• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical curriculum

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Level of Third-Year Students' Competency and Correlating Curricular Factors (3학년 학생의 역량수준과 관련 요소)

  • Kam, Beesung;Lee, Sang Yeoup;Im, Sun Ju
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to assess third-year medical students' competency for development or revision of the undergraduate curriculum and assessments. One hundred and twenty-seven third-year medical students at the Pusan National University were included in the study. After third- and fourth-year students took a common written examination, clinical performance examination (CPX), and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) with common items as a summative assessment, the third-year students' competency was compared with 132 forth-year students' results. The correlation of the written examination and CPX/OSCE was analysed, and the summative results were compared with the grade point average (GPA) through the second year, CPX/ OSCE in the second year, and GPA in the clerkship. On the written examination, the third-year students' mean score was lower than the fourth-year students' by over 11 points, whereas the gap in the CPX/OSCE was 4 points and there was no difference in the OSCE. There was a moderate correlation between the written examination and the CPX/OSCE scores (R=0.371, p<0.01). The written examination was highly correlated with GPA through the second year, which mainly evaluated medical knowledge (R=0.771, p<0.01). A relatively high correlation was observed between CPX/OSCE scores and GPA in the clerkship (R=0.641, p<0.01). The summative CPX/ OSCE scores showed a moderate correlation with formative CPX/OSCE scores in the second year (R=0.464, p< 0.01). The third-year students' score was quite low on the written examination and slightly low on the CPX/OSCE compared to that of the fourth-year students. The written examination and CPX/OSCE cannot replace each other and should be combined with other methods of evaluation to measure competency. Early OSCE and workplacebased assessment should be useful in the early assessment of clinical skills competency.

The Current Status of Professional Medical Support Staffs in Medical Institutions with over 500 Beds (500병상 이상 의료기관에서의 전문지원인력 운영실태)

  • Kim, Min Young;Choi, Su Jung;Seol, Miee;Kim, Jeong Hye;Kim, Hee Young;Byun, Sook Jin
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate the nationwide operational status of the professional medical support staffs (PMSS) who practice the expanded roles in the hospital setting. Methods: The data were obtained through survey from 36 hospitals with over 500 beds from 25th May to 12th July 2016. Data from 1,666 PMSS were analyzed. Results: Since the job titles varied, we classified them into 5 groups according to their roles; advanced practice nurse, clinical nurse expert, PA (physician assistant), coordinator, and others. There were differences in the operation status of PMSSs depending on the region, nurse staffing grade and number of hospital beds. Qualification criteria varied from hospital to hospital, and almost half of the hospitals didn't have any qualification standards for them. There were differences in age, educational level, clinical careers, rewards, and job satisfaction in 5 groups. Especially PA group had low salary, poorer working conditions, more difficulties in performing their work, and lower job satisfaction than other groups. Most PMSS (99.5%) were using a delegated prescription authority, however only 68.3% had job description and 19.9% had documented delegated role. Conclusion: Adequate training curriculum, documented delegated roles, and the protocols for legal protection and efficient medical services are needed.

Attitude of Western Medicine, Korean Medicine, and Nursing Students toward the East-West Collaborative Medical Practices (한.양방협진에 대한 의.한의.간호대학생의 태도비교)

  • Jeong, Ihn-Sook;Lim, Byung-Mook;Lee, Won-Chul
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study was aimed to investigate attitude of western medicine(WM), Korean medicine (KM), and nursing school students toward the east-west collaborative medical practices(EWCMP). Methods : The participants were 185 WM students, 123 KM students, and 230 nursing students belonging to two universities (P and D) in Busan metropolitan city, Korea. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics, $X^2$ test, t-test and ANOVA with SPSS win 14.0. Results : Of 538 participants, overall 87.1% has heard EWCMP. Preferred type of EWCMP was significantly different by participants' backgrounds. WM students preferred (western) medical treatment with minor supportive Korean medical care(85.5%). However, KM students emphasized EWCMP with the same weight in both medical and Korean medical treatment(59.0%), and nursing students were in between two schools. Intention to recommend EWCMP for the consumer was 67.4%, and also showed very different between WM students and others, 37.3% of WM students, 89.4% of KM students, and 83.9% of nursing students. WM students showed more negative opinion on the EWCMP than KM and nursing students, Conclusions : The attitude of WM, KM, and nursing school students toward EWCMP was very similar to that of WM doctors, KM doctors, and nurses, respectively. WM students showed big difference in the overall attitude toward EWCMP from that of KM and nursing students. It is recommended to introduce the joint curriculum or exchange programs between WM and KM schools.

A Study on the Precedents Changing Related to Using Medical Devices of Korean Medicine Doctors (한의사 의료기기 사용과 관련된 판례 및 기존 연구 분석과 경향 변화)

  • Park, Jeongsu;Oh, Kichang;Kwon, Sanghyuk;Chu, Hongmin;Kim, Jungsang
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.1303-1318
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the debate on the use of medical devices between Western Medicine and Korean Medicine, as this is one of the greatest conflicts in Korea's medical profession. Judicial precedents and interpretations of authority serve as regulations because medical affairs law states that Korean Medicine practices are ambiguous. Method: We conducted a search in the Korean RISS, OASIS, and DBPIA databases using several keywords associated with medical devices, Korean Medicine, and Korean Medicine Doctors. The search period was until November 5 2021. The retrieved papers were classified according to the selection and exclusion criteria by checking the title, abstract, and text. For precedents, searches were done regarding comprehensive legal information, etc., and in the case of non-disclosure precedents, we requested access to the precedents by web-court requests. Results: A total of 80 documents were found as a result of the search, and 13 publications were included in the study. The selected publications were classified and analyzed by this research team into Korean medicine, Western medicine, and legal or state agency research. In the existing literature and judgments, the arguments that played a major role changed depending on the time the judgment was made. "Social conventions", "curriculum", "academic principles", and "health and hygiene dangers" were the key arguments. Conclusions: Further studies will be needed that can comprehensively arrange the existing literature and clinical results, and continuous study will be needed to verify that the use of medical devices by Korean medicine doctors is helpful for prognosis and accurate treatment of their patients.

The effect of writing on self-esteem among Korean medicine students (한의대생의 글쓰기가 자존감에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, JoonSeok;Shin, HeonTae
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Self-esteem is a necessary inner factor for the korean medicine undergraduate, who will perform a various treatment relationship as a future health care provider. Writing is closely related with improving self-esteem by providing insight towards oneself. Methods : The level of self-esteem and current state of writing among 251 undergraduates studying korean medicine in Dongshin University were looked into through a structural survey. Results : Self-esteem score was 3.12 on a scale of 4 which was relatively high, but they showed defensive self-esteem tendency. Meanwhile writing variables appeared to be more influential to the self-esteem of undergraduates than personal characteristics. Also among writing variables, emotional writing and writing 2 to 3 times or more a month was related to high self-esteem which defensive self-esteem tendency is low. Majority of the undergraduates, however, turned out to be writing essay and writing 2 to 3 times a month. Conclusions : The following result suggests the need of writing classes as well as writing involved in emotion for self-esteem and improve medical communication in the curriculum of korean medical college.

A Longitudinal Study on Moral Judgment Development in Nursing and Medical Students (간호대생과 의대생의 도덕판단력 발달에 관한 종단적 연구)

  • 김용순;박지원;손영정
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.820-828
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: In this longitudinal study, we examined the moral judgment level and its related factors, such as individual characteristics. The result of this study will provide baseline data to establish policy of ethics education for college students and healthcare professionals. Method: We enrolled 37 nursing students and 20 medical students as the subjects in a university in Suwon, Korea. We conducted a questionnaire on the subjects using Korean version of Defining Issues Test(DIT) to analyze the subjects' moral judgment level. Collected data was coded using ASCII document and scored using Fortran program for computer. Then the data was statistically analyzed by SPSS Version 10.0. Result: Nursing students' moral development score at each stage were consistently higher at stage 5A across 4-years rather than other stages. On the other hand, medical students' moral development score were consistently higher at stage 4 than other stages. There was no significant difference in the change P(%) score at each academic year in both groups. In the perspective of the subjects' general characteristics, P(%) score showed no significant in both groups. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, further studies will examine the correlation between curriculum and moral judgment development in detail. Moreover, we suggest that the current ethics education should be developed and evaluated in more realistic manner.

A Legal Consideraton of License and Certified Qualification of Paramedics (응급구조사의 자격과 면허에 대한 소고)

  • Kang, Sun-Joo
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the legal concept of a license and a qualification for health care personnel. We analyze the appropriateness of the qualification for the first-class paramedics and the sufficiency of 3-year job experience in substitution for college level academic major. Method: We reviewed Laws on Healthcare which stipulate academic and career qualifications for healthcare personnel for whom college-level academic training and job experience to get a license. Results: There is no legal consideration which permits major and educational background substituted by job experience. Only third-class hygienist who graduated from a high school or the equivalent with 3 year job experience can apply for first-class hygienist' national license examination without educational requirements. However, it is nothing to compare with first-class paramedics because the work of hygienist is not directly related to patients care and there is no need of doctor's supervision for hygienist' job. Paramedics have a major role in saving emergency patients in making prompt decision, applying appropriate emergency treatment, securing intravenous route, managing intubation, applying defibrillator, and etc. Conclusion: Ministry of Health & Welfare should grant license to paramedics and annul replacement of academic major background. In addition, it is imperative to broaden the scope of paramedics' job so that they can guarantee patient's life saving in emergency situation with quality major curriculum of college level.

Reorienting health services: Health promotion services in primary care (보건의료서비스 방향 재정립: 일차의료에서 건강증진 서비스)

  • Kim, Young Sik
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: Health screening in Korea is very active in both the public and private sector. However, primary prevention for health promotion has not been activated yet. Quaternary prevention is the prevention of unnecessary medical interventions or the prevention of overmedicalization. Methods: Data was collected after a search of the literature focusing on keyword. The curriculum guidelines for family medicine residents were collected from the homepage of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Results: This quaternary prevention is just beginning. The first step to enhance the health promotion services in the community is to identify the barriers pertaining to the delivering of health promotion activities. These barriers are related to the patient, the physician, attitudes, health promotion programs and the healthcare system. The second step is to establish new changes, such as expansion of insurance coverage, improvement of medical payment system, provision of consumer-oriented services, connection and integration of providers, and the service provider education and training. Conclusions: In order to enhance the health promotion services in the community we need to identify the barriers and to establish several changes to overcome them.

Comparative Study on the Cognition and Attitudes toward the Mentally III Person Among EMT College Student Before and After Psychiatric Nursing Course Work (정신위생 교육 전·후 대학생의 정신질환자에 대한 인식과 태도 비교)

  • Kim, Mi-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of the study was to compare on the cognition and attitudes toward the mentally ill person among EMT College Student before and after Psychiatric Nursing Course Work. The data was collected twice before and after Psychiatric Nursing course work during one semester 16-weeks from 71 EMT department Students. Used measurements were self-reported questionnaires about cognition and CAMI questionnaires about attitudes. Analysis of data was done by frequence, percentage and t-test with SAS program. The cognition was changed over positively after then before Psychiatric Nursing Course. Especially, It was answered that needed to learning, caring and curing for mental illness. The study of attitudes for mentally ill person was that authoritarianism, benevolence and social restrictiveness were changed over positively but community mental health ideology was not changed. In conclusion, follwing the results of this study, the psychiatric nursing course work was influenced very much to changing of attitudes and cognition toward mentally ill person. Accordingly, psychiatric nursing curriculum will be offered and psychiatric educators have to emphasize the understanding of attitudes and cognition toward mentally ill person.

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Job Descriptions of Hospital Based Home Care Nurse Practitioners in Korea by DACUM Technique (의료기관 가정전문간호사의 직무분석)

  • Hwang, Mun-Suk;Lee, Seung-Ja;Lim, Nan-Young;Lee, Mi-Kyoung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop and to analyze the task of hospital based home care nurse practitioners in Korea. Method: The definition of home care nurse practitioners and job description was developed based on developing a curriculum(DACUM) by 7 panels who have experienced in home care nursing. One hundred fifty four nurses who were working at hospital based on home care were participated. Result: Fourteen kinds of duties were identified : the selection of home care patients; basic home care nursing; advanced home care nursing; patient/family education and counseling; medical decision making and coordination of patient service; management of home care supplies and drugs for patients; management of medical records; management of home care the agency; management of home care personnel; management of the home care supplies for agency; home care public relations; improvement of home care quality; management of long-term care service; and self-improvement. Ninety-six tasks were classified. Conclusion: The abilities for quality improvement and the advanced nursing practice of home care nurses should be empowered.

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