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A Study on Gocheong Seogee's Philosophy and Learning (고청 서기의 학문과 사상)

  • 김창경
    • 유학연구
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    • v.46
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2019
  • Gocheong Seogee is a Confucian scholar in the mid-Joseon period during which Confucian philosophy is not completely established as a national discipline. He was an authentic Seon-bi who helped boost Confusion philosophy in southern and northern parts of Chungcheong area including Daejeon, Nonsan, Gongjoo, Buyeo, Hongseong, Jochiwon as well as Boryeong and Dangjin. Following Seogee, Jangsaeng Kim, who had studied under Yulgok, strived to firm up Giho Confusion philosophy there. Influenced by his teacher Geeham Lee's pragmatical school whose main principle is loyal to their country and affectionate to their people, Seogee set his heart on living up to the same path as previous holy men had gone through rather than pursuing an overly speculative school only focused on Confucian scriptures. He seems to have put the virtues of pragmatic Confusion scholars into practice in accordance with the way Confucius and Mencius devoted themselves to their study and learning. He carried Hyangyak into effect, built the first Seowon in Chungnam area called Chunghyeon Seowon emulating Zhu Xi's Baeklokdong Seowon, and paid close attention to learning with Zhu Xi's portrait enshrined. Those things attest that he eagerly strive to put Confucianism into practice. Through these efforts, he gave a significant influence on establishing Confusion philosophy in southern and northern parts of Chungcheong area and trained lots of disciples like Leechang Song, Jaemoon Min - the teacher of Choryeo Yootae Lee - and so on. As a result, he laid a big foundation stone to develop Confusion culture in Naepo region. Therefore, his position should seem to be re-evaluated in Korean Confucian history. In a rigidly hierarchical social structure, he studied and interacted alongside with Geeham Lee, Heon Jo, Ikpeel Song, Sik Jo, and others with no thought of their lower social status and without any academic prejudices. These kinds of his mind-set and attitudes seem to be a precious example of embodying real Seon-bi spirit. So, I suggest Seogee's life has a substantial significance in strengthening personality education of the young today and composing media contents of local community.

R and K Factors for an Application of RUSLE on the Slope Soils in Kangwon-Do, Korea (강원도 경사지 토양 유실 예측용 신USLE의 적용을 위한 강수 인자와 토양 침식성 인자의 검토)

  • Jung, Yeong-Sang;Kwon, Young-Ki;Lim, Hyung-Sik;Ha, Sang-Keun;Yang, Jae-E
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 1999
  • Rainfall factor. R, and soil factor, K were estimated to use the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to predict the amount of soil erosion from a land on slope in Kangwon-do, Korea. The average of R factor was 405 with a range from 251 to 601. The R factor differed among regions. The R factor at Taegwalryung, in the highland region, was 409 and those at Inje and Hongchon, in the mid mountainous regions, ranged from 310 to 493. The R factors at Wonju and Chuncheon, in the plain regions, ranged from 505 to 601. The R factors at Sokcho, Kangnung and Samchok, in the east coastal region, which ranged from 251 to 368, were lowee than those in the western part of the Taebaeg Mountains. The R factor during the winter including the effect of winter freezing and thawing was 12 to 30% of the annual average value in the east coastal and highland regions, while that in the western part of Taebaeg Mountains was lower than 7%. The average of K factor in the surface soil was 0.21 with a range from 0.06 to 0.42. The K factors of Odae and Weoljeong serieses were the lowest, while that of Imog was the highest. The average of K factor in the subsoil was 0.28 with a range from 0.07 to 0.45. The K factor of the subsoil was 1.3 times higher than that of top soil. The average of K factor in he soil including the effect of the gravel covering and percolation was 0.18 with a range from 0.03 to 0.33. In contrast. the K factor excluding the effect of the gravel covering was lower than this. The average of K factor in the frozen subsoil was 0.33, which was 1.6 times higher than that of the non frozen subsoil.

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Predicting Potential Habitat for Hanabusaya Asiatica in the North and South Korean Border Region Using MaxEnt (MaxEnt 모형 분석을 통한 남북한 접경지역의 금강초롱꽃 자생가능지 예측)

  • Sung, Chan Yong;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Choi, Song-Hyun;Song, Hong-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2018
  • Hanabusaya asiatica is an endemic species whose distribution is limited in the mid-eastern part of the Korean peninsula. Due to its narrow range and small population, it is necessary to protect its habitats by identifying it as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) adopted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In this paper, we estimated potential natural habitats for H. asiatica using maximum entropy model (MaxEnt) and identified candidate sites for KBA based on the model results. MaxEnt is a machine learning algorithm that can predict habitats for species of interest unbiasedly with presence-only data. This property is particularly useful for the study area where data collection via a field survey is unavailable. We trained MaxEnt using 38 locations of H. asiatica and 11 environmental variables that measured climate, topography, and vegetation status of the study area which encompassed all locations of the border region between South and North Korea. Results showed that the potential habitats where the occurrence probabilities of H. asiatica exceeded 0.5 were 778km2, and the KBA candidate area identified by taking into account existing protected areas was 1,321km2. Of 11 environmental variables, elevation, annual average precipitation, average precipitation in growing seasons, and the average temperature in the coldest month had impacts on habitat selection, indicating that H. asiatica prefers cool regions at a relatively high elevation. These results can be used not only for identifying KBAs but also for the reference to a protection plan for H. asiatica in preparation of Korean reunification and climate change.

Review on Adaptability of Rice Varieties and Cultivation Technology According to Climate Change in Korea (기후변화에 따른 국내 벼 품종과 재배기술의 적응성에 관한 고찰)

  • Seo, Myung-Chul;Kim, Joon Hwan;Choi, Kyeong Jin;Lee, Yun-Ho;Sang, Wan-Gyu;Cho, Hyeon Suk;Cho, Jung-Il;Shin, Pyeong;Baek, Jae Kyeong
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2020
  • In recent years, the temperature of Korea has been rapidly increasing due to global warming. Over the past 40 years, the temperature of Korea has risen by about 1.26℃ compared to that in the early 1980s. By region, the west region of the Gangwon Province was the highest at 1.76℃ and the Jeonnam Province was the lowest at 0.96℃. As the temperature continues to rise, it is expected that the rice yield will decrease in the future using the current standard cultivation method. As a result of global warming, the periods in which rice cultivation could be possible in regions each year has increased compared those to the past, showing a wide variety from 110 days in Taebaek to 180 days in Busan and Gwangyang. In addition, the transplanting time was delayed by 3-5 days in all regions. The average annual yield of rice showed an increasing trend when we analyzed the average productivities of developed varieties for cooked rice since the 1980s, especially in the early 1990s, which showed a rapid increase in productivity. The relationship between the average temperature at the time of development and the rice yield was divided into the periods before and after 1996. The higher the average temperature, the lower the yield of the developed varieties until 1996. However, since 1996, the increase in the average temperature did not show a trend in the productivity of the developed varieties. The climate change adaptability of developed rice varieties was investigated by analyzing the results of growing crops nationwide from 1999 to 2016 and the change in the annual yields of developed varieties and recently developed varieties as basic data to investigate the growth status of the crops in the country. As a result of annual comparisons of the yields of Taebongbyeo (2000) and Ungwangbyeo (2004) developed in the early 2000s for Odaebyeo, which was developed in the 1980s, the annual yields were relatively higher in varieties in the 2000s despite the increase in temperature. The annual yields of Samgwangbyeo (2003) and Saenuribyeo (2007), which were recently developed as mid-late-type varieties, were higher than those of an earlier developed variety called Chucheongbyeo, which was developed in the 1970s. Despite the rapid increase in temperature, rice cultivation technology and variety development are well adapted to climate change. However, since the biological potential of rice could reach its limit, it is necessary to develop continuous response technology.

Development and Application of a Methodologyfor Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment-Sea Level Rise Impact ona Coastal City (기후변화 취약성 평가 방법론의 개발 및 적용 해수면 상승을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Ga-Young;Park, Sung-Woo;Chung, Dong-Ki;Kang, Ho-Jeong;Hwang, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 2010
  • Climate change vulnerability assessment based on local conditions is a prerequisite for establishment of climate change adaptation policies. While some studies have developed a methodology for vulnerability assessment at the national level using statistical data, few attempts, whether domestic or overseas, have been made to develop methods for local vulnerability assessments that are easily applicable to a single city. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for climate change vulnerability, and then develop a general methodology for assessment at the regional level applied to a single coastal city, Mokpo, in Jeolla province, Korea. We followed the conceptual framework of climate change vulnerability proposed by the IPCC (1996) which consists of "climate exposure," "systemic sensitivity," and "systemic adaptive capacity." "Climate exposure" was designated as sea level rises of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 meter(s), allowing for a simple scenario for sea level rises. Should more complex forecasts of sea level rises be required later, the methodology developed herein can be easily scaled and transferred to other projects. Mokpo was chosen as a seaside city on the southwest coast of Korea, where all cities have experienced rising sea levels. Mokpo has experienced the largest sea level increases of all, and is a region where abnormal high tide events have become a significant threat; especially subsequent to the construction of an estuary dam and breakwaters. Sensitivity to sea level rises was measured by the percentage of flooded area for each administrative region within Mokpo evaluated via simulations using GIS techniques. Population density, particularly that of senior citizens, was also factored in. Adaptive capacity was considered from both the "hardware" and "software" aspects. "Hardware" adaptive capacity was incorporated by considering the presence (or lack thereof) of breakwaters and seawalls, as well as their height. "Software" adaptive capacity was measured using a survey method. The survey questionnaire included economic status, awareness of climate change impact and adaptation, governance, and policy, and was distributed to 75 governmental officials working for Mokpo. Vulnerability to sea level rises was assessed by subtracting adaptive capacity from the sensitivity index. Application of the methodology to Mokpo indicated vulnerability was high for seven out of 20 administrative districts. The results of our methodology provides significant policy implications for the development of climate change adaptation policy as follows: 1) regions with high priority for climate change adaptation measures can be selected through a correlation diagram between vulnerabilities and records of previous flood damage, and 2) after review of existing short, mid, and long-term plans or projects in high priority areas, appropriate adaptation measures can be taken as per this study. Future studies should focus on expanding analysis of climate change exposure from sea level rises to other adverse climate related events, including heat waves, torrential rain, and drought etc.

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Evaluation on Usefulness of Abdomen and Chest Motion Control Device (ABCHES) for the Tumor with a Large Respiratory Motion in Radiotherapy (호흡으로 인한 움직임이 큰 종양의 방사선치료 시 Abdomen and Chest Motion Control Device (ABCHES)의 유용성 평가)

  • Cho, Yoon-Jin;Jeon, Mi-Jin;Shin, Dong-Bong;Kim, Jong-Dae;Kim, Sei-Joon;Ha, Jin-Sook;Im, Jung-Ho;Lee, Ik-Jae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: It is essential to minimize the respiratory-induced motion of involved organs in the Tomotherapy for tumor located in the chest and abdominal region. However, the application of breathing control system to Tomotherapy is limited. This study was aimed to investigate the possible application of the ABCHES system and its efficacy as a means of breathing control in the tomotherapy treatment. Materials and Methods: Five subjects who were treated with a Hi-Art Tomotherapy system for lung, liver, gallbladder and pancreatic tumors. All patients undertook trained on two breathing methodes using an ABCHES, free breathing methode and shallow breathing methode. When the patients could carry out the breathing control, 4D-CT scan was a total of 10 4D tomographic images were acquired. A radiologist resident manually drew the tumor region, including surrounding nomal organs, on each of CT images at the inhalation phase, the exhalation phase and the 40% phase (mid-inhalation) and average CT image. Those CT images were then exported to the Tomotherapy planning station. Data exported from the Tomotherapy planning station was analyzed to quantify characteristics of dose-volume histograms and motion of tumors. Organ motions under free breathing and shallow breathing were examined six directions, respectively. Radiation exposure to the surrounding organs were also measured and compared. Results: Organ motion is in the six directions with more than a 5 mm displacement. A total of 12 Organ motions occurred during free breathing while organ motions decreased to 2 times during shallow breathing under the use of Abches. Based on the quantitative analysis of the dose-volume histograms shallow breathing showed lower resulting values, compared to free breathing, in every measure. That is, treatment volume, the dose of radiation to the tumor and two surrounding normal organs (mean doses), the volume of healthy tissue exposed to radiation were lower at the shallow breathing state. Conclusion: This study proposes that the use of ABCHES is effective for the Tomotherapy treatment as it makes shortness of breathing easy for patients. Respiratory-induced tumor motion is minimized, and radiation exposure to surrounding normal tissues is also reduced as a result.

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A study on the traditional salt-making of the Joolpo inlet area during the 18th and 19th century (18~19世紀 茁浦灣의 煮鹽 - 鹽場의 分布와 煮鹽法을 중심으로 -)

  • ;Hong, Keum-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.46-64
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    • 1994
  • Among every civilized people salt has been recognized as an essential foodstuff to the human society without which even man's survivor is unthinkable. The cultural-anthropological meaning of salt is estimated highly as well, and in geographical perspective salt itself symbolize regional interrelationship. Playing a decisive role in freeing innermost settlement from isolation, salt aiso made a contribution to expanding human habitats. This study tries to reconstruct historica geography of 18th and 19th century surrounding traditional salt-roasting (chayeom). The Joolpo Inlet area which is located on the mid-western coast in Honem Region is selected for study area. Established on the basis of optimum physical geographical conditions such as topography, climate and vegetation, salt-making of Joolpo Inlet area was run dynamically with the sudden turn of events in the 18-19th century which was chacterized as an age of transition from medieval society to modern one. In this paper the writer attempts to clarify mainly following three points: physical conditions and socio-economic background leading to the initiation and later development of roasting of salt in Joolpo Bay; distribution of saltworks; methods of saltmaking. Main points drawn from these analyses can be summarized as follows: of iron pan and cow-drawn tools rendered labour-saving and output growth. 1, Saltworks of Joolpo Inlet area in the 18-19th century were distributed evenly over Kobu, Puan, Mujang and Heungduck counties among which Kobu's was located in Puanmyon - a sort of exclave. All saltworks belonging to above four counties were clasified as most lucrative ones in Honam Region on government archives. In particular, Gumdang saltwork which belongs to Mujang county is noteworthy in that it was first introduced by one Paekje priest in 6th century and therefore it provides a clue to examine the history of salt-roasting of Joolpo Inlet area. In light of the fact that temple or monastery economy, regardless of East and West, has been closely connected with traditional industry, the case of Gumdang is not unusual. 2. The process of saltmaking follows this order: harrowing of salt field exposed to solar heat; construction of saltern mound with saline earth; acquiring of brine by leaching saline earth; roasting of salt. Salterns (saltworks) are consisted with various salt making facilities such as roasting shed, saltern mound, salt field, salt well) salt pit or brine pit) and seawater reservoir. Among them roasting shed which is constructed chiefly with hundreds of pieces of pine tree as a frame and with straw as roof and wall is customarily considered as an unit of saltwork. And inside it is saltpan made of two kinds of materials, that is iron pan or plaster pan. The area attached to one unit of roasting shed is approximately 1 ha, and that of saltern mound is a tenth of it.

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Influence of the Levee-burning on the Fauna of Insect Pests and Their Natural Enemies (쥐불놀이 (논둑태우기)가 해충 및 천적상에 미치는 영향)

  • 김홍선;이영인;이해빈
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 1990
  • Some preliminary studies were conducted to find out whether the levee-burning could justifiable for the suppression of insect pests, particularly the smaller brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus F.). Density surveys on pests and their enemies (mostly spiders) were carried out upto the mid May at an experimental paddy field located in Suwon after of it's levee (72×1m) was burned on Feb. 20, 1987. Results were discussed in relation to density recovering of both pests and their possible enemies (spiders) and summarized as below. Not a single individual of any pest or enemy was found from the levee upto sometime after the levee-burning. Grasses started to grow more vigorously in burned ares than in unburned upto about 60 days after the burning. And densities of both pest and enemies grew higher in burned areas than in unburned from about 75 days after the burning (in Early may). It is suspected that all individuals of pests and enemies fond from the burned areas could have immigrated from the surrounding areas. If levee-burning was carried out in much wider areas, much longer time would be needed to recover the density of both pests and enemies to the center region of the burning. Wingless spiders would require even longer time than winged pest species to re-establish in the center region of the widely burned field. Pirata subpiraticus, the most abundant spider species in Korean paddy fields, starts to move about and searches for food at above 9C which is somewhat lower than the critical temperature for the pest species. Thus P. subpiraticus would require more food than other pest species early in the spring, and therefore, it would have lower probability to survive than pest species particularly in burned areas. Experiments for pest suppression with levee-burning would better be carried on in much wider areas, and its justification seems to be discussed after man other disciplines related to both pests and their natural enemies were throughly studied together with their density surveys. However, according to the present point of vie, the opinion that levee-burning is helpful for controlling pests which over winter on levee areas could not be justifiable.

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Regional Characteristics of Global Warming: Linear Projection for the Timing of Unprecedented Climate (지구온난화의 지역적 특성: 전례 없는 기후 시기에 대한 선형 전망)

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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2016
  • Even if an external forcing that will drive a climate change is given uniformly over the globe, the corresponding climate change and the feedbacks by the climate system differ by region. Thus the detection of global warming signal has been made on a regional scale as well as on a global average against the internal variabilities and other noises involved in the climate change. The purpose of this study is to estimate a timing of unprecedented climate due to global warming and to analyze the regional differences in the estimated results. For this purpose, unlike previous studies that used climate simulation data, we used an observational dataset to estimate a magnitude of internal variability and a future temperature change. We calculated a linear trend in surface temperature using a historical temperature record from 1880 to 2014 and a magnitude of internal variability as the largest temperature displacement from the linear trend. A timing of unprecedented climate was defined as the first year when a predicted minimum temperature exceeds the maximum temperature record in a historical data and remains as such since then. Presumed that the linear trend and the maximum displacement will be maintained in the future, an unprecedented climate over the land would come within 200 years from now in the western area of Africa, the low latitudes including India and the southern part of Arabian Peninsula in Eurasia, the high latitudes including Greenland and the mid-western part of Canada in North America, the low latitudes including Amazon in South America, the areas surrounding the Ross Sea in Antarctica, and parts of East Asia including Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, an unprecedented climate would come later after 400 years in the high latitudes of Eurasia including the northern Europe, the middle and southern parts of North America including the U.S.A. and Mexico. For the ocean, an unprecedented climate would come within 200 years over the Indian Ocean, the middle latitudes of the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic, parts of the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Ross Sea, and parts of the Arctic Sea. In the meantime, an unprecedented climate would come even after thousands of years over some other regions of ocean including the eastern tropical Pacific and the North Pacific middle latitudes where an internal variability is large. In summary, spatial pattern in timing of unprecedented climate are different for each continent. For the ocean, it is highly affected by large internal variability except for the high-latitude regions with a significant warming trend. As such, a timing of an unprecedented climate would not be uniform over the globe but considerably different by region. Our results suggest that it is necessary to consider an internal variability as well as a regional warming rate when planning a climate change mitigation and adaption policy.

Relationship between Damage by Herbivore and Leaf Production of Oaks in the Burnt Area of the East Coastal Region, Korea (동해안의 산불피해지역에서 참나무 잎 생산량과 초식 피해의 관계)

  • Lee, Kyoung Sin;Hong, Bo Ram;Lee, Kyu Song
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2018
  • We analyzed the effects of spatio-temporal variation in the leaf production of oaks on the density and species richness of herbivores, as well as the consumption by herbivores in the east coastal region of Korea, which is an area that has been damaged by forest fires. The main herbivore that feeds on oak leaves was moth larvae. In mid-August the insect larvae showed the highest density and species richness. Approximately 60.5% of total plant-eating insect larvae were present from August to September 2011. Oak leaf production was at its peak from July to August, and the peak damage caused by herbivores was from August to September. Depending on the investigation timing and site of the survey, oak leaf production, larval densities, and species richness showed large variations. The average production of oak leaves between July and August was estimated to be 0.96tonha1. The production of oak leaves during this period also showed spatial variations ranging from 0.34 to 1.89tonha1. In August, the consumption of oak leaves by the herbivores showed spatial variations ranging from 0.15 to 1.51tonha1. Where oak leaves had a higher yield, they tended to increase in density and species richness of the herbivores. As the production of oak leaves increased, so did the overall consumption and consumption rate by the herbivores. This means that the production of oak leaves is highly related to time and space, and there is a concentration response in which the new individuals gather. Research into the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the food sources and their effects on the higher levels of the food web can help us quantitatively understand and evaluate the structure and functions of the burnt ecosystem that is caused by forest fires.