• 제목/요약/키워드: Mid-region

검색결과 668건 처리시간 0.03초

Soluble Expression of Recombinant Olive Flounder Hepcidin I Using a Novel Secretion Enhancer

  • Lee, Sang Jun;Park, In Suk;Han, Yun Hee;Kim, Young Ok;Reeves, Peter R.
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.140-145
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    • 2008
  • Expression of olive flounder hepcidin I (HepI) fused with truncated OmpA signal peptides (OmpASPtr) as directional signals does not produce soluble fusion proteins. However, by inserting amino acid segments (xxx) varying in pI and hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity into a leader sequence containing a truncated OmpASP (OmpASPtr) and a factor Xa cleavage site (Xa) [OmpASPtr(xxx)Xa], we were able in some cases to express soluble recombinant HepI. Soluble expression of the recombinant protein strongly correlated with (xxx) insertions of high pI and hydrophilicity. Therefore, we modified the OmpASPtr(xxx)Xa sequence by inserting Arg and Lys into (xxx) to increase the hydrophilicity of the signal peptide region. These modifications enhanced the expression of soluble recombinant HepI. Hydropathic profile analysis of the OmpASPtr(xxx)Xa HepI fusion proteins revealed that the transmembrane-like domains derived from the OmpASPtr(xxx)Xa sequence were larger than the internal positively charged domain native to HepI. It should therefore be possible to overcome the obstacle of internal positively charged domains to obtain soluble expression of recombinant proteins by monitoring the hydrophilicity and hydropathic profile of the signal peptide region using a computer program.

글로벌 금융위기 이후 수도권과 비수도권 간 일자리 격차 (Employment Gap Between Capital and Non-Capital Regions since the Global Financial Crisis in Korea)

  • 정준호
    • 한국경제지리학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2024
  • 이 논문은 통계청의 지역별 고용조사 자료를 활용해 2008년 글로벌 금융위기 이후 현재까지 심화하고 있는 수도권과 비수도권 간 일자리 격차를 산업·직업별 일자리의 공간 분포 분석, 4년제 대졸자의 지역별 하향 취업률 산정, 일자리 접근법을 이용한 지역별 일자리 분포 추정 등 다양한 측면에서 분석하고, 2010년대 중반 이후 비수도권의 제조업 고용감소가 전체 고용 변화에 미치는 효과를 통계적으로 추정한다. 이러한 분석으로부터 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 2000년대 중반 이후 수도권에서는 생산자서비스업과 관리전문사무직의 비중이 늘고 있다. 둘째, 비수도권에서 임금 근로자 대비 비정규직 비중이 더 높다. 셋째, 2010년대 중반 이후 비수도권의 하향취업률이 증가하는 추세이지만, 수도권의 그것은 이와 달리 매우 완만하게 증가하거나 횡보한다. 넷째, 분배 측면에서 일자리의 분포 패턴을 보면, 2010년대 중반 이후 비수도권에는 저임금과 고임금 일자리가 동시에 증가하고 중간 일자리가 줄어드는 전형적인 양극화 패턴인 U자형이 나타나고, 반면 수도권에는 고임금 일자리 증가가 주도하는 좌우가 뒤바뀐 L자형 패턴이 드러난다. 다섯째, 비수도권 분위별 일자리 분포가 2010년대 중반 이후 양극화 패턴을 보여주는 것은 중간 분위 일자리를 다수 차지하는 제조업 고용변동과 연관이 있다. 마지막으로, 2010년대 중반 이후 지역 제조업 고용변동이 전체 고용변동에 미친 효과를 추정한 결과에 따르면, 제조업 고용감소는 해당 지역의 상용직 고용률을 떨어뜨리며, 비수도권에서 부정적 고용효과가 더 크다. 이러한 분석 결과에 기반해 구상과 실행의 공간적 분리에 따른 분공장 경제, 지리적 이동성과 숙련 이동성의 혼합, 인적자본 축적을 통한 고용 가능성 제고와 일자리 문제, 단기와 장기 대응 등의 정책적 이슈에 대해 논의한다.

지역별,관리구별 중장기 부하밀도 예측 프로그램의 개발 (Development of Program for prediction of Mid-long term Load density in region and district respectively.)

  • 최상봉;김대경;정성환;배정효;하태현;이현구
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2000년도 하계학술대회 논문집 A
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    • pp.307-309
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents development of program for mid-tong term load forecasting in region and district respectively. In this program, at first, the region is classified by KEPCO branch which can be analyzed in light of curl·elation between load characteristics and economic indicator and then, prediction for load density in each region was performed by scenario of economic, population and city plan. Secondly, prediction for load density in each district is performed by methodology which is based on land use method. Finally efficiency for prediction work in each KEPCO branch could be identified by applying the developed program to the Seoul city in real.

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RegCM4.0을 활용한 CORDEX II 동아시아 지역의 21C 중·후반 기후 변화 전망 (Prospect of Climate Changes for the Mid and Late 21st Century Using RegCM4.0 over CORDEX II East Asian Region)

  • 김태준;서명석;장은철
    • 대기
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.165-181
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the regional climate model, RegCM4.0 (25 km), with the HadGEM2-AO data as boundary conditions, was used to simulate the mean climate changes in the mid and late 21st century for CORDEX Phase 2 East Asian region. 122 years (1979~2100) of simulation were performed, and RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 were used for the simulation of future climate. In the mid-21st century, the temperature is expected to increase by about 0.5 to 3.0C in all regions of East Asia, regardless of season and scenario. The increase in temperature is greater in summer and winter, especially in the northern part of simulation domain. Interannual variability (IAV) is expected to decrease by 25% in summer for RCP 8.5, while it is expected to increase by more than 30% in autumn for both scenarios. Regardless of the scenario, the precipitation in South Korea is expected to increase in late June but decrease in mid-July, with an increase in precipitation greater than 100mmday1. In RCP 4.5 of the late 21st century, relatively uniform temperature increase (1.02.5C) is expected throughout the continent, while RCP 8.5 shows a very diverse increase (3.06.0C) depending on season and geographical location. In addition, the IAV of temperature is expected to decrease by more than 35% in both scenarios in the summer. In most of the Northwest Pacific region, precipitation is expected to decrease in all seasons except for the summer, but in South Korea, it is projected to increase by about 10% in all seasons except autumn.

The First Report on the Afternoon E-Region Plasma Density Irregularities in Middle Latitude

  • Yang, Tae-Yong;Kwak, Young-Sil;Lee, Jaewook;Park, Jaeheung;Choi, Seonghwan
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2021
  • We report, for the first time, the afternoon (i.e., from noon to sunset time) observations of the northern mid-latitude E-region field-aligned irregularities (FAIs) made by the very high frequency (VHF) coherent backscatter radar operated continuously since 29 December 2009 at Daejeon (36.18°N, 127.14°E, 26.7°N dip latitude) in South Korea. We present the statistical characteristics of the mid-latitude afternoon E-region FAIs based on the continuous radar observations. Echo signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the afternoon E-region FAIs is found to be as high as 35 dB, mostly occurring around 100-135 km altitudes. Most spectral widths of the afternoon echoes are close to zero, indicating that the irregularities during the afternoon time are not related to turbulent plasma motions. The occurrence of afternoon E-regional FAI is observed with significant seasonal variation, with a maximum in summer and a minimum in winter. Furthermore, to investigate the afternoon E-region FAIs-Sporadic E (Es) relationship, the FAIs have also been compared with Es parameters based on observations made from an ionosonde located at Icheon (37.14°N, 127.54°E, 27.7°N dip latitude), which is 100 km north of Daejeon. The virtual height of Es (h'Es) is mainly in the height range of 105 km to 110 km, which is 5 km to 10 km greater than the bottom of the FAI. There is no relationship between the FAI SNR and the highest frequencies (ftEs) (or blanket frequencies (fbEs)). SNR of FAIs, however, is found to be related well with (ftEs-fbEs).

판별식(判別式)에 의한 수목분류법(樹木分類法)에 관(關)하여 (I) -독일(獨逸)가문비와 종비(樅榧)나무와의 판별분석(判別分析)- (On the Distinction between Picea koraiensis Nak. and Picea abies(L.) Karsten based on the Discriminant Function (I))

  • 이광남
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제58권1호
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 1982
  • 현행(現行)의 형태학적수목분류법(形態學的樹木分類法)에 계획적특성(計劃的特性)을 이용(利用)한 소위(所謂) 판별분석법(判別分析法)에 의(依)할 독일(獨逸)가문비(Picea abies(L.) Karsten)와 종비나무(樅榧)(Picea koraiensis Nak.)와의 분류시험(分類試驗)을 실시(實施)하고 그 결과(結果)를 다음과 같이 요약(要約)한다. 1) 본(本) 시험(試驗)에서 얻은 판별식(判別式)과 판별영역(判別領域)은, Z(x)=Z(x1,x2)=0.000379x1+0.004354x20.311061 또는 Z(x)=Z(x1,x2)=0.000379(x160.4428)+0.004354(x266.1851), R1={x0.000379x1+0.004354x20.3110610}, R2={x0.000379x1+0.004354x20.311061 <0)} 또는 R1={x0.000379(x160.4428)+0.004354(x266.1851)0, R2={x0.000379(x160.4428)+0.004354(x266.1851) <0}. 2) 위의 판별영역(判別領域)에 의(依)한 오판율(誤判率)(오분류확율(誤分類確率))은, P(21)=(P12)=0.444로서, P(21)와 P(P12)의 동시오판율(同時誤判率)은 P=44.4%. 3) 본(本) 시험(試驗)에서 얻은 판별식(判別式)에 의(依)한 오판율(誤判率)은 상당(相當)히 높게 나타났지만 그의 정도(精度)보다는 오히려 판별(判別)에 대(對)한 신뢰도(信賴度)를 알 수 있다는데 보다 큰 의의(意義)가 있는 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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대전지역 대기분진의 입경별 원소분포와 통계적 오염원 분류() (Elemental Distribution and Source Identification with Particle Size(Fine and Coarse) of Air Particles in Daejeon Region())

  • 문종화;김선하;임종명;정용삼;이진홍
    • 한국대기환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국대기환경학회 2003년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.409-410
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    • 2003
  • 최근 환경오염에 대한 인식과 규제가 증가하고 쾌적한 주변환경에 대한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 대기물, 토양, 생물 등과 같은 여러가지 환경시료의 분석을 통하여 오염의 정도를 파악하고 오염원을 규명하여 환경관리정책에 반영하려는 노력이 추진되고 있다. 여러 가지 환경시료중 대기분진은 자연적 또는 인위적 발생원에 따라 다양한 원소들을 함유하고 있기 때문에 대기환경지표시료로 이용되고 있다. 오염원의 규명을 위한 소량의 휠터상 분진시료로부터 원소의 정확한 분석은 필수적이고 중요한 선행작업이며 적합한 측정분석법의 이용이 요구된다. (중략)

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Characteristics of the Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Trough Measured by Topside Sounders in 1960-70s

  • Hong, Junseok;Kim, Yong Ha;Lee, Young-Sook
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2019
  • The ionospheric mid-latitude trough (IMT) is the electron density depletion phenomenon in the F region during nighttime. It has been suggested that the IMT is the result of complex plasma processes coupled to the magnetosphere. In order to statistically investigate the characteristics of the IMT, we analyze topside sounding data from Alouette and ISIS satellites in 1960s and 1970s. The IMT position is almost constant for seasons and solar activities whereas the IMT depth ratio and the IMT feature are stronger and clearer in the winter hemisphere under solar minimum condition. We also calculated transition heights at which the densities of oxygen ions and hydrogen/helium ions are equal. Transition heights are generally higher in daytime and lower in nighttime, but the opposite aspects are seen in the IMT region. Utilizing the Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) electron temperature measurements, we find that the electron temperature in the IMT region is enhanced at night during winter. The increase of electron temperature may cause fast transport of the ionospheric plasma to the magnetosphere via ambipolar diffusion, resulting in the IMT depletion. This mechanism of the IMT may work in addition to the simply prolonged recombination of ions proposed by the traditional stagnation model.

중적외선 영역의 DLC 코팅된 ZnS 기판의 광학 특성 (Optical Properties of DLC-coated ZnS Substrates in the Mid-infrared Region)

  • 권태형;여서영;김창일;남산;권민철;추병욱;백종후
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.101-105
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    • 2019
  • ZnS substrates with excellent transmittance in the mid-infrared region (35μm) were prepared using hot pressing instead of conventional chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Diamond-like carbon(DLC) was coated on either one or both sides of the ZnS substrates to improve their mechanical properties and transmittance. More specifically DLC was coated using CVD with an Ar and C2H2 mixed gas, and Ge was used as the bonding layer. During CVD, the bias voltage was fixed to 500 V and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nanoindenter, scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometry. Results of hardness analysis using the nanoindenter, showed that DLC coating increased from 5.9 to 17.7 GPa after deposition. The FT-IR spectroscopy results showed that, in the mid-infrared region (35μm), the average transmittance of the samples with DLC coating on one and both sides increased by approximately 6% and approximately 11.2% respectively. In conclusion, the DLC coating improved the durability and transmittance of the ZnS substrates.

Analysis of Aerodynamic Performance in an Annular Compressor Bowed Cascade with Large Camber Angles

  • Chen, Shaowen;Chen, Fu
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2009
  • The effects of positively bowed blade on the aerodynamic performance of annular compressor cascades with large camber angle were experimentally investigated under different incidences. The distributions of the exit total pressure loss and secondary flow vectors of compressor cascades were analyzed. The static pressure was measured by tapping on the cascade surfaces, and the ink-trace flow visualizations were conducted. The results show that the value of the optimum bowed angle and optimum bowed height decrease because of the increased losses at the mid-span with the increase of the caber angle. The C-shape static pressure distribution along the radial direction exists on the suction surface of the straight cascade with large r camber angles. When bowed blade is applied, the larger bowed angle and larger bowed height will further enhance the accumulation of the low-energy fluid at the mid-span, thus deteriorate the flow behavior. Under 60 camber angle, flow behavior near the end-wall region of some bowed cascades even deteriorates instead of improving because the blockage of the separated flow near the mid-span keeps the low-energy fluid near the end-walls from moving towards the mid-span region, and as a result, a rapid augmentation of the total loss is easy to take place under large bowed angle. With the increase of camber angle, the choice range of bowed angle corresponding to the best performance in different incidences become narrower.