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Population Dynamics and Damages of White Grubs in Sweet Potato Fields (고구마 재배지 주요 굼벵이 발생양상 및 피해)

  • Paik, Chae-Hoon;Lee, Geon-Hwi;Choi, Man-Young;Kim, Doo-Ho;Choi, Dong-Ro;Seo, Hong-Yul
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.46 no.1 s.145
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    • pp.165-168
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    • 2007
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate population dynamics of white grubs and its damages in sweet potato fields. There were three species of white grubs that fed on the roots of sweet potato in Honam area. Among them, Holofrichia parallela was a major insect pest. Damage rate of sweet potato by white grubs were about 2 to 40% differed with regions. In some region where it was severe the damage rate of sweet potato was about 80% or more. H. parallela overwintered as a late 3rd instar larvae in soil from late October to late-June, and the survival rate of them was 92%. The occurrence pattern of H. parallela larvae varied in different seasons. In sweet potato field, H. parallela larvae populations started being observed during late-July to mid.-August. The damage by the grub began to occur late-August in field and lasted to the harvest time.

Effect of alginate chemical disinfection on bacterial count over gypsum cast

  • Haralur, Satheesh B.;Al-Dowah, Omir S.;Gana, Naif S.;Al-Hytham, Abdullah
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.84-88
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    • 2012
  • PURPOSE. To evaluate the efficacy of sodium hypochlorite (1 : 10) and iodophor disinfectants on alginate impressions along with their effect on the survived bacterium count on the gypsum cast. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Four alginate impression on each dentate patients were made, of which Group I were not washed or disinfected, Group II impressions were merely washed with water, Group III were disinfected by spraying with sodium hypochlorite (1 : 10), Group IV were disinfected with iodophor (1 : 213). Gypsum cast (type III) were made from all the impression. Impressions and gypsum cast were swabbed in mid palatal region for bacterial culture. Bacterial colony counting done after 3 days of incubation at 37C in blood agar media. The data obtained was analyzed by one way ANOVA test at a significant difference level of 0.05. RESULTS. Group I and Group II showed significantly more bacteria compared to Group III and Group IV. Bacterial colonies on the alginate impression and gypsum cast in group disinfected with Sodium hypochlorite (1 : 10) were 0.18, 0.82 respectively compared to group treated with iodophor (1 : 213). There was an increase in bacterial count on dental cast compared to source alginate impressions. CONCLUSION. Sodium hypochlorite (1 : 10) was found to be better disinfectant for alginate impression. There was an indication of increase in number of bacteria from alginate impression to making of dental cast. Additional gypsum cast disinfectant procedures need to be encouraged to completely eliminate cross infection to dental laboratory.

The Butterfly Community in Is. Guleopdo, Korea and the Dominance of the Endangered Species Argynnis nerippe (굴업도의 나비군집과 멸종위기종 왕은점표범나비의 우점현상)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Lee, Cheol-Min;Kwon, Tae-Sung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2011
  • Although Guleopdo is small island of only 1.71km2, the endangered butterfly species, Argynnis nerippe, is abundant there. This study was carried out to estimate the abundance of A. nerippe in Guleopdo, using quadrate, mark-recapture, and line-transect methods. Although the study was insufficient, the population size was estimated at 4,467 to 6,700 larvae and approx. 1,000 adults. A. nerippe was the most abundant among butterfly species in Guleopdo, and it comprised 32% of the total butterflies. A total of 28 butterfly species were observed in this study, and 3 species of these species were migrating species. When the abundance of A. nerippe throughout the country during the period from 1938 to 2010 was studied, we found that it decreased abruptly in the 2000s. Presently, A. nerippe inhabits a few locations in the mid-northern region and western islands. The relatively high numbers of A. nerippe in Guleopdo was due to conservation of natural grasslands and grazing of livestock, which provides adequate habitat for this species.

Germanition, Shade Toarance and Community Characteristics on \emphErigeronannuus L.in Cheju (濟州 地域에서 개망초의 發芽 習性 및 耐陰性과 群落特性)

  • Lee, Ho-Joon;Kim, Tae-Sung;Byun, Doo-Weon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 1992
  • This dissertation, which has been prepared in the region of cheju(33o31'N, 126o32'E) from may,1987 to appril, 1989, is to elucidate the dominant characteristics of early stages in secondary succession, by examining the life history of erigeron annuus for the seeding depth of a seed was dependent upon the degree of shading. That is, on the area of ocm,the more tense the shading was, the more germination percentage was increased, while, in the case of 1.5cm, it was somewhat increased, when shading bwcame ess and less tense. The rosette of e. annuus, through its relative light intensity was decreased by shading, up to 5% of natural light, showed some strong shade tolerance, which had no difficulty in matter production. The species diversity of mixed-species community was the highest in the middle of April, the lowest in the last of may. The dominance index was the highest in the late may, the lowest in the middle of April. Toward the end of may, the occupation rate of dominance species was the highest. There was a neutral relationship between intraspecific and interspecific, owing to the differentiation of its niche, temporally and spatially. Productive structure of the community revealed a narrow leaf type which was concentratively distributed in the mid part of community height. The relative light intensity of community ground surface was 6.1%, the leaf inclination 60o,the extinction coefficient(k) 0.4, biomass of community 1,045.6 g.d.w./m2,T/Rratio 9.3, C/Frate 7.0 and sumgermanition, shade toarance and community characteristics on erigeron annuus l.in chejumed leaf area index 3.88. through the various life cycles o e.annuus, we can say that it decreases mortality of seeding caused by some stress and disturbance, for germination lasts for a long time at any opportunity available, and it promotes population growth. The strong shade tolerance of a rosette and the variableness of a life from differentiate the niche between intraspecific and interspecific within the community, and avoid the direct competition between them, thus poromoting community growth.

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Eco-Hydrologic Assessment of Maintenance Water Supply on Oncheon Stream (온천천 유지용수 공급에 따른 생태수문환경 변화분석)

  • Jang, Ju-Hyoung;Kim, Sang-Dan;Sung, Ki-June;Shin, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.973-983
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    • 2007
  • The eco-hydrologic effects of maintenance water supply on Oncheon stream are studied using hydrologic, hydraulic and ecologic models. SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) is used for long-term simulation of runoff quantity and water quality from Oncheon stream watershed. Using the output hydrologic variables from SWMM, HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is then used to simulate the hydraulics of water flow through Oncheon stream channels. Such hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality output variables from SWMM and HEC-RAS are served as input data to execute PHABSIM (Physical Habitat Simulation) for the purpose of predicting the micro-habitat conditions in rivers as a function of stream flow and the relative suitability of those conditions to aquatic life. It is observed from the PHABSIM results that the weighted usable area for target fishes has the maximum value at 2m3/s of instream flow. However, mid and down stream areas that have concrete river bed and covered region are unsuitable for fish habitat regardless of instream flow increment. The simulation results indicate that the simple maintenance water supply is limited in its effect to improve the ecological environment in Oncheon stream. Therefore, it is imperative to improve water quality and to recover habitat conditions simultaneously.

Characteristics of Foot Pressure Distribution with or without Partial Prosthetic Foot in Transmetartarsal Amputee (경중족 절단 환자의 의족지 착용에 따른 족저압력 분포 특성)

  • Seong, Woo-Sung;Yang, Hee-Seung;Sung, Hong-Kee;Kim, Hak-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate characteristics of foot pressure distribution with or without partial prosthetic foot in transmetatarsal amputee. Materials and Methods: The subjects were 9 transmetatarsal amputees. Foot pressures were measured at hallux, the 1st5th metatarsal head (MTH), mid-foot, condyle area by F-scan system in amputated or contralateral foot during active walking. Results: In amputated foot, mean peak pressure was greatest in midfoot without prosthetic foot but it was greatest in hindfoot with prosthetic foot. In unaffected foot, although mean peak pressure was higher in hallux, and 15th MTH compared to amputated foot, it was greatest in hind foot both with and without prosthetic foot. However, in unaffected foot, mean peak pressure significantly decreased in hallux and 5th MTH after wearing the prosthetic foot. There was a significant difference in mean peak pressure in hallux and 5th MTH between amputated and unaffected foot after wearing prosthetic foot. However, other region had no significant difference with or without prosthetic foot between feet. Conclusions: The use of partial prosthetic foot tends to shift weight bearing from the heel area to forefoot and could significantly reduce hind foot peak pressure and redistributed to peak pressure. The partial prosthetic foot can also offer the peak pressure to reduction both amputated foot and unaffected foot and help to toe off during walking.

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Spatial and temporal dynamics of the abundance of crustose calcareous algae on the southernmost coral reefs of the western Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, Brazil)

  • Amado-Filho, Gilberto M.;Bahia, Ricardo G.;Mariath, Rodrigo;Jesionek, Michel B.;Moura, Rodrigo Leao;Bastos, Alex C.;Pereira-Filho, Guilherme Henrique;Francini-Filho, Ronaldo Bastos
    • ALGAE
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2018
  • Crustose calcareous algae (CCA) constitute one of the main reef builders on the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil. Once CCA taxonomy is locally understood, differences in growth-forms may be useful for the delimitation of taxa using characteristics such as the presence or absence of surface protuberances. Here, growth-forms were used to identify and quantify the most common CCA taxa on the shallow reefs (3-10 m) of the Abrolhos Bank to determine possible changes in the CCA community over a period of 10 years, and the ecological significance of CCA to local reefs was interpreted. The CCA assemblages were surveyed from 2006-2015 by using fixed photoquadrats at four sites in the inner (10-20 km from the mainland) and mid-shelf reefs (40-75 km from the mainland). The five most common CCA taxa were Pneophyllum conicum, the Lithophyllum kaiserii / Lithophyllum sp. complex, Melyvonnea erubescens, the Hydrolithon boergesenii / Porolithon onkodes complex and Peyssonelia sp. The overall mean CCA cover on the reefs was 20%. A comparison with a previous monitoring study in the same region indicated that the CCA cover nearly doubled from 2003-2008 to 2006-2015. This study reveals that the coral-killing species P. conicum dominated CCA flora on the shallow Abrolhos reefs in the last decade, and the local specific abundance of CCA slightly fluctuated over time and was species- and site-specific. The information obtained in this study contributes to the understanding of the ecology of the key calcifying components of the Abrolhos reefs and provides a useful baseline for exploring the responses of CCA to future environmental changes.

Application of Drone Images to Investigate Biomass Management Practices and Estimation of CH4 Emissions from Paddy Fields (드론영상을 활용한 논 유기물 관리 인자 조사 및 메탄가스 배출량 산정)

  • Park, Jinseok;Jang, Seongju;Kim, Hyungjoon;Hong, Rokgi;Song, Inhong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2020
  • Rice paddy cultivation is one of the major sources in methane (CH4) emission of which accurate assessment would be a prerequisite for agricultural greenhouse gas management. Biomass treatment in paddy fields is an important factor that affects CH4 emissions and thus needs to be taken into account. The objectives of this study were to apply drone images to investigate organic matter practices and to incorporate into the estimation of CH4 emissions from paddy fields. Three study areas were selected by one from each of the three different regions of Yeongnam, Honam and Jungbu, which are the most active region in paddy cultivation. The eBee drone was used to take images of the study sites twice a year; Jul mid-season for identifying rice cultivation area; Jan for investigating rice straw management and winter crop cultivation. Based on biomass management practices, different emissions factors were assigned on an individual paddy field and CH4 emmisions were estimated by multiplying respective areas. The ratios of rice straw application and winter crop cultivation were 1.4% and 37.2% in Hapcheon, 1.3% and 19.8% in Gimje, and 0.0% and 0.5% in Dangjin, respectively. The CH4 emissions estimates for respective sites were 0.40 ton CH4/year/ha, 0.34 ton CH4/year/ha, and 0.29 ton CH4/year/ha. On average, estimated CH4 emissions of this study were 28.5% less than the current Tier 2 CH4 emission estimation method.

A study on the Gal Do(骨度) of the Young Chu(靈樞) (영추(靈樞).골도(骨度)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究))

  • Du, Ja-Sung;Roh, Stella;Lee, Tae-Ho;Lee, Young-Sub;Keum, Kyoung-Su;Jeong, Heon-Young
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2006
  • According to the bone-standard measuring, the length between the elbow and the wrist has the span of 1.25 cheoks whereas it has the span of 1.2 cheoks or 1.2 cheoks today, the breadth of the chest has the span of 9.5 chons whereas it has the span of 8 chons today, and the length from celestial pivot to transverse bone has the span of 6.5 chons whereas it has the span of 5 chons, and the length from free rib region to thigh pivot has the span of 6 chons whereas it has the span of 9 chons today. It is said that all of the acupuncture points are correctly prescribed by the bone-standard measuring irrespective of men and women of all ages, fat and lean, and whether large or small in height. This lies at the root of the selecting acupuncture points. The bone standard in Spiritual Pivot and that in common use at present have a little difference and the bone standard of today is based upon A-B Classic. Spiritual Pivot named as Acupuncture Classic was in good preservation until the mid-eleventh century, but the book lost a lot in contents was the incomplete edition. In the 8th year of the king Cheoljong's reign of the North Song Dynasty in 1093, though the nine-volume Spiritual Pivot drafted from the Goryo Dynasty was published, the book was wanting in consistency. While on the other, I think that A-B Classic which has been in a state of perfection had a great influence on the healers of the day.

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The Impact of High-Speed Railway on Regional Economy and Balanced Development in China: Focused on Hurong Line(Shanghai-Chengdu) (고속철도가 중국의 지역경제와 균형발전에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 - 호용선(상해-성도) 개통지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Zhang, He-xiang;Kang, Jeong-ku
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2019
  • Since the 2000s, China has been trying to develop the mid- and western regions and reduce regional disparity between the eastern region and the others by construction of the eight HSR corridors known as 4+4. The high-speed railway is known to have a positive impact on regional economic development by improving accessibility between regions. However, some studies point out that the high-speed railways could worsen regional imbalances. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the high-speed railway on regional economic growth and balanced development in China, using the beta-convergence model. In particular, we focused on how the effects of high-speed trains on regional economic development varied depending on the level of development. The analysis was conducted centering on the Shanghai-Chengdu line which is connecting eastern, central and western regions with different levels of development.