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The effect of writing on self-esteem among Korean medicine students  

Moon, JoonSeok (Department of korean medicine, Dongshin university)
Shin, HeonTae (Department of korean medicine, Dongshin university)
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Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine / v.20, no.1, 2016 , pp. 43-54 More about this Journal
Objectives : Self-esteem is a necessary inner factor for the korean medicine undergraduate, who will perform a various treatment relationship as a future health care provider. Writing is closely related with improving self-esteem by providing insight towards oneself. Methods : The level of self-esteem and current state of writing among 251 undergraduates studying korean medicine in Dongshin University were looked into through a structural survey. Results : Self-esteem score was 3.12 on a scale of 4 which was relatively high, but they showed defensive self-esteem tendency. Meanwhile writing variables appeared to be more influential to the self-esteem of undergraduates than personal characteristics. Also among writing variables, emotional writing and writing 2 to 3 times or more a month was related to high self-esteem which defensive self-esteem tendency is low. Majority of the undergraduates, however, turned out to be writing essay and writing 2 to 3 times a month. Conclusions : The following result suggests the need of writing classes as well as writing involved in emotion for self-esteem and improve medical communication in the curriculum of korean medical college.
self-esteem; writing; korean medicine students; medical education;
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