• 제목/요약/키워드: Mining Areas #4

검색결과 152건 처리시간 0.011초

광공업지역과 비광공업지역 주민의 자살충동에 영향을 미치는 요인: 한국의 한 중소 도시를 대상으로 (Determinants of Suicide Impulse of Residents Living in Mining Region and Other Areas in One City)

  • 안보령;남은우;진기남;문지영
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of suicide impulse of residents living in mining region and other areas in one city. The past studies did not examine the suicide related attitudes or behaviors in mining region. This study also examines how coping resources and behaviors moderate the suicide impulse. Methods: For this purpose, hierarchical logistic regression method was used to predict the likelihood of suicide impulse. The personal characteristics, depression, coping resources and behaviors were considered as the independent variables. The data collected in this study was gathered through questionnaire survey with 502 residents in other areas as well as mining area in one city. Results and Conclusion: The results and conclusions are as follows: 1. The chi-square test revealed that residents living mining region showed higher percentage of suicide impulse compared to other areas. 2. The t-test revealed that those with suicide impulse had higher level of depression compared to those without it. This pattern was consistent in other areas as well as mining region. 3. The hierarchical logistic regression revealed that age, education, depression showed positive effect on suicide impulse in mining region. However, in other areas, education, illness, and depression showed positive effect on suicide impulse. Also, this result implies that suicide prevention efforts should be actively made in mining region.

우리나라 광산지역에서의 땅밀림 사례 분석 (Analysis of Instances of Characteristics Land Creep on the Mine Area in Korea)

  • 박재현;박성균
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제107권4호
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2018
  • 이 연구는 우리나라의 4개 광산지역에서 발생된 지반침하로 인한 땅밀림의 특성을 분석하였다. 땅밀림이 진행되고 있는 광산지역은 대규모 함몰, 인장균열 등이 나타났고, 붕괴된 토석이 중력방향으로 밀려 내려와 대규모 산사태와 같은 형상을 나타내었다. 주 구성암석은 4번 조사지역이 사암 및 셰일이었고, 나머지 3개 지역은 모두 석회암 지역으로 땅밀림에 취약한 암석지역으로 나타났다. 4개의 광산지역에서 발생된 지반침하로 인한 땅밀림이 발생된 위치는 4/10~10/10부 능선 지역으로 모두 산지 정상부에 가까운 곳에서 발원하였다. 광산지역을 제외한 우리나라에서의 땅밀림은 모두 사태형을 나타내고 있는데, 이들 광산지역에서의 지반침하로 인한 땅밀림은 지하갱도의 공동으로 산지부의 중력에 의한 하중으로 인하여 발생된 함몰형과 땅밀림의 영향으로 사태형이 복합적으로 나타나는 것으로 분석되었다. 평균산지경사도는 $30.4^{\circ}{\sim}33.7^{\circ}$로 우리나라 땅밀림지의 평균경사도 약 $28.9^{\circ}$ 보다 $1.5^{\circ}{\sim}4.8^{\circ}$ 높게 나타났다.

Text Mining 기법을 활용한 농촌마을 긴급구호서비스 접근 취약성 평가 (Evaluation of Vulnerability on Rural Emergency Relief Service using Text Mining)

  • 우재형;박진선;윤성수
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2018
  • The rural areas are large residential space with fewer people than urban areas. That is why they are vulnerable to social services such as health care and security. This research analyzed the vulnerability of emergency relief service in rural village through text mining and the weighting value have been calculated. Based on the calculated statistics data, the police facilities are the most important, While the fire fighting and hospital facilities are important as well. In addition, the distance from the emergency relief service facility to the rural village was confirmed by using Open API. By combining these results, The vulnerable areas of the rural villages and the emergency relief service facilities were calculated and classified into 5 levels. For rural areas, the 1st class will have 33 places, following by 1,179 in 2nd class, 199 in 3rd class, 17 in 4th class and 8 in 5th class. Hence in order to further supplement the vulnerable areas to emergency relief service in villages, geographical relocation and policy approach of emergency relief service facilities are necessary.

Inclusive Policies and Distribution of Green Economic Transformation of Mining Areas: A Regional Development Perspective

  • Rismawati;Rahmad Solling HAMID;Mukhlis LUBIS
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study examines the impact of inclusive policies and green transformation on regional development of mining areas. Research design, data and methodology: We designed and utilized a structured questionnaire to collect data from a population of 300 individuals. The questionnaire was disseminated through Google Forms and consisted of five questions for each research variable. A total of 210 respondents completed the questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 70%. The sample was diverse in terms of gender and educational level Of the 210 respondents, 113 were female (53.8%) and 97 were male (46.2%). In terms of educational background, the sample was composed as follows: 13 individuals with a Doctorate degree (6.2%), 56 with a Master's degree (26.7%), 97 with a Bachelor's degree (46.2%), 22 with a Diploma (10.5%), and 22 with a High School education (10.5%). Results: The research outcomes highlight the significant influence of inclusive policies on driving the Distribution of green economic transformation. Emphasizing the pivotal role of inclusive distribution strategies, especially within the context of mining areas, the study sheds light on their crucial contribution to fostering regional development. Conclusion: These findings hold valuable implications for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and academics promoting environmentally conscious economic transformations.

Inorganic As Concentration in Rice Grown Around the Abandoned Mining Areas and its Health Risk Assessment

  • Kim, Hyuck-Soo;Kang, Dae-Won;Kim, Da-In;Lee, Seul;Park, Sang-Won;Yoo, Ji-Hyock;Kim, Won-Il
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제49권5호
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    • pp.584-588
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    • 2016
  • The current study was carried out to investigate total and inorganic arsenic (As) concentrations in 112 rice samples (husked rice and polished rice) grown around the abandoned mining areas and to estimate the potential health risk through dietary intake of rice in Korea. Mean concentrations of total As in husked rice and polished rice were 0.23 and $0.13mg\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. Also, average inorganic As concentrations in husked rice and polished rice were 0.09 and $0.05mg\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. These levels are lower than the standard guideline value ($0.2mg\;kg^{-1}$) for inorganic As in polished rice recommended by Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and Codex. For health risk assessment, the average values of cancer risk probability was $5.7{\times}10^{-5}$ which was less than the acceptable cancer risk of $10^{-6}{\sim}10^{-4}$ for regulatory purpose. Also, hazard quotient values were lower than 1.0. Therefore, these results demonstrated that human exposure to inorganic As through dietary intake of rice collected from abandoned mining areas might not cause adverse health effects.

Predicting Land Use Change Affected by Population Growth by Integrating Logistic Regression, Markov Chain and Cellular Automata Models

  • Nguyen, Van Trung;Le, Thi Thu Ha;La, Phu Hien
    • 한국측량학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2017
  • Demographic change was considered to be the most major driver of land use change although there were several interacting factors involved, especially in the developing countries. This paper presents an approach to predict the future land use change using a hybrid model. A hybrid model consisting of logistic regression model, Markov chain (MC), and cellular automata (CA) was designed to improve the performance of the standard logistic regression model. Experiment was conducted in Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam. Demography and socio-economic variables dealing with urban sprawl were used to create a probability surface of spatio-temporal states of built-up land use for the years 2009, 2019, and 2029. The predicted land use maps for the years 2019 and 2029 show substantial urban development in the area, much of which are located in areas sensitive to source protections. It also showed that aquacultural land changes substantially in areas where are in the vicinity of estuary or near the sea dike. There was considerable variation between the communes; notably, communes with higher household density and higher proportion of people in working age have larger increases in aquacultural areas. The results of the analysis can provide valuable information for local planners and policy makers, assisting their efforts in constructing alternative sustainable urban development schemes and environmental management strategies.

Exposure and human risk assessment of toxic heavy metals on abandoned metal mine areas

  • Lee Jin-Soo;Chon Hyo-Taek
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지구물리탐사학회 2003년도 Proceedings of the international symposium on the fusion technology
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    • pp.515-517
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    • 2003
  • In order to assess the risk of adverse health effects on human exposure to arsenic and heavy metals influenced by past mining activities, environmental geochemical surveys were undertaken in the abandoned metal mine areas (Dongil Au-Ag-Cu-Zn, Okdong Cu-Pb-Zn, Songcheon Au-Ag, Dongjung Au-Ag-Pb-Zn, Dokok Au-Ag-Cu and Hwacheon Au-Ag-Pb-Zn mines). Arsenic and other heavy metals were highly elevated in the tailings from the Dongil, the Songcheon and the Dongjung mines. High concentrations of heavy metals except As were also found in tailings from the Okdong, the Dokok and the Hwacheon mines. These significant concentrations can impact on soils and waters around the tailing dumps. Risk compounds deriving from mine sites either constitute a toxic risk or a carcinogenic risk. The hazard index (H.I.) of As in the Dongil, the Okdong, the Songcheon and the Hwacheon mine areas was higher value more than 1.0. In the Okdong and the Songcheon mine areas, H.I. value of Cd exceeded 1.0. These values of As and Cd were the highest in the Songcheon mine area. Therefore, toxic risks for As and Cd exist via exposure (ingestion) of contaminated soil, groundwater and rice grain in these mine areas. The cancer risk for As in stream or ground water used for drinking water from the Songcheon, the Dongil, the Okdong, the Dongjung and the Hwacheon mine areas was 3E-3, 8E-4, 7E-4, 2E-4 and 1E-4, respectively.

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Microseismic monitoring and its precursory parameter of hard roof collapse in longwall faces: A case study

  • Wang, Jun;Ning, Jianguo;Qiu, Pengqi;Yang, Shang;Shang, Hefu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2019
  • In underground retreating longwall coal mining, hard roof collapse is one of the most challenging safety problems for mined-out areas. Identifying precursors for hard roof collapse is of great importance for the development of warning systems related to collapse geohazards and ground control. In this case study, the Xinhe mine was chosen because it is a standard mine and the minable coal seam usually lies beneath hard strata. Real-time monitoring of hard roof collapse was performed in longwall face 5301 of the Xinhe mine using support resistance and microseismic (MS) monitoring; five hard roof collapse cases were identified. To reveal the characteristics of MS activity during hard roof collapse development and to identify its precursors, the change in MS parameters, such as MS event rate, energy release, bursting strain energy, b value and the relationships with hard roof collapse, were studied. This research indicates that some MS parameters showed irregularity before hard roof collapse. For the Xinhe coalmine, a substantial decrease in b value and a rapid increase in MS event rate were reliable hard roof collapse precursors. It is suggested that the b value has the highest predictive sensitivity, and the MS event rate has the second highest.

폐광지역 산업도시의 도시축소양상과 도시공간정책방안에 관한 연구 -석탄산업합리화조치에 따른 폐광지역 축소도시에 대한 사례 연구 (A Study on the Urban Spatial Policy for the Industrial Cities in Abandoned Mining Area Through the Analysis of the Actual Condition of Urban Shrinkage - A Case Study on Shrinking Cities in Abandoned Mining area by the Coal Industry Rationalization Policy)

  • 지은희;한동규;정찬구;강준모
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2022
  • 이 논문은 폐광지역진흥지구가 지정된 4개의 사례도시를 대상으로 최근 20년간 도시축소 유형을 분석하고 도시축소 실태분석을 통해 향후 도시공간정책의 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 최근 20년간의 1년 단위 도시축소유형 분석결과, 사례도시 모두 고착형 축소도시로 분석되었으며 최근 40년간 정점인구 대비 30 % 이상의 인구감소를 나타냈다. 공간구조적으로는 인구감소에도 불구하고 시가화면적과 비도시지역의 지구단위계획구역 지정면적은 매년 증가하고 있으며, 비도시지역의 개발행위허가 및 건축허가도 증가추세에 있어 도시공간의 효율적 관리와 운영이 필요하다. 향후 소멸 고위험단계에 있는 군급 도시에 대한 연구와 도시축소 유형의 세분화 및 유형별 실태분석을 위한 다양한 지표의 개발이 요구된다.

폐탄광 산림복원지와 자연식생지의 탄소저장량 비교 (Comparison of Carbon Storage between Forest Restoration of Abandoned Coal Mine and Natural Vegetation Lands)

  • 김소진;정유경;박기형;김주은;배정현;강원석
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2023
  • In this study, carbon storage in the aboveground biomass, litter layer, and soil layer was calculated for abandoned mining restoration areas to determine the level of carbon storage after the restoration project through comparison with the ecological reference. Five survey sites were selected for each abandoned mining restoration area in Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do, and the ecological reference that can be a goal and model for the restoration project. The carbon storage in the restoration area was 0~21.3Mg C ha-1, the deciduous layer 3.3~6.0Mg C ha-1, and the soil layer(0-30cm) 8.3~35.1Mg C ha-1, showing a significant difference in carbon storage by target site. The total carbon storage was between 6.1 and 35.3% of the ecological reference, with restoration area ranging from 14.0 to 62.4 Mg C ha-1. The total carbon storage in the restoration area and the ecological reference differed the most in the aboveground biomass and was less than 12%. Based on these results, forest restoration area need to improve the carbon storage of forests through continuous management and monitoring so trees can grow and restore productivity in the early stages of the restoration project. The results of this study can be used as primary data for preparing future forest restoration indicators by identifying the storage of abandoned mining restoration areas.