• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical Information Technology

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Design of MIR Security System in Mobile Environment (모바일 환경에서의 MIR 시큐리티 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Soo;Ha, Kyung-Jae;Han, Kun-Hee
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2006
  • MIR system is a nationwide medical record information system that makes medical information available to any hospital and health institution at any time, and information in the system mostly requires high security. In particular, personal information related to patients and doctors, medical technology information and each hospital's digital information are used very frequently and are likely to be modified for illegal use. Thus we need to develop a system equipped with security measures to prevent information leakage while providing medical information service effectively.

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Advanced Medical Information Visualization Service for PACS-Grid with medical collaboration (PACS-Grid 를 위한 의료협업 기반 고도화된 의료정보 가시화 서비스)

  • Kim, Younghun;Park, Sangsu;Kim, Byoung-jin;Youn, Chan-hyun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.957-960
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    • 2009
  • 의료영상기기의 발달과 등장으로 진단과 치료목적으로 생성된 의료영상은 기하급수적으로 증가하고 있다. 게다가 의료 환경이 보다 전문화, 집중화 되면서 의료기관 간의 협업의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 의료기관간의 효과적인 의료협업을 위해서는 의료정보의 원활한 가시화와 이를 지원하기 위한 정보 처리는 필수적이다. 의료기관간의 의료정보를 가시화하기 위해서는 안정적이고 다양한 의료정보를 표현하기 위한 플랫폼이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 의료정보 협업을 지원하는 의료협업 플랫폼을 제안하고 기존의 PACS-Grid 와 서비스 기반의 의료정보 협업 가시화 서비스를 설명하고자 한다.

A Distributed Coexistence Mitigation Scheme for IoT-Based Smart Medical Systems

  • Kim, BeomSeok
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1602-1612
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    • 2017
  • Since rapidly disseminating of Internet of Things (IoT) as the new communication paradigm, a number of studies for various applications is being carried out. Especially, interest in the smart medical system is rising. In the smart medical system, a number of medical devices are distributed in popular area such as station and medical center, and this high density of medical device distribution can cause serious performance degradation of communication, referred to as the coexistence problem. When coexistence problem occurs in smart medical system, reliable transmitting of patient's biological information may not be guaranteed and patient's life can be jeopardized. Therefore, coexistence problem in smart medical system should be resolved. In this paper, we propose a distributed coexistence mitigation scheme for IoT-based smart medical system which can dynamically avoid interference in coexistence situation and can guarantee reliable communication. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we perform extensive simulations by comparing with IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol which is a traditional low-power communication technology.

A Study on the Design and Implementation of Information Service of Patients using HTK in a Medical Environment (메디컬 환경에서 HTK를 이용한 환자 진료 정보서비스 설계 및 구현)

  • Joo, Kilhong
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2020
  • As the variety of scientific technology has grown repeatedly since the 19th century, innovative technology is developing high-level in healthcare field. The system to improve patient's satisfaction for silver generation introduced in domestic medical process result from promotion of convergence technology. But utilization of small and medium hospital is inevitable with maintain limited performance around existing large hospitals and high cost service system. Therefore phenomenon that weakness of patient's satisfaction and service accessibility for silver generation occurs. This study propose the design method that Android-based low-cost smart medical treatment information service system to improve accessibility to user of small and medium hospital for effective patient's satisfaction services management and medical services.

Verification of a Function-based Security Authentication Protocol for Implantable Medical Devices (함수 기반의 체내 삽입장치용 보안 인증프로토콜 검증)

  • Bae, WooSik;Han, KunHee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2014
  • Recent advancement of USN technology has lent itself to the evolving communication technology for implantable devices in the field of medical service. The wireless transmission section for communication between implantable medical devices and patients is a cause of concern over invasion of privacy, resulting from external attackers' hacking and thus leakage of private medical information. In addition, any attempt to manipulate patients' medical information could end up in serious medical issues. The present study proposes an authentication protocol safe against intruders' attacks when RFID/USN technology is applied to implantable medical devices. Being safe against spoofing, information exposure and eavesdropping attacks, the proposed protocol is based on hash-function operation and adopts session keys and random numbers to prevent re-encryption. This paper verifies the security of the proposed protocol using the formal verification tool, Casper/FDR.

Artificial Intelligence-based Echocardiogram Video Classification by Aggregating Dynamic Information

  • Ye, Zi;Kumar, Yogan J.;Sing, Goh O.;Song, Fengyan;Ni, Xianda;Wang, Jin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.500-521
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    • 2021
  • Echocardiography, an ultrasound scan of the heart, is regarded as the primary physiological test for heart disease diagnoses. How an echocardiogram is interpreted also relies intensively on the determination of the view. Some of such views are identified as standard views because of the presentation and ease of the evaluations of the major cardiac structures of them. However, finding valid cardiac views has traditionally been time-consuming, and a laborious process because medical imaging is interpreted manually by the specialist. Therefore, this study aims to speed up the diagnosis process and reduce diagnostic error by providing an automated identification of standard cardiac views based on deep learning technology. More importantly, based on a brand-new echocardiogram dataset of the Asian race, our research considers and assesses some new neural network architectures driven by action recognition in video. Finally, the research concludes and verifies that these methods aggregating dynamic information will receive a stronger classification effect.

A Study on Applications of Healthcare & Medicine Information Protection for Cloud-Based Precision Medicine (클라우드 기반 안전한 정밀의료 실현을 위한 보건의료정보 보호 적용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Dong-Won Kim
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2022
  • Globally, the medical field is growing very fast with technology development and convergence with ICT technology, and Precision Medicine using personal health information, genetic information, and clinical information is growing into a next-generation medical industry. Since Precision Medicine deals with individual health and life, the issues of personal information protection and health and medical information protection are emerging.Accordingly, this paper presents security improvements by domestic and foreign standards, laws, and systems in the cloud and medical field, and proposes a plan to protect healthcare and medicine information protection for safe Precision Medicine.

Performance Evaluation of Medical Image Transmission System using TH UWB-IR Technology

  • Lee, Yang-Sun;Kang, Heau-Jo
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, the transmission service for medical image is proposed via IEEE 802.15.4a on WPAN environment. Also, transmission and receiving performance of medical image using TH UWB-IR system is evaluated on indoor multi-path fading environment. On the results, the proposed scheme can solve the problem of interference from the medical equipment in same frequency band, and minimize the loss due to the indoor multi-path fading environment. Therefore, the transmission with low power usage is possible.

An Analysis of Demand on EMD Education in Emergency Medical Care Information Centers (응급의료정보센터의 응급통신관리교육 요구도 분석)

  • Uhm, Tai-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study which was done by questionnaire survey on doctors, paramedics, radio operators, computer technicians, administrators in Emergency Medical Care Information Centers was to analyze demand on EMD education. The significant 101 data were collected in 12 Emergency Medical Care Information Centers from Dec. 17, 2003 to Jan. 31, 2004 and analyzed by using SPSS. The conclusions from this study were summarized as follows. Composition of respondents who work in Emergency Medical Care Information Centers were 40.7% 26-30 years old in age, 56.4% male in sex, 55.6% medical direction in duty, 76.2% paramedics in certificate. 54.5% out of the paramedics had two years present career, 62.3% had one year past career, 31.0% didn't receive EMD education, 39.0% wanted 5-8 hours continuing education. The paramedics received more EMD education on Introduction to Emergency Medical Concepts, Obtaining Information from Callers, Providing Emergency Care Instructions and wanted more continuing education on Providing Emergency Care Instructions, Key Questions & Pre-Arrival Instructions, Obtaining Information from Callers. This study will be helpful to build up an education system for EMDs such as continuing education, curriculum, certification.

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Emergency Medical Technician's Works within Hospital at Partial Areas (일 지역 병원내의 응급구조사 업무 - 광주광역시를 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Jong-Geun;Lee, Young-Hyun;Jeong, Ji-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2005
  • This study examines and analyzes EMTs works in hospital with 48 subjects working for hospitals at partial areas. It aims to provide basic materials for practice-centered learning to students at Dept. of Emergency Care and information of roles of EMTs. As a result of study, it was found that EMTs works included classification of severity of patients when they came to hosptial, supervision and move of serious case, move of patients and a member of cardiopulmonary resuscitation team as well as filling empty of medical staff and playing medical assistant under direct control of doctors and they played important roles in medical examination. These results showed that EMTs could extend their areas of service within hospital and they could have a positive influence on their seniors' employment.

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