• Title/Summary/Keyword: Milled Rice

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Mineral Contents of Brown and Milled Rice (현미와 백미의 품종별 무기질 함량)

  • 김미숙;양혜란;정윤화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.443-446
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of this study were to analyze mineral contents of brown and milled rice of five varieties (Kwangan, Daean, Daejin, Sura, Hwaseong) and to compare those with Korean recommended dietary allowance. The ash contents of brown rice ranged from 1.28 to 1.45% and those of milled rice ranged from 0.51 to 0.62% The mineral contents of brown rices were P, 270.8∼327.2 mg/100 g; K, 216.0∼ 249.0 mg/100 g: Mg, 102.0∼111.0 mg/100 g, Ca, 11.8∼13.2 mg/100 g. The major minerals of milled rices were P, 125.3∼153.2 mg/100 g; K, 96.5∼118.6 mg/100g; Mg, 34.7∼40.0 mg/100 g; Ca, 6.0∼9.4 mg/100 g. Contents of phosphorus from average daily rice consumption (215.9 g) correspond to 90.7% of Korean RDA of phosphorus in brown rice while 42.3% in milled rice.

A Study on Conditioning of the Brown Rice (II) -Milling characteristic with eight hours′ripeness after conditioning moisture content- (현미 조절에 관한 연구(II) -함수율 조질 후 8시간 숙성에 따른 정백특성-)

  • 한충수;강태환;조성찬;고학균
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2002
  • The goal of this research was to an optimum conditions for the brown rice conditioning from data of milling characteristics after conditioning of the brown rice. The range of the initial moisture content of the sample was 13%, 14%, and 15%, the range of the increment of the moisture content was 0.4% and 0.8% with respect to the initial moisture content, and a ripe time after conditioning was eight hours. The results obtained from this research can be summarized as fellows. 1 The crack ratio after conditioning the brown rice with the initial moisture content was increased as the initial moisture content decreased and increment of the moisture content increased. The crack ratio of the milled rice was increased than that of the non-conditioned brown rice and decreased with the conditioned brown rice with the increment of the moisture content of 0.4% and 0.5%. 2. The broken rice ratio after conditioning the brown rice with the initial moisture content was a little higher than that of the non-conditioned brawn rice. The broken ratio of the conditioned brown rice with the increment of the moisture content of 0.4% was increased around 0.2∼0.4% with respect to the non-conditioned brown riced and the broken ratio of the brown rice was high with increased amount of water sprayed during conditioning process. 3. The moisture content of the milled rice after conditioning the brown rice with the initial moisture content increased around 0.3∼0.8% with respect to the non-conditioned milled rice. 4. The electric energy consumption on milling process with the conditioned brown rice by the initial moisture content was decreased 3.4∼39.1% with respect to the non-conditioned brown rice.

Comparison of Korean and Japanese Rice Cultivars in Terms of Physicochemical Properties (I) The Comparison of Korean and Japanese Rice by NIR and Chemical Analysis (한국 쌀과 일본 쌀의 물리화학적 특성 연구 (I) NIR을 사용한 한국 쌀과 일본 쌀의 품질 비교)

  • 김혁일
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2004
  • A total of 40 Korean and Japanese rice varieties were evaluated for their main chemical components, physical properties, cooking quality, pasting properties, and instrumental measurements. Based on their quality evaluations, it was concluded that Korean and Japanese rice varieties were not significantly different in the basic components of NIR (Near Infra Red) data and the chemical analysis from the uncooked brown and milled rices. Korean rice had a little bit higher protein and amylose contents but much lower fat acidity than those of Japanese rice from the chemical analysis. From all the data of three different kinds of NIR methods, Korean and Japanese milled rice were very similar except the taste score. Japanese rice showed a slightly higher taste score, a little bit higher lightness and whiteness, but lower yellowness and redness than Korean one. From all those data of NIR and the chemical analysis, Korean and Japanese rices had very similar components except the fat content.

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Studies on Rice Quality of Chucheongbyeo Cultivated on Gyeonggi and Other Province (경기지역과 다른 지역에서 생산된 추청벼의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이병영;손종록
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to find out rice quality of Chucheongbyeo cultivated on Gyeonggj and other province. Rice type, color difference, amylograph of milled rice and texturograph of cooked rice were not significant between two cultivated region. And fat, protein, Mg and Ca in milled rice were not significant but p, K and Na were significantly different at l% the level between them as 2, 210~2, 420ppwt 1, 304~1, 538ppm and 212~236ppm in Gyeonggi province cultivated rice, and 2, 130~2, 180ppm, 1, 133~1, 180ppm and 197~217ppm in other province, respectively. Also amylose content, alkali distribution and gel consistency were not significant between them.

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Occurrence of Off-Odor and Distribution of Thermophilic Bacteria from Rice and Cooked Rice Stored at Electric Rice Cooker (쌀과 취반백미의 고온성 세균 분포 및 이상취 발생)

  • 박석규;고용덕;권선화;손미예;이상원
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2003
  • The distribution of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria in milled rice was not different according to growing land and variety of rice. However, The number of these bacteria were abundant in milled rice of lower milling degree or longer storage period. The growth of thermophilic bacteria in cooked rice of electric rice cooker was rapidly increased during storage of lower temperature below 75 $^{\circ}C$. Thermophilic bacteria were not appeared just after cooking. After cooked rice was stored far 18∼24 hon thermophilic bacterial growth was rapidly increased by changing spore to vegetative cell. The positive relation between cell number of thermophilic bacteria and occurrence of off-odor was slightly observed. The number of thermophilic bacteria in upper cooked rice of oven and was higher than those in inner and lower cooked rice. Major volatile compound of milled rice cooked and stored in electric rice cooker was hexanal oriented from rice. After long storage, it was confirmed that furan was major volatile compound as off-odor.

Relationship between Palatability and Physicochemical Properties of Carbohydrate Components in Rice Endosperm (쌀 배유 조성 탄수화물 특성과 식미와의 연관성)

  • Kim, Chae-Eun;Sohn, Jae-Keun;Kang, Mi-Young
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2007
  • Eight varieties of milled rice showing different palatabilities were studied in order to identify the relationship between physicochemical properties of carbohydrate components and their fine structure. Gopumbyeo showed the highest palatability value among the eight varieties tested. Both peak viscosity and breakdown were hightest in Hitomebore, and lowest in Mihyangbyeo. No relationship was indicated between the palatability and gelatinization properties. The amylose content of starch showed a significant difference among the varieties tested. However, no relationship was found between the structure of amylose and the palatability of milled rice. The degree of branching(B/A value) was highest in Saechucheongbyeo, and lowest in Palgongbyeo in fine structure of amylopectin. But no relationship was indicated between the B/A values and the palatability of milled rice. Difference was indicated in properties of gelatinization of starch by differential scanning calorimetry. The enthalphy for gelatinization showed a significant difference among the varieties. However, no relationship was found between the enthalphy for gelatinization and the palatability of milled rice. Monosaccharide in endosperm was composed of rice were compound of rhamnose, fucose, ribose, arabinose, and xylose. The total content of monosaccharides was highest in Saechucheongbyeo, and lowest in Palgongbyeo. However, 7 varieties of milled rice, expect Palgongbyeo, showed no relationship between the palatability and monosaccharides contents.

Physicochemical properties of powdered, soft and hard type rice flour by different milling methods (제분방법에 따른 분질, 연질 및 경질미 가루의 이화학적 특성)

  • Choi, Ok Ja;Jung, Hee Nam;Shim, Ki Hoon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the physicochemical properties of three different types of rice flour prepared via dry and wet milling. The powder, soft, and hard-types of rice flour were Suwon No. 542, Suwon No. 541, and Unbong No. 30, respectively. The analysis of the proximate compositions of the different types of rice flour showed that their moisture content was 7.03~7.99%, their crude protein was 7.94~8.35%, their crude lipid was 0.71~1.49% and their crude ash was 0.25~0.82%. For the Hunter's color values, the L value was highest in the wet-milled rice flour, the a value was highest in the dry-milled rice flour, and the b value was highest in the dry-milled rice flour. All the samples showed distinctive rice starch particles in the particle analysis using scanning electron microscope. The dry-milled rice flour showed the greatest amount of irregular particles and the coarsest texture. The water absorption and water solubility indices were higher in the wet-milled soft- and hard-type rice flour. The crystallinities of the samples by X-ray diffractography were all A-type, but the crystallinity of the dry-milled hard-type rice flour was higher in diffraction degree. For the amylogram properties, the wet-milled soft-type rice flour showed the highest maximum viscosity, breakdown and setback. In the meanwhile, the dry-milled soft-type rice flour showed the highest initial pasting temperature, onset, peak, and end temperatures despite of the reverse enthalpy.

Changes in Retrogradation Degree of Nonwaxy Rice Cooked at Different Pressure and Stored in Electric Rice Cooker (압력 취반 백미의 전기밥솥 보온중 노화도의 변화)

  • Park, Seok-Kyu;Ko, Yong-Duck;Choi, Ok-Ja;Shon, Mi-Yae;Seo, Kwon-Il
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.705-709
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    • 1997
  • Changes in retrogradation degree of nonwaxy milled rice cooked at different pressure and stored in electric rice cooker at $74^{\circ}C$ were investigated. The moisture contents of nonwaxy milled rice cooked at $1.0{\sim}1.9\;atm\;and\;1.2{\sim}1.5$ water/rice ratio were $59.9{\sim}64.3%$. When nonwaxy milled rice was cooked at high pressure, X-ray diffraction patterns of cooked rice exhibited the V-type having nearly no crystallinity. Retrogradation peak of cooked rice from DSC thermogram was observed in the temperature range of $41.9{\sim}62.4^{\circ}C$ and was not appeared in cooked rice above 1.5 atm. During storage at cooker for 24 hr, retrogradation enthalpy of cooked rice was increased and retrogradation peak was not appeared above 1.7 atm. In cooking and storage of cooked rice, retrogradation degree measured by ${\alpha}-amylase-iodine$ method in high pressure gelatinized samples was lower than that in low pressure gelatinized ones.

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Properties of Endosperm Components of Two Pigmented Rice Varieties (시판 검정 약쌀의 배유 성분 특성)

  • Kim, Chae-Eun;Cho, Min-Kyung;Kang, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.760-765
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to analyze the properties of the endosperm components of two pigmented rice varieties, glutinous and non-glutinous rice. Apparent amylose contents (AAC) of starch endosperm were 13.72% and 12.05% in pigmented non-glutinous rice and pigmented glutinous rice, respectively. Both initial temperatures for gelatinization of the two pigmented rice varieties were lower than that of milled rice. The enthalpy for gelatinization of pigmented non-glutinous rice was similar to that of milled rice, but higher than that of pigmented glutinous rice. Pigmented glutinous rice showed the highest Mg/K ratio, which affected the glutinosity in cooked rice. No difference was found in amino acid content among the various groups; however, the lysine contents were higher in the two pigmented rice varieties compared to milled rice. There was no difference in the fatty acid composition among the groups tested. Moreover, the major components of fatty acids were palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid in the two pigmented rice varieties and milled rice. The breakdown value of gelatinization property by RVA (Rapid Visco Analyzer) was lowest in pigmented non-glutinous rice.

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Application of Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Prediction Model Development of Total Dietary Fiber Content in Milled Rice (백미의 총 식이섬유함량 예측 모델 개발을 위한 퓨리에변환 근적외선분광계의 적용)

  • Lee Jin-Cheol;Yoon Yeon-Hee;Eun Jong-Bang
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.608-612
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    • 2005
  • Fourier transform-near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy is a simple, rapid, non-destructive technique which can be used to make quantitative analysis of chemical composition in grain. An interest in total dietary fiber (TDF) of grain such as rice has been increased due to its beneficial effects for health. Since measuring methods for TDF content were highly depending on experimental technique and time consumptions, the application of FT-NIR spectroscopy to determine TDF content in milled rice. Results of enzymatic-gravimetric method were $1.17-1.92\%$ Partial least square (PLS) regression on raw NIR spectra to predict TDF content was developed Accuracy of prediction model for TDF content was certified for regression coefficient (r), standard error of estimation (SEE) and standard error of prediction (SEP). The r, SEE and SEP were 0.9705, 0.0464, and 0.0604, respectively. The results indicated that FT-NIR techniques could be very useful in the food industry and rice processing complex for determination of TDF in milled rice on real time analysis.