• Title/Summary/Keyword: Match moving

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Pedestrian Traffic Counting Using HoG Feature-Based Person Detection and Multi-Level Match Tracking (HoG 특징 기반 사람 탐지와 멀티레벨 매칭 추적을 이용한 보행자 통행량 측정 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Sung-Wook;Jung, Jin-dong;Seo, Hong-il;Lee, Hae-Yeoun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2016
  • Market analysis for a business plain is required for the success in the modern world. Most important part in this analysis is pedestrian traffic counting. A traditional way for this is counting it in person. However, it causes high labor costs and mistakes. This paper proposes an automatic algorithm to measure the pedestrian traffic count using images with webcam. The proposed algorithm is composed of two parts: pedestrian area detection and movement tracking. In pedestrian area detection, moving blobs are extracted and pedestrian areas are detected using HoG features and Adaboost algorithm. In movement tracking, multi-level matching and false positive removal are applied to track pedestrian areas and count the pedestrian traffic. Multi-level matching is composed of 3 steps: (1) the similarity calculation between HoG area, (2) the similarity calculation of the estimated position with Kalman filtering, and (3) the similarity calculation of moving blobs in the pedestrian area detection. False positive removal is to remove invalid pedestrian area. To analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm, a comparison is performed with the previous human area detection and tracking algorithm. The proposed algorithm achieves 83.6% accuracy in the pedestrian traffic counting, which is better than the previous algorithm over 11%.

A Study on Correcting Virtual Camera Tracking Data for Digital Compositing (디지털영상 합성을 위한 가상카메라의 트래킹 데이터 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Junsang;Lee, Imgeun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2012
  • The development of the computer widens the expressive ways for the nature objects and the scenes. The cutting edge computer graphics technologies effectively create any images we can imagine. Although the computer graphics plays an important role in filming and video production, the status of the domestic contents production industry is not favorable for producing and research all at the same time. In digital composition, the match moving stage, which composites the captured real sequence with computer graphics image, goes through many complicating processes. The camera tracking process is the most important issue in this stage. This comprises the estimation of the 3D trajectory and the optical parameter of the real camera. Because the estimating process is based only on the captured sequence, there are many errors which make the process more difficult. In this paper we propose the method for correcting the tracking data. The proposed method can alleviate the unwanted camera shaking and object bouncing effect in the composited scene.

A systematic method from influence line identification to damage detection: Application to RC bridges

  • Chen, Zhiwei;Yang, Weibiao;Li, Jun;Cheng, Qifeng;Cai, Qinlin
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2017
  • Ordinary reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete bridges are two popular and typical types of short- and medium-span bridges that accounts for the vast majority of all existing bridges. The cost of maintaining, repairing or replacing degraded existing RC bridges is immense. Detecting the abnormality of RC bridges at an early stage and taking the protective measures in advance are effective ways to improve maintenance practices and reduce the maintenance cost. This study proposes a systematic method from influence line (IL) identification to damage detection with applications to RC bridges. An IL identification method which integrates the cubic B-spline function with Tikhonov regularization is first proposed based on the vehicle information and the corresponding moving vehicle induced bridge response time history. Subsequently, IL change is defined as a damage index for bridge damage detection, and information fusion technique that synthesizes ILs of multiple locations/sensors is used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of damage localization. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed systematic method is verified through experimental tests on a three-span continuous RC beam. The comparison suggests that the identified ILs can well match with the baseline ILs, and it demonstrates that the proposed IL identification method has a high accuracy and a great potential in engineering applications. Results in this case indicate that deflection ILs are superior than strain ILs for damage detection of RC beams, and the performance of damage localization can be significantly improved with the information fusion of multiple ILs.

Volumetric Image System for High Efficiency Video Coding (고효율 비디오코딩을 위한 입체영상시스템)

  • Kim, Sang Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.515-520
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    • 2016
  • Volumetric image system has many applications recently in education, 3D movie, medical images but these applications have several problems that need to be overcome. Volumetric display may process a amount of visual data and design the high efficient vision system for realtime display. In case of stereo system for volumetric display motion vectors, disparity vectors from the stereoscopic sequences and residual images with the reference images has been transmitted, and the stereoscopic sequences have been reconstructed at the receiver for volumetric display. So central issue for the design of efficient volumetric image system lies in selecting an appropriate stereo matching and robust vision system. In this paper, we proposed high efficient vision system, which design vision stage with rotating and moving horizontally, and match the successive stereo image efficiently. In experimental results with volumetric image system, the proposed method represents high efficiency with minimizing error and low computational load for volumetric display.

Detection of Pulmonary Region in Medical Images through Improved Active Control Model

  • Kwon Yong-Jun;Won Chul-Ho;Kim Dong-Hun;Kim Pil-Un;Park Il-Yong;Park Hee-Jun;Lee Jyung-Hyun;Kim Myoung-Nam;Cho Jin-HO
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 2005
  • Active contour models have been extensively used to segment, match, and track objects of interest in computer vision and image processing applications, particularly to locate object boundaries. With conventional methods an object boundary can be extracted by controlling the internal energy and external energy based on energy minimization. However, this still leaves a number of problems, such as initialization and poor convergence in concave regions. In particular, a contour is unable to enter a concave region based on the stretching and bending characteristic of the internal energy. Therefore, this study proposes a method that controls the internal energy by moving the local perpendicular bisector point of each control point on the contour, and determines the object boundary by minimizing the energy relative to the external energy. Convergence at a concave region can then be effectively implemented as regards the feature of interest using the internal energy, plus several objects can be detected using a multi-detection method based on the initial contour. The proposed method is compared with other conventional methods through objective validation and subjective consideration. As a result, it is anticipated that the proposed method can be efficiently applied to the detection of the pulmonary parenchyma region in medical images.

Socio-economic and Environmental Impact Assessment in Agricultural Cultivation, Case Studies in Rice Cultivation and Shrimp Farming in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam

  • Nguyen, Tran Nhan Tanh;Tran, Thi Hong Ngoc
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.461-467
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    • 2009
  • This paper provides two case studies of environmental impacts with socio-economic values. The first case is on flood protection levees conducted from 2003 to 2004 in Phu Tan district, An Giang province. The impacts were found by comparing full flood protection levees area (FFPL) to non-full flood protection levees area (NFFPL). Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools per each group of rich, middle, and poor people were used to list the impacts. Then, major impacts were selected by ranking and interviewing 60 households per site, and assessed by Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) in rice production from 1996 to 2002 between two areas. The tested research indicated moving system of NFFPL to that of FFPL lost about 11 million VND/ha/year. The second case is on impacts of Penaeid shrimp farming conducted in Duyen Hai District, Tra Vinh Province in 2004-2005. Ninety households and 12 local officials were interviewed. Four PRAs were conducted and 36 water samples were taken inside and outside shrimp pond to measure values of DO, COD, Fe total, TSS, N-$NO_3{^-}$, N-$NH_4{^+}$, P-$PO{_4}^{3-}$, and Chlorophyll-a. Research results showed only 36.7% of the households got profit from shrimp farming. Highest financial efficiency was 0.72 for the semi-intensive system. Tested water indicators showed surface water quality did not match Vietnamese standard for surface water in coastal area (TCVN 5943-1995) and in rain. The water was very muddy and contaminated by organic aluminum. Summarily, the impacts were clarified more obviously via adding socio-economic values to assessment. Importantly, the values were transformed to household's income which is an indicator for policy-makers to consider the impacts obviously. Besides, data of different group of people impacted are cases contributing to consideration of the impacts in an appropriate social level.

Designed of Intelligent Solar Tracking System using Fuzzy State-Space Partitioning Method (퍼지 상태 공간 분할 기법을 이용한 지능형 태양광 추적시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Gwan-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.2072-2078
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    • 2011
  • In photovoltaic(PV) system, for obtaining maximum efficiency of solar power systems, the solar tracking system must be controlled to match position of the sun. In this paper, we design the solar tracking system to track movement of the sun using CdS sensor modules and to determine direction of the sun under shadow of directions. In addition, for an intelligent computation in tracking of the sun, a fuzzy controller is allocated to space avaliable for splitting area of fuzzy part for the fuzzy input space(grid-type fuzzy partition) in which a fuzzy grid partition divides fuzzy rules bases. As well, a simple model of solar tracking system is designed by two-axis motor control systems and the 8-direction sensor module that can measure shadow from CdS sensor modules by matching of axis of CdS modules and PV panels. We demonstrate this systems is effective for fixed location and moving vessels and our fuzzy controller can track the satisfactorily.

Feature Extraction of Welds from Industrial Computed Radiography Using Image Analysis and Local Statistic Line-Clustering (산업용 CR 영상분석과 국부확률 선군집화에 의한 용접특징추출)

  • Hwang, Jung-Won;Hwang, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2008
  • A reliable extraction of welded area is the precedent task before the detection of weld defects in industrial radiography. This paper describes an attempt to detect and extract the welded features of steel tubes from the computed radiography(CR) images. The statistical properties are first analyzed on over 160 sample radiographic images which represent either weld or non-weld area to identify the differences between them. The analysis is then proceeded by pattern classification to determine the clustering parameters. These parameters are the width, the functional match, and continuity. The observed weld image is processed line by line to calculate these parameters for each flexible moving window in line image pixel set. The local statistic line-clustering method is used as the classifier to recognize each window data as weld or non-weld cluster. The sequential procedure is to track the edge lines between two distinct regions by iterative calculation of threshold, and it results in extracting the weld feature. Our methodology is concluded to be effective after experiment with CR weld images.

Modeling of e-Learning Quality Assurance using CLD (인과지도를 이용한 e-Learning 품질관리 모델링)

  • Lee, Jun-Hee;Yoo, Kwan-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.427-435
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    • 2010
  • As the e-Learning plays an increasingly larger important part in education and has been increased as an alternative to offline education, academic organizations are moving ahead to set guidelines for quality assurance in e-Learning. And various quality assurance techniques in e-Learning have been developed because the e-Learning does not always match well traditional models of teaching and learning, much care needs to be taken in the design, creation and implementation of service. But the present quality assurances in e-Learning which are focused in learning objects have much problems because they use partial and static management. In this thesis we suggested dynamic quality assurance using CLD(Causal Loop Diagram) in e-Learning. The suggested method has more efficiency than existing methods and it can provide important strategies with regard to administrative issues in e-Learning.

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A Study on Implementation of Motion Graphics Virtual Camera with AR Core

  • Jung, Jin-Bum;Lee, Jae-Soo;Lee, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2022
  • In this study, to reduce the time and cost disadvantages of the traditional motion graphic production method in order to realize the movement of a virtual camera identical to that of the real camera, motion graphics virtualization using AR Core-based mobile device real-time tracking data A method for creating a camera is proposed. The proposed method is a method that simplifies the tracking operation in the video file stored after shooting, and simultaneously proceeds with shooting on an AR Core-based mobile device to determine whether or not tracking is successful in the shooting stage. As a result of the experiment, there was no difference in the motion graphic result image compared to the conventional method, but the time of 6 minutes and 10 seconds was consumed based on the 300frame image, whereas the proposed method has very high time efficiency because this step can be omitted. At a time when interest in image production using virtual augmented reality and various studies are underway, this study will be utilized in virtual camera creation and match moving.