Success rate and marginal bone loss of Osstem USII plus implants; Short term clinical study (Osstem USII plus 임플란트의 단기간 성공률 및 변연골 흡수량 평가)
- The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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- v.49 no.3
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- pp.206-213
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- 2011
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical value of Osstem
The purpose of this study was to analyze womens' health problems using Green & Kreuter's 1991 PRECEDE model and to develop a model for a womens' health care center located in the community. The subjects were recruited from Wonju City. 1. The results showed that 23% of the sample population felt there was a need for a womens' health care center. The mean number of health problems was 3.1. The prevalence rate, was 44.4%, and the rate for an artificial abortion, was 36.4%. Also 30.5% did not have a health examination in the past year. Women using the hospital for medical care accounted for 45% of the sample, while 40% used the drugstore. The average score on the HPLP was 2.41, and this was influenced by self-efficacy, family support, sexual role, and health locus of control. There are a few educational programs in the city provided by the Wonju Health Center and by community health nurse practitioners. 2. The nursing center, as defined in North America, is a nurse-anchored system of primary health care delivery or neighborhood health center. Centers offer various services ranging from primary care to the more traditional such as education, health promotion, wellness screening, and coordination of services by advanced practice nurses. For examples in Sweden MCH centers provide total services for childbearing women and their families, sexual counseling and education for adolescents, and screening by midwives for cervical cancer. 3. The developed model combines purpose, target population, organization, and services, and is related to health resources. The purpose is primary health care and promotion of the quality of life. The target population can be grouped according to the life cycle, (premarriaged age group, the childbearing/child rearing age group, and middle aged and elderly women) and focuses on self-help. The organization of the center includes an advisory committee to plan and evaluate, and a health services team that will be multidisciplinary to provide health care, counseling education, and research. The model development suggested that a variety of women's health care centers are needed to insure adequate management of women's health. Follow-up research using PROCEED is needed to analyze health outcomes. Also a health nursing specialist system is required to develop health promotion, and improve the quality of life of women.
This research, aiming at analyzing the Emergency Medical Technicians' duties prior to establishing a baseline for question development in the national exams to qualify for the EMTs, investigated the importance and frequency per unit specified in the description with the EMTs to be subjects working on the task spot by means of questionnaires. The EMT duties were classified into 9 items like 1) the notification and response, 2) the scene size-up, 3) the patient assessment, 4) the emergency care, 5) the patient transport, 6) the duties at hospital clinics, 7) the operational management, 8) the receiving and responding to a call, 9) the self-development, and put the functional tasks into 52 items, describing the task elements into 177 items, and then questioned 112 EMTs working on the spot from July 21 through August 30, 2000, which showed the following results. 1) The distribution of subjects' career showed the highest rate with 33.9% for those who careered "less than a year", only 13.4% for those with more than 4 years and the highest rate with 43.8% for those who aged at 20-25. And 70.5% of all those who were questioned was the junior college graduates, 58.9% for those working at fire station and 29.5% working at hospital clinics. 2) Looking at the distribution of frequency and importance for each task element, questioning 'the patients main symptoms', 'accidental type', 'place of the patients identification' showed the highest rate in both frequency and importance in the field of "notification and response". 3) In the "scene size-up", identifying the patients showed the highest rate of frequency and importance, compared to other field of tasks, among which "identifying the patients' state" showed the highest rate of frequency (2.66) and importance (2.81). 4) In the "patient assessment", "identifying the patients" showed the high rate of frequency and importance in most elements of task, especially the importance showed the highest rate with 2.83 for the task of airway management and the cervical immobilization during "the primary assessment", and the frequency showed the highest rate for questioning the past case of the task of grasping the patients' history. 5) In the "emergency care", "the management of the heart attacked patients" and "the advanced cardiac life support" showed a high rate in the importance, whereas the frequency showed a very low rate. The high rate of frequency during the emergent task was the management of "musculoskeletal system injury patients" and of "the gastro-intestinal and urinary genital system injury patient support." In care of the patients with heart attack, the management of the airway showed the highest rate with 2.95, whereas the management of alcoholic abused patients and of dying patients, showed comparatively lower rate of assessment in the importance. The frequency of tasks showed the highest rate with 2.69 in the control of bleeding and the lowest with 0.47 in the management of abnormal delivery of child. 6) As to the patient transport, "the emergency transport" showed the highest rate with 2.74 and the unemergent transport with 2.55 in the importance, and the task importance at hospital showed the highest rate with 2.89 in managing the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and with 2.60 in identifying the patient state. 7) Of all the tasks related with "operational task", the high importance was to "educate for the management of the first responder", but the frequency of tasks mostly showed a low rate and "receiving and responding to a call" showed relatively a high rate of importance and frequency. And related with "the self-development", "the health care management" and "the stress control" on working spot showed a high rate, but the frequency mostly showed a low rate.
It is widely recognized that primary health care in the community is one of the most important and effective health measures in these days. However, it is reality that unsatisfactory health care system, ineffective utilization of health care by the community people in the rural area are hampering better understanding for primary health care. Therefore promoting health for the rural people and increasing understanding about primary health care, the baseline survey in the community focused in examination for safe community water supply was carried out. The survey was conducted through August 25-31, 1986 in order to find out health problems and relevant factors and to define the demographic characteristics of
The purpose of this study was to develop a basic framework and criteria for evaluation of quality care provided to patients with the attributes of disease in the home care nursing field, and to provide measurement tools for home health care in the future. The study design was a developmental study for evaluation of hospital-based HCN(home care nursing) in Korea. The study process was as follows: a home care nursing study team of College of Nursing. Yonsei University reviewed the nursing records of 47 patients who were enrolled at Yonsei University Medical Center Home Care Center in March, 1995. Twenty-five patients were insured at that time, were selected from 47 patients receiving home care service for study feasibility with six disease groups; Caesarean Section (C/S), simple nephrectomy, Liver cirrhosis(LC), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), Lung cancer or cerebrovascular accident(CVA). In this study, the following items were selected : First step : Preliminary study 1. Criteria and items were selected on the basis of related literature on each disease area. 2. Items were identified by home care nurses. 3. A physician in charge reviewed the criteria and content of selected items. 4. Items were revised through preliminary study offered to both HCN patients and discharged patients from the home care center. Second step : Pretest 1. To verify the content of the items, a pretest was conducted with 18 patients of which there were three patients in each of the six selected disease groups. Third step : Test of reliability and validity of tools 1. Using the collected data from 25 patients with either cis, Simple nephrectomy, LC, COPD, Lung cancer, or CVA. the final items were revised through a panel discussion among experts in medical care who were researchers, doctors, or nurses. 2. Reliability and validity of the completed tool were verified with both inpatients and HCN patients in each of field for researches. The study results are as follows: 1. Standard for discharge with HCN referral The referral standard for home care, which included criteria for discharge with HCN referral and criteria leaving the hospital were established. These were developed through content analysis from the results of an open-ended questionnaire to related doctors concerning characteristic for discharge with HCN referral for each of the disease groups. The final criteria was decided by discussion among the researchers. 2. Instrument for measurement of health statusPatient health status was measured pre and post home care by direct observation and interview with an open-ended questionnaire which consisted of 61 items based on Gorden's nursing diagnosis classification. These included seven items on health knowledge and health management, eight items on nutrition and metabolism, three items on elimination, five items on activity and exercise, seven items on perception and cognition, three items on sleep and rest, three items on self-perception, three items on role and interpersonal relations, five items on sexuality and reproduction, five items on coping and stress, four items on value and religion, three items on family. and three items on facilities and environment. 3. Instrument for measurement of self-care The instrument for self-care measurement was classified with scales according to the attributes of the disease. Each scale measured understanding level and practice level by a Yes or No scale. Understanding level was measured by interview but practice level was measured by both observation and interview. Items for self-care measurement included 14 for patients with a CVA, five for women who had a cis, ten for patients with lung cancer, 12 for patients with COPD, five for patients with a simple nephrectomy, and 11 for patients with LC. 4. Record for follow-up management This included (1) OPD visit sheet, (2) ER visit form, (3) complications problem form, (4) readmission sheet. and (5) visit note for others medical centers which included visit date, reason for visit, patient name, caregivers, sex, age, time and cost required for visit, and traffic expenses, that is, there were open-end items that investigated OPD visits, emergency room visits, the problem and solution of complications, readmissions and visits to other medical institution to measure health problems and expenditures during the follow up period. 5. Instrument to measure patients satisfaction The satisfaction measurement instrument by Reisseer(1975) was referred to for the development of a tool to measure patient home care satisfaction. The instrument was an open-ended questionnaire which consisted of 11 domains; treatment, nursing care, information, time consumption, accessibility, rapidity, treatment skill, service relevance, attitude, satisfaction factors, dissatisfaction factors, overall satisfaction about nursing care, and others. In conclusion, Five evaluation instruments were developed for home care nursing. These were (1)standard for discharge with HCN referral. (2)instrument for measurement of health status, (3)instrument for measurement of self-care. (4)record for follow-up management, and (5)instrument to measure patient satisfaction. Also, the five instruments can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the service to assure quality. Further research is needed to increase the reliability and validity of instrument through a community-based HCN evaluation.
For this study, I conducted a survey investigating current situation, user preference, and field experiment. Hospitals utilizing digital sign systems at least five years were selected, which are connected with visual elements (layout, typo, color) used in waiting areas and elements of the systems (time, video time line). The results obtained from the field survey showed that digital sign systems used the color of typo and background contrasted to one another to increase explicitness and to ensure easy understanding of contents. In addition, the Gothic typo with relatively high legibility was adopted. Time and video timeline, which characterize digital sign systems, showed the advertising screens of the hospitals and the guidance of medical treatment at regular intervals. Moreover, survey results on user satisfaction showed that a majority of respondents indicated they had difficulty in understanding digital information conveyed from digital sign systems due to time setting for rotational speed or the small size of typo although most of the users had previous experience with digital sign systems. The highest proportion of respondents (n=86, 86%) answered that information related to medical departments was what they sought most frequently and that this kind of information should be importantly considered in digital sign systems. For the experiment, new samples with restructured contents of current digital sign systems were created and tested while keeping its design unchanged as well as applying these new samples. Study participants were in their 20s through 50s. When the size of typo was larger under the same conditions for all age groups, study participants found the desired information approximately 3.5 seconds faster. In addition, those in their 20-30s and 40-50s showed the time difference of 4.7 seconds for small typo and 6 seconds for large typo, which suggested that there was a difference by age in the amount of time taken in the experiment to find the desired information from the rotating digital sign system regardless of age and the size of typo.
This study concerns itself with the development of a new model of comprehensive health service for rural communities of Korea. The study was conceived to resolve the problems of both underservice in rural communities and underutilization of valuable health manpower, namely the nurses, the disenchanted elite health personnel in Korea. On review of the current situation, the greatest deficiencies in the Korean health care system were found in the availability of primary care at the peripheries of md communities, in the dissemination of knowledge of disease prevention and health care, and in the induction of and guidance for active participation by the clientele in health maintenance at the personal, family and community level Abundant untapped health resources were identified that could be brough to bear upon the national effort to extend health services to every member of the Korean Population. Therefore, it was Postulated that the problem of underservice in rural communities of Korea can be structurcturally resolved by the effective mobilization and organization of untapped health resources, and that. a primary care Nursing Service System offers the best possibility for fulfillment of rural health service goals within the current health man-power situation. In order to identify appropriate strategies to combat the present difficulties in Korean rural health services and to utilize nurses and other health personnel in community-centered health programs, a search was made for examples of innovative service models throughout the world. An extensive literature survey and field visits to project sites both in Korea and in the United States were made. Experts in the field of world health, health service, planners, administrators, and medical and nursing practitioners in Korea, in the United States as well as visitors from other Asian countries were widely consulted. On the basis of information and inputs from these experts a new rural health service model has been constructed within the conceptual framework of community development, especially of the innovation diffusion Model. It is considered especially important that citizens in each community develop capacities for self-care with assistance and supports from available health professionals and participate in health service-related decisions that affect their own well-being. The proposed model is based upon the regionalization of health care planning utilizing a comprehensive Nursing Service System at the immediate delivery level The model features: (1) a health administration unit at each administrative level; (2) mechanisms for community participation; (3) a continuous source of primary health care at the local community level; (4) relative centralization of specialty care and provision of tertiary or super-specialty care only at major national metropolitan centers; and (5) a system for patient referral to the appropriate level of care. This model has been built around professional nurses as the key community health workers because their training is particularly suited and because large numbers of well-trained nurses are currently available and being trained. The special element in this model is a professional nurse-guided, self-care facilitating primary care Community Nursing Service System. This is supported by a Nursing Extension Service as a new training and support structure. (See attached diagrams). A broad spectrum of programs was proposed for the Community Nursing Service System. These were designed to establish a balance of activities between the clinic-centered individual care component and the field activity-centered educational and supportive component of health care services. Examples of possible program alternatives and proposed guidelines for health care in specific situations were presented, as well as the roles and functions of the key health personnel within the Community Nursing Service System. This Rural Health Service Model was proposed as a real alternative to the maldistributed, inequitable, uncoordinated solo-practice, physician-centered fee-for-service health care available to Koreans today.
The wall shear stress in the vicinity of end-to end anastomoses under steady flow conditions was measured using a flush-mounted hot-film anemometer(FMHFA) probe. The experimental measurements were in good agreement with numerical results except in flow with low Reynolds numbers. The wall shear stress increased proximal to the anastomosis in flow from the Penrose tubing (simulating an artery) to the PTFE: graft. In flow from the PTFE graft to the Penrose tubing, low wall shear stress was observed distal to the anastomosis. Abnormal distributions of wall shear stress in the vicinity of the anastomosis, resulting from the compliance mismatch between the graft and the host artery, might be an important factor of ANFH formation and the graft failure. The present study suggests a correlation between regions of the low wall shear stress and the development of anastomotic neointimal fibrous hyperplasia(ANPH) in end-to-end anastomoses. 30523 T00401030523 ^x Air pressure decay(APD) rate and ultrafiltration rate(UFR) tests were performed on new and saline rinsed dialyzers as well as those roused in patients several times. C-DAK 4000 (Cordis Dow) and CF IS-11 (Baxter Travenol) reused dialyzers obtained from the dialysis clinic were used in the present study. The new dialyzers exhibited a relatively flat APD, whereas saline rinsed and reused dialyzers showed considerable amount of decay. C-DAH dialyzers had a larger APD(11.70
The study was done to improve the job training course for Community Health Practioners (CHPs) by evaluating the level of help that the training provided to the CHPs in carrying out their work and to analyze the management activities of the CHPs in order to develop a more effective CHP training program. The methodologies used in the study were a questionnaire survey. The survey results were analyzed using SPSS Windows. The study results are as follows. 1. The total average level of help from the job training(Theory. Practice and Field Practice) for carrying out the CHP work was found to be
Purpose: The aim of this study was the clinical implementation of IGRT using KV CBCT for setup correction in radiation therapy. Materials and Methods: We selected 9 patients (3 patient for each region; head, body, pelvis)and acquired 135 CBCT images with CLINAC iX (Varian medical system, USA). During the scan, the required time was measured. We analyzed the result in 3 direction; vertical, longitudinal, lateral. Results: The mean setup errors at the couch position of vertical, lateral, and longitudinal direction were 0.07, 0.12, and 0.1 cm in the head region, 0.3, 0.26, and 0.22 cm in the body region, 0.21, 0.18, and 0.15 cm in the pelvis region respectively. The mean time required for CBCT was