• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical aid

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  • Webster, John G.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1992 no.05
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 1992
  • Engineers have developed new instruments that aid in diagnosis and therapy Ultrasonic imaging has provided a nondamaging method of imaging internal organs. A complex transducer emits ultrasonic waves at many angles and reconstructs a map of internal anatomy and also velocities of blood in vessels. Fast computed tomography permits reconstruction of the 3-dimensional anatomy and perfusion of the heart at 20-Hz rates. Positron emission tomography uses certain isotopes that produce positrons that react with electrons to simultaneously emit two gamma rays in opposite directions. It locates the region of origin by using a ring of discrete scintillation detectors, each in electronic coincidence with an opposing detector. In magnetic resonance imaging, the patient is placed in a very strong magnetic field. The precessing of the hydrogen atoms is perturbed by an interrogating field to yield two-dimensional images of soft tissue having exceptional clarity. As an alternative to radiology image processing, film archiving, and retrieval, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are being implemented. Images from computed radiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, and ultrasound are digitized, transmitted, and stored in computers for retrieval at distributed work stations. In electrical impedance tomography, electrodes are placed around the thorax. 50-kHz current is injected between two electrodes and voltages are measured on all other electrodes. A computer processes the data to yield an image of the resistivity of a 2-dimensional slice of the thorax. During fetal monitoring, a corkscrew electrode is screwed into the fetal scalp to measure the fetal electrocardiogram. Correlations with uterine contractions yield information on the status of the fetus during delivery To measure cardiac output by thermodilution, cold saline is injected into the right atrium. A thermistor in the right pulmonary artery yields temperature measurements, from which we can calculate cardiac output. In impedance cardiography, we measure the changes in electrical impedance as the heart ejects blood into the arteries. Motion artifacts are large, so signal averaging is useful during monitoring. An intraarterial blood gas monitoring system permits monitoring in real time. Light is sent down optical fibers inserted into the radial artery, where it is absorbed by dyes, which reemit the light at a different wavelength. The emitted light travels up optical fibers where an external instrument determines O2, CO2, and pH. Therapeutic devices include the electrosurgical unit. A high-frequency electric arc is drawn between the knife and the tissue. The arc cuts and the heat coagulates, thus preventing blood loss. Hyperthermia has demonstrated antitumor effects in patients in whom all conventional modes of therapy have failed. Methods of raising tumor temperature include focused ultrasound, radio-frequency power through needles, or microwaves. When the heart stops pumping, we use the defibrillator to restore normal pumping. A brief, high-current pulse through the heart synchronizes all cardiac fibers to restore normal rhythm. When the cardiac rhythm is too slow, we implant the cardiac pacemaker. An electrode within the heart stimulates the cardiac muscle to contract at the normal rate. When the cardiac valves are narrowed or leak, we implant an artificial valve. Silicone rubber and Teflon are used for biocompatibility. Artificial hearts powered by pneumatic hoses have been implanted in humans. However, the quality of life gradually degrades, and death ensues. When kidney stones develop, lithotripsy is used. A spark creates a pressure wave, which is focused on the stone and fragments it. The pieces pass out normally. When kidneys fail, the blood is cleansed during hemodialysis. Urea passes through a porous membrane to a dialysate bath to lower its concentration in the blood. The blind are able to read by scanning the Optacon with their fingertips. A camera scans letters and converts them to an array of vibrating pins. The deaf are able to hear using a cochlear implant. A microphone detects sound and divides it into frequency bands. 22 electrodes within the cochlea stimulate the acoustic the acoustic nerve to provide sound patterns. For those who have lost muscle function in the limbs, researchers are implanting electrodes to stimulate the muscle. Sensors in the legs and arms feed back signals to a computer that coordinates the stimulators to provide limb motion. For those with high spinal cord injury, a puff and sip switch can control a computer and permit the disabled person operate the computer and communicate with the outside world.

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The Association between Vinyl House Work and Low Back Pain among Some Rural Residents (일부 농촌지역주민의 비닐하우스 작업여부와 요통과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Kwi-Nam;Ryu, So-Yeon;Park, Jong;Lee, Jun-Haeng;Kim, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 1999
  • To find the association, between vinyl house work and the prevalence of low back pain, a questionnaire survey was made toward 215 vinyl house farmers and 228 general farmers without vinyl house who are cared by Jungjung Community health Practioners at Soobuk Myun, Damyang-gun, Chollanamdo. 1. Vinyl house farmers were significantly younger in age, higher in educational status higher survival rate of spouse, higher economic state and less cared by medical aid than general farmers. 2. Vinyl house farmers showed shorter career for agricultural work, used modern farming instrument more frequently and worked with sitting position. 3. During unbusy season in general agriculture, vinyl house farmers consumed significantly more time in agricultural work and general activity, but no significant difference of time of the above activity among busy season. 4. During the last spring season when most vinyl house work was performed, vinyl house farmers showed significantly higher prevalence of low back pain than general farmers, but no significant difference of prevalence among the two groups for the last one week. 5. By the simple analysis statistical significant related variables with low back pain was found to be sex(p<0.001), educational status(p<0.05), work posture(p<0.001) and use of modern agricultural machine(p<0.05). 6. By the multiple logistic regression the odds ratio for low back pain among vinyl house farmers were 2.08(95% confidence interval 1.31-3.00) compared to general farmers, the odds ratio among female was 2.35(95% confidence interval 1.24-4.47) to male, the odds ratio among illiterate persons were 2.60(95% confidence interval 1.24-4.47) to high school graduate, and the odds ration among primary school graduate was 2.19(95% confidence interval 1.04-4.47) to high school graduate. In conclusion because vinyl house farmers showed significantly higher rates of low back pain compared to farmers without vinyl house, continuous study to find the true cause of low back pain among vinyl-house farmers and active effort to prevent low back pain are necessary.

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Disease Progression from Chronic Hepatitis C to Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma is Associated with Increasing DNA Promoter Methylation

  • Zekri, Abd El-Rahman Nabawy;Nassar, Auhood Abdel-Monem;El-Rouby, Mahmoud Nour El-Din;Shousha, Hend Ibrahim;Barakat, Ahmed Barakat;El-Desouky, Eman Desouky;Zayed, Naglaa Ali;Ahmed, Ola Sayed;Youssef, Amira Salah El-Din;Kaseb, Ahmed Omar;El-Aziz, Ashraf Omar Abd;Bahnassy, Abeer Ahmed
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.6721-6726
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    • 2013
  • Background: Changes in DNA methylation patterns are believed to be early events in hepatocarcinogenesis. A better understanding of methylation states and how they correlate with disease progression will aid in finding potential strategies for early detection of HCC. The aim of our study was to analyze the methylation frequency of tumor suppressor genes, P14, P15, and P73, and a mismatch repair gene (O6MGMT) in HCV related chronic liver disease and HCC to identify candidate epigenetic biomarkers for HCC prediction. Materials and Methods: 516 Egyptian patients with HCV-related liver disease were recruited from Kasr Alaini multidisciplinary HCC clinic from April 2010 to January 2012. Subjects were divided into 4 different clinically defined groups - HCC group (n=208), liver cirrhosis group (n=108), chronic hepatitis C group (n=100), and control group (n=100) - to analyze the methylation status of the target genes in patient plasma using EpiTect Methyl qPCR Array technology. Methylation was considered to be hypermethylated if >10% and/or intermediately methylated if >60%. Results: In our series, a significant difference in the hypermethylation status of all studied genes was noted within the different stages of chronic liver disease and ultimately HCC. Hypermethylation of the P14 gene was detected in 100/208 (48.1%), 52/108 (48.1%), 16/100 (16%) and 8/100 (8%) among HCC, liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and control groups, respectively, with a statistically significant difference between the studied groups (p-value 0.008). We also detected P15 hypermethylation in 92/208 (44.2%), 36/108 (33.3%), 20/100 (20%) and 4/100 (4%), respectively (p-value 0.006). In addition, hypermethylation of P73 was detected in 136/208 (65.4%), 72/108 (66.7%), 32/100 (32%) and 4/100 (4%) (p-value <0.001). Also, we detected O6MGMT hypermethylation in 84/208 (40.4%), 60/108 (55.3%), 20/100 (20%) and 4/100 (4%), respectively (p value <0.001. Conclusions: The epigenetic changes observed in this study indicate that HCC tumors exhibit specific DNA methylation signatures with potential clinical applications in diagnosis and prognosis. In addition, methylation frequency could be used to monitor whether a patient with chronic hepatitis C is likely to progress to liver cirrhosis or even HCC. We can conclude that methylation processes are not just early events in hepatocarcinogenesis but accumulate with progression to cancer.

Knowledge and Attitude on the Restaurant-Related Sanitation of New Restaurateurs (신규 일반음식점 영업자의 위생관리 지식 및 태도)

  • Park, Ki-Hong;Sohn, Seok-Joon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice toward sanitary administration of the new restaurateurs, to carry out the sanitary management of business for improvement of sanitary level, and to provide basic data which were necessary for sanitary education of the restaurateurs. Methods: The self-recording survey on the attitude and the knowledge toward the sanitation, the sanitary administration, and its education was conducted against new 393 restaurateurs by the administrative division of Gwangju city in charge of the food industry which put in the regular sanitary education annually for the new restaurateurs. Results: In regard to food sanitation, some 87.9% to 94.4% got the right knowledge about the reason and precaution of food poisoning, storage methods of frozen or cold food, and the disposal of product after expiration of validity term. But it was about 56.0% to 63.0% who knew right about the cause and the major precaution of food poisoning, storage temperature in the refrigerator. 30.6% of the subject placed an emphasis on personal sanitation of the workers as the most important thing in the sanitary management. 83.6% replied that it was necessary to improve the sanitary level. Concerning the health examination, 78.3% replied it was needed. 76.4% pointed the need for education, but respondents with higher educational level less emphasized its needs. It was most frequently pointed out by 71.6% restaurateur's poor awareness about it. 36.7% indicated the environmental sanitation like facilities in the restaurants as the first thing to be improved. The rate of personal sanitation was 43.7%. Conclusions: To improve the poor sanitary conditions of the food service business, it was recommended to offer institutional backing and financial aid from administrative office, to encourage restaurateurs to take pride in their job, and to conduct the sanitary education effectively by the technical education institution.

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A study on Perfume case (향(香) 집에 관한연구)

  • 이선재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.33
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    • pp.117-142
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    • 1997
  • This study is on perfume case that is one of a great number of ornaments which was designed by out ancestors. We had developed the tradition and the history of perfume case bag fan-weight etc. These have the same function as the present perfume. case. There were basket-shaped perfume cases which were the smellest one among the personal girdle ornaments in the silla era. The various patterned perfume case were made of gold metal coral platinum or green jadeite etc. In the single-crop trinkets a embroidered perfume bag with the gold and silver thread whose forms perfectly match their functions appeared during the Yi Dynasty. There was also a perfume bag which was one of the daily necessities. A precious "jul perfume" was carried by noble women. A fan-weight perfume bag was attached to the fan to emphasize the intrinsic beauty of utility and function. It is necessary to know the function of prefume case. As perfume case is weared on the clothes it was given more decorative effects as well as the function of medicinal amulet with a sweet smell. Therefore it is very important for us to study perfume case that has various function as an ornament. So The purpose of this study is to investigate the practical and decorative side of perfume case with the general examines of perfume finding how to practice use through our life. The results were as follows; 1. The first use of perfume is perfume through smoke which is for ceremony of religion It removes human body odor by degrees and spreads a sweet odor. Also the materials for making perfume of early age is aromatic plants which will be used flour-made flowers stems. As the materials for making perfume use is increasing today we can invent alcohol perfume today 2. Our country the custom of perfume-used is wide. Among them men's perfume-used was very special phenomenon. For example men were wearing perfume bag in the Silla era. Because perfume represented wealth and noble in those days. They shew off social position personality through perfume-used. 3. One of early religion ceremony article there was the perfume. And perfume case was means for containing perfume. Gradually the perfume case was used widly as increasing needs of perfume in human life. 4. In the middle period of 'Koryo' Dynasty perfume cases had a close relationship with clothes but after Mongolian has been attacked 'Koryo' there were changes in wearing clothes therefore the position of perfume cases were transfered to coat string that was the origin of decoration style that they began. That is to say the perfume case has been influenced the position of perfume case shapes with changing of fashion. 5. The perfume case has been made manifest various function as an ornament. In the practical side First medical-perfume in perfume case has been played an important role in first-aid medicine in critical condition. Second it was amulet for self protection. That is the shape pattern color materials perfume of the perfume case was represented the amuletive nature. Third it was used as substitute article of perfume. Modern women use liquid-perfume as our ancestors used perfume case bag or jul perfume As started above. Also In the decorative side the perfume case has a beautiful formative arts by itself as well as a close relationship with clothes. That well as a close relationship with clothes. That is when the perfume case is worn on the clothes costume is showed aesthetices. That is the materials shapes color pattern of the perfume case we can see the visual beauty also the materials colors embroidered pattern knots tassel that are used the perfume case are increased the decorative beauty of costume. Sixth the symbol in pattern of the pattern case is shown ancetor's wealth and rank health longevity immortality many-born-boy in those days. Today the perfume case is not used with changing of costume by degrees, Accordingly I hope that the result of this study is an influened in devlopment of the perfume case design with matching the modern fashion.

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Tuberculosis in Infants (영아의 결핵)

  • Kim, Ee-Kyung;Nah, Song-Yi;Park, Jin-Young;Choi, Eun-Hwa;Lee, Hoan-Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : The risk of severe tuberculous disease such as meningitis or miliary tuberculosis increases as younger is the child at the time of infection. Therefore, the early diagnosis and prompt treatment is mandatory for infants with tuberculosis. This study was undertaken to describe the epidemiology, clinical and radiographic manifestations, and response to therapy in infants with tuberculous disease. Methods : Medical records of 29 infants with tuberculosis diagnosed at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital from July, 1985, to April, 1997, were reviewed, retrospectively. A case of tuberculosis was confirmed if M. tuberculosis was isolated from any body site or if there was histologic proof of tuberculosis. Otherwise, the diagnoses were individualized considering history of contact with contagious adult case, clinical manifestations, chest X-ray findings, result of a Mantoux test reaction with 5 tuberculin unit of PPD, and the response to therapy. Results : The mean age at diagnosis was $7.00{\pm}2.65$ months (range, 3 to 12 months). Twelve cases had isolated pulmonary diseases, and the rest had pulmonary disease and meningitis, 5 cases; pulmonary disease and cervical lymphadenitis, 3; isolated meningitis, 3; and miliary tuberculosis, 6. Source case was identified in 19 cases, 7 of which were detected with retrograde manner. Twenty seven of 29 were symptomatic at their initial visit. The presenting symptoms were mainly respiratory or neurologic, and respiratory difficulty was accompanied in 7 cases. Physical examination revealed wheezing in 7 cases and decreased breath sounds in 9. Hepatomegaly or hepatosplenomegaly were frequent. Chest radiographs showed lung parenchymal disease with hilar lymphadenopathy in 18 cases, and focal or generalized emphysematous change in 7 cases. Conclusion : Most of the infants with tuberculosis are symptomatic at diagnosis, and many of infants with intrathoracic tuberculosis presented with symptoms of bronchial obstruction. When tuberculosis is suspected in an infant, the adult source case should be vigorously investigated to aid in diagnosis and for the prevention of further transmission of tuberculous disease. Almost half of infant tuberculosis are preventable if prophylaxis were given when adult cases were diagnosed.

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Oral Health Status of Some Patients with Chronic Mental Illness in Korea (일부 만성 정신질환자의 구강건강 상태)

  • Seo, Hye-Yeon;Jeon, Hyun-Sun;Park, Su-Kyung;Park, Ki-Chang;Chung, Won-Gyun;Mun, So-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.493-500
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    • 2013
  • The study aims to determine the status of oral health of mental illness patients and establish the preliminary data. The examinations and questionnaire survey were done 92 psychiatric patients to measure sociodemographic characteristics, decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index, patient hygiene performance (PHP) index, community periodontal index of treatment need (CPITN). Result of the missing teeth index in the state of oral health was higher in the hospital group (6.42) while the filled teeth index was higher in the center group (4.78). In the DMFT index, mental illness patients were higher than the national sample. The oral health status of medical aid recipients was poorer as the subjects were older and less educated (p<0.05). The PHP index was 3.41, close to the bad oral hygiene state. The hospital group (81.7%) required higher need for periodontal treatment. The periodontal health state was much poorer especially when the subject was in the age of 40's and 60's, received less education, and had no family (p<0.05). $CPITN_3$ was higher in the hospital group (13.3%) than the national sample (5.7%). The mental illness patients were socially vulnerable, therefore oral health care program should be needed and age, education level, health insurance type, presence of family and other factors needs to be considered in this approach.

Ethnosientific Approach of Health Practice in Korea (한국인의 건강관행에 대한 민속과학적 접근)

  • 김귀분;최연희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.396-417
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    • 1991
  • In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs and practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing. The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identitial health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used the ethnosceintific approach outlined by spradly in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practeces, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well -preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified : “Manage one's own mind”, “Moderation in all thing”, “Live in accord with nature”, “Live in mutuality with others”, and “Live to the best of one's ability”. Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, examplified by the saying “Benifience to all”. Korean thought and philosophy is influenced primerily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, form the idea that “heaven and human being are intimately united” based on concept that “heaven is, so to speak, reason”. Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human md is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of “The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be mere concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism infuence western civilization, Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to dovelop health education corresponding to cultural requiments for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.

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Research on the Measures and Driving Force behind the Three Major Works of Daesoon Jinrihoe in North Korea in Case of the Respective Types of Unification on the Korean Peninsula (한반도 통일 유형별 북한지역의 대순진리회 3대 중요사업 추진 여건과 방안 연구)

  • Park, Young-taek
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.39
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    • pp.137-174
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    • 2021
  • The main theme of this paper centers on how to promote Three Major Works of Daesoon Jinrihoe, charity aid, social welfare, and education projects, during the unification period. Determining the best methods of promotion is crucial because the Three Major Works must be carried out after unification, and the works must remain based on the practice of the philosophy of Haewon-sangsaeng (the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence). The idea of Haewon-sangsaeng is in line with the preface of the U.N. Charter and the aim of world peace. North Korean residents are suffering from starvation under their devastated economy, which is certain to face a crisis of materialistic deficiency during reunification. In this study, the peaceful unification of Germany, unification under a period of sudden changes in Yemen, and the militarized unification of Vietnam were taken as case studies to diagnose and analyze the conditions which would affect the implementation of the Three Major Works. These three styles of unification commonly required a considerable budget and other forms of support to carry out the Three Major Works. Especially if unification were to occur after a period of sudden changes, this would require solutions to issues of food, shelter, and medical support due to the loss of numerous lives and the destruction of infrastructure. On the other hand, the UNHCR model was analyzed to determine the implications of expanding mental well prepared and sufficiently qualified professionals, reorganizing standard organizations within complex situations, task direction, preparing sufficient relief goods, budgeting, securing bases in border areas with North Korea, and establishing networks for sponsorship. Based on this, eight detailed tasks in the field of system construction could be used by the operators of the Three Major Works to prepare for unification. Additionally, nine tasks for review were presented in consideration of the timing of unification and the current situation between South and North Korea. In conclusion, in the event of unification, the Three Major Works should not be neglected during the transition period. The manual "Three Major Works during the Unification Period" should include strategic points on organizational formation and mission implementation, forward base and base operation, security and logistics preparation, public relations and external cooperation, safety measures, and transportation and contact systems.

The Crisis of AIDS and responses of South African Churches in the task of new national building (새로운 민주주의 국가건설의 과제 속에 직면한 AIDS와 이에 대한 교회의 반응과 과제: 남아프리카 공화국을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dae-Yoong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of African Studies
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    • v.29
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    • pp.27-53
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    • 2009
  • At the start of the new century, South Africa probably had the largest number of HIV-infected people of any country in the world. The only nation that comes close is India with a population of one billion people compared to South Africa's figure of 57 million. The tragedy is that this did not have to happen. South Africa was aware of the dangers posed by AIDS as early as 1985. In 1991, the national survey of women attending antenatal clinics found that only 0.8percent were infected. In 1994, when the new government took power, the figure was still comparatively low at 7.6 %. The 2004 figure which has been published is 26.5%. This article tracks the epidemic globally, in the region and in South Africa. I explain some of the basic concepts around the disease and look at what may happen with respect to numbers. The situation is bad, and the number of people falling ill, dying and leaving families will rise over next few years. This will impact on South Africa in a number of important ways. This article assesses the demographic, economic and social consequences of the epidemic. It disposes of a number of myths and present the real facts. The AIDS in South Africa is not related to individuals only. It warns that AIDS in Africa is becoming a community and systemic problem. The acuteness of the problem does not stem merely from the fact that communities are affected, or could even be wipe out by the end of this decade, but from the fact that AIDS will place incredible burdens and obligations upon medical services, health care and religious communities such as churches. The facts confront churches' mission with the important question: who is going to take care of all the patients and where? The reality is that people dying of AIDS will have to be cared for at home by relatives and friends. A further question that arises is whether our people are prepared for this. AIDS was considered to be a homo-plague and the hunt was on for a scapegoat in the light of the fatal implication of the disease. At present we are in the strategic phase where we all realize that it will be of no avail to scare people with the ominous threat of AIDS AIDS destroys the optimism of our achievement ethics. This exposure of the culture of optimism is also an exposure of the so-called 'human basic fear which accuses Christianity that their concept of sin is a damper on man's search for liberation and basic need to be freed from all Imitation. AIDS is also a test for our ecclesiastical genuineness and the sincerity of our mission sensibility. It poses the question: How unconditional is Christian love? Is there room for the AIDS sufferer in the community of believers, despite the fact he is an acknowledged homosexual? The question to put to the church is whether the community of believers is an exclusive to put to the koinonia which excludes homosexuals. They may be welcome on principle, but in actual fact are not acceptable to the church community. As South Africa enters the new century, it is clear that the epidemic is not having a measurable impact. However, the impact of AIDS is gradual, subtle and incremental. The author's proposal of what is currently most needed in South Africa is that the little things will make a difference. It's about doing lots of little things better at grassroots level, with the emphasis on doing. There are so many community, churches and NGOs initiatives worth building on and intensifying. One must not underestimate the therapeutic value of working together in small groups to overcome a problem