• Title/Summary/Keyword: Matlab/Simulink model

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A Design of Helicopter Control Law Rapid Prototyping Process Using HETLAS (HETLAS를 활용한 헬리콥터 비행제어 법칙 Rapid Prototyping 프로세스 설계)

  • Yang, Chang Deok;Jung, Ho-Che;Kim, Chang-Joo;Kim, Chong-Sup;Kim, Cheol-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.731-738
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    • 2015
  • The rapid prototyping process and development tool which enable the control law evaluation efficiently are needed to minimize the development cycle, cost and risk of aircraft flight control system. This paper describes a development process that integrates the designed control law into HETLAS to evaluate simulation effectively using nonlinear mathematical models. The desktop engineering simulator was developed using HETLAS for the piloted simulation evaluation of a various control modes and the procedure was developed, which quickly integrates the HETLAS into HQS(Handling Quality Simulator) and HILS(Hardware In the Loop Simulation) environments. This paper presents a rapid prototyping process using HETLAS that significantly shortens the integration process of the control law into the nonlinear math model, HETLAS, and allows the control law designs to be quickly tested in the piloted simulation and HILS environments.

Attitude Control of A Two-wheeled Mobile Manipulator by Using the Location of the Center of Gravity and Sliding Mode Controller (무게중심위치와 슬라이딩 모드 제어를 통한 이륜형 모바일 머니퓰레이터의 자세제어)

  • Kim, Min-Gyu;Woo, Chang-Jun;Lee, Jangmyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.758-765
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes an attitude control system to keep the balance for a two-wheeled mobile manipulator which consists of a mobile platform and a three D.O.F. manipulator. In the conventional control scheme, complicated dynamics of the manipulator need to be derived for balancing control of a mobile manipulator. The method proposed in this paper, however, three links are considered as one body of mass and the dynamics are derived easily by using an inverted pendulum model. One of the best advantage of a sliding mode controller is low sensitivity to plant parameter variations and disturbances, which eliminates the necessity of exact modeling to control the system. Therefore the sliding mode control algorithm has been adopted in this research for the attitude control of mobile platform along the pitch axis. The center of gravity for the whole mobile manipulator is changing depending on the motion of the manipulator. And the orientation variation of center of gravity is used as reference input for the sliding mode controller of the pitch axis to maintain the center of gravity in the middle of robot to keep the balance for the robot. To confirm the performance of controller, MATLAB Simulink has been used and the resulting algorithms are applied to a real robot to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed attitude control.

An Adaptive Complementary Sliding-mode Control Strategy of Single-phase Voltage Source Inverters

  • Hou, Bo;Liu, Junwei;Dong, Fengbin;Mu, Anle
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.168-180
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    • 2018
  • In order to achieve the high quality output voltage of single-phase voltage source inverters, in this paper an Adaptive Complementary Sliding Mode Control (ACSMC) is proposed. Firstly, the dynamics model of the single-phase inverter with lumped uncertainty including parameter variations and external disturbances is derived. Then, the conventional Sliding Mode Control (SMC) and Complementary Sliding Mode Control (CSMC) are introduced separately. However, when system parameters vary or external disturbance occurs, the controlling performance such as tracking error, response speed et al. always could not satisfy the requirements based on the SMC and CSMC methods. Consequently, an ACSMC is developed. The ACSMC is composed of a CSMC term, a compensating control term and a filter parameters estimator. The compensating control term is applied to compensate for the system uncertainties, the filter parameters estimator is used for on-line LC parameter estimation by the proposed adaptive law. The adaptive law is derived using the Lyapunov theorem to guarantee the closed-loop stability. In order to decrease the control system cost, an inductor current estimator is developed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated through Matlab/Simulink and experiments on a prototype single-phase inverter test bed with a TMS320LF28335 DSP. The simulation and experimental results show that compared to the conventional SMC and CSMC, the proposed ACSMC control strategy achieves more excellent performance such as fast transient response, small steady-state error, and low total harmonic distortion no matter under load step change, nonlinear load with inductor parameter variation or external disturbance.

Line Impedance Estimation Based Adaptive Droop Control Method for Parallel Inverters

  • Le, Phuong Minh;Pham, Xuan Hoa Thi;Nguyen, Huy Minh;Hoang, Duc Duy Vo;Nguyen, Tuyen Dinh;Vo, Dieu Ngoc
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.234-250
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a new load sharing control for use between paralleled three-phase inverters in an islanded microgrid based on the online line impedance estimation by the use of a Kalman filter. In this study, the mismatch of power sharing when the line impedance changes due to temperature, frequency, significant differences in line parameters and the requirements of the Plug-and-Play mode for inverters connected to a microgrid has been solved. In addition, this paper also presents a new droop control method working with the line impedance that is different from the traditional droop algorithm when the line impedance is assumed to be pure resistance or pure inductance. In this paper, the line impedance estimation for parallel inverters uses the minimum square method combined with a Kalman filter. In addition, the secondary control loops are designed to restore the voltage amplitude and frequency of a microgrid by using a combined nominal value SOGI-PLL with a generalized integral block and phase lock loop to monitor the exact voltage magnitude and frequency phase at the PCC. A control model has been simulated in Matlab/Simulink with three voltage source inverters connected in parallel for different ratios of power sharing. The simulation results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed control method.

Modeling of PEM Fuel Cell System-Sensitivity Analysis of System Efficiency with Different Main Operating Parameters of Automotive Fuel Cell System (PEM 연료전지 시스템 모델링-자동차용 연료전지 시스템의 주요 작동 변수 변경에 따른 시스템 효율 민감도 분석)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2019
  • The operating conditions greatly impact the efficiency and performance of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell systems and must be properly managed to ensure better performance and efficiency. In particular, small variations in operating conditions interact with each other and affect the performance and efficiency of PEM fuel cell systems. Thus, a systematic study is needed to understand how small changes in operating conditions affect the system performance and efficiency. In this paper, an automotive fuel cell system (including cell stack and balance of plant [BOP]) with a turbo-blower was modeled using MATLAB/Simulink platform and the sensitivity analyses of main operating parameters were performed using the developed system model. Effects of small variations in four main parameters (stack temperature, cathode air stoichiometry, cathode pressure, and cathode relative humidity) on the system efficiency were investigated. The results show that cathode pressure has the greatest potential impact on the sensitivity of fuel cell system efficiency. It is expected that this study can be used as a basic guidance to understand the importance of achieving accurate control of the fuel cell operating conditions for the robust operation of automotive PEM fuel cell systems.

Propulsion System Design and Optimization for Ground Based Interceptor using Genetic Algorithm

  • Qasim, Zeeshan;Dong, Yunfeng;Nisar, Khurram
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.330-339
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    • 2008
  • Ground-based interceptors(GBI) comprise a major element of the strategic defense against hostile targets like Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles(ICBM) and reentry vehicles(RV) dispersed from them. An optimum design of the subsystems is required to increase the performance and reliability of these GBI. Propulsion subsystem design and optimization is the motivation for this effort. This paper describes an effort in which an entire GBI missile system, including a multi-stage solid rocket booster, is considered simultaneously in a Genetic Algorithm(GA) performance optimization process. Single goal, constrained optimization is performed. For specified payload and miss distance, time of flight, the most important component in the optimization process is the booster, for its takeoff weight, time of flight, or a combination of the two. The GBI is assumed to be a multistage missile that uses target location data provided by two ground based RF radar sensors and two low earth orbit(LEO) IR sensors. 3Dimensional model is developed for a multistage target with a boost phase acceleration profile that depends on total mass, propellant mass and the specific impulse in the gravity field. The monostatic radar cross section (RCS) data of a three stage ICBM is used. For preliminary design, GBI is assumed to have a fixed initial position from the target launch point and zero launch delay. GBI carries the Kill Vehicle(KV) to an optimal position in space to allow it to complete the intercept. The objective is to design and optimize the propulsion system for the GBI that will fulfill mission requirements and objectives. The KV weight and volume requirements are specified in the problem definition before the optimization is computed. We have considered only continuous design variables, while considering discrete variables as input. Though the number of stages should also be one of the design variables, however, in this paper it is fixed as three. The elite solution from GA is passed on to(Sequential Quadratic Programming) SQP as near optimal guess. The SQP then performs local convergence to identify the minimum mass of the GBI. The performance of the three staged GBI is validated using a ballistic missile intercept scenario modeled in Matlab/SIMULINK.

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Active Airframe Vibration Control Simulations of Lift-offset Compound Helicopters in High-Speed Flights (고속 비행의 Lift-offset 복합형 헬리콥터 기체의 능동 진동 제어 시뮬레이션)

  • Hong, Sung-Boo;Kwon, Young-Min;Kim, Ji-Su;Lee, Yu-Been;Park, Byeong-Hyeon;Shin, Hyun-Cheol;Park, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2021
  • This paper studies the simulations of active airframe vibration controls for the Sikorsky X2 helicopter with a lift-offset coaxial rotor. The 4P hub vibratory loads of the X2TD rotor are obtained from the previous work using a rotorcraft comprehensive analysis code, CAMRAD II. The finite element analysis software, MSC.NASTRAN, is used to model the structural dynamics of the X2TD airframe and to analyze the 4P vibration responses of the airframe. A simulation study using Active Vibration Control System(AVCS) with Fx-LMS algorithm to reduce the airframe vibrations is conducted. The present AVCS is modeled using MATLAB Simulink. When AVCS is applied to the X2TD airframe at 250 knots, the 4P longitudinal and vertical vibration responses at the specified airframe positions, such as the pilot seat, co-pilot seat, engine deck, and prop gearbox, are reduced by 30.65 ~ 94.12 %.

Configuration assessment of MR dampers for structural control using performance-based passive control strategies

  • Wani, Zubair R.;Tantray, Manzoor A.;Iqbal, Javed;Farsangi, Ehsan Noroozinejad
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.329-344
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    • 2021
  • The use of structural control devices to minimize structural response to seismic/dynamic excitations has attracted increased attention in recent years. The use of magnetorheological (MR) dampers as a control device have captured the attention of researchers in this field due to its flexibility, adaptability, easy control, and low power requirement compared to other control devices. However, little attention has been paid to the effect of configuration and number of dampers installed in a structure on responses reduction. This study assesses the control of a five-story structure using one and two MR dampers at different stories to determine the optimal damper positions and configurations based on performance indices. This paper also addresses the fail-safe current value to be applied to the MR damper at each floor in the event of feedback or control failure. The model is mathematically simulated in SIMULINK/MATLAB environment. Linear control strategies for current at 0 A, 0.5 A, 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, and 2.5 A are implemented for MR dampers, and the response of the structure to these control strategies for different configurations of dampers is compared with the uncontrolled structure. Based on the performance indices, it was concluded that the dampers should be positioned starting from the ground floor, then the 2nd floor followed by 1st and rest of the floors sequentially. The failsafe value of current for MR dampers located in lower floors (G+1) should be kept at a higher value compared to dampers at top floors for effective passive control of multi-story structures.

Parking Path Planning For Autonomous Vehicle Based on Deep Learning Model (자율주행차량의 주차를 위한 딥러닝 기반 주차경로계획 수립연구)

  • Ji hwan Kim;Joo young Kim
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.110-126
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    • 2024
  • Several studies have focused on developing the safest and most efficient path from the current location to the available parking area for vehicles entering a parking lot. In the present study, the parking lot structure and parking environment such as the lane width, width, and length of the parking space, were vaired by referring to the actual parking lot with vertical and horizontal parking. An automatic parking path planning model was proposed by collecting path data by various setting angles and environments such as a starting point and an arrival point, by putting the collected data into a deep learning model. The existing algorithm(Hybrid A-star, Reeds-Shepp Curve) and the deep learning model generate similar paths without colliding with obstacles. The distance and the consumption time were reduced by 0.59% and 0.61%, respectively, resulting in more efficient paths. The switching point could be decreased from 1.3 to 1.2 to reduce driver fatigue by maximizing straight and backward movement. Finally, the path generation time is reduced by 42.76%, enabling efficient and rapid path generation, which can be used to create a path plan for autonomous parking during autonomous driving in the future, and it is expected to be used to create a path for parking robots that move according to vehicle construction.

Control and Analysis of an Integrated Bidirectional DC/AC and DC/DC Converters for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications

  • Hegazy, Omar;Van Mierlo, Joeri;Lataire, Philippe
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.408-417
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    • 2011
  • The plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are specialized hybrid electric vehicles that have the potential to obtain enough energy for average daily commuting from batteries. The PHEV battery would be recharged from the power grid at home or at work and would thus allow for a reduction in the overall fuel consumption. This paper proposes an integrated power electronics interface for PHEVs, which consists of a novel Eight-Switch Inverter (ESI) and an interleaved DC/DC converter, in order to reduce the cost, the mass and the size of the power electronics unit (PEU) with high performance at any operating mode. In the proposed configuration, a novel Eight-Switch Inverter (ESI) is able to function as a bidirectional single-phase AC/DC battery charger/ vehicle to grid (V2G) and to transfer electrical energy between the DC-link (connected to the battery) and the electric traction system as DC/AC inverter. In addition, a bidirectional-interleaved DC/DC converter with dual-loop controller is proposed for interfacing the ESI to a low-voltage battery pack in order to minimize the ripple of the battery current and to improve the efficiency of the DC system with lower inductor size. To validate the performance of the proposed configuration, the indirect field-oriented control (IFOC) based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to optimize the efficiency of the AC drive system in PHEVs. The maximum efficiency of the motor is obtained by the evaluation of optimal rotor flux at any operating point, where the PSO is applied to evaluate the optimal flux. Moreover, an improved AC/DC controller based Proportional-Resonant Control (PRC) is proposed in order to reduce the THD of the input current in charger/V2G modes. The proposed configuration is analyzed and its performance is validated using simulated results obtained in MATLAB/ SIMULINK. Furthermore, it is experimentally validated with results obtained from the prototypes that have been developed and built in the laboratory based on TMS320F2808 DSP.