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Introduction of Spring Cultivation of Onions by Adapting the Plug Seedling System in the Middle Region of Korean Peninsula (중부지방에서 플러그 육묘에 의한 양파의 춘파재배 가능성)

  • Lee, Jung-Soo;Seong, Ki-Cheol;Sin, Young-An;Ro, Hee-Myong;Um, Young-Cheol
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2000
  • Cultivation of onions in Korean peninsula is so restricted to Southern region, mainly due to inadequate air temperature for the growth of onions in this region. This sometimes resulted in unstable supply of onions. The fluctuation of market prices mainly results from the limited production of onions in such restricted areas. Onions are usually transplanted at the end of fall and cultivated until the beginning of next summer. This study was designed to examine the possibility of extending production region of onions by adopting the plug seedling system, and the effects of plug seedling age, transplanting date, plug cell volume, and variety on the yield of onions were investigated. Transplanting date (Mar. 15 or Apr. 15) did not affect the yield of onions. However, 60-day-old seedlings produced significantly greater bulb yield (107.2 ton/ha) than those of 30- or 90- day-old seedlings. Bulb yields of seedlings raised in 128 and 72 cell trays were 125.0 and 120.8 ton/ha, which were significantly greater than those in other cell trays. Yield of seedlings raised in 406 cell trays was the lowest. Seedlings of mid-late 'Chenjuwhang' yielded 130.5 Ton/ha, which was significantly higher than those of other varieties. Considering the rainy season during early summer, we suggest that seedlings of onions raised for 60 days and transplanted on Mar. 15 should be advantageous in producing of marketable bulbs and that an early 'Yongbongwhang' should be the best variety.

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Temporal and Spatial Variations of Primary Productivity in Estuary of Youngsan River and Mokpo Coastal Areas (영산강 하구역 및 목포 연안 해역 식물플랑크톤 1차생산력의 시.공간적 변화)

  • Lee, Yeon-Jung;Min, Jun-Oh;Shin, Yong-Sik;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Shin, Kyung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2011
  • Temporal and spatial variations of primary productivity were investigated in the estuary of Youngsan River and Mokpo coastal areas in 2009. After heavy rain, concentrations of ammonium, phosphate, and silicate increased at six stations in August. The torrential rainfall may cause an increase in nutrient concentrations during summer. There is no limitation of nutrients (except for February at the mid-Youngsan estuarine region YS2) but a potential phosphate limitation was apparent at all stations. Silicate depletion was observed at YS2 in February due to a massive diatom bloom. The trophic status of the Youngsan estuary and Mokpo coastal areas were inferred from an assessment of the primary productivity. In February and May, YS1 (upper Youngsan estuary site) and YS2, YS3 (near the Youngsan river estuary barrage), MP1 (upper Mokpo coastal region site) were appropriately assigned to the mesotrophic category. MP2 (mid-Mokpo coastal region site) and MP3 (outer site of Mokpo coastal region) were assigned to the oligotrophic category. All stations were classified to the oligotrophic status in November. In August, after heavy rain, Youngsan estuary stations maintained mesotrophic status. On the other hand, MP1 and MP2 were classified in the eutrophic category and MP3 to mesotrophic status. In particular, primary productivities of MP1 and MP2 were 9 and 7 times higher respectively than the standard of eutrophic status (1,000mgCm2d1). These results suggest that a massive freshwater discharge from the Youngsan River estuary should be considered a main factor in the occurrence of phytoplankton bloom in Mokpo coastal areas during summer. Seasonal variations of primary productivity are closely related with depth-integrated Chl. a.

A Geochemical Study on Trace Elements in the Granitic Rocks in relation to Mineralization in the Limestone Area of the Taebaegsan Basin (화강암류중 미량원소와 태백산분지내 석회암지역 광화작용과의 지구화학적 관계)

  • Lee, Jae Yeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.179-196
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    • 1987
  • Various skarn ore deposits of Pb-Zn, Fe-Cu, W-Mo and others are widely distributed in the study area which consists mainly of Cambro Ordovician calcareous rocks. The ore deposits are all in close association with specific types of granitic rocks of mid-late Cretaceous age according to the kinds of ores: Fe-Cu deposit with granodiorite-quartz monzodiorite, Pb-Zn deposit with granite-granodiorite, W-Mo deposit with granite, and Mn deposit with quartz porphyry. The granitic rock of Fe-Cu deposit has lower content in K and higher in Ca than those of Pb-Zn deposits. On the contrary, the granitic rock of W-Mo deposit has much higher content in K and lower in Ca in comparison to those of Pb-Zn deposits. However, the granitic rock of Mn deposit shows similar variation to those of Pb-Zn deposits. Lithophile trace elements of Sr and Rb tend to vary in close relation with major elements of K and Ca, respectively. In good contrast, chalcophile elements of Cu, Pb, Zn, Wand Mo are enriched in the granitic rocks of their ore deposits, and other trace elements of Ni and Co show a trend to vary in relation with Mg, Fe and Cu, which have the same replacement index (0.14) as Ni and Co. Average K/Rb and Ca/Sr ratios of the granitic rocks range nearly within 300~150 and 150~40, respectively, and the distribution pattern of the ratios is different according to the kind of ore deposits: Fe-Cu deposit is plotted toward K-Rb poor region whereas Pb-Zn and W-Mo deposits toward K-Rb rich region. In contrast, Fe-Cu and Fe deposits are plotted toward Ca-Sr rich region whereas Pb-Zn deposit toward Ca-Sr poor region. The variation trend of chemical elements of the mid-late Cretaceous granitic rocks in the study area is similar to that of the Cretaceous granitic rocks in the Gyeongsang Basin. Therefore, this geochemical result may be applicable to determining what kinds of ore deposits a Cretaceous granitic rock is favourable for, and whether it is productive or non-productive for systematic geochemical exploration works.

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Fifty years of economic geography in Korea:research trends and issues (한국경제지리학 반세기:연구성과와 과제)

  • ;Park, Sam Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.160-197
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to review research trends and issues of economic geography in Korea for the last fifty years by sub-fields of agricultural geography, industrial geography, commercial and service geography, and transportation geography. Research in Korean economic geography has progressed significantly in terms of the scope and the number of papers published during the last a half a century. Agricultural geography was a leading field of economic geography in Korea before mid-1970s. Since the mid-1970s, however, agricultural geography has turned over the leading role in economic geography to industrial geography. Classification and structure of agricultural region has been the most popular research theme in Korea, even though diverse topics has been dealt in the research of agricultulal geography in Korea during the last fifty years. In recent years, emphasis is given to study on the dynamics of agricultural region and regional differentiation of part-time farming. It is suggested that the future issues of research in agricultural geography in Korea are agricultural restructuring and changes in agricultural space under the WTO system, changes in rural area and agricultural region with the progress of informatization, changes in agricultural structures and rural society by the increase of part-time farming, governments agricultulal policy and its impacts, competitive advantages of Korean agricultulal products, and environmental impacts of agricultural restructuring. Research in industrial geography has remarkably progressed since the 1980s. Locational changes, regional industrial structure and formation of industrial region were the major topics of interest in the research of industrial geography in Korea before 1980. Since the early 1980s, in addition to the topics which were interested in before 1980, changes of industrial organization and industrial location, changes of production systems and industrial space development of high technology industries and science parks, industrial restructuring and regional economy, foreign direct investments, industrial linkages and industrial districts, and industrial policy and regional development have been the major research themes of industrial geography in Korea. Considerable number of papers has been published both in Korean journals and in foreign journals during this period. Considering global changes in the organization of industrial space, future research should be more focused on firms strategy for regaining competitive advantages, local and global perspectives of industry, industry and environmental changes, in addition to the topics which have been dealt in recent years. Research in commercial and service geography and transportation geography was negligible in Korea before the late 1970s. These two sub-fields in economic geography have begun to develop since 1980s. Periodic markets, structure of commercial area, and distribution of products were the major topics of interest in the 1980s in the commercial and service geography in Korea. In the 1990s, however reserch in producer services has been active with growth of producer services in Korean economy. It is suggested that regional changes with progress of informatization and technology, changes of international trade and regional changes, development of efficient distribution system, role of producer services in regional development, and network of producer services are the major issues to be studied in the future in the field of commercial and service geography in Korea. Commuting, distribution of products, and transportation networks have been the major topics of research in transportation geography in Korea. Diverse quantitative techniques have been applied in the most of the researches in transportation geography. It is required that future studies in transportation geography should also focus on societal and behavioral issues, policy issues regional impacts of new transportation facilities, an analysis of transportation system at the global or international level. Since the 1980s economic geography in Korea has considerably progressed with publication of papers and books. The progress can be regarded as successful in quantitative aspect, but not in quantitative aspects. For the development of Korean economic geography in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, it is necessary to promote international collaborative researches and interdisciplinary cooperations. Attention should also be given to the research on changes in competitive advantages and economic restructuring, changes of economic space with the development of high technology and the progress of informatization. economic development and culture. and foreign regional studies.

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Classification of the Core Climatic Region Established by the Entropy of Climate Elements - Focused on the Middle Part Region - (기후요소의 엔트로피에 의한 핵심 기후지역의 구분 - 중부지방을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hyun-Wook;Chung, Sung-Suk;Park, Keon-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 2006
  • Geographic factors and mathmatical location of the Korean Peninsula have great influences on the variation patterns and appearances over a period of ten days of summer precipitation. In order to clarify the influence of several climate factors on precise climate classification in the middle part region of the Korea, weather entropy and the information ratio were calculated on the basis of information theory and of the data of 25 site observations. The data used for this study are the daily precipitation phenomenon over a period of ten days of summer during the recent thirteen years (1991-2003) at the 25 stations in the middle part region of the Korea. It is divided into four classes of no rain, 0.110.0mm/day,10.130.0mm/day, 30.1mm over/day. Their temporal and spatial change were also analyzed. The results are as follows: the maximum and minimum value of calculated weather entropy are 1.870 bits at Chuncheon in the latter ten days of July and 0.960 bits at Ganghwa during mid September, respectively. And weather entropy in each observation sites tends to be larger in the beginning of August and smaller towards the end of September. The largest and smallest values of weather representative ness based on information ratio were observed at Chungju in the beginning of June and at Deagwallyeong towards the end of July. However, the largest values of weather representativeness came out during the middle or later part of September when 15 sites were adopted as the center of weather forecasting. The representative core region of weather forecasting and climate classification in the middle part region of the Korea are inside of the triangle region of the Buyeo, Incheon, and Gangneung.

A Classification of Somatotypes of Korean Males in Thirties(Part I) - Focused on the Upper Body -

  • Kim, Jin-Sun;Shim, Kue-Nam;Lee, Won-Ja
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the somatotype around a upper body of 30's men. The subjects were 202 working men aged from 30 to 39 and the data of 33 items including computed items were analysed by factor analysis and cluster analysis. Re results were as follows: As a factor of somatotype in evaluating males in 30's, the horizontal area represented the chest circumference at scye and the breadth items, the vortical region indicated hit length posterior, front length, back length, the breadth difference and the length difference. The somatotype by cluster analysis was classified with 3 type. Type I as the Roher's index 1.21 indicating the smallest in the circumference and weight item was classified as the thin and long featuring bending somatotype. Type 2 with the Rohrer's index 1.35 showing the mid-group between type 1 and 3 had the highest distribution rate as the balanced featuring the standard somatotype. Type 3 as the rohrer's index 1.40 was the largest physical condition group in the obesity featuring the turning over somatotype.

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On the Plastic Deformation of Polar-Class Ship's Single Frame Structures Subjected to Collision Loadings (충돌하중을 받는 빙해선박 단일 늑골 구조의 소성변형에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Dug-Ki;Shin, Dong-Wan;Kim, Sin-Ho;Heo, Yeoung-Mi;Cho, Sang-Rai
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.232-238
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    • 2012
  • The effects of temperature on the structural behavior of polar class vessels have been experimentally and numerically investigated. Experiments were carried out on single frame structures made of steel material, DH36, which is used for outer shell of the vessels making transit through the polar region. A knife edge type striker was dropped down onto single frame structures. The temperatures of the single frames were set to 30C, 50C and room temperature. The deflection around the mid-point of the single frame was measured and numerically simulated using finite element model. Strain rate effect on the structural behavior has been investigated and turned out that the strain rate effect can be neglected. From the results of the experiment and numerical analyses, it has been noticed that the permanent deflection at lower temperature was reduced due to a temperature hardening of material as expected.

An Experimental Study on the Effect of Air Space on the Absorption Property of Composite Absorption System (배후공기층이 복합흡음구조의 흡음특성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Oh, Yang-Ki
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2001
  • Single sound absorbers such as porous materials, panels, and Helmholts resonators have limited performance with some extents of frequency region. For example, porous materials do not attenuate low frequency sounds, while panels do not absorb high frequency sounds. Composite absorption structure with coverings, porous materials, and air gaps are an alternative for wide band sound absorption. Slits, panels, perforated panels are those materials for coverings, glass wool, mineral wool, polyester, and polyurethane are frequently used porous materials. Air gap between the porous material and background surface is one of major factors which governs the absorption characteristics of composite absorption structures, especially in the low frequency area. Calculations and measurements show that the absorption coefficients of composite absorption structure, in mid and low frequency bands, are getting higher with increased air gaps. Perforated panels rather than slits and panels are good coverings with higher number as far as absorption coefficient is concerned. Perforated panels with porous materials and 37 cm of air gaps in background have high absorption coefficients for all frequency bands, above 0.7 to 1.0. All measurements are performed in reverberation chamber, Mokpo National University, according to ISO 354 and ISO 3382.

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Pathological Status of Pyricularia angulata Causing Blast and Pitting Disease of Banana in Eastern India

  • Ganesan, Sangeetha;Singh, Hari Shankar;Petikam, Srinivas;Biswal, Debasish
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2017
  • Incidence of leaf blast on nursery plants and pitting disease on maturing banana bunches has been recorded in banana plantations during rainy season in Eastern India during 2014 to 2015. Taxonomical identification as well as DNA sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer region of fungus isolated from affected tissue culture derived plantlets and fruits confirmed the pathogen to be Pyricularia angulata Hashioka "in both the cases". Koch's postulates were proved on young plantlets as well as on maturing fruits of cv. Grand Naine under simulated conditions. Evolutionary history was inferred and presented for our P. angulata strain PG9001 with GenBank accession no. KU984740. The analysis indicated that the P. angulata is phylogenitically distinct from other related species related to both Pyricularia and Magnaporthe. Detailed symptoms of blast lesions on young leaves, transition leaves, mid rib, petioles, peduncle, maturing bunches, bunch stalks and cushions were documented. Notably, the distinct small pitting spots on maturing bunches reduced the visual appeal of mature fruits. Appearance of pitting symptoms on fruits in relation with age of fruits and their distribution pattern on bunch and fingers was also documented in detail. Further, the roles of transitory leaves, weed hosts, seasonality on disease occurrence have also been documented.

A study on the three dimensional turbulent flow analysis of wake flow behind rotating blade row between hub and midspan (허브와 중앙스팬 사이의 회전익 후류 3차원 난류유동해석에 관한 연구)

  • No, Su-Hyeok;Jo, Gang-Rae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.911-918
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    • 1997
  • The turbulent viscous wake flows behind a single airfoil, two-dimensional stationary blade row and three-dimensional rotating blade row were calculated, and the numerical results were compared with experimental ones. The numerical technique was based on the SIMPLE algorithm using three turbulent closure models, standard k-.epsilon. model(WFM), low Reynolds number k-.epsilon. model(LRN) and Reynolds stress model (RSM). In the case of a single airfoil, WFM, LRN and RSM presented fairly good velocity distributions in the wake compared with experimental data. In the case of the stationary blade row, LRN and RSM presented better results than WFM for wake velocity distribution, and especially LRN showed best results among these three turbulent models. In the case of the rotating blade row, WFM and LRN showed fairly good agreement with experimental data of the three-dimensional velocity component distributions in the range from hub to mid span region. LRN was also superior to WFM in accuracy of prediction for the wake velocity distribution as same with the cases of a airfoil and the stationary blade row.