• Title/Summary/Keyword: Marine sand

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An Analysis of Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Oceanographic Literacy and Opinions on Teaching Strategies for Ocean-related Topics (초등 예비교사들의 해양학적 소양과 해양 관련 주제의 교수 전략에 대한 의견 분석)

  • KIM, Dong-Ryeul
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.396-408
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to analyze pre-service elementary teachers' oceanographic literacy, understanding of ocean environmental problems and opinions on teaching strategies for ocean topics. As survey participants, this study selected 126 pre-service elementary teachers. Firstly, as a result of testing their oceanographic literacy, this study found out that out of all the basic principles, 'Oceans Largely Unexplored' was highest in the mean score, followed by 'Human Connections', 'Ocean & Its Life Shape Earth', 'Habitability', 'Biodiversity', 'Weather & Climate' and 'Size of Ocean'. Besides, regarding environmental problems affecting all the aspects of ocean, they mentioned oil spills caused by vessel accidents, so called 'Oil Pollution', as the most serious marine environmental problem. Regarding environmental problems affecting coral reefs, they considered over-fishing as the most serious problem. Secondly, as a result of analyzing their opinions on effective teaching strategies for ocean-related topics in elementary science textbooks, this study found out that regarding topics about understanding the undersea topography in the chapter of the earth and moon, they proposed 'Making an Undersea Topographic Model with Sand' most as an effective teaching strategy. As an effective teaching strategy for the chapter of animals' lives, they proposed 'Classifying Animals with Marine Animal Cards' most. As an effective teaching strategy for the chapter of ground surface changes, they proposed 'Making and Simulating Seashore Topography' most.

An Experimental Study on Depositional Environments and Consolidation Properties of Shihwa Deposits (시화지역 퇴적층의 퇴적환경과 압밀특성에 관한 연구)

  • 원정윤;장병욱;김동범;손영환
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2004
  • Consolidation properties of Shihwa deposits were analysed by means of depositional environments. Depositional environments including particle size distributions, sediment structures, geochemical properties, porewater chemistries and carbon age dating were analysed using undisturbed samples retrieved successively from a boring hole in the study area. Laboratory oedometer tests and anisotropic consolidated triaxial tests (CKoUC) for undisturbed samples were performed to examine the overconsolidation phenomena. Based on the results of analysis of depositional environments, it was found that the upper silt/clay mixed layer was deposited under marine condition while underlying sand and clay layers were deposited under fluvial condition. Planar laminated structures of silts and clays were dominant in marine deposits. Although there was no clear evidences that geological erosion had occurred in marine deposits, overconsolidation ratios of the upper marine samples were greater than unity Stress Paths of the upper marine samples behaved similarly to those of normally consolidated clays. Data plotted in stress state charts showed that the marine deposits were normally consolidated in geological meaning. These apparent overconsolidation of the marine deposits can be explained by the structures i.e. chemical bonding due to the difference of the rate of deposition, not by geological erosions and ground water fluctuations.

Effect of Environmental Variables on Changes in Macrobenthic Communities in the Coastal Area of Inchon, Korea (인천연안 대형저서동물 군집 변동에 미치는 환경요인의 영향)

  • YU Ok Hwan;KOH Byoung-Seol;LEE Hyung-Gon;LEE Jae-Hac
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2004
  • In coastal area of Inchon, dredging and the disposal of dredged material for sea-wall construction and reclamation have increased in recent years. These activities may impact the benthic environment and result in changes in benthic communities, but little information is available on the extent and direction of these changes. We investigated whether there have been changes in the dominant macrobenthic species and benthic community over the last decade, and explored the relationship between environmental variables and spatial patterns of macrobenthic community structure. We sampled macrobenthos and recorded environmental variables in the coastal habitats of Inchon in March and June 2004. In total, 212 macrobenthic species were recorded during this study, predominately crustaceans $(34{\%})$, mollusks $(32{\%})$ and polychaetes $(21{\%})$. The mean density of macrobenthos was $1,393\;ind./m^{2}$.The most abundant species was Amphioplus japonicus $(20.5{\%})$, followed by Heteromastus filiformis $(14.4{\%})$, Theora fragilis $(8.2{\%})$ and Ampharete sp. $(4.0{\%})$. Over the past decade the dominant macrobenthic species in this area shifted. Multivariate analysis (multidimensional scaling) revealed significant differences in community structure among three regions: the middle part of the sampling area (B), site 8 (C) and other sites (A). Mean density varied significantly among the three regions, but no differences in the number of species and diversity (H') were observed. The distribution of the macrobenthic community was affected by environmental variables such as percentage sand content and sediment kurtosis. Species that were important in different areas included A. japonicus in region A, Raeta puchella in region B and T. fragilis in region C. The important species in regions B and C were filter-feeding bivalves, and the abundance of these species may be related to the increase in percentage sand content. We suggest that the sediment composition (percentage sand content) may be an important factor in determining the dominant species and structure of the macrobenthic communities in coastal Inchon. Long-term monitoring programs are necessary to understand ongoing changes in the benthic communities of this area.

The Coastal Geomorphic System of Sagye, Jeju (제주 사계해안의 지형시스템)

  • Seo, Jong-Cheol;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2007
  • In Sagye coast of Andeok-myeon, southwestern Jeju, shore platform of noncohesive Hamori Formation, marine terrace deposit of round gravels, coastal dune composed of shell sand and volcanic sand, and back lake are linked closely with each other. In this paper, the formation process of Sagye coastal geomorphic system analysed by using OSL dating method is as follows: Firstly, Hamori Formation is a horizontal stratum filed up of tuff reworked by submarine volcanic eruption during 3$\sim$7.6 ka BP. Hollow at the boundary between Hamori Formation' flat and Kwangheak Basalt's gentle slope become a back lake when block is appeared over the sea level by uplift. Secondly, while Hamori Formation was laid below sea level, gravels which had been broken and abraded at southwestern rocky coast composed of Kwangheak basalt or been transported through the small stream from adjacent hillslope were deposited in rapid flow environment. Thirdly, deposition of round gravels was ceased by earth uplift, and shore platform was constructed by abrasion process of energy of swash moving forward. As altitude of shore platform is equal to high tidal level of spring tide, compared it with present high tidal level of study area, earth is uplifted about 105m since shore platform was formed. Fourthly, much sandy sediments transported from offshore bottom covered shore platforms and marine terrace deposits. Lighter sediments among sandy sediments was blown to back, formed secondary sand dune since about 500 year.

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A Study on the Recent Sediments of Han River -Grain Size, Heavy Minerals and Trace Elements- (한강유역(漢江流域)의 현생퇴적물(現生堆積物)에 관한 연구(硏究) -입도(粒度), 중광물(重鑛物) 및 유용원소(有用元素)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • So, Chil Sup;Lee, Ki Hyung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 1974
  • This paper deals with grain size analysis, heavy mineral analysis and trace element analysis of the recent sediments of Han River basin between Cheongpyong, Gyeonggi province and Seoul. For each location the samples are taken at river shoreline, river berm and river dune. The size analysis discloses that the mean values range from $-1.37{\phi}$ to $-1.60{\phi}$, sorting values range from 0.25 to 1.84, skewness values range from -0.44 to 0.51 and kurtosis values range from -0.1 to 1.75. Based on the textural parameters, the dune sand can be distinguished from the shoreline-berm sand. The content of heavy minerals of each sample ranges from 0.04 to 4.7%. The principal heavy minerals are ilmenite, magnetite, leucoxene, garnet, amphibole, pyroxene, kyanite, zircon, monazite, tourmaline, epidote, limonite, and minor minerals are apatite, sillimanite, andalusite and olivine. In general, dune sand samples contain more heavy minerals than the samples of shoreline or berm sand. This suggests that the heavy mineral concentration is affected by wind action more than by any other causes. The content of ilmenite and leucoxene decreases, whereas the content of zircon and epidote increases as it approaches the downstream region. The differences result from the variance of geological occurrences. The emission spectrochemical analysis and colorimetry analysis revealed that the content of Ni and V in the heavy minerals of the study area are higher than those of other stream sediments in Korea. On the other hand the content of Cu, Ph, Zn, Mo, W, P, Mn, Cr, Ag and Sn are lower in the study area. It has been observed also that the contents of all the elements except for Bi are higher in this area than the samples of marine sediments of Yellow Sea.

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Numerical Analysis Study on Micro-plastic Particle behavior According to the Shape of Cyclone Separator (Cyclone separator의 형상에 따른 미세플라스틱 입자 거동 수치해석 연구)

  • Insun Kang;Wonjun Seo;Dongho Yu;Yeongshik Kim;Hyeungchul Kim;Seokyeon Im
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2024
  • Micro-plastics are synthetic high-differentiation chemicals of less than 5mm in size, and are deposited not only on the sea surface but also on the coast. If these micro-plastics are not properly separated from the sand, they can threaten marine ecosystems. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to apply cyclone separator to the micro-plastic retrieval in order to predict the movement of particles according to the formation of the cyclone separator by applying the centrifugal force of the particle in accordance with the rotational movement of the air. The cyclone separator has three shapes, the first one is a typical interconnected cyclone separator. The second is the horn form, except for the cylinder in a regular cyclone separator, and the third is a form that increases the horn's height twice in the second. The numerical analysis simulation of the Cyclone separator used the Fluent software package. The output speed of the Cyclone separator was 5 to 13m/s at 1m/s intervals. The simulated particles include sand, Styrofoam, PET, PP, and PU. Sand particles are assigned a fixed diameter of 2mm, while other particles have a diameter of 3mm. As a result of the analysis, the first form was not separated from plastic. The Styrofoam separation efficiency in the second showed its highest efficiency at 72.7% at 7m/s, and the efficiency decreased after 12m/s as the sand particles were mixed into the plastic attachment location. In the third form, the separation efficiency of Styrofoam at 12m/s was highest at 67.9%.

Feasibility of Present Soil Remediation Technologies in KOREA for the Control of Contaminated Marine Sediment: Heavy Metals (우리나라 현존 토양정화 기술의 해양오염퇴적물 정화사업 적용 가능성 검토: 중금속)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Rean;Choi, Ki-Young;Kim, Suk-Hyun;Hong, Gi-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1076-1086
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    • 2010
  • Soil remediation technologies were experimented to evaluate whether the technologies could be used to apply remediation of contaminated marine sediment. In this research, marine sediments were sampled at "Ulsan" and "Jinhae" where remediation projects are considered, and then the possibility of heavy metal removal was evaluated throughout the technologies. Heavy metal concentration of silt and clay fraction was higher than that of sand fraction at "Ulsan". Heavy metal removal of the silt and clay fraction was arsenic (As) 81.5%, mercury (Hg) 93.8% by particle separation, cadmium (Cd) 72.2%, mercury (Hg) 93.8% by soil washing technology, cadmium (Cd) 70.8%, lead (Pb) 65.6% by another soil washing technology. Based on experimental results, tested particle separation and soil washing technologies could be used to remove heavy metals of sand fraction and silt and clay fraction. Heavy metal removal by soil washing technology which was composed of separation, washing and physical or chemical reaction by additives such as acid, organic solvents was more effective comparing to that of particle separation. Since heavy metal concentration of all treated samples was suitable for national soil standards, all the tested technologies were could be used not only to remove heavy metals of marine contaminated sediment but also to reuse treated samples in land.

Late Quaternary Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Southeastern Continental Shelf, Korea Strait (한국 남동해역(대한해협) 대륙붕지역의 후 제4기 탄성파 층서 및 퇴적작용)

  • Yoo Dong-Geun;Lee Chi-Won;Min Gun-Hong;Lee Ho-Young;Choi Joung-Gyu;Park Soo-Chul
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2005
  • Interpretation of high-resolution seismic profiles from the southeastern continental shelf of Korea reveals that the sedimentary deposits consist of seven seismic units formed during the late Quaternary. These units comprise lowstand, transgressive, and highstand systems tracts. The lowstand systems tract consists of a lowstand prograding wedge (SU1) and a mass flow deposit (SU2) including slumps and slides. The transgressive systems tract contains four seismic units: an ancient beach/shoreface deposit (SU3), a channel-fill deposit (SU4), a transgressive sand layer (SU5), and a transgressive sand ridge (SU6). The highstand systems tract consists of an inner-shelf mud deposit (SU7) derived from the Nakdong and Seomjin rivers during the last 6 ka when sea level was close to the present level.

Two New Thalestrid Harpacticois (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Thalestridae) from Korea

  • Chang, Cheon-Young;Song, Sung-Joon
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 1997
  • Two new harpacticoid species of family Thalestridae are described on the basis of the specimens collected from the shallow sublittoral sand bottom or seagrasses of rocky shore in South Korea. Dactylopusia pauciarticulata n. sp. is discernible from its 19 congeners by the 6-articulated antennule. Paradactylopodia koreana n. sp. most resembles P. striata Kunz, 1973 of its seven congeners, but obviously distinguished from it by the shape of male leg 2 endopod.

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The Application of Impressed Current System for the Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete (콘크리트 중의 철근부식 방지를 위한 외부전원법의 적용)

  • 문한영;김성수;김홍삼
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 1997
  • Recently the interest in the reinforcing steel corrosion due to the use of sea-sand and deicing salt, marine environment, and carbonation in RC structures is increasing, therefore the studies on the corrosion control of reinforcing steel in concrete are vigorously proceeding. In this study, from the viewpoint of electrochemical process of steel corrosion in concrete we applied the impressed current system among the cathodic protections to reinforcing steel in concrete and ascertained the protection effect by half-cell potential, corrosion rate, and depolarization.

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