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Interaction between Particle with Dual Ligand and Cell under Flow (유동장내 길이가 다른 두 개의 리간드가 부착된 입자-세포간 상호작용)

  • Yoon, Jung Hyun;Lee, Sei Young
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2022
  • The interaction between dual-ligand decorated particle-based delivery system and target cell under shear flow is predicted using probability model developed. We assumed the two kinds of ligand are decorated on the surface of the particle with 10% length difference. Fixed with other biophysical parameters, a study on the particle-cell interaction for the different non-specific interaction parameter is performed. To induce the firm adhesion, short ligand-receptor should be engaged. Also, it is shown that the rational design of ligand-receptor interaction, including receptor number, specific interaction parameter, kinds of ligand-receptor, etc., should be considered.

Improving Hospital Referral System based on Perception of Delivery of Healthcare by Enrollees (국민건강보험 이용자의 의료전달체계 인식에 따른 진료의뢰 개선 방안)

  • Jeong, Young Kwon;Suh, Won Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.594-602
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to suggest hospital referral system improvements based on health insurance subscriber perceptions of the delivery of healthcare. Health insurance subscriber outpatients (n = 207) referred from a stage 1 medical institution to the S university hospital located in Seoul responded to the study survey. The study's item reliability is reliable as the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was greater than 0.7. This study results showed that 5.9% of patients were referred from a higher stage hospital to a same stage hospital. The main factor attracting patients to S university hospital were physician reputation and confidence. The highest factor (4.40±.92) was xxxx. In addition, survey respondents reported that the concentration of patients in extra-large hospitals in Seoul (4.24±.97) was an important issue, and the issue with the highest priority for improvement (4.05±1.02). A positive correlation was detected between the recognition and improvement of delivery of healthcare (p < 0.01). Based on the results, we suggest that improvements in the delivery of healthcare should focus on patients rather than suppliers of national health insurance or other insurers. Keywords: delivery of healthcare, health services accessibility, national health insurance, tertiary care centers, hospital referral.

Analysis on the Accessibility of the Primary Medical Facilities in Jinju City (진주시 1차 의료시설의 접근성 분석)

  • Kim, Mi Song;Won, Tae Hong;Yoo, Hwan Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2015
  • Current medical delivery system in Korea has been distinguished into three types; primary medical facilities, secondary facilities, and tertiary facilities since 1989. This system prevents the waste of medical resources along with the maintenance of balance according to the medical treatment subjects. However, it is inevitable that the imbalance of the medical services among regions has been generated due to the concentration of the medical facilities on large cities. In this regard, this study attempted to evaluate the quality of the primary medical services, emphasizing accessibility and convenience targeting Jinju city, a small and medium-sized city, based on the distribution characteristics of the space. The study results show that cohesion index about the spatial distribution of the primary care facilities was 0~0.25. It conducted a correlation analysis between the location of the hospitals and users, based on the study results. Finally, it is demonstrated the correlation between the location of the hospitals and users tended to be low, while, the cohesion of the Oriental medicine clinics was high in other treatment subjects, and the accessibility to the Oriental medicine clinics was the highest because most Oriental medicine clinics were distributed to the places where users were many. However, on account that the locations of the medical facilities and users were varied in other treatment subjects except for the Oriental medicine clinics, problems were generated in terms of the accessibility. Therefore, it is judged that the preparation of the measures to improve the selection of lots in consideration of users, who use the primary medical services, is required.

RFID Code System for Traceability of Medical Herb (한약재 이력 정보 추적을 위한 RFID 코드체계)

  • Kim, Chul;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Song, Mi-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.973-977
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    • 2009
  • The tracing system means that the system can follows, traces, and records every steps of production and delivery of goods and its ingredient. Specially, Koreans have big concern about food tracing system which is influential for health directly. We were more interested in medical herb using in oriental medicine than any other things. We proposed the process and design of tracing system for medical herb based on RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification) technology in this research. This study shows current medical herb tracing ways and RFID code system by using for world standard. Firstly, We designed the new process of traceability of medical herb with various preceding references based on RFID technology. Secondly we suggest that RFID code configuration using the international standard code(ISO code) and korean agricultural and marine products code for the proposed process. RFID code system is very important because this plays a means of identification for tracing about medical herb. The proposed code system have the elements as Issuing Agency Code, Issuer Number, inspection information, inheritance flag, area code, modified agricultural and marine products code, serial number in 96 Bit length. Lastly We defined the code-generation process in the tracing system.

A Service System Design to Support Medical Tourism in South Korea (한국 의료관광 서비스시스템 디자인)

  • Yoon, Hee Sung;Cho, Sung Woock;Sugumaran, Vijayan
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2013
  • Healthcare costs are continuously increasing due to longer life expectancy and providing global healthcare services through medical tourism is new service growth engine for Korea. Several countries have well established programs and infrastructure dedicated to medical tourism. South Korea is attempting to become a major player in this domain by undertaking broad initiatives. The success of medical tourism is greatly impacted by easy access to two types of information, namely, medical and travel information. The National Health Insurance System in Korea collects huge amount of clinical and financial information from all hospitals. However, this information does not get used effectively in health and travel information systems to support medical tourism. This paper provide clear process map of medical tourism to understand how the patient and information process both medical and tourism fields also describe the need of customer and service provider. In this paper, we develop a medical tourism service system that will promote information exchange and service delivery.

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Comparative Analysis of Delivery Management in Various Medical Facilities (의료기관별 분만관리 양상의 비교 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Han;You, Young-Sook;Kim, Jang-Rak
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.22 no.4 s.28
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    • pp.555-577
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to compare the delivery management including laboratory tests, medication and surgical procedures for the delivery in various medical facilities. Two university hospitals, two general hospitals, three hospitals, two private obstetric clinics, and two midwifery clinics in a large city were selected as they permitted the investigators to abstract the required data from the medical and accounting records. The total number of deliveries occurred at these 11 facilities between 15 January and 15 February, 1989 was 789 among which 606(76.8%) were vaginal deliveries and 183 (23.3%) were C-sections. For the normal vaginal deliveries, CBC, Hb/Hct level, blood typing, VDRL, hepatitis B antigen and antibody, and urinalysis were routinely done except the private clinics and midwifery clinics which did not test for hepatitis B and Hb/Hct level at all. In one university hospital ultrasonography was performed in 71.4% of the mothers and in one general hospital liver function test was done in 76.7% of the mothers. For the C-section, chest X-ray, bleeding/clotting time and liver function test were routinely done in addition to the routine tests for the normal vaginal deliveries. Episiotomy was performed in 97.2% of the vaginal deliveries. The type and duration of fluid infused and antibiotics administered showed a wide variation among the medical facilities. In one university hospital antibiotics was not administered after C-section at all while in the general hospitals and hospitals one or two antibiotics were administered for one week on the average. In one private clinic one pint of whole blood was transfused routinely. A wide variation was observed among the medical facilities in the use of vitamin, hemostatics, oxytocics, antipyreptics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents. sedatives. digestives. stool softeners. antihistamines. and diuretics. Mean hospital day for the normal vaginal deliveries of primipara was 2.6 days with little variation except one hospital with 3.5 days. Mean hospital day for the C-section of primipara was 7.5 days and that of multipara was 7.6 days and it ranged between 6.5 days and 9.4 days. Average hospital fee for a normal vaginal delivery without the medical insurance coverage was 182,100 Won for the primipara and 167,300 Won for the multipara. In case of the primipara covered by the medical insurance a mother paid 82,400 Won and a multiparous mother paid 75,600 Won. Average hospital fee for a C-section without the medical insurance was 946,500 Won for the primipara and 753,800 Won for the multipara. In case of the primipara covered by the medical insurance a mother paid 256,200 Won and a multiparous mother paid 253,700 Won. Average hospital fee for a normal vaginal delivery in the university hospitals showed a remarkable difference, 268,000 Won vs 350,000 Won, as well as for the C-section. A wide variation in the laboratory tests performed for a normal vaginal delivery and a C-section as well as in the medication and hospital days brought about a big difference in the hospital fee and some hospitals were practicing the case payment system. Thus, standardization of the medical care to a certain level is warranted for the provision of adequate medical care for delivery.

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A User Driven Adaptable Bandwidth Video System for Remote Medical Diagnosis System (원격 의료 진단 시스템을 위한 사용자 기반 적응 대역폭 비디오 시스템)

  • Chung, Yeongjee;Wright, Dustin;Ozturk, Yusuf
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2015
  • Adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming technology has become an important and prevalent feature in many multimedia delivery systems, with content providers such as Netflix and Amazon using ABR streaming to increase bandwidth efficiency and provide the maximum user experience when channel conditions are not ideal. Where such systems could see improvement is in the delivery of live video with a closed loop cognitive control of video encoding. In this paper, we present streaming camera system which provides spatially and temporally adaptive video streams, learning the user's preferences in order to make intelligent scaling decisions. The system employs a hardware based H.264/AVC encoder for video compression. The encoding parameters can be configured by the user or by the cognitive system on behalf of the user when the bandwidth changes. A cognitive video client developed in this study learns the user's preferences (i.e. video size over frame rate) over time and intelligently adapts encoding parameters when the channel conditions change. It has been demonstrated that the cognitive decision system developed has the ability to control video bandwidth by altering the spatial and temporal resolution, as well as the ability to make scaling decisions

A Case Study on Application of Web-based PBL to Practical Health Administrative Affairs (웹 기반 PBL을 적용한 원무관리실무 수업에 관한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Minkyung;Shin, Kyeongae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2014
  • Backround : The paradigm of recent education has been shifting from existing style of professor-oriented, passive and rote teaching to learner-centered education. Rather than mere delivery of knowledge, today's idea of education uses various audiovisual media to let learners gain more problem-solving skills, judgment, cognitive thinking ability, and creativity to apply to real practice. Also, while current trends and change in policy ask for related industry to require practice-centered teaching learning model, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is quite effective that it activates problem-solving skills as well as application of National Competency Standards (NCS). Purpose : The purpose of this study was to suggest a teaching learning model article as an approach to apply web-based PBL for patient & medical charge management practices. Discussion & Conclusion : This paper the cases on PBL and presents the teaching learning model on web-based PBL as an approach to applying web-based PBL, which fits Medical Information System Department that combines health-medical treatment and computer applications, to practical health administrative affairs.

A Study on the introduction of the outpatient and inpatient conversion factors in the 2020 Physician Fee Contract (외래⦁입원 환산지수에 기초한 2020년도 환산지수 산출 연구)

  • O, Dongil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the conversion factor for 2020 is estimated based on an outpatient and inpatient conversion factor separation model developed from SGR and AR by using actual medical expense data. In addition, a policy plan is proposed to calculate the values of single and multiple conversion factors for each type of medical expense, and to effectively use the conversion factor separation model as one of the means to establish a medical delivery system. The major results are as follows. First, at r=0.1, the rate of adjustment in the hospital single conversion index in 2020 was 2.0%, and the outpatient and hospitalization conversion rates for hospitals were 2.2% and 2.3%, respectively. In addition, a combination of outpatient and inpatient conversion factors can be used for the adjustment. Second, as a measure to establish a medical delivery system, instead of adjusting the addition rate, a method of interlocking the addition rate and the conversion factor is proposed. Third, it is necessary to develop a model that enables target management of volumes, in addition to the outpatient conversion factor, the inpatient conversion factor, and the adjustment coefficient.

Comparative Research of the Medical Cost, The Quality of Life, The Family burden of the Mentally III before and after the Community Mental Health Service (지역사회 정신보건서비스 제공 전후 정신장애인의 의료비용, 삶의 질, 가족 부담감 비교연구)

  • Noh In Young
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 2001
  • Community mental health management system emphasizing on the rehabilitation and the return to the community has been established and carried out for many years. The study has been demanded to prove that the decreasing rate of the recurrence of the mentally ill resulted to lower their medical costs, to enrich the quality of life, and to reduce the psychological burden of their family. This study tried to prove that the mental health services to the mentally ill which were registered in community mental health center of A city have an influence on the medical cost, the quality of their lives. the family burden. The subject group of this study were 39 home-based mentally ill patients and their 37 family members, totally 76 people registered in mental health center of A city and participated in its program. This research had been measured twice, the first before the intervention and the second after at least a year. The measuring tools in the research were the medical cost measurment tools developed by the researcher, the quality of life index by Yoo ja, Noh(1988) and the family burden by Montgonery(1985). The methods were modified and supplemented in this study. This research made use of SPSS Win 10.0. The results of this study are the same as followings. 1) There were the significant difference in the medical cost before and after the mental health service delivery. 2) The quality of lives of the mentally ill, after the mental health services delivered were significantly higher than before. 3) The family burden were significantly reduced after the delivery of community mental health services. Community mental health services brought out efficient results to the social return and rehabilitation. And these results means that the mentally ill changed highly the quality of life and their burden of family and medical cost were reduced. So the public organization and the private society should help positively the mentally ill and their family through mental health policy and social service agency to live healthy lives and to be valuable member of society.

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