• Title/Summary/Keyword: Method coping with stress

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장애아 어머니의 자아존중감, 스트레스 및 대처행동간의 관계 (The Relations Among Self-esteem, Stress and Coping Behaviors of Mothers with Handicapped Children)

  • 김미혜
    • 대한감각통합치료학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2007
  • Objective : The purposes of this study were two-fold; First it investigated self-esteem, stress and coping behaviors of mothers with handicapped children as a function of their and their children's characteristics; Second it examined the relationship among these variables. Method : The subjects were 294 mothers of handicapped children who were receiving treatment in one of the sixteen special therapy institutions in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gangwon-do. Rosenberg's(1965) Self-Esteem Scale translated by Jeon Byung-Jea(1974) was used to measure the degree of mothers' self-esteem. Mothers' stress was assessed using the Support Burden Scale revised by Seong Jong-sook(2000) and their coping behavior was examined using Folkman's(1986) Coping Scale translated by Jeon Sung-hye. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation. Result : The major results of this study were as follows; First, working mothers of handicapped children showed higher self-esteem and problem solving coping behavior more than non-working mothers. Self-esteem was found higher with high-income mothers than with low-income ones. Stress was shown more intense to low- and middle-income mothers than to high-income ones. Problem solving coping behavior was preferred more by high-and middle-income mothers than by low-income ones. Second, mothers with the mild-handicap children showed higher self-esteem than those with the first-degree handicap ones. Mothers of children with first-, second- and third-degree handicap perceived more stress than those with mild handicap. Coping behavior was significantly different depending on the severity of children's handicap, but no significant difference was found among the groups. Third, the higher the self-esteem of mothers was, the less they perceived stress and used more of problem solving coping behavior. When mothers perceived a great deal of stress, they used more of emotion-oriented coping behaviors.

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여대생의 스트레스와 대처방식이 건강관련 행동에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Stress and Stress Coping Method on Health Related Behavior in Female University Students)

  • 최은영;김혜숙;박영미
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of stresses to female university students and their habits of dealing with stresses through drinking alcohol and smoking. Methods : Subjects, 313 students, were selected through convenience sampling method from the 2 four-year universities in Chonbuk and Chonnam province from May to June, 2005. Data were collected through the structured questionnaires that include general characteristics, Quantity Frequency methods, the number of cigarette per day, campus stress scale, and stress coping style scale, and they were analyzed by Cronbach' alpha, descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test by using SPSS/PC+ program. Results: In this study, 80% of subjects have drunk alcohol. The mean frequency of drinking alcohol per month was 4.68 times and the mean number of alcohol consumption amount per drinking 6.16 glasses. The rate of smoking was 13.7%, and the mean number smoking cigarette per day in the previous month was 12.4. The mean score of stress was 2.20. Among 8 sub-factors of stress, study related stress scored highest among the sub-factors. The mean score of coping styles was 2.50. Among 4 coping styles, hopeful thought was mostly used. Among stresses, the concern of one's future affected her drinking habits. Faculty relationship, academic problem, and value affected smoking habits. Hopeful thought comes out to affect smoking, while drinking, perceived health status, and practice time showed no relationship with coping style. Conclusion: Based on the results, developing a life stress counseling program and effective coping program for women's university students is imperative, especially for those of who show passive attitude toward stress and solve it emotionally instead of using problem-oriented methods. Also, it will be necessary to study further nursing intervention to curb university females' drinking alcohol and smoking.

만성심혈관환자의 스트레스 지각, 대처행위, 건강증진행위 (Perceived Stress, Ways of Coping, and Health Promoting Behavior in Patients with Chronic Cardiovascular Disease)

  • 한금선;박은영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.702-711
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among perceived stress, ways of coping, and health promoting behaviors in patients with chronic cardiovascular disease(CCVD). Method: Data was collected by questionnaires from 436 patients with CCVD in a General Hospital in Seoul. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. Result: The health promoting behavior showed a significant positive correlation with self-efficacy and social support. Also, the health promoting behavior showed a significant negative correlation with perceived stress and symptoms of stress. The stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of health promoting behaviors was symptoms of stress. Conclusion: A combination of symptoms of stress, social support, self-efficacy, and perceived stress account for 41% of the variance in health promoting behaviors of patients with CCVD. Data from this study suggest that symptoms of stress, social support, ways of coping, and perceived stress are significant influencing factors on health promoting behaviors of patients with CCVD.

The Effects of Value Style on Stress Coping -Mediating Effect of Communication Ability-

  • Kim, Jungae;Lee, Byunghyun
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of type of values on coping stress through communication ability. The data for the study were collected from February 1 to 15, 2019, and the participants were collected through online questionnaires in the twenties who voluntarily participated in the study. The final data used in this study were 324. The research method was cross - sectional questionnaire survey. The analysis was done using SPSS 18.0, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, multiple regression and median effect analysis. A total of 324 people participated in the study, 38% of men and 62% of women were female. The results of this study showed that the collectivism values were positively correlated with individualism values (r = .224, p<0.01), emotional stress coping style (r = .266, p <), And emotion - centered stress coping was correlated with problem - oriented stress coping (r = .369, p <0.01). Those who had a collectivist value had a significant influence on the type of problem - centered stress coping(${\beta}=.271$, p<0.01), and the communication ability showed a perfect mediating effect($R^2=.310$,${\beta}=.113$, p>0.05). According to the results of this study, stress coping in the twenties suggests a program that fosters individualized communication ability.

Influence of Job-seeking Stress on Perimenstrual Symptoms of Female College Students in Health and Non-health related Majors: Mediating Effects of Stress Coping Styles

  • Moon, So-Hyun;Park, Mi Kyoung
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To determine effects of job-seeking stress on perimenstrual symptoms of female college students with health and non-health related majors and mediating effects of stress coping styles. Methods: Data were collected from 189 female college students who were juniors or seniors. This study was conducted using questionnaires on job-seeking stress, perimenstrual symptoms, and stress coping styles. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS, version 23.0. Mediation analysis was performed according to the Baron and Kenny method and Sobel test. Results: Job-seeking stress was significantly and positively correlated with perimenstrual symptoms in non-health college students. Passive stress coping styles demonstrated a complete mediating effect on the relationship between job-seeking stress and perimenstrual symptoms of those with non-health related majors (${\beta}=0.31$, p=.002). Such effect was significant (Sobel test; Z=2.06, p=.039). Conclusion: Effects of job-seeking stress on perimenstrual symptoms were mediated by passive stress coping styles of non-health related major students. Based on findings of this study, effective stress cope strategies should be developed considering characteristics of majors to manage perimenstrual symptoms of female college students with high job-seeking stress.

전북지역 고교생의 사회인구학적, 심리 ${\cdot}$ 환경적 특성과 대처방법이 스트레스 받는 정도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of SES, Psychological Environments, Stress Coping Method on High School Student's Stress in Choen-buk)

  • 송순
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제18권3호통권47호
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to research high school students' stressful life events, to examine effects of SES, psychological environments, stress coping methods on stress. Data were collected by 965 high school students in Cheon-buk. Data were analyzed with the frequency, percentage, factor analysis, reliability, ANOVA test, Multiple Regression in use of SPSS WIN 7.5 Program. The main results are as follow: 1. High school students; stressful life events are ① comparingㆍinterferenceㆍscolding ② having a bad at their study. ③ educational environments ④ ability ⑤ apearance. Peoples stressed me are ① her(him)self ② friend and ③ teacher. Stress coping behaviors are it's ① speak ill a person. ② listen to the music. ③ sleep. ④ be patient. ⑤ keep still or take breath deeply. 2. SES, Psychological Environments, Stress Coping Methods are related to stress. Especially hopeless in future, parental not affections and parental interference are related to stress highly. Also the stress by sex discrimination are related to gender intimately. 3. Effects of SES, Psychological Environments, Stress Coping Method on high school students' stress are very different. So it must to be differentiated the support on the high school students' stress.

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간호학생의 스트레스 지각, 대처유형, 스트레스 반응간의 관계 (The Relationship of Perceived Stress, Ways of Coping, and Stress Response of Nursing Students)

  • 하나선;한금선;최정
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.358-368
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    • 1998
  • This was designed to identify the relationship of perceived stress, ways of coping, and stress response in student nurses. The subjects of this study were 320 student nurses from two universities and three junior colleges located in Seoul. The data were collected from November 28 to December 10, 1997 by a questionnaire survey method. The instruments for this study were the perceived stress scale developed by Levenstein(1993), ways of coping scale developed by lazarus & Folkman (1984), and the stress response scale developed by Choi(1991). The data were analyzed by SAS program, using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, and ANOVA. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The mean score for the level of perceived stress was 2.55. 2. The mean score for the level of problem oriented coping was 1.61 and the mean score for the level of emotional oriented coping was 1.37. 3. The mean score for the level of stress response was 3.74. Stress was classified into nine factors and the order of scoring for the most frequent was ; assignments(3.98), as a nurse(3.97), interpersonal relationship(3.88). 4. The relationship between perceived stress and stress response revealed a positive significant correlation(r=0.23, p=0.0001) 5. The relationship between emotional oriented coping and stress response revealed a positive significant correlation(r=0.22, p=0.0001). 6. The relationship between perceived stress and emotional oriented coping revealed a positive significant correlation(r=0.13, p=0.020). In conclusion, this study revealed that the level of perceived stress and ways of coping were important factors influencing the stress response of student nurses. Therefore, in consideration of perceived stress, ways of coping should be included in the development of a stress management program for student nurses. Further research with an expanded area and subjects is recommended.

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초등교사의 직무스트레스와 스트레스 대처방식이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향 (The Influences of Job Stress and Stress-Coping Style on Job Satisfaction of the Elementary School Teachers)

  • 정용화;임은미;김종운
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.469-481
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the influences among job stress, stress-coping style and job satisfaction of the elementary school teachers. An objective of study is 256 elementary school teachers. After choosing 7 schools located in Busan, 283 teachers participated in this study. The measurements used in this study were the teachers' job stress scale, coping ability scale against stress, and the Korea Teacher Opinionnaire Test. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 14.0 program. For handling data, correlations and Multiple Regression Analysis was conducted. Major findings were summarized as follows: First, it is found that reward & personnel management in sub-variables of job stress and control method in sub-variables of stress-coping style has significantly predicted job satisfaction level. Second, in sub-variables of job satisfaction, reward & personnel management, control method, management system, learning establishments has significantly predicted duties, increase of specialty, human relationships, and work atmosphere, respectively. Finally, the limitation of this study and suggestion for further research are presented.

대학생이 지각하는 부모에 대한 애착과 자기분화 및 스트레스 대처방식 (Relationships among Attachment with Parents, Self-Differentiation, and Stress Coping Strategies by College Students)

  • 황미진;김보라
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.269-280
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among attachment with parents, self-differentiation, and stress coping strategies. The participants of the present study were 142 male and 161 female college students in Jeolla-Do province. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire method. The major results of this research were as follows. First, there was significant positive correlation between the level of attachment with parents and self-differentiation, indicating that the greater the level of attachment with parents, the higher the level of self-differentiation. Second, active coping was associated with higher levels of differentiation of self and passive coping were associated with lower levels of differentiation. Third, there was significant positive correlation between the level of attachment with parents and active coping, indicating that the greater the level of attachment with parents, students used more active coping than passive coping. Finally, multiple regression analysis were performed to attachment with parents and self-differentiation. It was found that attachment with parents was the most powerful predictor of active coping and self-differentiation was the most powerful predictor of passive coping.

간호대학생의 학년별 임상실습 스트레스 대처 및 실습만족도의 차이 비교 (The Comparison of Stress Coping and Satisfaction with Clinical Practice according to the Grade of Nursing College Student)

  • 이혜숙;김은주
    • 동서간호학연구지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The study was to identify the relationship among perceived stress, coping strategies and satisfaction f clinical experience in nursing students and to examine difference of grade. Methods: A total 238 nursing students (second grade: 141 students, third grade: 97 students) from K. Womens' College were provided with self reported questionnaires from July 26, 2006 to July. 30, 2006. Perceived stress was measured using Perceived Stress Scale. Coping was measured using Coping Responses Inventory-Adult form. Satisfaction of clinical experience was measured using Satisfaction Inventory. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with SPSS 12.0 program. Result: Participants showed that a high level of perceived stress score $2.71{\pm}.47$ of total 4 (2nd grad) and $2.67{\pm}.35$ of total 4 (3rd grade). Approach Coping Scales score of coping strategies was $68.19{\pm}6.06$ (2nd grade), $63.38{\pm}6.69$ (3rd grade) of total 96, then coping mechanism's mean among 2nd grade nursing students was higher than 3rd grade nursing students. Satisfaction score of clinical experience in 2nd grade nursing students was $3.01{\pm}.32$ and higher than 3rd grade ($2.99{\pm}.38$). There was a negative correlation r=-.264 (p=.000) between perceived stress during clinical practice and satisfaction. It was statistically significant. There was a positive correlation r=.154 (p<.05) between satisfaction score of clinical experience in nursing students and approach coping scales score. Conclusion: With these findings, we found that the more approach coping level, the more satisfaction of clinical practice. It is needed to developing effective teaching method and coping strategies for nursing students to improve their coping ability and prepare qualified nursing profession.

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