• Title/Summary/Keyword: Military Human Rights

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A Study on the Exterminating Violence in Military and Human Rights of Military officer (초급간부 인권과 군대 폭력 근절방안에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Jae-Keak
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.16 no.3_1
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2016
  • Violent action is prohibited in military, and onus to maintain discipline is on commander. To complete this duty, junior leaders who work on the first line is on situation that their human rights are unprotected. And it is linked to military violence. To eradicate this kind of violence, reformation of military organizational culture which assure junior military leaders' human rights is needed.

The Confrontational Co-existence of Development and Human Rights after Democratic Transition in Southeast Asia: A Civil Society Perspective (동남아시아의 민주화 이후 '개발'과 '인권'의 갈등적 공존: 시민사회의 시각)

  • Park, Eunhong
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.173-218
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    • 2009
  • Bring this analysis down to people-centered development perspective and looking through democratization in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, we find similarities and differences among them related with the intensity of conflicts between development and human rights in the process of democratization in line with global transformation. Civil society in the Philippines criticized the developmental path in the Philippines which failed to implement land reform and eradication of poverty under the transition from 'patrimonial oligarchy' to democracy. In Thailand the coalition of military and the royalists had consolidated its power since Sarit military regime, which later paved the way 'hybrid oligarchy' era. Most Thai civil society organizations has regarded their developmental experience rather as 'maldevelopment' which disregarded economic and social rights. It has been especially believed by Thai localists that the stimulation of local markets and the building of autonomic community society will form the alternative economy without going against the conservative banner of nation, religion and king. Thaksin as a populist successfully took advantage of Thai localist ethos in favour of taking the seat of power. He projected himself as a modernizer focused on economic growth and cleaner politics. However Thaksin's procedural legitimacy was overthrown by counterattacking from military-royalist alliance, pretexting that Thaksin caused internal conflicts and lacked morality. Soeharto's New Order regime which can be called 'administrative oligarchy' had an antipathy towards notions of economic and social rights as well as civil and political rights. In spite of the fact that the fall of Soeharto opened the political space for democratic civil society organizations which had long struggled with development aggression and human rights abuses, there have been continuously a strong political and military reaction against human rights activists, NGOs and ethnic minorities such as Aceh and Papua. Nevertheless, Indonesian democracy is more promising than Philippine's and Thai democracy in terms of comparatively less pre-modern legacies.

A Study on Military Justice System Reform : Focusing on Defense Reform 2.0 (군 사법제도 개혁에 관한 고찰 : 국방개혁 2.0을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Jung Kyun;Park, Cheol;Park, Sang Jae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2018
  • The The ROK military announced a reform proposal for the National Defense Reform 2.0 in 2018 in order to substantially guarantee the constitutional rights and human rights of the soldiers and to meet the demands of the military judicial reform. In order to establish a fair and independent military judicial system through such reforms, the Supreme Military Court was abolished to eradicate the controversy in the army and to abolish the system of the judges' And professionalism is systematically ensured so that judges can be judged only by law and conscience. This military reform proposal is so dramatic that it has a vocal voice of opposition, but the military should no longer be an exception to democracy and should try not to get caught in the stigma of human rights blindness.

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Ethics Involving Human Subject Research in Military Medicine (군진의학 연구에서 인간대상 연구윤리)

  • Kwon, Ivo
    • The Journal of KAIRB
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2022
  • The goal of the military medicine is not as same as that of the civil medical practice, and consequently the characteristics of military biomedical researches have their own uniqueness. In front of the prerogative of national defense, some of the human rights ordinarily ensured in normal researches with human subjects are not to be fully guaranteed. The hierarchic system of the military would complicate the issue when the soldiers are enrolled as human subject for the research. Some researches could be classified as a military secret, therefore, the confidentiality issues need to be well addressed. Institutional Review Board and review procedure should be modified for the military purposes. So, it is necessary to establish the appropriate regulatory system for the military biomedical researches with human subject to manage the complicated issues involved in them.

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Substantial Improvement of Medical Care for Detainees in Republic of Korea (대한민국 수용자 의료처우의 실질적 개선)

  • Samin Hong
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.370-375
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    • 2023
  • The responsibility to ensure the health rights of detainees, particularly their medical rights, fundamentally lies with the state in all nations. However, in the correctional facilities of the Republic of Korea, these rights are currently not adequately safeguarded. Numerous detainees express dissatisfaction with the medical services provided and show a preference for voluntary external treatment. However, barriers such as prolonged application processes for external treatment and the requirement for detainees to cover their medical expenses present significant challenges. Therefore, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea has advocated for an increased medical budget in correctional facilities and a bolstered professional medical workforce to improve the medical care of detainees. Recommendations for improvements include: (1) establishing dedicated correctional hospitals for detainees, (2) setting up specialized correctional wards, (3) collaborating with military hospitals, (4) launching mobile medical buses for diverse specialties, (5) enhancing collaboration with public and private medical institutions, (6) increasing compensation for partnering external medical institutions, (7) improving the working conditions of medical officers, (8) safeguarding the defense rights of medical staff, (9) improving the working conditions of public health doctors from the Ministry of Justice in correctional facilities, and (10) pre-assigning public health specialists and military doctors to correctional facilities. By implementing these measures, it is anticipated that the quality of medical services in the Republic of Korea's correctional facilities will improve, reducing the demand for external treatments among detainees and ensuring their health and medical rights are realistically upheld.

War and Women's Human Rights Museum: Archives are Key (아카이브 중심의 전쟁과여성인권박물관)

  • Youn, Jihyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2020
  • This article introduces the case of archival management of the War and Women's Human Rights Museum. The War and Women's Human Rights is a nongovernment organization (NGO) focusing on the welfare of the Korean women who survived the Japanese military sexual slavery and is operated by a small museum. On the surface, the institution is registered and operated as a museum; however, as the parent institution's actual work and collection records were transferred and managed, archival management functions account for a large portion of the museum's work. In this study, the museum archivist and the collection archives' characteristics and roles were introduced. As the differences and specialization between general museums and records management institutions are seen through the collection types, the advantages of a museum for archive management were discussed, and a system for records management institutions to move toward cultural institutions was proposed. Furthermore, the record management problems and their impacts on record management in response to the organization's recent crisis, and its future vision and plans were introduced.

A Study on Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy of North Korea (부시행정부의 대북정책에 관한 소고)

  • Lee, Gang-Eon;Jang, Myeong-Sun
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.3
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    • pp.169-196
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    • 2005
  • The point of Bush administraion’s foreign policy is to support the promotion and stability of Democracy in Iraq and counter terrorism and spread of WMD with his strong propulsive force caused by his reelection. In such an environment, there are his leadership, his team, himself, Kim Jung Il, and a new understanding of North Korea after September 11 as the effective factors of Bush administration’s policy toward Pyongyang. Bush administration’s foreign policy of North Korea also shows the process of North Korea’s nuclear weapon program and the future scenario of the Korean Peninsula with "the persistence of solving North Korea’s nuclear weapon program such as the method having done in Lybia", "the holding unconditional talks with Pyongyang, and "the continual concerns with human rights in North Korea." The purpose of Bush administration’s foreign policy of North Korea is to make North Korea do not support terrorism rather than remove the nuclear weapon in North Korea. The process of outlining South Korea’s policy toward North Korea must be considered for "national interest" with reasonable analyses not just hopes For this, South Korea must access systematically human rights of North Korea, prepare projects for a daring approach on North Korea, and strengthen South Korea’s defense ability toward North Korea with deep alliance with U.S and systematize the mutual understanding channel between U.S and South Korea. In conclusion, South Korea must try to get specific methods and practices about Bush administration’s foreign policy of North Korea with national wisdom

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Analysis on North Korea Information Research Trend in Korea (최근 북한정보 연구동향에 대한 분석)

    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.3-27
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze research trend of 400 north korea information studies from 2010 to 2014 in korea. The research has narrowed the scope of analysis in five fields : political diplomacy, economy, the military, social culture, human rights in north korea. The result of this research shows that each field evenly counts for 20% of the entire research. According to the types of publications, not only research papers but also graduate theses and books comprise a large proportion of the north korea information study. In the past, the north korea information study focused on political diplomacy and the military, but this research revealed different outcome. Now the study of north korea information has wide variety of subject, but it requires a qualitative growth. It remains still the problem of credibility in research data.

The Comment on Valuable and Significant Mozi's Theories Based on a military Thoughts (논(論)『묵자(墨子)』군사사상급기현대의의(軍事思想及其現代意義))

  • Hwang, SeongKyu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.25
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    • pp.315-332
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    • 2009
  • This research shows that Mozi setting forth a military thoughts will be discussed and lighted up in modern value. Mozi's theory on a military was formed in order to protect weak people from the strong in the basis of his philosophy of not attacking. It is different from the art of war for attack. There are some merits in Mozi's strategy of war that we have to take notice of. First of all, Mozi indicated that married women, the old and children was provided with specific roles in the war times. Especially, married women' parts will be equal to men. The old and children should usually be respected for the government to offer them important roles in the war time. Therefore, this paper will be showed in the respect of Mozi's thoughts that is considered as human being's fundamental rights in terms of ensuring the weak's rights. Furthermore, Mozi's theories on technology from loving the civil was applied to defensive fight and his advanced arms was arranged in the actual fight. However, his arms could be useful to the only defensive fight. This case was reflected as Mojia's theories that science is sincerely useful toward the civil. There will be some small or large wars in the future. Mozi's theories based on a military peaceful thoughts that everyone ought to be loved without discrimination should be highly valued when all wars will take place for the purpose of their own profits.

Unconstitutionality of Call to Arms for Police Action (치안활동을 위한 군병력동원의 위헌여부에 관한 고찰)

  • Cho, Sung-Je
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2011
  • As for the anti-terrorism bills, which were submitted to the National Assembly, the mobilization of anti-terrorism commando, which was designated or established by the National Defense Minister, is mobilized the military troops without being based on marital law in light of the constitutional law, thereby possibly violating the constitution, first of all, with regards to mobilization of anti-terrorism commando, which was formed with military troops. The anti-terrorism commando is the military force, which was trained professionally for the anti-terrorism activity. Thus, the violation of human rights may be greatly reduced rather than what general soldiers are putted in the public-order activity such as anti-terrorism. However, it is thought to be desirable to make it possible for the input of special forces, which were trained professionally in relation to anti-terrorism activity, through constitutionally revising the constitutional law. As for the provision of 'support for military troops' in the anti-terrorism bill, what is a case that the nation's important facilities and multi-use facilities are difficult to be protected from terror with the anti-terrorism commando and police force needs to be constitutionally regarded as resulting in reaching the level enough to correspond to 'a state of national emergency equivalent to wartime incident.' Thus, enacting the future anti-terrorism law, it is thought to be unnecessary for having the provision of 'support for military troops' with receiving criticism obstinately for possibly violating the constitution.