• Title/Summary/Keyword: Media Service Platform

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A Comparative Study on the Key Success Factors of Over-The-Tops in South Korea (국내 OTT(Over-The-Tops) 서비스 성공 요인에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Soyul;Park, Hyunjun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2021
  • This paper compares and analyzes the domestic OTT services to access their success factors, strategies and examine the domestic OTT leader's wavve's unique differentiation strategy. It is a comparative study of the top five market share services based on the operator and content's key success factors criteria, revenue structure, personalization, interactive media and cooperation. As a result, the common success factors were contents that reflected the characteristics of the operators, hybrid VOD, hybrid filtering, real-time participation interaction, alliances between the same and heterogeneous industries, and utilization of existing business areas. In addition, the study confirmed that it expanded the scope of the project and operated the contents efficiently by introducing one or more business strategies. wavve has been widely validated with its content, while B2C has long-term benefits and overseas use services, and B2B has a systematic use system, differentiating itself from other services. This paper can be the foundation for identifying the strengths and differences of each service on 2021, entering the domestic OTT industry, and establishing competitive strategies.

An Analysis of National R&D Trends in the Metaverse Field using Topic Modeling (토픽 모델링을 활용한 메타버스 분야 국가 R&D 동향 분석)

  • Lee, Jungwoo;Lee, Soyeon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2022
  • With the rise of the metaverse industry worldwide, relevant national strategies and nurturing systems have been prepared in Korea. As the complexity of policies increases, the importance of establishing data-based policymkaing is growing, and studies diagnosing national R&D trends in the metaverse field are still lacking. Therefore, this paper collected NTIS national R&D information for 9,651 R&D projects promoted from 2002 to 2020. And this study looked at the current status and identified major topics based on the topic modeling, and considered time-series changes in the topics. Eleven major topics of R&D tasks in the metaverse field were derived, hot topics were service/content/platform development and medical/surgical fields of application fields, and cold topics were urban/environment/spatial information fields. Strategic R&D Management, metaverse-related laws, and institutional studies were proposed as policy directions.

Social Media Bigdata Analysis Based on Information Security Keyword Using Text Mining (텍스트마이닝을 활용한 정보보호 키워드 기반 소셜미디어 빅데이터 분석)

  • Chung, JinMyeong;Park, YoungHo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2022
  • With development of Digital Technology, social issues are communicated through digital-based platform such as SNS and form public opinion. This study attempted to analyze big data from Twitter, a world-renowned social network service, and find out the public opinion. After collecting Twitter data based on 14 keywords for 1 year in 2021, analyzed the term-frequency and relationship among keyword documents with pearson correlation coefficient using Data-mining Technology. Furthermore, the 6 main topics that on the center of information security field in 2021 were derived through topic modeling using the LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) technique. These results are expected to be used as basic data especially finding key agenda when establishing strategies for the next step related industries or establishing government policies.

A Study on Environmental Factor Recommendation Technology based on Deep Learning for Digital Agriculture (디지털 농업을 위한 딥러닝 기반의 환경 인자 추천 기술 연구)

  • Han-Jin Cho
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2023
  • Smart Farm means creating new value in various fields related to agriculture, including not only agricultural production but also distribution and consumption through the convergence of agriculture and ICT. In Korea, a rental smart farm is created to spread smart agriculture, and a smart farm big data platform is established to promote data collection and utilization. It is pushing for digital transformation of agricultural products distribution from production areas to consumption areas, such as expanding smart APCs, operating online exchanges, and digitizing wholesale market transaction information. As such, although agricultural data is generated according to characteristics from various sources, it is only used as a service using statistics and standardized data. This is because there are limitations due to distributed data collection from agriculture to production, distribution, and consumption, and it is difficult to collect and process various types of data from various sources. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the current state of domestic agricultural data collection and sharing for digital agriculture and propose a data collection and linkage method for artificial intelligence services. And, using the proposed data, we propose a deep learning-based environmental factor recommendation method.

Suggestions for Advanced YouTube E-learning Service for MZ Generation (MZ세대를 위한 유튜브 이러닝의 고도화 서비스 제안)

  • Ha, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2022
  • This study is a study on the YouTube e-learning advanced service plan in the non-face-to-face era. The trends in education change were examined through literature research and prior research, and improvement measures were suggested through online surveys and in-depth interviews. As for the research method, the first online survey was conducted based on the Honeycomb model and the Likert 5-point scale targeting 90 MZ generation who have experience learning on YouTube for a total of 14 days from October 15 to 28, 2021. A second in-depth interview was conducted with 6 people who answered that the frequency of learning through YouTube is high. As a result of the experiment, users thought that there was an improvement point according to the purpose of learning, and they were able to derive elements that felt a problem in common. In addition, I proposed a new YouTube learning platform through additional questions. Through this study, it is expected that YouTube e-learning service reference materials can be used to respond to the post-non-face-to-face era.

An Exploratory Study of Generative AI Service Quality using LDA Topic Modeling and Comparison with Existing Dimensions (LDA토픽 모델링을 활용한 생성형 AI 챗봇의 탐색적 연구 : 기존 AI 챗봇 서비스 품질 요인과의 비교)

  • YaeEun Ahn;Jungsuk Oh
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 2023
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in the domain of text-generative services, has witnessed a significant surge, with forecasts indicating the AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) market reaching a valuation of $55.0 Billion by 2028. This research set out to explore the quality dimensions characterizing synthetic text media software, with a focus on four key players in the industry: ChatGPT, Writesonic, Jasper, and Anyword. Drawing from a comprehensive dataset of over 4,000 reviews sourced from a software evaluation platform, the study employed the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling technique using the Gensim library. This process resulted the data into 11 distinct topics. Subsequent analysis involved comparing these topics against established AI service quality dimensions, specifically AICSQ and AISAQUAL. Notably, the reviews predominantly emphasized dimensions like availability and efficiency, while others, such as anthropomorphism, which have been underscored in prior literature, were absent. This observation is attributed to the inherent nature of the reviews of AI services examined, which lean more towards semantic understanding rather than direct user interaction. The study acknowledges inherent limitations, mainly potential biases stemming from the singular review source and the specific nature of the reviewer demographic. Possible future research includes gauging the real-world implications of these quality dimensions on user satisfaction and to discuss deeper into how individual dimensions might impact overall ratings.

Analysis of the Danmu Phenomenon on the Chinese Video Platform Bilibili - Focused on Henry Jenkins' Concept of Participatory Culture (중국 동영상 플랫폼 Bilibili의 탄막 현상 분석- 헨리 젠킨스의 참여문화 개념을 중심으로)

  • HUANG SHIYI;Kwon Hochang
    • Trans-
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    • v.15
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    • pp.81-104
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    • 2023
  • This paper analyzes the danmu phenomenon with the concept of participatory culture proposed by Henry Jenkins. Unlike other comments, Danmu is a function that allows users to post anonymously while watching a video, and comments posted at that time are immediately displayed on the screen and can be viewed by other viewers. The service was first launched by Niconico. In this paper, the danmu phenomenon in the Chinese video platform Bilibili is analyzed by focusing on three aspects. First, in terms of creative sharing under collective intelligence, we explore how users create their own creations and share them with other users through danmu. Second, in the collaboration model under public participation, the method and meaning of collective cooperation through users' interaction is dealt with. Third, in terms of financial support of commercial capital, the influence of danmu videos to create commercial profits is analyzed as a case. In addition, the negative aspects and challenges of participatory culture in Bilibili are analyzed. Negative aspects such as participation gap, copyright infringement, excessive use of danmu and problems of anonymity were reviewed, and major challenges to realize the potential of danmu as a participatory culture were suggested. This paper comprehensively analyzes danmu using research methods such as literature review and case studies, and through this, tries to derive insights on how participatory culture and danmu interact and evolve in modern society. Danmu, as a participatory medium, is an important tool that promotes individual and collective creation and interaction, and is pioneering a new boundary between the media industry and its users.

A Comparative Study on the Evolution Stage of E-Commerce & Smart Commerce Service Focused on the Extended Spiral Evolution Model (E-커머스, 스마트 커머스의 단계별 진화에 따른 비교 연구 - 나선형 진화 모형의 확장을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Ok;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.1281-1291
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    • 2017
  • This study examines the evolution of e-commerce industry over the past 20 years until the emergence of a new type of commerce, smart commerce, focused on Facebook. The researcher explained the evolutionary process step by step, focusing on the evolution of business model, evolution of platform, evolution of customer service value, analysis and evaluation, applying spiral evolution theory, Based on the axes, we applied the exploration and exploitation theory from the viewpoint of the operator and the user, analysis of innovative technology and customer feedback, and proposed an innovative business model. And researchers expect that theoretical and practical contribution of e-commerce industries and policies, through study of industry evolution.

CLO (Cross Layer Optimization) Technique for Multi-view Video Streaming Service over WiBro Network (WiBro망에서의 다시점 비디오 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 계층 간 최적화 방식)

  • Son, Jung-Hyun;Cho, Ye-Jin;Suh, Doug-Young;Park, Gwang-Hoon;Kim, Kyu-Heon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.719-731
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    • 2008
  • This paper defines QoE (Quality of Experience) for multi-view video streaming service over WiBro and proposes the CLO (Cross-Layer Optimization) algorithm can maximize this. Proposal CLO algorithm contains from physical layer to video layer. Under the time-varying wireless channel condition, the CLO technique takes view-wise and the temporal priority of the multi-view video into consideration in order to decide the transmission of frames and its FEC level. At the handover situation, it is shown through computer simulation that the optimal quality of the multi-view video can be achieved using the minimum amount of resources if the proposed CLO technique is applied.

Method Research For Contents Express Ratio Of Display To Improve Learning Effect Of Smart Phone education media contents (스마트폰 교육미디어콘텐츠의 학습효과 향상용 콘텐츠 표출 비율 제고 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jaewoo;Cha, Jaesang;Choi, Seongjhin;Lee, Seonhee
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2014
  • We could use a social networking service such as data communication, personalized service through smart devices as Tablet computers and smart phones. Because of these characteristics, suitable lectures are provided to mobile device. especially, in Korea Cyber University already had built a lot of infrastructures. But, many mobile devices are used in a small display environment. it could effect on reduce Students' efficiency from taking courses. Therefore, we need effectively in a small display content layout for overcome these problems. In this paper, proposed the platform for Improve learning effect in smartphone education. It studied based on golden section and golden spiral theory. and also, we developed layout for content development using vector method illustration program.