• 제목/요약/키워드: Methane production rate

검색결과 302건 처리시간 0.029초

이중주파수 초음파를 이용한 도시하수슬러지의 전처리 특성 및 비메탄활성도에 관한 연구 (Pretreatment Characteristics and Specific Methanogenic Activity of Municipal Sewage Sludge by Dual Frequency Sonication)

  • 정병길;장성호;성낙창
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.211-218
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    • 2007
  • The objectives of this study have been carried out to investigate the solubilization of municipal sewage sludge by single and dual frequency ultrasonic pretreatment, and the methane production characteristics of pretreated sewage sludge by specific methanogenic activity test for sewage sludge reduction. The waste activated sludge was collected from thickened tank of Suyoung sewage treatment plant in Busan city, and its concentration was adjusted to 1.0% total solids. Ultrasonic frequency was varied 15, 20, 15+20 kHz, and acoustic density was used a maximum 176W/L. The dual frequency ultrasonic pretreatment was found to be more effective than single frequency ultrasonic in the solubilization rate and methane production. The $SCOD_{Cr}/TCOD_{Cr}$, rate were 15.2%, 13.9%, 17.0% with single frequency of 15 kH2, 20 kHz, dual frequency of 15+20 kHz, respectively. The application of dual frequency ultrasound for sewage sludge pretreatment can be interest for sewage treatment plants having problems in sludge treatment and disposal.

음식물찌꺼기 고온산발효산물과 하수슬러지의 혼합처리 (Co-digestion of Thermophilic Acid-fermented Food Wastes and Sewage Sludge)

  • 안철우;장성호;박진식
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제15권9호
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    • pp.897-905
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    • 2006
  • This study has been conducted to investigate biodegradation characteristics and optimum mixing ratio for co-digestion with thermophilic acid-fermented food waste and sewage sludge using batch anaerobic digester. As the basis operating conditions for anaerobic digestion, the reaction temperature was controlled $35{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ and stirrer was set 70rpm. Thermophilic acid-fermented food waste and sewage sludge were mixed at the ratio of 10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7, 0:10 and 5;5(food waste : sewage sludge) as the influent substrates. In results of co-digestion according to mixing ratio of thermophilic fermented food wastes and sewage sludge in batch mesophilic anaerobic digestion reactor, $385mL\;CH_4/g\;VS_{added}$ of methane production rate at 1:1 mixing ratio was more than that of any other mixing ratios. Compared with $293mL\;CH_4/g\;VS_{added}$ of methane production rate at 1:1 mixing ratio of food wastes and sewage sludge, pretreatment of food wastes by thermophilic acid fermentation was more effective in co-digestion with sewage sludge.

Enteric methane emissions, energy partitioning, and energetic efficiency of zebu beef cattle fed total mixed ration silage

  • Subepang, Sayan;Suzuki, Tomoyuki;Phonbumrung, Thamrongsak;Sommart, Kritapon
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.548-555
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different feeding levels of a total mixed ration silage-based diet on feed intake, total tract digestion, enteric methane emissions, and energy partitioning in two beef cattle genotypes. Methods: Six mature bulls (three Thai natives, and three Thai natives - Charolais crossbreeds) were assigned in a replicated $3{\times}3$ Latin square design, with cattle breed genotype in separate squares, three periods of 21 days, and three energy feeding above maintenance levels (1.1, 1.5, and 2.0 MEm, where MEm is metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance). Bulls were placed in a metabolic cage equipped with a ventilated head box respiration system to evaluate digestibility, record respiration gases, and determine energy balance. Results: Increasing the feeding level had no significant effect on digestibility but drastically reduced the enteric methane emission rate (p<0.05). Increasing the feeding level also significantly increased the energy retention and utilization efficiency (p<0.01). The Thai native cattle had greater enteric methane emission rate, digestibility, and energy utilization efficiency than the Charolais crossbred cattle (p<0.05). The daily metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance in Thai native cattle ($388kJ/kg\;BW^{0.75}$, where $BW^{0.75}$ is metabolic body weight) was 15% less than that in Charolais crossbred cattle ($444kJ/kg\;BW^{0.75}$). Conclusion: Our results suggested that the greater feeding level in zebu beef cattle fed above maintenance levels resulted in improved energy retention and utilization efficiency because of the reduction in enteric methane energy loss. The results also indicated higher efficiency of metabolisable energy utilization for growth and a lower energy requirement for maintenance in Bos indicus than in Bos taurus.

다양한 전처리에 따른 중온혐기-고온호기 복합 슬러지 처리공정의 슬러지 처리효율 및 메탄 생성량 변화 (Effects of diverse Pre-treatment methods on the sludge digestion and methane production in combined mesophilic anaerobic and thermophilic aerobic sludge digestion process)

  • 하정협;박종문;박상규;조현욱;장현민;최석순
    • 유기물자원화
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 유입 슬러지에 다양한 전처리 방법을 적용하여 전처리 방법이 중온혐기-고온호기 복합 슬러지 처리 공정의 슬러지 소화효율과 메탄가스 생성량에 미치는 영향을 비교 검증하였다. 실험실 규모의 슬러지 소화장치를 제작하여 서로 다른 유입 슬러지 전처리방법을 적용하여 4단계로 실험을 진행하였다. 1단계에서는 전처리를 하지 않은 슬러지를 공급하였고, 2, 3, 4단계에서는 각각 열처리, 열-알칼리처리, 장기 알칼리 처리(7일)를 거친 유입 슬러지를 공급하였다. 실험 결과, 1단계에서 4단계까지 진행되는 동안 총COD 제거율은 44%에서 76%까지 증가하였으며, 메탄 생성량 또한 101mL/L/day에서 165, 256mL/L/day까지 크게 증가하였다. 한편, 4단계에서는 7일간의 장기 알칼리 처리를 하였음에도 불구하고 3단계에 비해 총COD 제거율과 메탄 생성량이 증가하지 않았다. 결론적으로, 유입 슬러지의 전처리를 통해 복합 슬러지 처리 공정의 슬러지 제거 효율과 메탄생성량을 크게 증가시킬 수 있었으며, 여러 가지 전처리 방법 중 열-알칼리 처리법이 가장 효율적임을 실험결과를 통해 알 수 있었다.

Influence of Temperature and pH on Fermentation Pattern and Methane Production in the Rumen Simulating Fermenter (RUSITEC)

  • Bhatta, R.;Tajima, K.;Kurihara, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.376-380
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    • 2006
  • An experiment was conducted to study the effect of temperature and pH on in vitro nutrient degradability, volatile fatty acid profile and methane production. The fermenter used was the semi-continuous system, known as the rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC). Sixteen cylinders were used at one time with a volume of 800 ml, the dilution rate was set at 3.5%/hour, the infused buffer being McDougall's artificial saliva. Basal diet (9.6 g DM) used in RUSITEC consisted of (DM) 6.40 g Timothy hay, 1.86 g crushed corn and 1.34 g soybean meal. The food for the fermentation vessel was provided in nylon bags, which were gently agitated in the liquid phase. The experiment lasted for 17 d with all the samples taken during the last 5 d. Treatments were allocated at random to four vessels each and were (1) two temperature levels of $39^{\circ}C$ and $41^{\circ}C$ (2) two pH levels of 6.0 and 7.0. The total diet contained ($g\;kg^{-1}$ DM) 957 OM, 115 CP and $167MJ\;kg^{-1}$ (DM) GE. Although increase in temperature from $39^{\circ}C$ to $41^{\circ}C$ reduced degradation of major nutrients in vitro, it was non-significant. Interaction effect of temperature with pH also reflected a similar trend. However, pH showed a significant (p<0.05) negative effect on the degradability of all the nutrients in vitro. Altering the in vitro pH from 7 to 6 caused marked reduction in DMD from 60.2 to 41.8, CPD from 76.3 to 55.3 and GED from 55.3 to 35.1, respectively. Low pH (6) depressed total VFA production (61.9 vs. 34.9 mM) as well as acetate to propionate ratio in vitro (from 2.0 to 1.5) when compared to pH 7. Compared to pH 7, total gas production decreased from 1,841 ml to 1,148 ml at pH 6, $CO_2$ and $CH_4$ production also reduced from 639 to 260 ml and 138 to 45 ml, respectively. This study supported the premise that pH is one of the principal factors affecting the microbial production of volatile fatty acids and gas. Regulating the ruminal pH to increase bacterial activity may be one of the methods to optimize VFA production, reduce methane and, possibly, improve animal performance.

혐기성 발효에 의한 고효율 메탄 제조 공정 개발 (High Efficiency Process Development for Methane Production by Anaerobic Fermentation)

  • 선용호;황경엽
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 1991
  • This study is to investigate the kinetics of anaerobic process, the effect of mass transfer on process, and the characteristics of the conventional anaerobic bioreactor, and develop new high efficiency bioreactor. In the new bioreactor wastewater containing highly concentrated organic materials, was treated without diluting wastewater. In this experiment the high COD removal rate (about 88%) and gas production(about 200l/d) was showed with short residence time(1.5 day). This performance is about 10 times as large as the conventional reactor.

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메탄올탈수소효소 저해시 메탄산화에 의한 메탄올 전환생성 특성 (Characteristics of Methanol Production Derived from Methane Oxidation by Inhibiting Methanol Dehydrogenase)

  • 유연선;한지선;안창민;민동희;모우종;윤순욱;이종규;이종연;김창균
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제33권9호
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    • pp.662-669
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 메탄의 생물학적 메탄올 전환에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 바이오가스 중의 메탄은 메탄산화균의 methane monooxygenase (MMO)의 생물학적 촉매반응에 의해 산화되었으며, 인산염, NaCl, $NH_4Cl$, EDTA와 같은 methanol dehydrogenase (MDH)의 활성 저해제를 이용하여 MDH의 활성도를 저해함으로써 메탄올의 전환이 이루어졌다. 메탄산화균은 $35^{\circ}C$, pH 7, 인공 바이오가스($CH_4$ 50%, $CO_2$ 50%) / Air의 부피비가 0.4인 조건에서 메탄 산화 정도가 0.56 mmol로 최대로 나타났다. 인산염 40 mM, NaCl 50 mM, $NH_4Cl$ 40 mM, EDTA $150{\mu}m$ 이하일 때 저해제의 종류에 상관없이 메탄 산화율은 80% 이상을 달성하였다. 한편, 인산염 40 mM, NaCl 100 mM, $NH_4Cl$ 40 mM, EDTA $50{\mu}m$ 주입 시 각각 1.30, 0.67, 0.74, 1.30 mmol의 메탄이 산화되는 동시에 각각 0.71, 0.60, 0.66, 0.66 mmol의 메탄올이 최대로 생성되었다. 이때의 메탄올 전환율은 각각 54.7, 89.9, 89.6 및 47.8%였으며 최대 메탄올 생성 속도는 $7.4{\mu}mol/mg{\cdot}h$였다. 이로부터 대상 저해제로 MDH 활성도를 일반적으로 35% 저해 시에 메탄올 생산량이 최대인 89.9%까지 나타남을 알 수 있었다.

30L 미생물전기분해전지의 하수슬러지로부터 바이오가스 생산 특성 (Biogas Production from Sewage Sludge in 30L Microbial Electrolysis Cell)

  • 이명은;안용태;신승구;서선철;정재우
    • 유기물자원화
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2019
  • 하수슬러지로부터 바이오가스를 생산하기 위한 30 L 규모의 미생물전기분해전지 시스템의 초기 운전특성에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 32일간의 식종기간동안, 운전시간이 경과함에 따라 이산화탄소 농도는 감소하고 메탄농도가 증가하였으며, 69.1%의 농도를 가진 메탄가스가 171.6 mL CH4/L·d의 속도로 얻어졌다. 식종이 끝난 후에 6회의 운전 사이클동안 이루어진 회분식 실험에서, 66.5~77.2%의 농도를 가진 메탄을 184.9~372.9 mL CH4/L·d의 생산속도로 얻어졌다. COD의 제거효율은 28.2~42.1%의 범위를 가지며, TS와 VS의 제거효율은 각각 20.7~37.5%와 18.5~36.9%의 범위를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 식종 후 운전 사이클이 반복됨에 따라 시스템의 안정화가 이루어지는 것이 관찰되었다. 마지막 운전 사이클에서 메탄의 발생량과 수율은 각각 5221 mL/L와 316.7 L CH4/kg CODrem이었으며 에너지회수율은 73%이었다.

하이브리드 촉매 연소기의 연소특성에 관한 수치적 연구 (Numerical Studies on Combustion Characteristics of a Hybrid Catalytic Combustor)

  • 황철홍;정영식;이창언
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.583-592
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    • 2001
  • The combustion characteristics of the hybrid catalytic(catalytic+thermal) combustor with a lean methane-air mixture on platinum catalyst were investigated numerically using a 2-D boundary layer model with detailed homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistries. for the more accurate calculations, the actual surface site density of monolith coated with platinum was decided by the comparison with experimental data. It was found that the homogeneous reactions in the monolith had little effect on the change of temperature profile, methane conversion rate and light off location. However, the radicals such as OH and CO were produced rapidly at exit by homogeneous reactions. The effect of operation conditions such as equivalence ratio, temperature, velocity, pressure and diameter of the monolith channel at the entrance were studied. In thermal combustor, the production of N$_2$O was more dominant than that of NO due to the relative importance of the reaction N$_2$+O(+M)→N$_2$O(+M). Finally the productions of CO and NOx by amount of methane addition were studied.

4성분계 복합 산화물 촉매 이용 메탄의 부분산화에 의한 메탄올 직접 합성 (Direct Methanol Synthesis by Partial Oxidation of Methane over Four-component Mixed Oxide Catalysts)

  • 김영국;이광혁;함현식
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.446-452
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    • 2014
  • Methanol was directly produced by the partial oxidation of methane with four-component mixed oxide catalysts. Four-component(Mo-Bi-Cr-Si) mixed oxide catalysts were prepared by the co-precipitation and sol-gel methods. The catalyst prepared by the sol-gel method showed about eleven times higher surface area than that prepared by the co-precipitation method. From the $O_2$-TPD experiment of the prepared catalysts, it was proven that there exists two types of oxygen species, and the oxygen species that participates in the partial oxidation reaction is the lattice oxygen desorbing around $750^{\circ}C$. The optimum reaction condition for methanol production was $420^{\circ}C$, 50 bar, flow rate of 115 mL/min, and $CH_4/O_2$ ratio of 10/1.5, providing methane conversion and methanol selectivity of 3.2 and 26.7%, respectively.