The purpose of this study is to research the actual conditions of industrial accident patients and to produce worker satisfaction and a rational and effective counter measure plan. Direct interviews with 179 cases (in and out patients) were carried out during a three month period from April to July 1990, at six hospitals : two general hospitals Sun Lin and Sung Mo in Po Hang, and four general hospitals in Taegu : Kyung pooh University Hospital, Dong San Medical Center, Young Nam Medical Center and Catholic Hospital. The results of this study are summarized as fellows : 1. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were male and 48.4% were female. The two largest age groups were 30-39, 31.8% and 20-29, 27.4%. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were married, the largest family number was 2 to 3, 41.1% and 4 to 5, 25.6%. Educationally, graduation from high school was the largest group, 46.4% among ,the patients, followed by middle school and primary school. The largest group income level was from 40-69 만원, 45.2%. The largest group of patients who worked over 50 hrs. a week was 52.0%. The largest group of patients who worked less than 1 year was 44.7%, of the patients in work places of less than 100 people, 60.3% were injured and in work places of 100-299 people, 20.1% were injured. In manufacturing, the largest group injured was 55.3%, the next group was transport, storage, communication. The largest group of production workers injured was 40.2%. 2. The cause of injury in the largest group was facility problems, 33.5%. The next group was unsafe habits, 30.2% ; a lack of safety knowledge, 17.9% ; and insufficient supervision, 12.3%. The 30-39 year age group head the highest number of injuries, 40.4% ; work places with more than 10 years of work, 44.4% ; work places with more than 1000 people, 56.3% and mining accidents, 80.0%. Among. these groups the highest cause of injury was due to facility problems. 3. The accident pattern showed machinery injuries 28.5% as the largest group, followed by falls & falling objects 17.3%, fire & electric 15.1%, strucke by an object 14.5%, followed by overaction and vehicular accidents. The accident pattern showed 46.4% among workers over the 50 year age group, workers in the 5-10 year group, 50.0% ; places employing more than 1000 workers, 35.3% ; construction 73.7%, and construction workers 57.1%, among these fall & falling objects caused the greatest number of injuries. 4. The largest group of injuries was fractures 54.8%, trauma 14.5%, amputation 11.7%, open wound, and burns. The largest number of fractures occurred in people in the 30-39 year age group, 63.2% : over 10 years of work, 55.0% ; in work places of 300-490 people, 63.6% ; construction 63.2% and general workers 57.2%. 5. The largest group of injuries was upper extremity 45.3%, lower extremity 24.0%, trunk 18.5% and head or neck 12.2%. Of these groups, upper extremity injuries were the highest in those less than 20 years old 75.0%, less than 1 year or work 59.5%, in work places of 500-999 people 60.0%, manufacturing 56.6% and production workers 55.6%. 6. Periods of injury showed 34 people injured in September, to be the largest followed by October, 32 ; August, 22 people : July, 19 people and the lowest December, 2 people. During the week, Friday had the largest group injured, 35 people ; followed by Saturday, 26 people and the lowest was Wednesday, 17 people, During the day 1400 hours had the largest group injured, 38 people ; followed by 800 hours, 31 people. 7. On a basis of 5 as the highest mark, the average, according to worker satisfaction showed facility safety 3.55, work environment 3.47, income 3.44, job 3.21 and treatment 2.98. 8. The correlation between general characteristics and injury showed that age was directly correlated to the duration of work (r=2591) p<0.01, age was directly correlated to industry (r=2311) p<0.01, and the duration was directly correlated to occupation (r=4372) p<0.001.