• Title/Summary/Keyword: Media Service Platform

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Design and Implementation of an Interactive Streaming Platform for Supporting Instant Retrieval of Product Information in Product Placement Advertisement (간접광고에서 제품 정보의 즉각적 검색을 지원하는 인터렉티브 동영상 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)

  • Im, Hyeon-Jin;Cho, Dae-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.931-938
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    • 2020
  • Recently, with the expansion of the use of cross media, the public is not just watching the broadcast, but is also consuming various information about actor, stories, products, etc. that appears during the broadcast. However, the devices used for viewing and the devices used for searching are different, which is inconveniences, and due to the differences between the point in time when the desired information is provided through the search, the public has difficulty in obtaining detailed information of the target product after encountering product placement advertisement. In addition, it is difficult for advertisers to confirm the effect of product placement advertising through the reaction of viewers who have encountered product placement advertising. In this paper, we intend to propose an interactive streaming platform that supports the instant retrieval of product information to users by including product placement advertisement information in broadcasting. Through this, viewers can quickly receive detailed information of products on the screen by giving an event when a product of interest comes out while watching the broadcast, and advertisers can check the effectiveness of product placement advertisements by receiving interactive responses from viewers.

A study on the User Experience of Online Hobby Platform -Focused on the Art Field- (온라인 취미 플랫폼의 사용자 경험 연구 -미술 분야를 중심으로-)

  • Youn, Soo-Jin;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2020
  • This study is an analysis of the user experience of online hobby class platform, focusing on the art field, which reduces space-time constraints and lowers accessibility. To this end, I investigated cases of online hobby class platforms and conducted surveys to measure user experience for university students and office workers in their 20s and 30s in Korea. As a result, we found the gap between the elements satisfying the user experience and the current domestic service, and suggested a way to narrow it down. This study is meaningful in that it proposed ways to further promote online hobby class platforms in the future leisure culture market. It is hoped that this study will be used as data on the user experience of future online hobby platforms and further help discuss practical activation measures.

Design and Development of Cognitive Judgment Platform using Augmented Reality (증강현실을 이용한 인지 판단 플랫폼 설계 및 개발)

  • Lee, Cheol-Seung;Kim, Kuk-Se
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1249-1254
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    • 2021
  • Computing technology and networking technology in the era of the 4th industrial revolution are rapidly evolving into an intelligent information society. AR, VR, and MR technologies, which are dual immersive media fields, are being applied in many convergence technologies, especially! The development of the health and healthcare field is actively progressing. In the field of health and healthcare, there are many problems due to aging of the population, increase in chronic progress, lack of infrastructure, and lack of professional manpower. services in the field are adopted. Therefore, this study applies cognitive evaluation through a computing system to the mild cognitive impairment, designs and develops a cognitive judgment platform using augmented reality based on the cognitive judgment technology system design, and integrates AI and BigData-based intelligent cognitive rehabilitation in the future. It is used as basic data for service platform development.

Relationships between Collective Intelligence Quality, Its Determinants, and Usefulness: A Comparative Study between Wiki Service and Q&A Service in Perspective of Korean Users (집단지성의 품질, 그 결정요인, 유용성의 관계: 수용자 관점에서 한국의 위키서비스와 Q&A 서비스의 비교)

  • Joo, Jaehun;Normatov, Ismatilla R.
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2012
  • Innovation can come from inside or outside organizations. Recently, organizations have begun turning to external knowledge more often, through various forms of collective intelligence (CI) as collaborative platform to solve complex problems. Several factors facilitate this CI utilization phenomenon. First, with the rapid development of Internet and social media, numerous web applications have become available to millions of the Internet users over the past few decades. Web 2.0 and social media have become innovative web applications that provide an environment for human social interaction and collaboration. Second, the diffusion of simple and easy-to-use technologies that enable users to interact and design web applications without programming skills have led to vast, previously unknown amounts of user-generated content. Finally, the Internet has enabled communities to connect and collaborate, creating a virtual world of CI. In this study, web enabled CI is defined as a composed ability of individuals who are acting as a single cognitive unit to achieve common goals, think reasonably, solve problems, make decisions, carry out complex tasks, and develop creative ideas collectively through participation and collaboration on the web. Although CI plays a critical role in organizational innovation and collaboration, the dubious quality of CI is still problem that is difficult to solve. In general, the quality level of content collected from the crowd is lower than that from professionals. Thus, it is important to identify determinants of CI quality and to analyze the relationship between CI quality and its usefulness. However, there is a lack of empirical study on the quality factors of web-enabled CI. There exist a variety of web enabled CI sites such as Threadless, iStockphoto or InnoCentive, Wikipedia, and Youtube. One of the most successful forms of web-enabled CI is the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, accessible all over the world. Another one example is Naver KnowledgeiN, a typical and popular CI site offering question and answer (Q&A) services. It is necessary to study whether or not different types of CI have a different effect on CI quality and its usefulness. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to answer to following research questions: ${\bullet}$ What determinants are important to CI quality? ${\bullet}$ What is the relationship between CI quality factors and the usefulness of web-enabled CI? ${\bullet}$ Does CI type have a moderating effect on the relationship between CI quality, its determinants, and CI usefulness? Online survey using Google Docs with email and Kakao Talk was conducted for collecting data from Wikipedia and Naver KnowledgeiN users. A totoal of 490 valid responses were collected, where users of Wikipedia were 220 while users of Naver KnowledgeiN were 270. Expertise of contributors, community size, and diversity of contributors were identified as core determinants of perceived CI quality. Perceived CI quality has significantly influenced perceived CI usefulness from a user's perspective. For improving CI quality, it is believed that organizations should ensure proper crowd size, facilitate CI contributors' diversity and attract as many expert contributors as possible. Hypotheses that CI type plays a role of moderator were partially supported. First, the relationship between expertise of contributors and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The expertise of contributors played a more important role in CI quality in the case of Q&A services such as Knowledge iN compared to wiki services such as Wikipedia. This implies that Q&A service requires more expertise and experiences in particular areas rather than the case of Wiki service to improve service quality. Second, the relationship between community size and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The community size has a greater effect on CI quality in case of Wiki service than that of Q&A service. The number of contributors in Wikipeda is important because Wiki is an encyclopedia service which is edited and revised repeatedly from many contributors while the answer given in Naver Knowledge iN can not be corrected by others. Finally, CI quality has a greater effect on its usefulness in case of Wiki service rather than Q&A service. In this paper, we suggested implications for practitioners and theorists. Organizations offering services based on collective intelligence try to improve expertise of contributeros, to increase the number of contributors, and to facilitate participation of various contributors.

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Metaverse R&D Promotion Strategy Reflecting Digital Ethics and UX (디지털 윤리와 UX를 반영한 메타버스 R&D 추진전략)

  • Bang, Junseong;Park, Pangun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.703-717
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    • 2022
  • Metaverse provides a simulated environment that can produce various values while conducting economic, social, and cultural activities in a digital society where the virtual and real worlds are connected. In this paper, the direction of technological progress is predicted by analyzing the characteristics of Metaverse services and their businesses. Technologies and latest researches for the realization of the Metaverse service platform are also explored. In addition, Metaverse Ethics to construct a sustainable Metaverse and Metaverse UX to increase users' service participation are also discussed. Moreover, the R&D promotion strategy for Metaverse services are presented.

An Empirical Study on the Factors Affecting the Intention to Use M2E Services

  • Sang Hoon Lee;Min-Ju Kim;Su-Yeon Kim
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.792-811
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    • 2023
  • Recently, Web 3.0 services such as virtual currency, block chain, and NFT are attracting public attention. Users who depended on platforms are moving away from being dependent on service providers and moving to Web 3.0 services. Representative services of Web 3.0 include P2E (Play to Earn) and M2E (Move to Earn). In the case of P2E, various studies have been conducted as it is widely covered in the press and media, but research on M2E is relatively lacking. This study attempts to identify the intention to use M2E by using the expanded technology acceptance model. External factors were selected based on M2E's own characteristics and personal characteristics, a research model was designed, and the proposed hypotheses were verified through factor analysis and goodness of model fit. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that profitability, innovativeness, and self-expression had a positive effect on perceived characteristics, and that perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and social influence had a positive effect on intention to use. Through the research results, practical implications for efficient service operation that meets the needs of users are presented to M2E platform providers.

A Study on Active Senior Travel Recognition Using ChatGPT (ChatGPT를 활용한 액티브 시니어 여행 인식 탐색 연구)

  • Han Jangheon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2024
  • ChatGPT, a leading example of generative AI, is expanding the use of its LLM (Large Language Model) from traditional academic fields such as literature and creative writing to practical areas like management, tourism, and media. This study was conducted with active seniors to analyze their perceptions of travel and tourism, identifying key areas of interest and specific details. ChatGPT was utilized as an analytical tool in major areas of the study, providing suggestions for key findings.The research findings are as follows: First, terms closely associated with active senior travel include retirement, together, service, consumption, leisure, health, life, hobby, culture, generation, platform, wellness, and program. Second, centrality analysis showed that words like service, leisure, and together had high degrees of centrality and closeness centrality, while terms such as health, domestic, culture, activity, program, and life had high closeness centrality. Third, based on the CONCOR analysis with suggestions from ChatGPT, two clusters were identified: 'Retirement and Lifestyle' and 'Senior Services and Platforms'. Based on the research findings, practical implications for active senior travel were identified, along with academic implications for the field of tourism studies.

A Study on the Types and Strategies of Customizable Fashion Brands on Web Media (웹 미디어에 나타난 커스터마이저블 패션 브랜드의 유형 및 전략 연구)

  • Lee, Misuk;Chung, Kyunghee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.134-147
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze fashion brands' contents and characteristics of the participation platform of users, to assess the types and strategies of mass customization(MC). Most fashion brands sell one professional content: Shoes brands were the most common, followed by bags, unisex wear, and menswear. In consumer's design selection elements, changes in color and materials were the most common. For the personalization service elements, monogram service was the most common. The results of MC types analysis were as follows, Customized Standardization was the most common, followed by Tailored Customization, Pure Customization, and Segmented Standardization. For the types according to changes in products and expression methods, Cosmetic was the most common. And the classification according to modulation, Modularizers were the most common. For Creativity, brands in the making stage were the most common. For Flexibility, although brands different methods, high flexibility by modularizing design elements of products and accomplishing various design through participation. The Ease of use for various expression was generally high, parallel to Flexibility. For Durability, because consumers could receive end products only when they participated in the assembly stage in the on-line purchase, their continuous participation was not possible, so they participated only once. The typical types and strategy of MC were analyzed. The Customized Standardization type was the most common in shoes, bag, and womenswear brands. It was the Cosmetic type which could change colors and materials, the Modularizers, and had high Flexibility and Ease of use and low Durability.

A Study on Plans for Facilitating the Management of Larchiveums (국내 라키비움 운영 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Soyeon;Kim, Jihyun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.205-237
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    • 2022
  • Such future-oriented institutions that put together the functions of a library, archive, and museum are being actively introduced overseas recently and are called LAM, GLAM, and media tech. In South Korea, the term larchiveum, combining library, archive, and museum, is widely used. Therefore, this study explores a case study followed to determine larchiveums in service both home and abroad. The researcher then conducted an interview with librarians, archivists, and curators working for the larchiveums selected as the South Korean cases for the study to understand the meaning of a larchiveum. Additional interviews were conducted with five users that visited a larchiveum in the nation and uploaded posts on a social media platform to understand their perceptions of a larchiveum and problems with the purpose, functions, and services of it. Based on the analysis results, the study proposes vitalization plans for the management of a larchiveum in three aspects: improving the internal and external awareness, securing budgets and manpower for space enhancement and service, and reinforcing the integrated management of a larchiveum via a devoted organization.

The Change of Industrial Structure and Public Interest as to the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications (방송통신 융합에 따른 산업구조의 변화와 공익성)

  • Joo, Chung-Min
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.36
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    • pp.109-132
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    • 2006
  • It is difficult to found the concept of public interest properly, being ambiguous to distinguish media and service as to the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. Accordingly, it is necessary to found the concept of public interest not related to the character of media and service in the age of digital convergence. Therefore this study intended to re-found the concept of public interest, as to industrial changes in the age of convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. The convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications causes the changes of value chain, which includes contents, platform, network, terminal. It could not help avoiding modifying the industrial structure of broadcasting and telecommunications, because of the changes of value chain. The changes of industrial structure needs the changes of ideology, regulatory policy, regulatory system, and it creates the foundation of new regulatory idea. The purpose of regulatory idea in the age of digital convergence is to practice public interest, and it is an ultimate purpose to increase consumers' welfare. Consequently, for increasing comsumer' welfare, it is necessary to achieve diversity, fairness, objectivity, the preservation of social value in the aspect of contents. Also in the aspect of platform, it is necessary to achieve the protection of privacy, consumer protection, harmful information blocking, and in the aspect of network, it is necessary to achieve the maintenance of secure network, fair competition. Finally, in the aspect of terminal, it is necessary to achieve the maintenance of compatibility, the solution for digital divide. Then regulatory policy of each value chain from a legal and institutional perspective, should be promoted to provide public interest, step by step.

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