• 제목/요약/키워드: Middle aged Women

검색결과 1,317건 처리시간 0.024초

The relationship of dietary sodium, potassium, fruits, and vegetables intake with blood pressure among Korean adults aged 40 and older

  • Kim, Mi Kyung;Kim, Kirang;Shin, Min-Ho;Shin, Dong Hoon;Lee, Young-Hoon;Chun, Byung-Yeol;Choi, Bo Youl
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.453-462
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The inverse relationships of combined fruits and vegetables intake with blood pressure have been reported. However, whether there are such relationships with salty vegetables has rarely been investigated in epidemiologic studies. We evaluated the relation of combined and separate intake of fruits, vegetable intakes, and salty vegetables, as well as sodium and potassium, with blood pressure among the middle-aged and elderly populations. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The present cross-sectional analysis of a prospective cohort baseline survey was performed with 6,283 subjects (2,443 men and 3,840 women) and free of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Dietary data were collected by trained interviewers using food frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: The significantly inverse linear trend of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was found in fruits and non-pickled vegetables (81.2 mmHg in the lowest quintile vs 79.0 mmHg in the highest quintile, P for trend = 0.0040) and fruits only (80.9 mmHg in the lowest quintile vs 79.4 mmHg in the highest quintile, P for trend = 0.0430) among men. In contrast, sodium and sodium to potassium ratio were positively related with blood pressure among men (DBP, 78.8 mmHg in the lowest quintile vs 80.6 mmHg in the highest quintile, P for trend = 0.0079 for sodium; DBP, 79.0 mmHg in the lowest quintile vs 80.7 mmHg in the highest quintile, P for trend = 0.0199 and SBP, 123.8 mmHg in the lowest quintile vs 125.9 mmHg in the highest quintile for sodium/potassium). Kimchies consumption was positively related to DBP for men (78.2 mmHg in the lowest quintile vs 80.9 mmHg in the highest quintile for DBP, P for trend = 0.0003). Among women, these relations were not found. CONCLUSION: Fruits and/or non-pickled vegetables may be inversely, but sodium, sodium to potassium, and Kimchies may be positively related to blood pressure among men.

중년여성의 하반신 체형분류에 따른 슬랙스 원형 제작 (A study on the basic slacks pattern for middled aged women based on their lower body shape analysis)

  • 정인향;함옥상
    • 대한인간공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한인간공학회 1997년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.40-55
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study are to examine the characters of the lower half body shape in the middle aged women and to make slacks patttern on the base of four difference body shapes as follows. The lower half body shapes were classified into 4 types on the basis of their lateral view silhouette, whose characters were summarized as followings. (1) "Type 1" meant the right body shape with the standard protrusion of abdomen and hips. (2) "Type 2" showed the body shape with prominent hips, which had the flat abdominal silhouette and the greatly curved hips silhouette. (3) "Type 3" was the body shape with the prominent abdomen and the flat hips, in which the frontal view silhouette of the abdomen was greatly curved and the rear view silhouette of hips is less curved. (4) "Type 4" was characterized with prominent abdomen and hips. The slaks patterns were based on the lower half body shape characters and resulted in followings. (1) In the type 1, little difference from conventional patterns was seen in experiment pattern, in which the front waist girth was W/4{\times}0.5cm+0.5cm+fold(2.5cm) and the back waist girth W/4+0.5cm-0.5cm+dart(3.5cm). The front hip girth was defined as H/4+2.0cm+0.5cm and the back hip girth as H/4+2.0cm-0.5cm due to its increased ease amount produced by abdominal fat deposition. (2) In the type 2 experimental pattern, the front and back differences of the waist girth and the hip girth were defined as 1.0cm and 2.0cm separately. Accordingly, the front waist girth was W/4+0.5cm+ 1.0cm+fold(2.0cm), the back waist girth W/4+0.5cm-1.0cm+dart(6.5cm), the front hip girth H/4+2.0cm+1.0cm and the back hip girth H/4+2.0cm-1.0cm. (3) In type 3, the front waist girth was set up as W/4+0.5cm+0.5cm+fold (4.5cm) for the increased front fold amount and the back waist girth was W/4+0.5cm+0.5cm+dart(3.0cm). The front hip girth was made as H/4+2.5cm+0.5cm and the back hip girth H/4+2.5cm-0.5cm. (4) In type 4, considered were $\circled1$ the increased fornt fold amount due to the abdonimal protrusion, $\circled2$ the increased back dart amount and the decreased back dart length owing to the hips prominent and $\circled3$ the front and back differences of waist and hip girth for the lateral view silhouette. Therefore the front waist girth was defined as W/4+0.5cm+2.0cm+flod (5.0cm), the back waist girth as W/4+0.5cm-20.cm+dart(4.0cm), the front hip girth as H/4+2.0cm+1.0cm and the back hip girth as H/4+2.0cm-1.0cm. The sensory evaluation of appearance and comfort was appeared more suitable on the experiment pattern than on the conventional pattern.

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중년여성의 우울증과 식생활 실천과의 관계: 정서적 섭식의 매개효과 (Relation between depression and dietary practice among middle-aged women: mediating effect of emotional eating)

  • 장다연;계승희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 서울과 경기도 지역의 중년여성 345명을 대상으로 우울증, 정서적 섭식 및 식생활과의 관련성을 분석하고 우울증과 식생활과의 관계에서 정서적 섭식의 매개효과에 대하여 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 우울증 군별 영양지수 점수는 균형과 다양 및 식행동의 점수가 정상군보다 우울증군에서 낮았으며, 절제 점수는 정상군보다 우울증경계군과 우울증군에서 낮았다. 우울증 군별 정서적 섭식 점수는 정상군보다 우울증군에서 높았다. 우울증, 정서적 섭식 및 영양지수와의 편상관관계를 분석한 결과 우울증은 정서적 섭식과 양의 상관관계가 있었고, 영양지수의 모든 요인, 즉 균형, 다양, 절제, 식행동과 모두 음의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 정서적 섭식은 영양지수 요인 중 다양과 절제와 각각 음의 상관성이 있었다. 우울증과 영양지수와의 관계에서 정서적 섭식의 매개효과를 부트스트래핑을 적용하여 통계분석한 결과 우울증은 정서적 섭식을 매개체로 하여 영양지수 요인 중 절제에 음의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 통해 우울증이 식생활 실천으로 연계되는 과정에서 정서적 섭식이 매개체로서 건강하지 못한 식품의 섭취에 영향을 미치는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

일개 도시지역 임신부의 영양섭취에 관한 조사연구 -간이식 영양조사법 이용- (A Nutrition Intakes Survey of Pregnant Women in a Urban Area -Application of Convenient Method for the Study of Nutritionial Status-)

  • 김인숙
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1983
  • Aiming at the total 200 pregnant women including 150 ones registered with the Health Center of Chung Ku District and 50 ones registered with the Health Center of Mapo District, we have conducted a research study of the socio-medical characteristics, maternal child health, and the status of nutritional intake which has utilized the application of convenient method for the study of nutritional status, during the period of April 20 to May 25, 1983. And we have obtained the following conclusions: 1. Regarding age distribution, the pregnant women aged from 26 to 30 were most numerous, which was 54.0%. The percentage of women who experienced the first pregnancy was 12.0% and the percentage of those who experienced the second pregnancy was 37.0%, which was the highest. Regarding the weeks of pregnancy of the pregnant women, the first trimesterr was 11.5%, the second trimester 30.0%, and the third trimester 58.6%. 2. Regarding academic achievements, the pregnant women who graduated from middle schools reached 43.5%, which was the highest percentage. Regarding economic status, the pregnant women who owned their own houses were only 21.0%. And the pregnant women whose monthly income was from 300,000 won to 400,000 won were 40%, which was the most numerous. 5. The women above 15 years old who experienced the first menstruation were 84.0%. And those who experienced abortion were totally 54.4%. and 35.5% among those women experienced artificial abortion. 4. 70.5% of the pregnant women said that their health condition was excellent, 24.5% felt subjective complaints, and 5.0% specially received medical consultation for their diseases. 5. 82.0% received prenatal care, but 60.5% regularly received prenatal care. 68.0% received the education for nutrition and only 19.5% regularly received the education for nutrition. 6. Regarding the family composition, the families consisting of two generations were 47.0%, which was the most numerous. 97.5% of the preparation for meals was conducted by housewives. They said that they did not lack time for meal preparation. 7. 94.9% of the pregnant women said that they had eaten as in ordinary times during their pregnancy. 25.5% said that there were tabooed foods. Tabooed foods are chiefly pork, chicken, milk, and eggs. 68.0% don't drink milk during pregnancy, 32.5% take the intake of vitamins, and 20.5% take iron supplement. 8. The average amounts of the intake of protein, fat, and carbohydrate of a pregnant women are 49.3gm, 29.4gm, and 205.1gm respectively, which showed the phenomenon in which the amount of the intake of nutrition increased as the weeks of pregnancy increased. The average amount of the intake of salt was 14.2gm. 9. Regarding the hemoglobin value of all pregnant women, those whose hemoglobin value was less than 11.0gm were 66.5%, those whose hemoglobin value was 11 to 12 gm were 16.5%. and those whose hemoglobin value was above 12gm were 17.0%. The pregnant women whose hemoglobin value was less than 11.0gm in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second trimester, and in the trimester were 81.8%, 62.8%, and 64.9% respectively. This shows that the phenomenon of anemia increased as the weeks of pregnancy increased 10. Regarding physical development of a pregnant woman during prenatal period, the height and weight were $156.7cm{\pm}14.1$ and $51.1kg{\pm}58$ respectively. When the standard increase of a prenatal weigt gain is set as 100%, the women over the range of 100% were 28.0% and the women under the range of 80% were 37.0%.

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천연소재 MS-10의 에스트로겐 수용체 조절을 통한 여성건강 증진 (Natural Substance MS-10 Improves Women's Health via Regulation of Estrogen Receptor)

  • 노유헌;이지원;박지애;이상형;이준영;김성수;박광균;김태진;명순철;정윤화
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제45권6호
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    • pp.903-910
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    • 2016
  • 엉겅퀴와 타임의 복합추출물인 MS-10이 여성호르몬 수용체를 가역적으로 활성화해 여성갱년기에 감소하는 에스트로겐이 효율적으로 사용될 수 있도록 작용한다는 것이 확인되었다. 12주간의 인체적용시험에서 MS-10은 안면홍조 및 야한증, 감각마비, 수면장애, 신경과민, 우울, 현기증, 피로, 관절 및 근육통, 두통, 가슴 두근거림(심계항진), 그리고 질건조 등의 여성갱년기 증상이 개선되었음이 확인되었다. 이러한 MS-10의 여성갱년기 증상 개선은 MS-10에 의한 insulin-like growth factor-1의 개선에 기인한 것으로 판단된다. MS-10은 여성갱년기 증상을 개선하는 천연소재 건강 기능식품으로 사용될 수 있다.

어머니의 스트레스가 부모효능감에 미치는 영향 -소득 집단 간 경로차이 분석- (The Impact of Maternal Stress on Parenting Efficacy -An Analysis of Path Difference between Income Groups-)

  • 김진이
    • 한국아동복지학
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    • 제36호
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    • pp.101-132
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 서울시내 12개 어린이집을 이용하는 3~5세 유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니들(N=429)을 대상으로, 생활사건 스트레스와 만성적 스트레스의 구성요인이 부모효능감에 영향을 미치는 경로에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 소득집단을 비교하며 차이를 실증적으로 밝히고자 하였다. 소득하위집단 어머니들은 소득상위집단 어머니들보다 더 높은 수준의 우울증상을 보였으며, 소득하위집단 어머니들이 생활사건스트레스와 만성적 스트레스의 경험빈도와 심각성에서 소득상위집단 어머니들보다 양적 차이를 보여 심각한 경험을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 매개효과 검증 결과 생활사건 스트레스와 만성적 스트레스가 직접적으로 부모효능감에 영향을 미치지는 않고 어머니 우울증상을 매개로 하여 부모효능감에 영향을 미침을 알 수 있었다. 생활사건 스트레스와 만성적 스트레스 둘 다 우울증상의 유의한 영향요인들이었으며, 특히 만성적 스트레스는 더 큰 효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 총 효과 분석에서도 부모효능감에 대한 영향은 생활사건 스트레스보다 만성적 스트레스에 의해 더 큰 것을 알 수 있었다. 어머니의 우울증상에 만성적 스트레스의 영향력이 소득하위집단 가정이 소득상위집단 가정보다 컸으며, 어머니의 우울증상에의 생활사건 스트레스의 영향력과 부모효능감에의 어머니의 우울증상의 영향력은 소득상위집단 가정이 소득하위집단 가정보다 더 컸다. 고위험 상황에서 효과적인 부모역할을 극대화하기 위해서는 어머니들은 환경적 어려움에 반하여 우선 그들의 심리적 복지를 보호할 필요가 있다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 부모나 아동에 대한 향후 사회적 지원 대책에 관해 논의하였다.

보건소 건강교실 참여가 중,고령 여성의 대사증후군과 질병 발병 위험에 미치는 효과 (The Effect of Public Health Center Program participation on Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Disease in Middle- aged and Elderly Women)

  • 이용수
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제7권6호
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구의 목적은 30세 이상의 보건소 건강교실에 자발적으로 참여한 여성을 대상으로 대사증후군 개선을 위한 운동과 영양 프로그램으로서 교육 중재프로그램의 제공 효과를 검증하는 것이다. 서울시 동북부 지역에 위치한 보건소 비만클리닉 참여자 400명 중 12주간의 비만 클리닉 프로그램을 이수한 120명의 여성을 대상으로 하였다. 운동 및 영양 프로그램으로 구성된 건강교실 프로그램을 매주 1일, 운동과 영양 각 1시간씩 12주간 실시하여 보건소 건강교실 참여자의 대사증후군 위험요인에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 중재 전, 후의 대사증후군 위험인자와 형태요인 변화량과 변화율 분석을 통하여 대사증후군과 질병발병 위험율의 개선 여부를 검증하였다. 주1회, 회당 2시간, 12주간의 건강교실 프로그램 제공을 통해 참가자들의 허리둘레(p<.001), 수축기혈압(p<.001), 이완기혈압(p<.001), 체질량지수(p<.001) 감소를 확인하였다. 또한 50대 이후 연령대에 비해 50대 이전 연령대에서 체중(p<.01), 허리둘레(p<.05), BMI(p<.01), 지방량(p<.05)가 더 많이 감소하였다.

'보건소 비만클리닉 시범사업'으로 실시한 Belly Dance와 영양교육이 비만여성의 신체조성 및 혈청지질 농도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Belly Dancing and Nutritional Education on Body Composition and Serum Lipids Profiles of Obese Women in a Study, 'Obesity Clinic Projects at Community Healthcenter')

  • 김경도;송영옥;백영호
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제40권10호
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    • pp.1417-1422
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 비만중년여성 34명을 대상으로 벨리댄스와 영양교육 실시가 신체조성과 혈청지질 및 인슐린 저항성에 미치는 요인을 구명하기 위하여 벨리댄스와 영양교육을 12주간 실시한 후 운동전과 후의 신체조성, 혈청지질, 인슐린 저항성, leptin 및 adiponectin 호르몬, 그리고 항산화능을 측정하여 비교분석하였다. 벨리댄스 프로그램은 1회 1시간씩 주3회 실시하였으며, 운동 강도는 60~85% HRmax로 실시하였다. 영양교육프로그램은 영양 교육과 개별 상담으로 나누어 총 4회 실하였다. 신체조성중 체중 5.53%, 체지방률 9.51%, BMI 5.61% 유의적으로 감소하였으며, 골격근량은 0.81% 증가하였다. 혈청지질의 변화는 TG 13.50%, TC 9.51%, LDL-C 10.43% 유의적으로 감소하였으며, HDL-C는 3.24% 증가하였다. 인슐린 농도는 19.76% HOMA-IR 지수는 18.22% 유의적으로 감소였다. Leptin 호르몬의 분비는 32.35% 유의적으로 감소하였으나 adiponectin 농도는 변화가 없었다. 그러나 총 유리기 농도는 증가하는 경향을 보였고, 혈중 총 항산화능의 변화는 없었다. 본 연구의 결과를 살펴보면 보건소에서 실시하는 비만클리닉 프로그램은 비만중년 여성의 체지방률을 낮추어 혈청지질 및 인슐린 저항성을 개선함으로써 건강을 증진시키는 긍정적인 효과가 있을 것으로 사료된다.

Having Private Cancer Insurance in Korea: Gender Differences

  • Yoo, Ki-Bong;Noh, Jin-Won;Kwon, Young Dae;Cho, Kyoung Hee;Choi, Young;Kim, Jae-Hyun
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권17호
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    • pp.7981-7986
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    • 2015
  • Background: As coverage of public insurance is not sufficient to cover diagnosis or treatment of cancer, having private health insurance is important to prepare for unexpected expenses of cancer. The purpose of this study was to assess factors associated with having private cancer insurance, considering gender among the socio-demographic factors and health behavior. Materials and Methods: We used data from the 2011 Korea Health Panel, which included 10,871 participants aged 20 years and older. Socio-demographics, health behavior, and perceived cancer risk were the independent variables and having private cancer insurance was the dependent variable. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with having private cancer insurance. Results: The variables relating to middle age, higher education, higher household income, married men, and the perceived cancer risk groups of 1-10% and 11-30% were significantly associated with having private cancer insurance. Additionally, females who had private non-cancer health insurance were positively associated with the dependent variables (OR=1.36; 95% CI=1.17-1.57). Education, smoking status, exercise, and perceived cancer risk possibility were significantly associated with having private cancer insurance only among women. The men lowered the overall percentages of those having private cancer insurance (OR=0.53, 95% CI=0.45-0.63). Conclusions: We found that there were significant differences between men and women who had private cancer insurance. Women with private cancer insurance are more likely to follow precautionary health behavior than men. This could be interpreted as resulting from masculine ideologies. It is important to make males recognize the seriousness of the cancer risk. In general, household income was highly associated with private cancer insurance. These results reveal an inequity among the buyers of private cancer insurance in terms of economic status level, education level, and health condition.

도시 기혼남녀의 전통적 효 규범의식과 친척유대간의 관계에 관한 연구 (The Relationship between Urban Married's Nonnative Sense of the Traditional Filial Piety and their Affiliation with Relatives)

  • 안혜숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제43권5호
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    • pp.183-198
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to discuss the relationship between Korean people's normative sense of the traditional filial piety and their affiliation with relatives. For this purpose, the researcher reviewed ethics books during the Chosun dynasty such as Naehoon Women's Ethics), Dongmongsonsup (Children's Cardinal Moral Principles) ,Kyokmongyokyol (Juvenile's Learning) and Gyuenyoso (Instructions for Daughters of Marriageable Age), Based on this review a questionnaire was designed. For the survey,566 returned questionnaires from married people between their 20's and 70's living in Seoul and Wonju Si were sampled The collected data were analyzed using the SAS program for means and SDs of each area in order to examine the overall tendency, and were subject to one-way ANOVA to determine the relationship between their normative sense of the traditional filial piety and their affiliations with relatives depending on their demographic variables, In addition to this correlation analysis, the data underwent regression analysis to determine the significant factors affecting the subjects' sense of filial piety and their affiliation with relatives. The results of this study can be summarized as follows ; First, the subjects were found to have a normal or higher sense of filial piety in overall terms, which suggests that the Korean morality of filial piety may be positive. In particular, the subjects' sense of filial piety was higher for living parents than for dead ones. Namely, they wanted to give more respect, honor and support to their parents than give a cordial funeral or memorial service to deceased parents. Second, older Koreans were more aware of filial piety, and men were more conscious of filial piety than women. Buddhists or atheists tended to be more faithful to their parents. Generally, those with lower academic background and living with larger families had a higher normative sense of filial piety. On the other hand, those in their 60's and 70's were most affiliated with their relatives, while youth and middle-aged people were less affiliated with their relatives. Men were more affiliated with their relatives than women, and first sons or daughters were more affiliated with their relatives. Besides, those living with larger families were more affiliated with their relatives. Third, the subjects' normative sense of filial piety, particularly for deceased parents, was highly correlated with their affiliation with relatives, and such a normative sense of filial piety was most conspicuous in their funeral rites.