• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mirroring

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RSPM : Storage Reliability Scheme for Network Video Recorder System (RSPM : NVR 시스템 기반의 저장장치 신뢰성 향상 기법)

  • Lee, Geun-Hyung;Song, Jae-Seok;Kim, Deok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2010
  • Network Video Recorder becomes popular as a next generation surveillance system connecting all cameras and video server in network environment because it can provide ease of installation and efficient management and maintenance. But in case of data damage, the storage device in traditional NVR has no recovery scheme and it is disabled in processing real-time requests. In this paper, we propose an Reliable Storage using Parity and Mirroring scheme for improving reliability on storage device and maintaining system on realtime. RSPM uses a Liberation coding to recover damaged multimedia data and dynamic mirroring to repair corrupted system data and to maintain real-time operation. RSPM using the Liberation code is 11.29% lesser than traditional file system and 5.21% less than RSPM using parity code in terms of loss rate of damaged multimedia data.

DFT-Based Channel Estimation with Channel Response Mirroring for MIMO OFDM Systems (MIMO OFDM 시스템을 위한 채널 응답 미러링을 이용한 DFT기반 채널 추정 기법)

  • Lee, JongHyup;Kang, Sungjin;Noh, Wooyoung;Oh, Jimyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.655-663
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, DFT-Based channel estimation with channel response mirroring is proposed and analyzed. In General, pilot symbols for channel estimation in MIMO(Multi-Input Multi-Output) OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) Systems have a diamond shape in the time-frequency plane. An interpolation technique to estimate the channel response of sub-carriers between reference symbols is needed. Various interpolation techniques such as linear interpolation, low-pass filtering interpolation, cubic interpolation and DFT interpolation are employed to estimate the non-pilot sub-carriers. In this paper, we investigate the conventional DFT-based channel estimation for noise reduction and channel response interpolation. The conventional method has performance degradation by distortion called "edge effect" or "border effect". In order to mitigate the distortion, we propose an improved DFT-based channel estimation with channel response mirroring. This technique can efficiently mitigate the distortion caused by the DFT of channel response discontinuity. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance than the conventional DFT-based channel estimation in terms of MSE.

Modification of the fast fourier transform-based method by signal mirroring for accuracy quantification of thermal-hydraulic system code

  • Ha, Tae Wook;Jeong, Jae Jun;Choi, Ki Yong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.1100-1108
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    • 2017
  • A thermal-hydraulic system code is an essential tool for the design and safety analysis of a nuclear power plant, and its accuracy quantification is very important for the code assessment and applications. The fast Fourier transform-based method (FFTBM) by signal mirroring (FFTBM-SM) has been used to quantify the accuracy of a system code by using a comparison of the experimental data and the calculated results. The method is an improved version of the FFTBM, and it is known that the FFTBM-SM judges the code accuracy in a more consistent and unbiased way. However, in some applications, unrealistic results have been obtained. In this study, it was found that accuracy quantification by FFTBM-SM is dependent on the frequency spectrum of the fast Fourier transform of experimental and error signals. The primary objective of this study is to reduce the frequency dependency of FFTBM-SM evaluation. For this, it was proposed to reduce the cut off frequency, which was introduced to cut off spurious contributions, in FFTBM-SM. A method to determine an appropriate cut off frequency was also proposed. The FFTBM-SM with the modified cut off frequency showed a significant improvement of the accuracy quantification.

Implementation of Video Mirroring System based on IP

  • Lee, Seungwon;Kwon, Soonchul;Lee, Seunghyun
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2022
  • The recent development of information and communication technology has a great impact on the audio/video industry. In particular, IP-based AoIP transmission technology and AVB technology are making changes in the audio/video market. Video signal transmission technology has been introduced to the market through a network, but it has not replaced the video switcher function. Video signals in the conference room or classroom are still controlled by the switching device. In order to switch input/output video devices, a cable that is not limited by distance must be connected to the switcher. In addition, the control of the switching device must be performed by a person who has received professional training. In this paper, it is a technology that can be operated even by non-experts by replacing complex video cables (RGB, DVI, HDMI, DP) with LAN cables and enabling IP-based video switching and transmission (Video Mirroring over IP: VMoIP) to replace video switcher equipment. We are going to do this study, I/O videos were controlled in the form of matrix and high-definition videos were transmitted without distortion, and VMoIP is expected to become the standard for video switching systems in the future.

Efficient Repair Algorithms using Disk Mirroring (디스크 미러링을 이용한 효율적인 복구 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Cho, Young-Jong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.1615-1624
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we propose and analyze various repair methods for a disk subsystem using mirroring. We also study the effects of the repair process that is invoked on disk faults on the mean response time of user disk requests. Finally, we analyze the effects of two different access patterns (uniform and non-uniform) on the repair process and performance. According to the results, average response times for non-uniform access pattern compared with uniform access pattern become shorter as the system load increases. Our simulation results show that the proposed repair algorithm with a short delay gives a better performance than the previous algorithms.

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Mirror-Switching Scheme for High-Speed Embedded Storage Systems (고속 임베디드 저장 시스템을 위한 복제전환 기법)

  • Byun, Si-Woo;Jang, Seok-Woo
    • Transactions of the Society of Information Storage Systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2011
  • The flash memory has been remarked as the next generation media of portable and desktop computers' storage devices. Their features include non-volatility, low power consumption, and fast access time for read operations, which are sufficient to present flash memories as major data storage components for desktop and servers. The purpose of our study is to upgrade a traditional mirroring scheme based on SSD storages due to the relatively slow or freezing characteristics of write operations, as compared to fast read operations. For this work, we propose a new storage management scheme called Memory Mirror-Switching based on traditional mirroring scheme. Our Mirror-Switching scheme improves flash operation performance by switching write-workloads from flash memory to RAM and delaying write operations to avoid freezing. Our test results show that our scheme significantly reduces the write operation delay and storage freezing.

Improvements of Pulse Doppler Gap Filling Algorithms for Portable Medical Ultrasound Imaging System (휴대용 초음파진단기를 위한 펄스 도플러 갭 필링 알고리즘의 개선)

  • Bae, MooHo;An, Hyung-Jun
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.580-589
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we studied on Doppler gap-filling algorithms suitable for a portable or low-cost medical ultrasound imaging system, and as a result, found out algorithms based on mirroring or autoregressive model. Moreover, controlling the computational demand in the proper range, we improved the performances of these algorithms by solving their problems. Effectiveness of these modified algorithms is verified by computer simulations and experiments which used artificially generated Doppler signals and Doppler data acquired from human body through an actual ultrasound system.

Countermeasure of Sniffing Attack: Survey (효율적인 Sniffing 공격 대응방안 연구)

  • Hong, Sunghyuck;Seo, Yujeong
    • Journal of Convergence Society for SMB
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2016
  • Sniffing attack is a passive attack which is reassembling packets to collect personal information, bank accounting number, and other important information. Sniffing attack happens in LAN and uses promiscuous mode which is opening filtering by pass all packets in LAN, attackers could catch any packets in LAN, so they can manipulate packets. They are Switch Jamming, Port mirroring, ARP Redirect, and ICMP Redirect attack. To defend these attacks, I proposed to use SSL packet encryption, reconfiguration of switching environment, DNS, and decoy method for defending all kinds of Sniffing attacks.

Design and Implementation of Mobile Teleconference System Based on Hybrid Web (하이브리드 웹 기반의 모바일 회의시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Yun Kyoung;Choi, Ji Hyun
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.2 no.10
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2013
  • Recently, there are several attempts to save temporal, spatial and paper resources through mobile teleconference. However, present application-based mobile solutions have limited access, and are occasionally not working because of its operating system dependency. In recent times, several researchers attempt to develop mobile teleconference systems that can operate in all operating systems. It is still required to install proprietary applications to sync screens in user device. In this paper, we propose a full duplex and real-time data mirroring technology based on hybrid web that allows syncing screens without application installation, and operates in all mobile devices.

Implementation of PubMed Mirroring System, PubMedIF (PubMed 미러링 시스템, PubMedIF의 개발)

  • 이유진;차재혁
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.841-843
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문은 PubMed를 통한 데이터 미러링 방법 및 시스템 개발에 대해 기술한다. 기존의 PubMed 데이터베이스 검색 시스템은 원격의 사용자와 network로 연결되었기 때문에 대역폭의 제한을 받으며, Web query interface를 이용하기 때문에 검색 방법이 제한적이다. 또한 Text mining과 같은 local application의 이용에는 효과적이지 못하다. 본 논문에서는 효과적인 미러링을 위한 검색어를 제안하고, network 연결 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 비정상적 종료를 극복할 수 있는 PubMedIF를 개발하였다.

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