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Analysis of Research Trends on Mountain Streams in the Republic of Korea: Comparison to International Research Trends (산지하천을 대상으로 한 국내 연구동향 분석: 국제 연구동향과의 비교)

  • Lee, Sang In;Seo, Jung Il;Lee, Yohan;Kim, Suk Woo;Chun, Kun Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.216-227
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the rational mountain stream management strategy considering the natural conditions and social needs of the Republic of Korea. We reviewed domestic and overseas studies related to mountain streams, identified the study areas by text mining and co-word analysis using the VOSviewer program, and then analyzed the spatial and temporal study trends and topics of each study area. The results showed that domestic studies on mountain streams are still in an initial stage compared to overseas studies. Overseas studies on mountain streams can be classified into four groups: (i) habitat and species composition of fish and invertebrates, (ii) hydrological phenomena and nutrient migration, (iii) transport of sediment and organic materials and the relevant morphological changes by runoff flows, and (iv) plant species composition in mountain streams. Of these study subjects, domestic studies belonging to the (i) group mainly focused on macroinvertebrates while domestic studies belonging to the (iii) group regarded transport of sediment and organic materials as not the ecological disturbance but the source of sediment-related disasters. We then analyzed the rate of each research group to all papers by period and country. The results showed that the overseas studies belonging to (iii) and (iv) groups have increased with time, and the increase was mostly due to the studies in the United States, Brazil, Canada, and China. On the other hand, domestic studies belonging to (i) and (iii) groups increased somewhat with time, but there was a slight lack of correlation between the two subjects. Therefore, the hybridity studies to complement the shortage is necessary for the future.

Development of System for Real-Time Object Recognition and Matching using Deep Learning at Simulated Lunar Surface Environment (딥러닝 기반 달 표면 모사 환경 실시간 객체 인식 및 매칭 시스템 개발)

  • Jong-Ho Na;Jun-Ho Gong;Su-Deuk Lee;Hyu-Soung Shin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.281-298
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    • 2023
  • Continuous research efforts are being devoted to unmanned mobile platforms for lunar exploration. There is an ongoing demand for real-time information processing to accurately determine the positioning and mapping of areas of interest on the lunar surface. To apply deep learning processing and analysis techniques to practical rovers, research on software integration and optimization is imperative. In this study, a foundational investigation has been conducted on real-time analysis of virtual lunar base construction site images, aimed at automatically quantifying spatial information of key objects. This study involved transitioning from an existing region-based object recognition algorithm to a boundary box-based algorithm, thus enhancing object recognition accuracy and inference speed. To facilitate extensive data-based object matching training, the Batch Hard Triplet Mining technique was introduced, and research was conducted to optimize both training and inference processes. Furthermore, an improved software system for object recognition and identical object matching was integrated, accompanied by the development of visualization software for the automatic matching of identical objects within input images. Leveraging satellite simulative captured video data for training objects and moving object-captured video data for inference, training and inference for identical object matching were successfully executed. The outcomes of this research suggest the feasibility of implementing 3D spatial information based on continuous-capture video data of mobile platforms and utilizing it for positioning objects within regions of interest. As a result, these findings are expected to contribute to the integration of an automated on-site system for video-based construction monitoring and control of significant target objects within future lunar base construction sites.

Geology of Athabasca Oil Sands in Canada (캐나다 아사바스카 오일샌드 지질특성)

  • Kwon, Yi-Kwon
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • As conventional oil and gas reservoirs become depleted, interests for oil sands has rapidly increased in the last decade. Oil sands are mixture of bitumen, water, and host sediments of sand and clay. Most oil sand is unconsolidated sand that is held together by bitumen. Bitumen has hydrocarbon in situ viscosity of >10,000 centipoises (cP) at reservoir condition and has API gravity between 814. The largest oil sand deposits are in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. The reverves are approximated at 1.7 trillion barrels of initial oil-in-place and 173 billion barrels of remaining established reserves. Alberta has a number of oil sands deposits which are grouped into three oil sand development areas - the Athabasca, Cold Lake, and Peace River, with the largest current bitumen production from Athabasca. Principal oil sands deposits consist of the McMurray Fm and Wabiskaw Mbr in Athabasca area, the Gething and Bluesky formations in Peace River area, and relatively thin multi-reservoir deposits of McMurray, Clearwater, and Grand Rapid formations in Cold Lake area. The reservoir sediments were deposited in the foreland basin (Western Canada Sedimentary Basin) formed by collision between the Pacific and North America plates and the subsequent thrusting movements in the Mesozoic. The deposits are underlain by basement rocks of Paleozoic carbonates with highly variable topography. The oil sands deposits were formed during the Early Cretaceous transgression which occurred along the Cretaceous Interior Seaway in North America. The oil-sands-hosting McMurray and Wabiskaw deposits in the Athabasca area consist of the lower fluvial and the upper estuarine-offshore sediments, reflecting the broad and overall transgression. The deposits are characterized by facies heterogeneity of channelized reservoir sands and non-reservoir muds. Main reservoir bodies of the McMurray Formation are fluvial and estuarine channel-point bar complexes which are interbedded with fine-grained deposits formed in floodplain, tidal flat, and estuarine bay. The Wabiskaw deposits (basal member of the Clearwater Formation) commonly comprise sheet-shaped offshore muds and sands, but occasionally show deep-incision into the McMurray deposits, forming channelized reservoir sand bodies of oil sands. In Canada, bitumen of oil sands deposits is produced by surface mining or in-situ thermal recovery processes. Bitumen sands recovered by surface mining are changed into synthetic crude oil through extraction and upgrading processes. On the other hand, bitumen produced by in-situ thermal recovery is transported to refinery only through bitumen blending process. The in-situ thermal recovery technology is represented by Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage and Cyclic Steam Stimulation. These technologies are based on steam injection into bitumen sand reservoirs for increase in reservoir in-situ temperature and in bitumen mobility. In oil sands reservoirs, efficiency for steam propagation is controlled mainly by reservoir geology. Accordingly, understanding of geological factors and characteristics of oil sands reservoir deposits is prerequisite for well-designed development planning and effective bitumen production. As significant geological factors and characteristics in oil sands reservoir deposits, this study suggests (1) pay of bitumen sands and connectivity, (2) bitumen content and saturation, (3) geologic structure, (4) distribution of mud baffles and plugs, (5) thickness and lateral continuity of mud interbeds, (6) distribution of water-saturated sands, (7) distribution of gas-saturated sands, (8) direction of lateral accretion of point bar, (9) distribution of diagenetic layers and nodules, and (10) texture and fabric change within reservoir sand body.

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Analysis of Traffic Accidents Injury Severity in Seoul using Decision Trees and Spatiotemporal Data Visualization (의사결정나무와 시공간 시각화를 통한 서울시 교통사고 심각도 요인 분석)

  • Kang, Youngok;Son, Serin;Cho, Nahye
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.233-254
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the main factors influencing the severity of traffic accidents and to visualize spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic accidents in Seoul. To do this, we collected the traffic accident data that occurred in Seoul for four years from 2012 to 2015, and classified as slight, serious, and death traffic accidents according to the severity of traffic accidents. The analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic accidents was performed by kernel density analysis, hotspot analysis, space time cube analysis, and Emerging HotSpot Analysis. The factors affecting the severity of traffic accidents were analyzed using decision tree model. The results show that traffic accidents in Seoul are more frequent in suburbs than in central areas. Especially, traffic accidents concentrated in some commercial and entertainment areas in Seocho and Gangnam, and the traffic accidents were more and more intense over time. In the case of death traffic accidents, there were statistically significant hotspot areas in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Guro-gu, Jongno-gu, Jung-gu and Seongbuk. However, hotspots of death traffic accidents by time zone resulted in different patterns. In terms of traffic accident severity, the type of accident is the most important factor. The type of the road, the type of the vehicle, the time of the traffic accident, and the type of the violation of the regulations were ranked in order of importance. Regarding decision rules that cause serious traffic accidents, in case of van or truck, there is a high probability that a serious traffic accident will occur at a place where the width of the road is wide and the vehicle speed is high. In case of bicycle, car, motorcycle or the others there is a high probability that a serious traffic accident will occur under the same circumstances in the dawn time.

An Analysis of the Internal Marketing Impact on the Market Capitalization Fluctuation Rate based on the Online Company Reviews from Jobplanet (직원을 위한 내부마케팅이 기업의 시가 총액 변동률에 미치는 영향 분석: 잡플래닛 기업 리뷰를 중심으로)

  • Kichul Choi;Sang-Yong Tom Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.39-62
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    • 2018
  • Thanks to the growth of computing power and the recent development of data analytics, researchers have started to work on the data produced by users through the Internet or social media. This study is in line with these recent research trends and attempts to adopt data analytical techniques. We focus on the impact of "internal marketing" factors on firm performance, which is typically studied through survey methodologies. We looked into the job review platform Jobplanet (www.jobplanet.co.kr), which is a website where employees and former employees anonymously review companies and their management. With web crawling processes, we collected over 40K data points and performed morphological analysis to classify employees' reviews for internal marketing data. We then implemented econometric analysis to see the relationship between internal marketing and market capitalization. Contrary to the findings of extant survey studies, internal marketing is positively related to a firm's market capitalization only within a limited area. In most of the areas, the relationships are negative. Particularly, female-friendly environment and human resource development (HRD) are the areas exhibiting positive relations with market capitalization in the manufacturing industry. In the service industry, most of the areas, such as employ welfare and work-life balance, are negatively related with market capitalization. When firm size is small (or the history is short), female-friendly environment positively affect firm performance. On the contrary, when firm size is big (or the history is long), most of the internal marketing factors are either negative or insignificant. We explain the theoretical contributions and managerial implications with these results.

Analysis of media trends related to spent nuclear fuel treatment technology using text mining techniques (텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용한 사용후핵연료 건식처리기술 관련 언론 동향 분석)

  • Jeong, Ji-Song;Kim, Ho-Dong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2021
  • With the fourth industrial revolution and the arrival of the New Normal era due to Corona, the importance of Non-contact technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data research has been increasing. Convergent research is being conducted in earnest to keep up with these research trends, but not many studies have been conducted in the area of nuclear research using artificial intelligence and big data-related technologies such as natural language processing and text mining analysis. This study was conducted to confirm the applicability of data science analysis techniques to the field of nuclear research. Furthermore, the study of identifying trends in nuclear spent fuel recognition is critical in terms of being able to determine directions to nuclear industry policies and respond in advance to changes in industrial policies. For those reasons, this study conducted a media trend analysis of pyroprocessing, a spent nuclear fuel treatment technology. We objectively analyze changes in media perception of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment techniques by applying text mining analysis techniques. Text data specializing in Naver's web news articles, including the keywords "Pyroprocessing" and "Sodium Cooled Reactor," were collected through Python code to identify changes in perception over time. The analysis period was set from 2007 to 2020, when the first article was published, and detailed and multi-layered analysis of text data was carried out through analysis methods such as word cloud writing based on frequency analysis, TF-IDF and degree centrality calculation. Analysis of the frequency of the keyword showed that there was a change in media perception of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology in the mid-2010s, which was influenced by the Gyeongju earthquake in 2016 and the implementation of the new government's energy conversion policy in 2017. Therefore, trend analysis was conducted based on the corresponding time period, and word frequency analysis, TF-IDF, degree centrality values, and semantic network graphs were derived. Studies show that before the 2010s, media perception of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology was diplomatic and positive. However, over time, the frequency of keywords such as "safety", "reexamination", "disposal", and "disassembly" has increased, indicating that the sustainability of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology is being seriously considered. It was confirmed that social awareness also changed as spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology, which was recognized as a political and diplomatic technology, became ambiguous due to changes in domestic policy. This means that domestic policy changes such as nuclear power policy have a greater impact on media perceptions than issues of "spent nuclear fuel processing technology" itself. This seems to be because nuclear policy is a socially more discussed and public-friendly topic than spent nuclear fuel. Therefore, in order to improve social awareness of spent nuclear fuel processing technology, it would be necessary to provide sufficient information about this, and linking it to nuclear policy issues would also be a good idea. In addition, the study highlighted the importance of social science research in nuclear power. It is necessary to apply the social sciences sector widely to the nuclear engineering sector, and considering national policy changes, we could confirm that the nuclear industry would be sustainable. However, this study has limitations that it has applied big data analysis methods only to detailed research areas such as "Pyroprocessing," a spent nuclear fuel dry processing technology. Furthermore, there was no clear basis for the cause of the change in social perception, and only news articles were analyzed to determine social perception. Considering future comments, it is expected that more reliable results will be produced and efficiently used in the field of nuclear policy research if a media trend analysis study on nuclear power is conducted. Recently, the development of uncontact-related technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data research is accelerating in the wake of the recent arrival of the New Normal era caused by corona. Convergence research is being conducted in earnest in various research fields to follow these research trends, but not many studies have been conducted in the nuclear field with artificial intelligence and big data-related technologies such as natural language processing and text mining analysis. The academic significance of this study is that it was possible to confirm the applicability of data science analysis technology in the field of nuclear research. Furthermore, due to the impact of current government energy policies such as nuclear power plant reductions, re-evaluation of spent fuel treatment technology research is undertaken, and key keyword analysis in the field can contribute to future research orientation. It is important to consider the views of others outside, not just the safety technology and engineering integrity of nuclear power, and further reconsider whether it is appropriate to discuss nuclear engineering technology internally. In addition, if multidisciplinary research on nuclear power is carried out, reasonable alternatives can be prepared to maintain the nuclear industry.

Analysis of Dog-Related Outdoor Public Space Conflicts Using Complaint Data (민원 자료를 활용한 반려견 관련 옥외 공공공간 갈등 분석)

  • Yoo, Ye-seul;Son, Yong-Hoon;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2024
  • Companion animals are increasingly being recognized as members of society in outdoor public spaces. However, the presence of dogs in cities has become a subject of conflict between pet owners and non-pet owners, causing problems in terms of hygiene and noise. This study was conducted to analyze public complaint data using the keywords 'dog,' 'pet,' and 'puppy' through text mining techniques to identify the causes of conflicts in outdoor public spaces related to dogs and to identify key issues. The main findings of the study are as follows. First, the majority of dog-related complaints were related to the use of outdoor public spaces. Second, different types of outdoor public spaces have different spatial issues. Third, there were a total of four topics of dog-related complaints: 'Requesting a dog playground', 'Raising safety issues related to animals', 'Using facilities other than dog-only areas', and 'Requesting increased park management and enforcement related to pet tickets'. This study analyzed the perceptions of citizens surrounding pets at a time when the creation and use of public spaces related to pets are expanding. In particular, it is significant in that it applied a new method of collecting public opinions by adopting complaint data that clearly presents problems and requests.

Vegetation Distribution Near Abandoned Metalliferous Mines and Seed Germination Properties of Woody Plants by the Contaminated Soils (폐광산 주변의 목본 식생 현황 및 오염 토양에 대한 목본 종자의 발아 특성)

  • Seo, Kyung-Won;Kim, Rae-Hyun;Koo, Jin-Woo;Noh, Nam-Jin;Kyung, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Jeong-Gyu;Son, Yo-Whan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to select the Eco-tree for successful phytoremediation of abandoned metalliferous mines. We examined vegetation and heavy metal concentrations of woody plants in abandoned mining areas, and also conducted seed germination and seedling growth experiment on contaminated soils from Gahak and Geumjeong mines. Pinus densiflora, Robinia pseudoacacia, Lespedeza bicolor and Alnus japonica showed high frequency in the survey areas and had high heavy metal concentrations compared to other species. Heavy metal concentrations were higher in roots than in leaves and stems. The seed germination rate was in the order of P. densiflora, L. bicolor, R. pseudoacacia, and Alnus japonica from the incubactor and greenhouse experiment. In the incubator experiment germination rate was highest in the control soil for P. densiflora and A. japonica. Germination rate of P. densiflora was highest on the 100% contaminated soil for Gahak mine while germination rate decreased with increased percentage of contaminated soil for Geumjeong mine. In the greenhouse experiment germination rate was lowest on the 40% contaminated soil for Gahak mine while germination rate was lowest on the 20% contaminated soil for Geumjeong mine and increased with increased percentage of contaminated soil. Shoot growth was highest for L. bicolor while root growth was highest for R. pseudoacacia except for 20% contaminated soil in Geumjeong mine.

A Study of Industrial Patients from Selected General Hospitals in the Kyung Pook and Taegu City Areas (일부지역 산업재해환자 실태 연구 -대구, 경북지역 일부 종합병원 중심으로-)

  • 허춘복;남철현
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.78-94
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to research the actual conditions of industrial accident patients and to produce worker satisfaction and a rational and effective counter measure pain. Direct interviews with 179 cases (in and out patients) were carried out during a three month period from April to July 1990, at six hospitals two general hospitals Sun Lin and Sung Mo in Po Hang, and four general hospitals in Taegu Kyung Pook University Hospital, Dong San Medical Center, Young Nam Medical Center and Catholic Hospital. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Among the 179 cases, 51.6 % were male and 48.4 % were female. The two largest age groups were 30~39, 31.8 % and 20~29, 27.4 %. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were married, the largest family number was 2 to 3, 41.1% and 4 to 5, 25.6%. Educationally, graduation from high school was the largest group, 46.4% among the patients, followed by middle school and primary school. The largest group income level was from 40~69만원, 45.2%. The largest group of patients who worked over 50 hrs. a week was 52.0%. The largest group of patients who worked less than 1 year was 44.7%, of the patients in work places of less than 100 people, 60.3% were injured and in work places of 100~299 people, 20.1% were injured. In manufacturing, the lagest group injured was 55.3%, the next group was transport, stroage, communication. The largest group of production workers injured was 40.2%. 2. The cause of injury in the largest group was facility problems, 33.5%. The next group was unsafe habits, 30.2% a lack of safety knowledge, 17.9% and insufficient supervision, 12.3%. The 30~39 year age group was head the highest number of injuries, 40.4% work places with more than 10 yeras of work, 44.4% work palces with more than 1000 people, 56.3% and mining accidents, 80.0%. Among these groups the highest cause of injury was due to facility problems. 3. The accident pattern showed machinery injuries 28.5% as the largest group, followed by falls & falling objects 17.3%, fire & electric 15.1%, struke by an object 14.5%, followed by overaction and vehicular accidents. The accident pattern showed 46.4 % among workers over the 50 year age group, workers in the 5~10 year group, 50.0 % places employing more than 1000 workers, 35.3 % : construction 73.7%, and construction workers 57.1%, among these fall & falling objects caused the greatest number of injuries. 4. The largest group of injuries was fractures 54.8%, trauma 14.5%, amputation 11.7%, open wound, and burns. The largest number of fractures occurred in people in the 30~39 year age group, 63.2 % over 10 years of work, 55.6% in work places of 300~400 people, 63.6% construction 63.2% and general workers 57.2 %. 5. The largest group of injuries was upper extremity 45.3%, lower extremity 24.0%, trunk 18.5 % and head or neck 12.2%. Of these groups, upper extremity injuries were the highest in those less 20 years old 75.0%, less than 1 years of work 59.5%, in work places of 500~999 people 60.0%, manufacturing 56.6 % and production workers 55.6%. 6. Periods of injury showed 34 people injured in September, to be the largest followed by October, 32 August, 22 people July, 19 people and the lowest December, 2 people. During the week, Friday had the largest group injured, 35 people followed by Saturday, 26 people and the lowest was Wednesday, 17 people, During the day 1400 hours had the largest group injured, 38 people followed by 800 hours, 31 people. 7. On a basis of 5 as the highest mark, the average, according to worker satisfaction showed facility safety 3.55, work environment 3.47, income 3.44, job 3.21 and treatment 2.98. 8. The correlation between general characteristics and injury showed that age was directly correlated to the duration of work(r=.2591) p<0.01, age was directly correlated to industry (r=2311) p<0.01, and the duration was directly correlated to occupation(r =.4372) p<0.001.

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A Study of Industrial Patients from Selected General in the Kyung Pook and Taegu City areas (일부지역 산업재해환자 실태 조사 연구 -대구경북지역 일부 종합병원 중심으로-)

  • Huh, Choon-Bok
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.151-174
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to research the actual conditions of industrial accident patients and to produce worker satisfaction and a rational and effective counter measure plan. Direct interviews with 179 cases (in and out patients) were carried out during a three month period from April to July 1990, at six hospitals : two general hospitals Sun Lin and Sung Mo in Po Hang, and four general hospitals in Taegu : Kyung pooh University Hospital, Dong San Medical Center, Young Nam Medical Center and Catholic Hospital. The results of this study are summarized as fellows : 1. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were male and 48.4% were female. The two largest age groups were 30-39, 31.8% and 20-29, 27.4%. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were married, the largest family number was 2 to 3, 41.1% and 4 to 5, 25.6%. Educationally, graduation from high school was the largest group, 46.4% among ,the patients, followed by middle school and primary school. The largest group income level was from 40-69 만원, 45.2%. The largest group of patients who worked over 50 hrs. a week was 52.0%. The largest group of patients who worked less than 1 year was 44.7%, of the patients in work places of less than 100 people, 60.3% were injured and in work places of 100-299 people, 20.1% were injured. In manufacturing, the largest group injured was 55.3%, the next group was transport, storage, communication. The largest group of production workers injured was 40.2%. 2. The cause of injury in the largest group was facility problems, 33.5%. The next group was unsafe habits, 30.2% ; a lack of safety knowledge, 17.9% ; and insufficient supervision, 12.3%. The 30-39 year age group head the highest number of injuries, 40.4% ; work places with more than 10 years of work, 44.4% ; work places with more than 1000 people, 56.3% and mining accidents, 80.0%. Among. these groups the highest cause of injury was due to facility problems. 3. The accident pattern showed machinery injuries 28.5% as the largest group, followed by falls & falling objects 17.3%, fire & electric 15.1%, strucke by an object 14.5%, followed by overaction and vehicular accidents. The accident pattern showed 46.4% among workers over the 50 year age group, workers in the 5-10 year group, 50.0% ; places employing more than 1000 workers, 35.3% ; construction 73.7%, and construction workers 57.1%, among these fall & falling objects caused the greatest number of injuries. 4. The largest group of injuries was fractures 54.8%, trauma 14.5%, amputation 11.7%, open wound, and burns. The largest number of fractures occurred in people in the 30-39 year age group, 63.2% : over 10 years of work, 55.0% ; in work places of 300-490 people, 63.6% ; construction 63.2% and general workers 57.2%. 5. The largest group of injuries was upper extremity 45.3%, lower extremity 24.0%, trunk 18.5% and head or neck 12.2%. Of these groups, upper extremity injuries were the highest in those less than 20 years old 75.0%, less than 1 year or work 59.5%, in work places of 500-999 people 60.0%, manufacturing 56.6% and production workers 55.6%. 6. Periods of injury showed 34 people injured in September, to be the largest followed by October, 32 ; August, 22 people : July, 19 people and the lowest December, 2 people. During the week, Friday had the largest group injured, 35 people ; followed by Saturday, 26 people and the lowest was Wednesday, 17 people, During the day 1400 hours had the largest group injured, 38 people ; followed by 800 hours, 31 people. 7. On a basis of 5 as the highest mark, the average, according to worker satisfaction showed facility safety 3.55, work environment 3.47, income 3.44, job 3.21 and treatment 2.98. 8. The correlation between general characteristics and injury showed that age was directly correlated to the duration of work (r=2591) p<0.01, age was directly correlated to industry (r=2311) p<0.01, and the duration was directly correlated to occupation (r=4372) p<0.001.

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