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Influence of Fertilizer Levels and Cultivated Regions on Morphological Characteristics of Rice Grains (시비수준(施肥水準) 및 재배지역(栽培地域)이 쌀의 형태적(形態的) 특성(特性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Hong, Young-Pyo;Kim, Seong-Yeol;Im, Jeong-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1993
  • This study was investigated on the morphological characteristics of rice grain as affected by three fertilizer application treatments. Of no-nitrogen, optimum nitrogen, and heavy nitrogen without potassium in three regions of Suweon (Mid-West Plain Zone), Ichon(Mid-Inland Plain Zone), and Kyehwado(South-charyung Mts. Plain Zone) with four varieties, i.e., three Tonsil types(Geumgangbyeo, Milyang 23, and Chilseongbyeo) and one japonica type(Chucheongbyeo, Akibare in Japanese name). The results obtained were as follows: The increase of nitrogen application caused an increase of grain length in rough rice and grain width in milled rice, resulting in a decrease of the width/thickness ratio in milled rice. The width and thickness of rice grain produced in Kyehwado were smaller than those in the other regions. Therefore, the ratio of length/width and length/thickness in rice grain produced in Kyehwado was larger. The one thousand grain weight of rice was heavier at the optimum nitrogen level than at the no-nitrogen and heavy nitrogen without potassium treatment levels. The weight percentage of hull in rough rice grain decreased in accordance with the increase of nitrogen application, while the weight percentage of bran in brown rice was constant. This suggested that for the normal development of rice grain a constant ratio of bran is needed. The morphological change of rice grain by fertilizer treatments and the change of region cultivated could not be distinguished from the native characteristics of the variety. Other grain characteristics were discussed in view of treatment and regional effects.

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Chemical Characteristics of Soils in Cheju Island I. Variations in Chemical Characteristics with Altitude (제주도(濟州道) 토양(土壤)의 화학적(化學的) 특성(特性) 조사연구(調査硏究) I. 지대별(地帶別) 화학적(化學的) 특성(特性) 변화(變化))

  • Yoo, Sun-Ho;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1984
  • Soils in Cheju Island, derived mostly from volcanic ashes, were collected for chemical analysis to determine the effect of land utilization pattern on soil chemical characteristics. The coastal area has long been used for intensive farming and some of the mid-mountain region were recently reclaimed for agricultural crop production. The cation exchange capacity and the organic matter in the soils increased in the order of coastal area < mid-mountain belt < upper mountain area, while pH, base saturation, available phosphorus and exchangeable bases decreased with the elevation. Generally, the organic matter, the cation exchange capacity and the exchangeable bases of the Cheju soils were found to be considerably higher than the Korean mainland soils. However, the base saturation and the available phosphorus were far below the mainland average. The ratio of monovalent basic cations to total exchangeable bases showed the highest in the soils of the mountain belts and the lowest in the coastal area soils. These data suggest that a higher soil pH in the coastal area as compared to the mountainous slopes has resulted not from the sea water but from continuous application of alkaline fertilizers and times.

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Estimating Evapotranspiration with the Complementary Relationship at Fluxnet Sites Over Asia (아시아 Fluxnet 자료를 활용한 보완관계 기반 증발산량 추정)

  • Seo, Hocheol;Kim, Jeongbin;Park, Hyesun;Kim, Yeonjoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2017
  • Evapotranspiration is a significant hydrologic quantity for understanding the amount of available water resource evaluation, water balance analysis, water circulation and energy circulation. Various methods have been developed for estimating the evapotranspiration using data observed at meteorological observatories. Especially, the focus of methods has been on the complementary relationship that the actual evapotranspiration is equal to the difference between the twice of evapotranspiration in the wet condition and the potential evapotranspiration. The Granger and Gary (GG) method is an empirical formula that can be used to estimate the evapotranspiration using only empirical parameters based on the complementary relationship and using only the net radiation and temperature of the region. In this study, we compared the evapotranspiration data observed at 10 sites in Asia within the dataset of FLUXNET2015, with the evapotranspiration calculated by GG method. The evapotranspiration in inland area was estimated more accurately than that of coastal area. Simulated Annealing (SA) was used for the coastal area to modify the parameters. Using the modified GG method, we could improve the statistics such as root mean square error, the coefficient of determination (R2), and the mean absolute BIAS of the evapotranspiration estimation in coastal area.

Sulfur Isotope Composition of Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents in the Convergent Plate Boundaries of the Western Pacific: A Role of Magma on Generation of Hydrothermal Fluid (서태평양 지판소멸대의 해저열수분출구에서 관찰되는 황동위원소 조성변화: 열수 생성의 다양성과 마그마의 역할)

  • Kim, Jong-Uk;Moon, Jai-Woon;Lee, Kyeong-Yong;Lee, In-Sung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2012
  • Seafloor hydrothermal system occurs along the volcanic mid-ocean ridge, back-arc spreading center, and other submarine volcanic regions. The hydrothermal system is one of the fundamental processes controlling the transfer of energy and matter between crust/mantle and ocean; it forms hydrothermal vents where various deepsea biological communities are inhabited and precipitates metal sulfide deposits. Hydrothermal systems at convergence plate boundaries show diverse geochemical properties due to recycle of subducted material compared to simple systems at mid-ocean ridges. Sulfur isotopes can be used to evaluate such diversity in generation and evolution of hydrothermal system. In this paper, we review the sulfur isotope composition and geochemistry of hydrothermal precipitates sampled from several hydrothermal vents in the divergent plate boundaries in the western Pacific region. Both sulfide and sulfate minerals of the hydrothermal vents in the arc and backarc tectonic settings commonly show low sulfur isotope compositions, which can be attributed to input of magmatic SO2 gas. Diversity in geochemistry of hydrothermal system suggests an active role of magma in the formation of seafloor hydrothermal system.

A Report for the Quaternary Gaegok 6 Fault Developed in the Mid-eastern Part of Ulsan Fault Zone, Korea (울산단층대 중동부에 발달하는 제4기 개곡 6단층에 대한 보고)

  • Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a Quaternary fault is described, which is developed in the mid-eastern part of Ulsan Fault Zone, near the southern Gaegok-ri, Oedong-eub, Gyeongju, Korea. The Gaegok 6 fault is developed along the contact between Early Tertiary granite and Quaternary gravel deposit overlying unconformably the granite. The fault strikes N0222E and dips 4580 to the west. This fault has a 30~50 cm wide cataclastic shear zone with gouge zone, mixed with Quaternary sediments and fault breccia of granite. In the main Quaternary fault plane, the orientation of striation is 17, 356, indicating a dextral strike-slip faulting with some normal component. There is another striation (78, 278 and 43, 270) with reverse-slip sense, developed on the subsidiary plane which cuts the main Quaternary fault plane. In brief, the fault has been developed between the granite in the western part and the Quaternary gravel deposit in the eastern part. The western block of fault is uplifted. The striations and movement senses of faults indicate multiple compressional stages in this region. The fault has a similar orientation, westward dipping geometric pattern, and reverse sensed kinematic pattern with Gaegok 1 fault developed in the north. Thus, the Gaegok 6 fault is probably a southern extension of Gaegok 1 fault.

Retrograde Study on Thoracic Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Done by Transpedicular Approach (흉추에서의 경척추경 접근법을 통한 경피적 척추체성형술 및 척추체 후만변형 복원술에 관한 후향성 연구)

  • Joh, Ju Yeon;Bae, Young Gon;Kim, Yang Hyun;Lee, Eun Hyung;Lee, Chul Joong;Lee, Sang Chul;Kim, Yongn Lak
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.204-207
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    • 2005
  • Background: Transpedicular percutaneous vertebroplasty, along with kyphoplasty of the thoracic vertebrae, is technically more difficult than those of the lumbar vertebrae due to the anatomical differences. During the last four years, all the percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty of the thoracic vertebrae carried out at our institution were performed using a transpedicular approach; therefore, we tried to find if there were any problems or complications associated with the process. Methods: The medical records of all the patients who had undergone thoracic percutaneous vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty were retrospectively reviewed. The following were looked up: the procedure name, unipedicular or bipedicular, the level of the thoracic vertebrae treated, and the pre- and postoperative changes in the Visual Analog Scales (VAS), the volume of cement injected and complications. Results: In the last four years, 58 vertebral bodies in 58 patients were treated. Twelve and 46 vertebral bodies were treated by kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty, respectively. A total of 58 mid and lower thoracic levels were treated: T5 (n=1), T6 (n=1), T7 (n=3), T8 (n=4), T9 (n=1), T10 (n=4), T11 (n=14) and T12 (n=30). The mean preoperative and postoperative VAS scores were 8.1±1.4 and 5.2±1.7, respectively. The mean volume of cement injected was 4.01±1.85ml; 3.18±0.60ml at T5-8 and 4.22±2.27ml at T9-12. There were no clinical complications, such as pedicular fracture or cement leakage. Conclusions: Although transpedicular vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty at the mid to lower thoracic vertebral bodies is technically difficult compared to that at the lumbar region, the procedures can be performed safely.

Synoptic Climatic Patterns for Winter Extreme Low Temperature Events in the Republic of Korea (우리나라 겨울철 극한저온현상 발생 시 종관 기후 패턴)

  • Choi, Gwangyong;Kim, Junsu
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2015
  • The present study aims to characterize the synoptic climatic patterns of winter extreme low temperature events occurred in different regions of Korea based on daily temperature data observed at 61 weather stations under the supervision of the Korea Meteorological Administation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis I data for the recent 40 years (1973~2012) period. Analyses of daily maximum and minimum temperatures below 10th percentile thresholds show that high frequencies of winter extreme low temperature events appear across the entire regions of Korea or in either the western or eastern half region divided by major mountain ridges at the 2~7 dayintervals particularly in the first half of the winter period (before mid-January). Composite analyses of surface synoptic climatic data including sea level pressure and wind vector reveal that 13 regional types of winter extreme low temperature events in Korea are closely associated with the relative location and intensity of both the Siberian high pressure and the Aleutian low pressure systems as well as major mountain ridges. Investigations of mid-troposphere (500 hPa) synoptic climatic charts demonstrate that the blocking-like upper troposphere low pressure system advecting the cold air from the Arctic toward the Korean Peninsula may provide favorable synoptic conditions for the outbreaks of winter extreme low temperature events in Korea. These results indicate that the monitoring of synoptic scale climatic systems in East Asia including the Siberian high pressure system, the Aleutian low pressure system and upper level blocking system is critical to the improvement of the predictability of winter extreme low temperature events in Korea.

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Fine Structure on the Spermiogenesis of Octopus minor on the Western Coast of Korea I (한국 서해안 서해낙지 (Octopus minor)의 정자 완성에 관한 미세구조 I)

  • Chang, Nam-Sub;Kim, Sang-Won;Han, Jong-Min
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2001
  • The spermiogenesis of a Korean octopus, Octopus minor, inhabiting western of Korea Sea was observed by electron microscopy . The obtained results are as follows: The spermiogenesis of Octopus miner proceeds through four stages; early- , mid- , and late-spermatid, and mature sperm. An early spermatid is a spherical cell looking light due to the low electron density. The acrosome formed from Golgi complex of the upper nucleus looks dark due to the high electron density. The extra-nuclear rod (enr) stemming from proximal centriole is transformed from round shape into oval shape, elongating to the upper nucleus. In our observation, the axoneme was being formed from distal centriole, and the manchette composed of a number of microtubules is also found around nuclear membrane. In a mid-spermatid, chromatins in the nucleus contract shaping fine threads, and the manchette is also observed around nuclear membrane. Especially, the spherical acrosome is transformed into long oval one which is tinged with a number of horizontal stripes and has the middle electron density. In a late-spermatid, chromatins in the nucleus contract thick and short. Furthermore, the mitochondrial sleeve, in which the axoneme is surrounded with mitochondria, is observed at middle piece. The axoneme has a typical structure of 9+2 and around it, 9 coarse fibers are observed. Also in the acrosome cavity of mature sperm, horizontal striation is found. However, regularly spaced processes are peculiarly observed in there. A sperm is about 390 fm long, whose head is bent a little like a banana while the acrosome region is helical. In the middle piece of sperm, 1112 mitochondria are surrounding coarse fibers that reach the main piece of tail, while nothing but 9+2 structured axoneme is found in the end piece.

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A Study on Asia Decoupling through the Analysis of Global Value Chain and Trade in Value Added (역내외 밸류체인과 부가가치 교역구조 분석을 통한 Asia Decoupling 가설 검증)

  • Oh, Hyeok-Jong;Kwak, Ro-Sung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.488-512
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the 'Asia Decoupling' hypothesis, focusing on changes in trade patterns between regions and countries, based on the latest value added trade statistics. As an analytical tool, indicators that can directly measure the degree of distribution of actual value added were used. Main findings are: Firstly, creating potential at regional level which used to be the growth engine of East Asia until the mid-2000s declined sharply after the global financial crisis. Secondly, in the development pattern of the value added distribution network, no positive change has been detected in the give-out or gain capacity of emerging countries that can generate future growth in East Asia through GVC development. Lastly, China's value added contributing capacity, as different from the hub countries in other regions such as US and Germany, has declined significantly since the mid 2000s, while its capability to benefit greatly increased, and the gain potential of advanced group countries in competition with China is decreasing. We suggest the establishment of intra-regional economic cooperation mechanism including all countries in East Asia for expanding the value creating capacity in the region.

A Case Study on the Continuous Quality Improvement for Leadership Outcomes Education in Yeungnam University (영남대학교 리더십 학습성과 교육 CQI 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Pyun, Kyung-Hee;Song, Dong-Joo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2009
  • The objective of the current study is to establish the CQI procedure of leadership outcome education, which is emphasized in engineering education accreditation. Leadership includes many program outcomes, especially soft skills, such as communication skill, team work skill, and etc. This paper studied leadership education program in Yeungnam University. In particular, this research was conducted by using focus group interviews with experts and working level staffs of relevant organizations for the analysis of Yeungnam University curriculum and non-curriculum courses related to leadership education and for the preparation of leadership education CQI method. In addition, we conducted leadership competence diagnosis, leadership education demand survey and satisfaction level survey on the leadership camp participants. Interviews with experts, lecturers and focus group of Dale Carnegie Research Institute Daegu branch that administered the progress of leadership camp were conducted along with analysis of education contents through non-participation observation method during camp period and participant students interviews. The conclusions are summed up as follows: To educate global leaders in true meaning, first, psychological level competence strengthening method and study completing ability improvement method should be considered simultaneously. In particular, for non-capital region universities, emphasis should be given to education for self-confidence and vision establishment. Second, leadership education methods of mid/long term and systematic curricular and extra-curricular type should be pursued. For instance, with the use of engineering design subject completing system, leadership education can be consolidated to engineering subject courses with engineering design projects or the system of mentor-pupil among earlier leadership camp participants and later participants may be utilized. Third, it is determined necessary to pursue and realize practical methods of conducting various intramural leadership related education activities in mid/long term perspective by organizing leadership education advisory group consisting of major, departments and intramural and extramural relevant organization authorities that focus on leadership education.