• 제목/요약/키워드: Message Strategy

검색결과 175건 처리시간 0.019초

자전거 탐방여행의 설득원과 설득메시지의 효과 (Effects of Persuader and Persuasion Message of Bicycle Exploration Journey)

  • 박종구
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 저탄소 녹색사회가 도래함에 따라 이산화탄소 배출을 낮추고, 녹색교통수단인 자전거를 이용한 탐방여행을 활성화시키기 위해 설득원과 설득메시지의 효과를 살펴보았다. 추가로 자전거의 인프라 조성과 관련된 예측변인들이 자전거 탐방여행의사에 미치는 영향 정도를 살펴보았다. 2009년 3월 14일부터 22일까지 총 9일 동안 257명을 대상으로 설문조사가 수행되었다. 경주지역은 당일 중심의 도시근교형 문화유적지가 산재되어 있어, 자전거를 이용해 문화유적지를 탐방하는 관광객들의 다양한 의견을 살펴보기에 좋은 여건을 갖추고 있다. 주된 연구결과들에 따르면, 설득원 및 설득메시지의 효과는 자전거 탐방여행 의사를 '가급적이면 타고 싶다'에서 '타고 싶다'까지 높이는 설득효과를 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 자전거 탐방여행의사를 설득원과 설득메시지별 이원변량 분산분석의 결과, 자전거 마니아와 건강효과들을 강조하는 설득방법이 높은 주 효과를 보였다. 또한 설득원과 설득메시지의 상호작용 효과 중에서 '자전거 마니아'와 '건강', '자전거 마니아'과 '친환경' 등을 강조한 설득전략이 가장 높은 설득효과가 나타났다.

Design and Implementation of HL 7-based Real-time Data Communication for Mobile Clinical Information System

  • Choi Jinwook;Yoo Sooyoung;Chun Jonghoon
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2005
  • The main obstacles for adopting a mobile health information system to existing hospital information system are the redundancy of clinical data and the additional workload for implementing the new system. To obtain a seamless communication and to reduce the workload of implementation, an easy and simple implementation strategy is required. We propose a mobile clinical information system (MobileMed) which is specially designed for the easy implementation. The key elements of MobileMed are a smart interface, an HL7 message server, a central clinical database (CCDB), and a web server. The smart interface module transfers the key information to the HL7 message server as new clinical tests data is recorded in the existing laboratory information system. The HL7 message server generates the HL7 messages and sends them to the CCDS. As a central database the CCDS collects the HL7 messages and presents them to the various mobile devices such as PDA. Through this study we might conclude that the architecture for the mobile system will be efficient for real-time data communication, and the specially designed interface will be an easy tool for implementing the mobile clinical information system.

수용자특성 및 금연광고 메시지가 지식․신념․태도에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Knowledge, Beliefs and Attitudes on Anti-Smoking Public Service Announcement Message Types and Audience Characteristics)

  • 류지혜;조경원
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: In this study, the most executed social norm and advertisement about health consequences status were examined. The direction of effective anti-smoking advertisement is suggested in this study by figuring out the primary factors which affect smoking attitudes. Methods: The survey period of this study was from Nov $5^{th}$ to Nov $16^{th}$, 2012. 423 complete questionnaires were used for final analysis. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS Ver. 14.0, and reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequency analysis, F/t qualification, t-test, and multiple regression analysis, were performed. Results: This study is worth as a diagnosis of current status by using advertisement about social norm(51.4%) and health result(34.3%), which covers total of 85% in appeal types of anti-smoking advertisement that has been practically used in Korea. As a result, the health result type showed better result on belief and attitude. Conclusions: When establishing message strategy for anti-smoking advertisement, this study can help future direction for effective anti-smoking advertisement by figuring out effect of factors on smoking attitude.

The Performance of Multistage Cooperation in Relay Networks

  • Vardhe, Kanchan;Reynolds, Daryl
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.499-505
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    • 2015
  • We analyze the performance of multistage cooperation in decode-and-forward relay networks where the transmission between source and destination takes place in $T{\geq}2$ equal duration and orthogonal time phases with the help of relays. The source transmits only in the first time phase. All relays that can decode the source's transmission forward the source's message to the destination in the second time phase, using a space-time code. During subsequent time phases, the relays that have successfully decoded the source message using information from all previous transmitting relays, transmit the space-time coded symbols for the source's message. The non-decoding relays keep accumulating information and transmit in the later stages when they are able to decode. This process continues for T cooperation phases. We develop and analyze the outage probability of multistage cooperation protocol under orthogonal relaying. Through analytical results, we obtain the near-optimal placement strategy for relays that gives the best performance when compared with most other candidate relay location strategies of interest. For different relay network topologies, we also investigate an interesting tradeoff between an increased SNR and decreased spectral efficiency as the number of cooperation stages is increased. It is also shown that the largest multistage cooperation gain is obtained in the low and moderate SNR regime.

모바일 패션제품 구매에서 희소성 메시지가 충동구매행동에 미치는 영향 (Impacts of scarcity message on impulse buying of fashion products in mobile shopping malls)

  • 박은주
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2020
  • Impulse buying occurs when consumers feel an urge to impulsively buy a product without thoughtful consideration of why and for what reason they need the product. However, few efforts have been made to identify the impacts of perceived scarcity on the impulse buying of fashion products in mobile shopping malls. This study's objectives were to estimate, using structural equation model analysis, the impact of a scarcity message on browsing, feeling the urge to buy, and impulse buying of fashion products on mobile shopping malls. Data was collected from 206 customers who experienced to impulse buying fashion products via objective sampling. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses developed for the study. Results found evident effects of the scarcity message on the impulse buying of fashion products directly and indirectly. Additionally, consumers felt the urge to buy had a significant impact on the impulse buying of fashion products, whereas browsing had little impact on the impulse buying of fashion products. This is an expanded study to examine structural equation modeling of impulse buying of fashion products on mobile shopping malls. These results will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the operation of an effective scarcity strategy for fashion products on mobile shopping malls.

심리적 거리로서의 가상성 : 가상성에 따른 광고메시지 전략 (Virtuality as a Psychological Distance : The Strategy for Advertisement Message Appeal Depending on Virtuality)

  • 박도형
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2017
  • At present, various technologies are rapidly advancing, centering on the concept of virtuality. From the technology of virtual reality, which allows us to experience the senses as if they existed, to the technology of augmented reality, which provides new information or services based on reality, they are no longer strange things for ourselves because we experience them every day and night. Even though the concept of virtual is very familiar in terms of technology, it is not known how individuals accept the concept of virtuality, how they change our way of thinking, and how their behavior changes. This study aims to approach virtuality perceived by the individual from the viewpoint of individual's information processing. Virtuality is defined as the degree to which the situation facing an individual is far from actual reality. An individual can judge the degree of virtuality easily, which is considered to be a psychological distance which is an important factor in personal information processing. In this study, we have confirmed whether the argument is applied to the real world in the context of advertisement. According to the construal level theory, when an individual feels virtuality at a high level, the individual thinks that the situation they are facing is psychologically distant and accordingly has a high level construal. Therefore, it is more influenced by 'advertisement emphasizing symbolic appeal' which is matching with higher level. On the other hand, when an individual feels a low level of virtuality, the individual thinks that the situation they are facing is psychologically near and thus has a low level construal. Therefore, respondents are more sensitive to functional appeal, which is related to lower level. This study has the theoretical contribution in terms that the degree of virtuality affects the psychological distance of the individual. In addition, the results of this study have practical contribution in terms of being able to be actively used in the information delivery strategy centered on the advertisement.

Political Discourse Among Key Twitter Users: The Case Of Sejong City In South Korea

  • Hsu, Chien-leng;Park, Se Jung;Park, Han Woo
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2013
  • This paper examines communication patterns of key Twitter users by considering the socially and politically controversial Sejong City issue in South Korea. The network and message data were drawn from twtkr.com. Social network-based indicators and visualization methods were used to analyze political discourse among key Twitter users over time and illustrate various types of Tweets by these users and the interconnection between these key users. In addition, the study examines general Twitter users' participation in the discussion on the issue. The results indicate that some Twitter profiles of media outlets tend to be very dominant in terms of their message output, whereas their Tweets are not likely to be circulated by other users. Noteworthy is that Twitter profiles of individuals who are geographically affiliated with the issue are likely to play an important role in the flow of communication.

APP campaigning: How presidential candidates present themselves by LINE and the responses of voters in the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election

  • Chen, Chi-Ying;Chang, Shao-Liang
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2017
  • LINE, an instant message App with a powerful capability of transmitting various forms of data, has been overwhelmed in Asia since launched in 2011. Due to its popularity, LINE was first used in the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election. This research utilized a functional approach of campaign communication discourse and political visual images to analyze how candidates managed and presented themselves by textual and visual information on LINE. Regarding the textual information, results revealed their strategy inclined to reverse gender stereotype because the female candidate emphasized policy over character, while the male emphasized character over policy. Both candidates did not fully employ ten image functions because they utilized mostly the emotional and image building functions. The female candidate message achieved the largest total amount of 'like' and 'share'. This study probes into the App campaigning and improve the feasibility and practicability to share knowledge of political communication by new media.

퍼지 알고리즘을 이용한 보안 프로토콜 검증 (New Approach to Verification in Security Protocol by using Fuzzy Algorithm)

  • 신승중;박인규
    • 한국데이타베이스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국데이타베이스학회 2000년도 추계학술대회 E-Business와 정보보안
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문은 TCP/IP 상에서 전자서명과 공개키 분배 및 인증 등의 기능이 포함된 메시지전송 프로토콜로 구현된 프로그램의 검증문제를 Choquet 퍼지적분을 이용하여 해결하고 이를 퍼지적분과 비교분석하였다. 기능별로 보안기술, 보안정책, 전자문서처리, 전자문서전송, 암ㆍ복호화키로 나누어 분류하여 구현된 내용을 기능별점수와 전문가의 요구사항을 구현된 프로토콜에서 산출 값과 비교하여 메시지 보안프로토콜을 기능별로 점수화하여 검증하였다.

  • PDF

트위터 메시지 분석을 통한 선거 결과 예측 고찰: 18대 대선을 중심으로 (A Study on Predicting Presidential Election Results by Analyzing Twitter Message Contents: A Focus on the 18th Presidential Election in Korea)

  • 이서영;권상집
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.174-186
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    • 2019
  • 트위터는 사회적 상호작용을 원하는 사용자들이 가장 많이 활용하는 온라인 SNS 플랫폼이다. 기존 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼에 비해 다른 이와 훨씬 효과적으로 상호작용할 수 있는 장점을 지닌 트위터는 학문적 관점에서도 현재 매우 높은 관심을 받고 있다. 본 연구는 이를 감안하여 트위터 사용자들이 표출하는 트위터 메시지의 총량, 긍정적 메시지, 부정적 메시지 등을 활용하여 이들 메시지가 대통령 선거 결과를 예측할 수 있는데 효과적인지 분석하였다. 소셜 매트릭스 분석을 통해 분석한 결과, 특정 후보에 관한 트위터 메시지의 총량은 지난 18대 대통령 선거에서 실제 선거 승리를 예측하는데 매우 유용하다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 아울러, 트위터 공간에서 특정 후보에 관한 긍정적인 메시지가 많을수록 그리고 부정적인 메시지가 적을수록 해당 후보의 선거 승리에 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 트위터에서 전달되고 공유되는 메시지 총량, 긍정적 메시지, 부정적 메시지가 유권자의 투표 의사결정에 매우 중요한 영향을 준다는 점을 입증했다. 후속 연구에서는 다른 SNS 플랫폼까지 포함하여 포괄적으로 연구를 진행, 가장 효과적인 커뮤니케이션 콘텐츠 전략을 도출해야 할 것이다.