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Structure-Fluid Interaction Analysis for the Submarine LOX Tank subjected to Underwater Explosion Impact (수중 폭발 충격을 받는 잠수함 액화 산소 탱크의 구조-유체 연성 해석)

  • Shin, Hyung-Cheol;Kim, Gyu-Sung;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Jeon, Jae-Hwang
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.419-424
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    • 2004
  • we performed the underwater explosion analysis for the liquefied oxygen tank - a kind of fuel tank of a mid-size submarine, and tried to verify the structural safety for this structure. First, we reviewed the theory and application of underwater explosion analysis using Structure-Fluid Interaction technique and its finite element modeling scheme. Next, we modeled the explosive and sea water as fluid elements, the LOX tank as structural elements and the interface between two regions as ALE scheme. The effect on shock pressure and impulse of fluid mesh size and shape are also investigated. As the analysis result, the shock pressure due explosion propagated into the water region and hit the structure region. The plastic deformation and the equivalent stress highly appeared at the web frame and the shock mount of LOX structure, but these values were acceptable for design criteria.

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  • Kim, Chung-Lee;Yang, Jong-Mann
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 1998
  • Infrared absorption spectra of 9 bulk samples and 3 acid residues of meteorites were obtained in the mid-infrared region (4000 400cm1). From the know composition of meteorites studied, the possible absorption modes were investigated. Most bands of bulk samples occur in the region below 1200cm1 and they are due to metallic oxides and silicates. The spectra of each group can be distinguished by its own characteristic bands. Acid residues show very distinct features from their bulk samples, and absorp-tion bands due to organic compounds are not evident in their spectra. Quantiative analyses for two carbonaceous (Allende CV3 and Murchison CM2) and one ordinary (Carraweena L3.9) chondrites were performed for the presence of fullerene (C60) in the meteorites. We calculated the concentration of C60 in the acid residues by curve-fitting the spectra with Gaussian functions. The upper limit of C60 concentration in these meteorites appears to be less than an order of a few hundred ppm.

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Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Studies of the Paleozoic Limestones from the Taebaegsan Region, South Korea (한국(韓國) 태백산지역(太白山地域)에 분포(分布)하는 고생대(古生代) 석회암(石灰岩)의 탄소(炭素)와 산소(酸素) 동위원소(同位元素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kyu Han
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 1980
  • δ13C and δ18O values were determined for the Paleozoic limestones (Great Linestone Series) from the Taebaegsan region and the age-unknown limestones (Janggun Formation) from the Janggun mine, Korea. Limestones of the Great Limestone Series exhibit a range of carbon isotopic composition from -4.5 +1.3‰ with a mean δ13C value of -1.1‰, relative to the PDB standard, and of oxygen isotpic composition from +8.8 to +23.3‰ with a mean δ18O value of +16.0‰, relative to the SMOW, falling into the normal marine limestone range according to Keith and Weber (1964), and Degens and Epstein(1964). Carbon isotopic composition of limestones of the Great Limestone Series becomes progressively lighter from Pungchon limestone of middle Cambrian age to mid-Ordovician Maggol limestone, possibly due to change in depositional environment in the Taebaegsan basin. Variation in isotopic composition of limestones from Hwajeol to Dumugal formation offers the possibility or deposition in shallow sea environment, in which fresh waters were added in several stages. Janggun limestone of unknown age may be corelated with the Paleozoic limestones of Great Limestone Series as infered from the istopic composition ranging from -2.8 to + 0.7‰ of δ13C and +13.4 to +22.4‰ of δ18O.

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  • School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Tsuyoshi Watabe;School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Masahisa Kubota
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.285-288
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    • 2008
  • We analyzed evaporation data in the Japanese Ocean Flux Data Sets with Use of Remote Sensing Observations (J-OFURO) Ver.2. There exists huge evaporation in Gulf Stream, Kuroshio Extension, the ocean dessert and the southern part of the Indian Ocean. The temporal variation of evaporation is overwhelmingly large, of which the standard deviation is more than 120(mm), in the Kuroshio Extension region. Also, the result of harmonic analysis gives that this large variation is closely related to annual variation. In addition, the first EOF mode shows long-term variation showing the maximum amplitude between 1992 and 1994 and remarkable decrease after 1994, and large amplitude in the equatorial region and northeast of Australia. The second and third modes were strongly influenced by El Nino. Moreover, we compared J-OFURO2 evaporation product with other products. We used six kinds of data sets (HOAPS3 and GSSTF2 of satellite data, NRA1, NRA2, ERA40 and JRA25 of reanalysis data) for comparison. Most products show underestimation in the most regions, in particular, in the northern North Pacific, mid-latitudes of the eastern South Pacific, and high-latitudes of the South Pacific compared with J-OFUR02. On the other hand, JRA25 and NRA2 show large overestimation in the equatorial regions. RMS difference between NRA2 and J-OFURO2 in the Kuroshio Extension was significantly large, more than 120(mm).

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  • Lee, Soo-Young;Chang, Ik-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reproducing accuracy of stone casts made from complete arch impressions using different impression materials. The impression materials studied were 1) polyether, 2) polysulfide, 3) polyvinyl siloxane, and 4) irreversible hydrocolloid. Impressions were made from a partially edentulous acrylic resin model with metal inserts in canine, first molar region bilaterally and mid palatal vault region. Each distance between 2 out of 5 meauring points was measured by using 3dimensional measuring machine. Impressions were poured at once with a type IV dental stone. Data were analyzed using t-test with a sample size of six. The results were as follow : 1. Polysulfide and polyether were significantly superior to polyvinyl siloxane and irreversible hydrocolloid in reproducing full arch model(p<0.05), but there were no statistical differences in amount of dimensional reproducing accuracy for full arch impression between polysulfide and polyether(p>0.05). 2. There were statistical differences in amount of dimensional reproducing accuracy between edentulous area and tooth bound area for polysulfide and polyether(p<0.05). but no statistical differences were observed for polyvinyl siloxane and irreversible hydrocolloid(p>0.05).

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A Study on the Track of Typhoon in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (북태평양 서부에서 발생하는 강풍의 진로에 관한 연구)

  • 윤종화
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 1994
  • By use of the recent tropical cyclones' data in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the occurrence frequency and region of typhoon as well as the features of the monthly mean track were analyzed. As the result of this study, (1) mean occurrence frequency of typhoon per year is 27.5, and 68% of total typhoons were formed in July to October and shown the highest frequency in August. (2) The ave-rage duration of typhoons is 8.5 days, and super typhoon which maximum sustained surface wind speeds is more than 130 knots occurs most frequently in October and November. (3) The highest frequency ap-pears around the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands, and in wintertime, typhoon occurs in lower lati-tude comparing with those in summertime. (4) The typhoon track depends upon the distribution of pres-sure system and steering current in neighbouring areas. The mean track of typhoon can be classified into three types such as westward-moving type, northward-moving type and abnormally moving type. The west-ward-moving typhoons make landfall on the southern China by way of the South China Sea in June and July, on mid-part of China in August and September, and on Indo-china Peninsula in October and Novem-ber. The northward-moving typhoons approximately move on north~northwestward track to 20 30N from the occurrence region, then recurve to the East Sea through Korean Peninsula and Kyushu Island in June and July, to the Noth Pacific Ocean along the Japanese Islands in August and September and to the North Pacific Ocean through the seas far south off the Japan in October and November.

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Characteristics of Tropical Cyclone Activity Influenced by Decadal Variability of SST (해수면 온도의 10년 주기 변동에 영향을 받는 Tropical Cyclone의 특징)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeok;Kang, In-Sik
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.485-492
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    • 2008
  • This study confirms that a decadal variation of the SST (Sea Surface Temperature) in the WNP (Western North Pacific) has an influence on the genesis and passage ofa Tropical Cyclone. The decadal mode was obtained by calculating the SST anomaly on the domain 150E190E, and 5S5N. Such decadal variation was subsequently analyzed to confirm that it is a dominant mode in central Pacific region. Next, after classifying the years into relatively positive years and relatively negative years, the characteristics of Tropical Cyclone in each year, such as a genesis and passage frequency, were investigated. Compared to the relatively negative years, during the relatively positive years, the location of Tropical Cyclone genesis was biased toward South-Eastern region, while the characteristics of the cyclone were more distinct during late season of the year trom September to December than in mid season from June to August. Examining the movement passage through the observation of passage fiequency, there was a significant difference between positive year and negative year in their passages at a 90% confidence level. Moreover, the number of Tropical Cyclone, maximum wind, and life time also showed higher values in positive years than in negative years. These features were confirmed by examining the 850hPa cyclonic flow field, vorticity field, and vertical wind shear field, all of which contribute to the genesis of a Tropical Cyclone.

Homogeneous Dose Planning to Paranasal Sinus with the Partial Attenuation filters and Wedged Beams in 6 MV Photon Beam (6 MV 광자선의 투과성필터와 Wedge 선속을 이용한 부비강의 균등선량계획)

  • Choi, Tae-Jin;Lee, Ho-Joon;Kim, Ok-Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 1993
  • The homogeneous dose planning is one of the most important roles in radiation therapy. But, it is not easy to obtain a homogeneous dose to paranasal sinus region including the ethmoidal sinus with conventional irradiation techniques. In this experimental study, the authors tried to get a homogeneous dose at PNS region, but the nasal cartirage does not exceed the tolerance dose, with anterior-posterior beam and two both lateral wedged beams. Used three fields were shielded with full thickness of blocks to preserve the eye-balls and with blocks of one half value layer to create a homogeneous dose at the whole treatment volume. The dose computations are based on the three dimensonal structure with modified scatter contributions of partial shielders and attenuated beams in 6 MV photon beams. The dose distributions of mid-plane is examined with Kodak verification films and teflon-embedded TLD rod (1 mm diameter and 6 mm length) to confirm the computed dose. In our study, the whole PNS regions have shown within 85% of the resultant isodose curves with relatively homogeneous dose distribution. The results of dose computation and measurements are agree well within 5% uncertainties.

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A New Species of Farranula (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Corycaeidae) from the West Central Pacific, with a Key to Species of the Genus

  • Wi, Jin Hee;Soh, Ho Young;Jeong, Hyeon Gyeong;Kang, Hyung-Ku
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2015
  • A new species of the genus Farranula Wilson, 1942 (Cyclopoida, Corycaeidae) is described based on both sexes collected off Chuuk Island in Micronesia (West Central Pacific). The new species F. dahlae differs from its close congener F. gibbula (Giesbrecht, 1891) in the following combination of characters in both sexes: body length is longer, length to width ratio of caudal rami is larger, basal element of maxilliped is distinctly longer, and terminal spine to distal segment ratio of P4 is smaller; while in females, lateral margins of fourth pedigerous somite are extended to mid-region of second urosomal somite, maximum width of the second urosomal somite is located at middle region in dorsal and lateral views, and length ratio of caudal seta III to seta V is much larger; and in males, sharply contracted portion of second somite is located at two-thirds distance from anterior margin. Some additional morphological details of F. gibbula are given and a key to species of the genus Farranula is provided.

A novel classification of anterior alveolar arch forms and alveolar bone thickness: A cone-beam computed tomography study

  • Bulyalert, Atcharee;Pimkhaokham, Atiphan
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study classified alveolar arch forms and evaluated differences in alveolar bone thickness among arch forms in the anterior esthetic region using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Materials and Methods: Axial views of 113 CBCT images were assessed at the level of 3 mm below the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of the right and left canines. The root center points of teeth in the anterior esthetic region were used as reference points. Arch forms were classified according to their transverse dimensions and the intercanine width-to-depth ratio. The buccolingual alveolar bone thickness of each tooth was measured at 3 mm below the CEJ and at the mid-root level. Differences in the mean thicknesses among arch forms were analyzed. Results: Anterior maxillary arches could be classified as long narrow, short medium, long medium, and long wide arches. Significant differences in buccolingual alveolar bone thickness among the arch groups were found at both levels. The long wide arches presented the greatest bone thickness, followed by the long medium arches, while the long narrow and short medium arches were the thinnest. Conclusion: Arch forms were classified as long narrow, short medium, long medium, and long wide. The buccolingual alveolar bone thickness exhibited significant differences among the arch forms.