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Monitoring Occurrence Status of Thrips Populations on Field-Cultivated Pepper at Major Cultivated Region in West Coast, Korea (서해안 주요 고추 주산지에서 발생하는 총채벌레의 발생현황)

  • Seo, Mi Hye;Lee, Seong Chan;Yang, Chang Yeol;Yoon, Jung Beom;Park, Jung-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.544-549
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    • 2018
  • Thrips populations were monitored in field-cultivated pepper at Gochang, Jeonbuk province, Cheongyang, Chungnam province, and Goesan, Chungbuk province during the field growing seasons of 2017 to 2018, respectively. We classified and quantified thrips population in each plot and year. Most of the monitored thrips were composed of three species: Frankliniella intonsa, F. occidentalis, and Thrips tabaci, respectively. F. intonsa was the dominant species in all the monitoring season. The density of thrips was increased from late June in each field and year with the highest density being recorded in mid-July. Based on the results, management strategy of thrips in red peppers should be evaluated from early June with monitoring and appropriate controls.

Multi-constellation Local-area Differential GNSS for Unmanned Explorations in the Polar Regions

  • Kim, Dongwoo;Kim, Minchan;Lee, Jinsil;Lee, Jiyun
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2019
  • The mission tasks of polar exploration utilizing unmanned systems such as glacier monitoring, ecosystem research, and inland exploration have been expanded. To facilitate unmanned exploration mission tasks, precise and robust navigation systems are required. However, limitations on the utilization of satellite navigation system are present due to satellite orbital characteristics at the polar region located in a high latitude. The orbital inclination of global positioning system (GPS), which was developed to be utilized in mid-latitude sites, was designed at 55. This means that as the user is located in higher latitudes, the satellite visibility and vertical precision become worse. In addition, the use of satellite-based wide-area augmentation system (SBAS) is also limited in higher latitude regions than the maximum latitude of signal reception by stationary satellites, which is 70. This study proposes a local-area augmentation system that additionally utilizes Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) considering satellite navigation system environment in Polar Regions. The orbital inclination of GLONASS is 64.8, which is suitable in order to ensure satellite visibility in high-latitude regions. In contrast, GLONASS has different system operation elements such as configuration elements of navigation message and update cycle and has a statistically different signal error level around 4 m, which is larger than that of GPS. Thus, such system characteristics must be taken into consideration to ensure data integrity and monitor GLONASS signal fault. This study took GLONASS system characteristics and performance into consideration to improve previously developed fault detection algorithm in the local-area augmentation system based on GPS. In addition, real GNSS observation data were acquired from the receivers installed at the Antarctic King Sejong Station to analyze positioning accuracy and calculate test statistics of the fault monitors. Finally, this study analyzed the satellite visibility of GPS/GLONASS-based local-area augmentation system in Polar Regions and conducted performance evaluations through simulations.

Provenance Analysis of Horse-shaped Bronze Buckles Excavated from Site of Songjeol-dong, Cheongju (납동위원소비 분석을 활용한 청주 송절동유적 출토 마형대구의 원료산지 고찰)

  • Bae, Go Woon;Lee, Sang Ok;Chung, Kwang Yong;Shin, Seoung Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2019
  • Lead isotope ratios in horse-shaped bronze buckles excavated from the Songjeol-dong site in Cheongju and the mid-western region of the Korean Peninsula have been determined by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. The lead isotope ratios of the samples with data provenance were plotted in zone 3 of the South Korean galena map. The results indicated that the horse-shaped bronze buckles could be made using galena located in the same area as the archaeological site. These results can be used as basic data for comparison purposes in future studies on the manufacturing technology and provenance of bronze artifacts.

Seasonal and local time variations of sporadic E layer over South Korea

  • Jo, Eunbyeol;Kim, Yong Ha;Moon, Suin;Kwak, Young-Sil
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2019
  • We have investigated the variations of sporadic E (Es) layer using the measurements of digisondes at Icheon (37.14N, 127.54E, IC) and Jeju (33.4N, 126.30E, JJ) in 2011-2018. The Es occurrence rate and its critical frequency (foEs) have peak values in summer at both IC and JJ in consistent with their known seasonal variations at mid-latitudes. The virtual height of the Es layer (h'Es) during equinox months is greater than that in other months. It may be related to the similar variation of meteor peak heights. The h'Es shows the semidiurnal variations with two peaks at early in the morning and late in the afternoon during equinoxes and summer. However, the semi-diurnal variation is not obvious in winter. The semi-diurnal variation is generally thought to be caused by the semi-diurnal tidal variation in the neutral wind shear, whose measurements, however, are rare and not available in the region of interest. To investigate the formation mechanism of Es, we have derived the vertical ion drift velocity using the Horizontal Wind Model (HWM) 14, International Geomagnetic Reference Field, and Naval Research Laboratory Mass Spectrometer and Incoherent Scatter Radar-00 models. Our results show that h'Es preferentially occur at the altitudes where the direction of the vertical ion velocity changes. This result indicates the significant role of ion convergence in the creation of Es.

Temporal and spatial variability in the nutritive value of pasture vegetation and supplement feedstuffs for domestic ruminants in Western Kenya

  • Onyango, Alice Anyango;Dickhoefer, Uta;Rufino, Mariana Cristina;Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus;Goopy, John Patrick
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The study aimed at quantifying seasonal and spatial variations in availability and nutritive value of herbaceous vegetation on native pastures and supplement feedstuffs for domestic ruminants in Western Kenya. Methods: Samples of herbaceous pasture vegetation (n = 75) and local supplement feedstuffs (n = 46) for cattle, sheep, and goats were collected in 20 villages of three geographic zones (Highlands, Mid-slopes, Lowlands) in Lower Nyando, Western Kenya, over four seasons of one year. Concentrations of dry matter (DM), crude ash (CA), ether extract (EE), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), gross energy (GE), and minerals were determined. Apparent total tract organic matter digestibility (dOM) was estimated from in vitro gas production and proximate nutrient concentrations or chemical composition alone using published prediction equations. Results: Nutrient, energy, and mineral concentrations were 52 to 168 g CA, 367 to 741 g NDF, 32 to 140 g CP, 6 to 45 g EE, 14.5 to 18.8 MJ GE, 7.0 to 54.2 g potassium, 0.01 to 0.47 g sodium, 136 to 1825 mg iron, and 0.07 to 0.52 mg selenium/kg DM. The dOM was 416 to 650 g/kg organic matter but differed depending on the estimation method. Nutritive value of pasture herbage was superior to most supplement feedstuffs, but its value strongly declined in the driest season. Biomass yields and concentrations of CP and potassium in pasture herbage were highest in the Highlands amongst the three zones. Conclusion: Availability and nutritive value of pasture herbage and supplement feedstuffs greatly vary between seasons and geographical zones, suggesting need for season- and region-specific feeding strategies. Local supplement feedstuffs partly compensate for nutritional deficiencies. However, equations to accurately predict dOM and improved knowledge on nutritional characteristics of tropical ruminant feedstuffs are needed to enhance livestock production in this and similar environments.

Shear Strengthening Effect by Deviator Location in Externally Post-tensioning Reinforcement (외적 포스트텐셔닝 보강에서 데비에이터의 위치에 따른 전단보강효과)

  • Lee, Swoo-Heon;Shin, Kyung-Jae;Lee, Hee-Du
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2018
  • This paper described the shear strengthening effect by deviator location in pre-damaged reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened with externally post-tensioning steel rods. Three reinforced concrete beams as control beam and eight post-tensioned beams using external steel rods were tested to fail in shear. The externally post-tensioning material was a steel rod of 22 mm diameter, and it had a 655 MPa yield strength and an 805 MPa tensile strength. Specimens depend on multiple variables, such as the number of deviators, location of deviator, and load pattern. The pre-damaged loads up to about 2/3 of ultimate shear capacities were applied to specimens using displacement control and the diagonal shear crack just occurred at these loading levels. And then, the post-tensioning up to when a strain of steel rod reaches about 2000με was continuously applied to beam. A displacement control was changed to a load control during post-tensioning. The post-tensioning resulted in increase of load-carrying capacity and restoration of existing deflection. Also, it prevented the existing diagonal cracks from excessively growing. Two deviators effectively improved the load capacity when compared with in case of test which one deviator at mid-span installed. When deviators were located near region which the diagonal crack occurred on, the strengthening impact by post-tensioning was greater.

Assessment of the Prediction Derived from Larger Ensemble Size and Different Initial Dates in GloSea6 Hindcast (기상청 기후예측시스템(GloSea6) 과거기후 예측장의 앙상블 확대와 초기시간 변화에 따른 예측 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Yeong;Park, Yeon-Hee;Ji, Heesook;Hyun, Yu-Kyung;Lee, Johan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.367-379
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, the evaluation of the performance of Korea Meteorological Administratio (KMA) Global Seasonal forecasting system version 6 (GloSea6) is presented by assessing the effects of larger ensemble size and carrying out the test using different initial conditions for hindcast in sub-seasonal to seasonal scales. The number of ensemble members increases from 3 to 7. The Ratio of Predictable Components (RPC) approaches the appropriate signal magnitude with increase of ensemble size. The improvement of annual variability is shown for all basic variables mainly in mid-high latitude. Over the East Asia region, there are enhancements especially in 500 hPa geopotential height and 850 hPa wind fields. It reveals possibility to improve the performance of East Asian monsoon. Also, the reliability tends to become better as the ensemble size increases in summer than winter. To assess the effects of using different initial conditions, the area-mean values of normalized bias and correlation coefficients are compared for each basic variable for hindcast according to the four initial dates. The results have better performance when the initial date closest to the forecasting time is used in summer. On the seasonal scale, it is better to use four initial dates, where the maximum size of the ensemble increases to 672, mainly in winter. As the use of larger ensemble size, therefore, it is most efficient to use two initial dates for 60-days prediction and four initial dates for 6-months prediction, similar to the current Time-Lagged ensemble method.

Analysis of Sedimentary Environment and Micro-Landform Changes Afterthe Construction of Artificial Structuresin the Tidal Flat of Anmyeondo Gagyeongju, Western Coast of Korea (인공구조물 건설 후 안면도 가경주 간석지의 퇴적환경 및 미지형변화 분석)

  • JANG, Dong-Ho;Ryu, Ju-Hyun
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the characteristics of sedimentary environment changes across a tidal flat in Gagyeongju of Anmyeondo Island. We performed a spatio-temporal analysis on the grain sizes composition of sediments and micro-landform changes during the winter from 2013 to 2016. The results showed that erosion was a dominant processthroughout the study flat, reducing the surface elevation even by 1 m around the upper sand flat. As a consequence, headlands have formed in the entire region of Gagyeongju village. In addition, erosion quickly progressed along the low-lying subtidal zone and tide way and, in contrast, sedimentation progressed in the mid-elevation tidal flat. We posit that a jetty, which had been constructed as a pier facility on the eastern part of the study area, interfered with the flow of tidal current, thereby enhancing these erosional processes. This is because such interference can block the supply of fine-textured sediments from the nearby Cheonsu Bay and therefore reduce surface elevation. According to the surface sediment analysis, the sediments were categorized into 7 sedimentary facies, and generally displayed a high ratio of silt and clay. The result of time-series analysis (2012-2013) showed that the sediments on the tidal flat became fine-grained, and that sorting became worse. However, the sediments on the subtidal zone, embayment and along inside of the jetty tended to be coarse-grained. In conclusion, the tidal flat microlandform change in the study area was caused by a disruption in the seawater circulation due to the jittery construction within the tidal flat, which had a direct effect on erosional and sedimentary environment processes.

Impacts of Aerosol Loading on Surface Precipitation from Deep Convective Systems over North Central Mongolia

  • Lkhamjav, Jambajamts;Lee, Hyunho;Jeon, Ye-Lim;Seo, Jaemyeong Mango;Baik, Jong-Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.587-598
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    • 2018
  • The impacts of aerosol loading on surface precipitation from mid-latitude deep convective systems are examined using a bin microphysics model. For this, a precipitation case over north central Mongolia, which is a high-altitude inland region, on 21 August 2014 is simulated with aerosol number concentrations of 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, and 4800cm3. The surface precipitation amount slightly decreases with increasing aerosol number concentration in the range of 150600cm3, while it notably increases in the range of 6004800cm3 (22% increase with eightfold aerosol loading). We attempt to explain why the surface precipitation amount increases with increasing aerosol number concentration in the range of 6004800cm3. A higher aerosol number concentration results in more drops of small sizes. More drops of small sizes grow through condensation while being transported upward and some of them freeze, thus increasing the mass content of ice crystals. The increased ice crystal mass content leads to an increase in the mass content of small-sized snow particles largely through deposition, and the increased mass content of small-sized snow particles leads to an increase in the mass content of large-sized snow particles largely through riming. In addition, more drops of small sizes increase the mass content of supercooled drops, which also leads to an increase in the mass content of large-sized snow particles through riming. The increased mass content of large-sized snow particles resulting from these pathways contributes to a larger surface precipitation amount through melting and collision-coalescence.

Preventive Measures Against COVID-19 in Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises from an Early Stage of the Epidemic in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do

  • Baek, Kiook;Kim, Seong-Hui;Park, Chulyong;Sakong, Joon
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.294-301
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    • 2022
  • Background: In the early stage of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic, small- and midsized enterprises (SMEs) may be an important transmission consideration. The study aimed to identify the pattern of COVID-19 prevention measures during the outbreaks in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do at the early stage of COVID-19. Moreover, we investigated whether SME size and past experiences affected the preventive measures implemented in the region. Methods: A survey detailing the general characteristics and implementation of 12 preventive activities was conducted in 122 SMEs in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do. The survey was analyzed by size and operation period. Results: The study subjects consisted of 53 (43.4%) workplaces with 1-5 employees, 50 (40.9%) workplaces with 6-30 employees, and 19 (15.6%) workplaces with 31-49 employees. The lowest three items among those surveyed were 'symptomatic workers to stay home for 3-4 days' (17.2%), 'work remotely' (18.9%), and 'video meetings' (20.5%). There were significant differences in the rate of several preventive measures implemented. The larger sized SMEs, the higher the number of implementations (p < 0.01). The operation period had no significant relationship with the implementation of preventive measures. The same pattern was observed in multiple generalized linear regression with covariate adjustment. Conclusion: Preventive measures among SMEs with fewer than 50 employees were identified. Even within SMEs, a gap in preventive measures according to size was confirmed. To prevent the spread of infection and protect workers' right to health, different support for different sized SMEs is necessary.