• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical IT System

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Design and Embodiment for Constructing Mobile Medical Information System Combining Bio-sensor and IT Technology (바이오센서 기술과 IT기술을 융합한 휴대용 의료정보 시스템 구축을 위한 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Heon;Lee, Sung-Koo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2008
  • u-Health is a representative realization method of ubiquitous IT and it is being embossed as an industry that can make our lives abundant. Through the u-Health, the diagnosis will go beyond the restriction of space, which is based on hospital, and be positioned as a universal value in a daily life by combining diagnosis and life naturally. The purpose of this study is to suggest systematic, intelligent, mobile medical information system that has the same effect as the assistant of specialist by providing scientific and objective knowledge, which is suitable for u-Health age. Mobile medical information system can provide user with the opinion of specialist by planting the experience, knowledge and decision making process of specialist that are necessary for solving the problem requiring special medical knowledge and passing through an inference process.

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A Improvement Study on the Medical Information Protection Using Personal Information Management System(PIMS) : Focus on medical practitioners (개인정보보호관리체계(PIMS)를 이용한 의료정보보호 개선 방안 연구 : 의료기관 종사자를 중심으로)

  • Min, Kyeongeun;Kim, Sungjun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.87-109
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    • 2016
  • This study intends to present an effective and efficient development plan about the information protection of medical institutions, by establishing the improvement plan about Personal Information Management System(PIMS) appropriate to the characteristics of medical information focusing on medical institutions generating and using domestic medical information, and doing an empirical study on medical information protection plan. For this, in view of the medical characteristics of the existing Information Security Management System(ISMS), the study presented a study model appropriated to medical institutions based on Personal Information Management Systems index specialized for personal information, and through this, presented the vulnerability diagnosis and vulnerability improvement plan. Based on ISMS index, it designed an improvement index of personal information protection management about each index. The study conducted a survey for executives and employees about PIMS. Accordingly, it presented vulnerability diagnosis items of the current management system indexes from the viewpoint of the people who establish and mange the personal information protection about patients' medical information targeting executives and employees who serve at hospitals and can access medical information.

A Survey of Disaster Medical Drill in Korea (국내 재난의료훈련 현황의 고찰)

  • Wang, Soon-joo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2010
  • The disaster preparedness system in Korea has been developed in spite of many obstacles, but there are still many problems especially on actual preparedness including disaster drill and disaster medical system. Disaster drills performed by wide regional emergency medical centers for one years were analyzed based on the disaster drill report and additional compensation of incomplete data by direct contact with the participating institutions. On the disaster medical drills in Korea, it is necessary to emphasize drills on various types of disaster, active participation of medical personnels, drills combined with various types of related institutions, process of disaster medical aspect.

A Study on The Training Curriculum for The Emergency Medical Technician (응급구조사(應急救助士) 교육과정(敎育課程)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Sohn, Shin-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.2
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    • pp.32-55
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    • 1996
  • It was enacted 'Emergency Medical Act' in January, 1994 beginning the emergency medical service system from 1982, and while it was established the emergency medical department in junior college providing the detailed agenda about emergency medical technician and the regulation relative to the application of a law on the emergency medical act in 1995, the fire school and the National Medical Center are enforced the curriculum. It is very important subject faced for the construction of emergency medical system to produce a number of emergency medical technicians to be sufficient to the role of emergency aid. In this study it is analysed the training curriculum for the emergency medical technician and presented the improvement plans. 1. Though it needs the qualification level of first and second class in the selection process, the more important thing needs the detailed qualification level by term of one's service and the skills of business accomplishment. 2. In the examination management, (1) written examination is composed of the questions to understand how much faithfully they carry out the practical business as the emergency medical technicians, (2) it is added practical examination as the item to appraise the situation disposal ability. 3. It is necessary to prescribe the activity in the medical institution and ambulance arrangement through the development of 'Business Treatment Guide'. 4. For the regional balanced disposition of emergency medical personnel it is selected balanceably the educational institution by eight medical service areas, and considering the characteristics of region it is necessary to manage, in the practical business training course, another special course such as the mountains medical aid and sea medical aid. 5. In the period of education the first class needs the practical business training period of a certain period after passing examination, and the second class needs the extension of the period. 6. As the problems to improve in the curriculum [1] in the first class course (1) intensification of practical educaiton (2) reinforcement of curriculum (3) the development of standardized curriculum etc., [2] in the second class course (1) varieties of curriculum (2) intensification of basic first aid treatment education.

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The Study on the Contents and Satisfaction of Oriental Medicine Examination Program (한방건강검진 프로그램의 내용과 참가자들의 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Eun-Kyoung;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.51-95
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    • 2002
  • 1. As a point at issue of occidental medicine examination, followings have been indicated, 1) Occidental medical examination is performed by mainly test and instrument and therefore, role of doctors could be excluded and it could be diagnosed only for target disease and 2) in Korea, it could not be conducted in public medical system and therefore improvement effect of public health promotion could not be made due to increase of total medical expenses and infirmity of post management. These points are substantial limit of paradigm resided in occidental medicine and also problem caused by unique characteristics of medical system of Korea. In Korea, result of occidental medical examination show increased health risk from aged thirties and major diagnosed diseases are circulatory disease or chronic disease such as hepatic, hyperlipemic, hypertensional disease and diabetes, etc. Accounting that those chronic disease make a role as major public health risk, it is difficult that medical examination by only occidental medicine make effect on public health promotion. 2. Characteristics of oriental medicine examination could be summarized as diagnosis (information acquisition based on the facts) and demonstration (speculation based on acquired information) and in addition, quadruple diagnosis, as a medical examination method, include test as well as basic examination. Accounting on oriental medical examination, principally it is performed by independent herbalist and therefore, herbalist could acquire systemic result during first medical examination. Based on the theory of inner-outer examination, oriental medical examination has a principle of universe theory, systemic analysis of quadruple diagnosis, demonstration & reasoning. In addition, root of oriental medical examination could be found in pre-disease theory, a principal theory of oriental medicine. Pre-disease service could prove the advantage of oriental medicine in medical examination activities and therefore, it is needed that content of oriental medical examination should be actualized in current medical system. 3. In this study, oriental medical examination program, comprised of pulse-diagnosis, contrast muscular taking and medical consultation of herbalist is progressed communally with occidental medical examination. As pre-examination, questionary was given of general characteristics, health promoting life style, physical constitution and subjective symptom of musculoskeletal system. In addition, post-examination notification was given to subjects about health promoting control, physical constitution regimen and management of musculoskeletal system. During this study program, verification was conducted for input of acquired information and difference of each information after analysis and in addition, performed was analysis of factor influencing health promoting life style and musculoskeletal subjective symptom and evaluation of relationship of physical constitution and health promoting life study. In addition, it was verified of difference between musculoskeletal subjective symptom and result of muscle contrast picture evaluation. 4. Evaluation of oriental medical examination model is divided into 2 categories of oriental medical examination-consultation and result evaluation -post management. Oriental medical examination-consultation demands establishment of examination system, standardization of examination and establishment of examination form and in addition, it should be admitted as enlarged examination assists systemic quadruple diagnosis of herbalist not a key of oriental medical examination. In addition, information acquisition for research purpose should be performed according to the systemic research plan based on the separation of questionary for examination purpose and research purpose. For evaluation of the result, it was concluded that needed are result evaluation meets oriental medical system and post-notification system, informing health management information, based on examination result. 5. Accounting on satisfaction for oriental medical examination model, affirmative reply was much higher (66%) than negative (8.64%). Satisfaction of each area was in order of consultation of herbalist, systemic muscle contrast taking, pulse examination, post-notification and questionary fill-up and dissatisfaction was in order of post-notification, questionary fill-up, consultation of herbalist, systemic muscle contrast taking and pulse measurement. Satisfaction for collaborative examination of occidental and oriental medicine was over 60% and over 75% hope oriental examination would be included in later medical examination program. Based on this result, collaborative examination including occidental and oriental medicine could increase satisfaction of subjects for medical examination program.

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How Can We Improve Premedical Education in Korea? (한국의 의예과 교육: 무엇이 문제이고 무엇이 해법인가?)

  • Yeh, Byung-Il
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2017
  • When a new educational system for college students in South Korea was established in 1946, the National Committee for Educational Planning adopted a 6-year curriculum of medical education, consisting of a 2-year premedical component and a 4-year medical component. For more than half a century, the premedical curriculum has received little attention. However, it is very important for premedical students to have a range of experiences that could be useful in their future medical careers. In 2005, another change was made to the system of medical education, in which medical schools without a 2-year premedical curriculum were established. This began to stimulate interest in premedical education, and more and more professors have become interested in premedical education as 6-year medical colleges have become more popular than before. Since 2015, the Education and Cultural Center of the Korean Association of Medical Colleges has annually hosted a workshop for redesigning premedical education; these workshops quickly fill up with registrants, reflecting the participants' lively interest in premedical education. The problems of premedical education are mostly due to students' and educators' attitudes. A more effective approach will be needed in the educational system of the future to train highly competent medical doctors. To judge whether an educational program is successful, its aims must be clearly articulated. For this reason, medical colleges must prepare premedical education curricula based on their educational aims. It is expected that the system of premedical education will be strengthened in the future due to the growing awareness of its importance.

Effects of Medical O2O Platform Quality Components on Continuous Use Intention to Information Distribution

  • MYUNG, Ju-Dong;KIM, Bo-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The digital healthcare business is rapidly growing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the medical service platform business based on smartphone apps is globally expanding. This study targeted medical information online to offline (O2O) platform users in the medical service field. It verified the effect relationship revealed in the continuous use intention of the platform with the mediation of platform quality components, namely perceived benefits, flow experience, and use satisfaction. Research design, data and methodology: Based on previous studies, three medical information O2O platform quality components, namely system quality, information quality, and service quality, were defined. And the questionnaire survey was carried out targeting 359 leading medical information O2O platform users in Korea. Results: As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that system quality and service quality had a positive (+) effect on satisfaction and continuous use intention with the mediation of perceived benefits and flow experience. Meanwhile, information quality had a negative effect (-) on perceived benefits and flow experience and did not affect use satisfaction and continuous use intention. Conclusions: Consequently, it was ascertained that the system quality and service quality affecting user behavior and experience were more significant factors than information quality to medical information O2O platform users from the medical service aspect.

German Heilpraktiker system, its history and current status (독일 자연치료사(Heilpraktiker) 제도 현황과 형성과정)

  • Park, Inhyo;Kim, Dongsu
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2018
  • Background : There have been a variety of healthcare systems related to CAM practitioners developed in each country. However, the European cases have not been widely introduced in Korea so far. In the case of Germany, CAM practices have been developed in the frame of "Heilpraktiker" system. Objectives : The objectives of this study were to review the historical development and current situation of German Heilpraktiker system and its conflicting relationship with Western medical doctors, in order to utilize it as basic data for the conflict resolution between Western- and KM doctors in Korea. Methods : The historical development, current regulations and education system of Heilpraktiker were assessed. Research articles, reports, government publications and websites dealing with this issue were searched for and analyzed. Results : Heilpraktiker system was developed within German historical and cultural situation where naturopathic traditions were reilluminated in connection with modernization process of the state under the influence of romanticism formulating German nationalism. Between the concept of "Kurierverbot"(prohibition on medical treatment by non-physicians) and "Kurierfreiheit"(freedom of medical treatment), Heilpraktiker achieved a limited but legitimated right to conduct non-biomedical treatments from the state in the process of the formulation of modern German medical system. In this process, the conflicts between medical doctors and heilpraktikers have been also growing up to now. Conclusions : Heilpraktiker system, officially recognized with the legislation of Heilpraktiker law in 1939, stands at a crossroads between the continual development through strengthening its professionality, and abolition of the system due to its lack of quality control and medical evidence mostly argued by Western medical doctors, which has considerable implications for Korean situations in terms of the conflicting relationship between KM- and Western medical doctors. In this regard, it is necessary to discuss the debates on the concept "Kurierfreiheit"(freedom of medical treatment) developed within German tradition of medical pluralism.

A study on the medical system and policies of Jeju-mok in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 제주목의 의료제도 및 의정(醫政))

  • Park, Hun-Pyeong
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • During the Joseon Dynasty, Jeju had a unique aspect that differentiated it from other regions in terms of their medical system, such as the exclusive deployment of shimyak dispatched to Gamyeong and Barracks units due to the uniqueness of being an island. This study uses various historical sources to verify that these differences existed throughout the medical system and procedures of Jeju in the late Joseon Dynasty. The following significant conclusions were drawn: 1) Looking at the work and characters of Jejushimyak reveals the inherent limitations of Jeju medical care in the Joseon Dynasty. Compared to other regions' shimyak, Jejushimyak had two limitations: it was difficult to engage in only medicine and the quality of medical doctors declined due to the avoidance of major medical doctors' households. 2) The establishment of public health care in Jeju through Medical Cadets failed. Jeju medical science obviously played an essential role in public health care in the early 18th century. However, there was no continuity in the garden, etc. Hyangri, who was in charge of Medical Cadets, was in charge of various fragrances as needed. Thus expertise in medicine was lacking. 3) The cultivated herbs of Jeju's herb field show the failure to supply herbs for institutional medicine. It was impossible to supply enough herbs to implement institutional medicine in Jeju. In that case, it would have been necessary to discover alternative local herbs or to bring them in from outside, but there was barely any such effort. In conclusion, in the late Joseon Dynasty, Jeju failed to establish a foundation for centrally administered institutional medicine. There was a lack of all the entities that provided medical care and herbs that could be used for medical care. The reason that Jeju continued to follow traditional shaman medicine in the late Joseon Dynasty was because there was no other alternative.

Is the Accreditation in Medical Education an Opportunity or a Burden? (의학교육 평가인증, 기회인가 부담인가?)

  • Jung, Hanna;Jeon, Woo Taek;An, Shinki
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 2020
  • The accreditation process (AccP) is both an opportunity and a burden for medical schools-which one it becomes depends on how medical schools recognize and utilize the AccP. In other words, if a medical school recognizes the AccP only as a formal procedure or as a means for continuing medical education, it will be a burden for the medical school. However, if a medical school recognizes the real and positive value of the AccP, it can be both an opportunity and a tool for developing medical education. The educational value of the AccP is to improve the quality, equity, and efficiency of medical education, along with increasing the options of choice. In order for the AccP to contribute to the development of medical education, accrediting agencies and medical schools must first be recognized as part of an "educational alliance" working together towards common goals. Secondly, clear guidelines on the accreditation standards should be periodically reviewed and shared. Finally, a formative evaluation using self-evaluation as a system that can utilize the AccP as an opportunity to develop medical education must be introduced. This type of evaluation system could be developed through collaboration among medical schools, academic societies for medical education, and the accrediting authority.