welfare service by investigating the existing conditions of welfare system for the tenants in permanent affordable housing complex. For this purpose, this study presents with categories of service standards, by breaking down and codifying welfare service and propose applicable mixed-use service in pre-existing permanent affordable housing.

A Study on Spatial Composition of the Reusing Unit in High-rise Mixed-Use Condominium (초고층 주상복합 아파트 단위평면의 공간구성에 관한 조사연구)

  • 소윤경;하미경
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of unit plans in the high-rise mixed-use condominium and to provide the data fur architectural planning and design. The tools of statistical analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, cross-tab, and correlation. The results of this study are as fellows; The most frequently found shape of unit is a deformed polygon. The common rooms in housing units are dressing room, powder room, offset-kitchen, family room, passage, hallway, and foyer. The specially prepared spaces are wash room, home bar, independent porch, and garden. As to room size and area ratio in a dwelling unit, those of living room are biggest and highest irrespective of unit size. As the floor area of unit increases, does the size of each room and space but the area ratio of each room decreases. This research is made to develop an Apartment Information System. This integrated information system is to be designed to provide residents of high-rise mixed-use condominiums with convenient, economical, and safe life.

Architectural Characteristics of the Neighborhood Mixed-use Buildings in the Housing Development District of Small Cities - Focused on Bugok Housing District in Gimcheon - (중소도시 택지개발지구내 근린형 복합용도건물의 건축적 특성에 관한 연구 - 김천시 부곡택지지구를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Keun-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2008
  • This study does try to proceed on the assumption that complex buildings can vitalize urban life of modern society from contemporary complexity and cases of past failure, and intend to propose future planning guidelines and directions of the neighborhood mixed-use buildings in the housing development district of small cities. For this purpose, thirty buildings which had been built on Bugok housing district in Gimcheon from 1999 until 2007 were chosen and investigated in urban and architectural dimension. The scope of this investigation is that site size is below 400 square meter and the number of stories on the ground below 5 floor, and the method of that is through field investigation, field photographs, and recordings and drawings on those. Investigative contents could be divided and analysized into physical and functional elements in urban and architectural dimension. On the basis of these results, the future planning approach of complex buildings in medium and small cities will be considered as planning principles.

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A Study on the An Acade of Mixed-Use Building - Focused on the A user form of Mixed-Use Building - (주상복합 주거단지의 상가시설 실내계획에 관한 연구 - 주상복합 상가시설의 이용자 패턴을 중심으로 -)

  • Roh, Yeon-Soo;Lee, Hyen-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.165-169
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    • 2006
  • Here this Study is purposed Importance of an arcade in Mixed - Use Building. Because Mixed - Use Building ha)'e problem In korea. So Solution the Community of Mixed - Use Building a Housing development. An Acade of Mixed-use Building have a good point that is carrier Space. The Process of this Study 1) A study on the Mixed-Use Building Form and a user form in theory. 2) Condolence about Mixed-used Building of three type in kyungki and seoul ( Lotte Castle In Jamsil Seoul, park view In SungNam kyungki, Dong- Yang Paragon in SungNam kyungki) 3) analysis by theory of Mixed-Use Building Form and a user form about Mixed-Use Building 4) As a result of as being Comparison three building develop.

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