• 제목/요약/키워드: Marine sand

검색결과 453건 처리시간 0.027초

파랑작용에 의한 모래지반의 액상화에 관한 대형 수리모형실험 (Large-Scale Experiments on the Wave-Induced Liquefaction of Sandbed)

  • 강윤구;스즈끼고지로
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2007
  • A series of large-scale experiments were carried out in order to examine wave-induced liquefaction in a loosely packed sandbed, its afterward high densification and liquefaction by oscillatory pore pressure. The experiments were conducted in a Large Hydro-Geo Flume that can nearly solve the problems of scale effects of the sandbed, and the 50% sieve diameter of sand was 0.2 mm. The generation of residual pore pressure and its afterward high densification which had observed by Takahashi et al. (1999) in a wave flume experiment using fine sand with the size of 0.08 mm. As a result, the relative density of the sandbed after high densification was increased up to 79% and liquefaction by oscillatory pore pressure was not observed.

해수중 7년간 침지된 몰탈시험편의 철근부식에 미치는 부식억제제의 효과 (The Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors Influencing on the Corrosion of Reinforced Steel in Mortar Specimen Immersed in Sea Water for Seven Years)

  • 정진아;남진각;문경만;이명훈;김기준
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1998년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집(I)
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 1998
  • Recently the shortage of good aggregate has encouraged the use of sea sand in construction field, and the corrosion damage of the reinforced steel in concrete structures has been increased due to chlorides from sea sand and deicing salt. Therefore, a number of researchs are proceeding to prevent the corrosion of the reinforced steel in concrete, especially in marine environments. This study focused on the effect of corrosion inhibitors to evaluate protection characteristics for mortar specimens containing clorides. Corrosion behaviors have been investigated by half-cell potential measurement, linear polarization method, AC impedance method, and cyclic polarization test after immersing in sea water for 7 years. A possitive effect of a corrosion inhibitor has been obtained.

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낙동강 삼각주 북부의 고환경 (The Paleoenvironment of the Northern Part of the Nagdong River Delta)

  • 오건환
    • 한국제4기학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1994
  • The study area is filled up by alluvium which can be classified into lower and upper beds by the facies of deposits and their degree of weathering. The lower bed is not of marine but of fluvial. The upper bed is mainly composed of clay and silt or fine sand beds col-ored dark or dark gray which are of neritic or brackish yielding mollusca fossils. The oyster(Crassostrea ariakensis) obstained from the depth of 3m below the present sea level in the upper bed was dated at 4,100 110Y.B.P. and the veneridae(Meretrix lamarck) 1m height above the present delta plain in the old sand bar was dated at 1,700 85Y,B,P. It is therfore concluded that the study area a small kern col of terrestri-al basin prior to postglacial age had experienced the Holocene transgression. Consequently the study area is considered to have been progressively formed under neritic or brackish circumstance before 1,700Y.B.P.

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안벽구조물에 대한 Centrifuge 모형실험과 수치해석 (Centrifuge Model Test and Numerical Analysis on Coastal Structure)

  • 유남재;김동건;전상현
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제29권B호
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2009
  • In this paper centrifuge model tests and numerical analysis on the coastal structure on the marine deposits of sand were performed to investigate the behavior of structure and foundation under the condition of wave action in field. In centrifuge model experiments, construction sequence of coastal structure such as preparation of sand deposit, excavation replacement, rubble mound with crushed stones and installment of coastal structure was reconstructed and the behavior of ground settlement during stage of construction was observed during tests. For the final stage of simulating the horizontal movement of coastal structure due to wave force, horizontal load was applied by horizontal loading apparatus being specially designed so that horizontal displacement of structure could be observed. Numerical analysis were also carried out and its results were compared with test results to assess the property of centrifuge mode experiments with respect to the behavior of structure as well as ground.

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제주 동부연안 통밧알 석호의 연체동물상 보고 (Report on the molluscan fauna in Tongbatarl lagoon on the east coast of Jeju, Korea)

  • 이희중;;박상률;홍현기;이병걸;최광식
    • 한국패류학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, we surveyed the molluscan fauna in a lagoon located near Seong-san harbor on the east coast of Jeju Island in July 2012. For the survey, a $25{\times}25cm$ quadrat was deployed over 3 randomly selected sites in the intertidal area of the lagoon. Sediment from the surface to a depth of 25 cm in the quadrat was removed and sieved using a 1 mm mesh sieve. All molluscan fauna retained on the sieve was identified to the species level. From the survey, 25 species of mollusca belonging to 2 orders and 16 families were identified. Species richness, in terms of total number of species, was found to be the highest at sampling site 1, where the substrate was composed of coarse sand and some rocks, while it was lowest at sampling site 3, composed of compact fine sand. Regardless of the type of substrate at the sampling sites, the mud-creeping snail Batillaria cumingii (Crosse, 1862) occurred at a high density, ranging from $324-468ind./m^2$. The luciniid bivalve Pillucina pisidium also occurred at a high density at sampling site 1, at $336ind./m^2$, while the density of this species was only $4ind./m^2$ at sampling site 3. The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum could be found at all 3 sampling sites with very low density ranging from $16-48ind./m^2$. The density and species richness of molluscs observed in this study was lower compared to the previously reported molluscan fauna in Jeju Island, suggesting that further investigation needs to be carried out to conserve the unique marine lagoon ecosystem in Jeju Island.

방류 연어, Oncorhynchus keta 치어의 해양 먹이선택성 (Marine Prey Selectivity of Released Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) During arly Marine Migration in Korean Waters)

  • 권오남;김주경;윤문근;김두호;홍관의
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.421-429
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    • 2014
  • We investigated the feeding ecology of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) during the critical early life stage prey selectivity of juvenile chum salmon during early marine migration in Korean waters at spring 2011. Salmon juveniles and zooplanktons were collected to draw with $20m{\times}5m$ gill net and $300{\mu}m$ mesh zooplankton net at each station on 11th-13th April n 2011. Collected zooplanktons were classified to 5 Phylum, 6 Class, 9 Order 17 Species in this study. Almost 76.4-100% species were classified to Phylum Arthropoda, dominant species was a species out of Hyperia galba of Order Amphipoda, Acartia spp and Paracalanus parvus of Order Calanoida. Collected salmon juveniles were grew up to average 4.7-5.4 cm fork length and average 1.0-1.5 g wet weight in whole station. Fish stomach content (mg/salmon) was heaver to 97.4, 82.4 and 63.2 mg wet weight/salmon in ST 2, 3, 4 than 20.4, 18.9 mg/salmon of ST 1, 5, because there are fish (sand eel, Hypoptychus dybowskii) and Krill (Euphausia) as prey in salmon stomach in ST 2, 3, 4. And ST 2, 3, 4 and 5 were dominated by Amphipoda as Hyperia galba, Themisto japonica and Gammarus sp., but ST 1 was dominated by copepod, because of absence of Amphipoda in the station. Therefore small Amphipoda as Hyperia galba was good prey for just released salmon juvenile in nature.

시화지역 퇴적층의 퇴적환경과 압밀 특성에 관한 연구 (An experimental study on depositional environments and consolidation properties of Shihwa deposits)

  • 원정윤;장병욱;김동범;손영환
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2004
  • Consolidation properties were analysed by means of depositional environments. Depositional environments including geochemical properties, porewater chemistry, sediment structures, particle size distributions and carbon age dating were analysed using undisturbed samples retrieved successively from a boring hole in the study area. Laboratory oedometer tests and anisotropic consolidated triaxial tests(CKoUC) were performed to examine the overconsolidation phenomenons. Based on the carbon age dating results and profiles of geochemical properties, porewater chemistry, salinity and pH, it was founded that the upper silt/clay complex layer was deposited under marine condition while sand and clay layers were deposited under fluvial condition. Planar laminated structures of silts and clays were dominant in marine deposits. Although there was no clear evidences that geological erosion had been occurred in marine deposits, overconsolidation ratio obtained from oedometer tests were greater than unity. Stress paths of samples behaved similar to those of normally consolidated clays. Data plotted in stress state charts proposed by Burland(1990) and Chandler(2000) showed that the marine deposits were geologically normally consolidated. These apparent overconsolidations can be explained by the fabric and chemical bonding due to the difference of the rate of deposition.

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연안이용 및 개발에 따른 수산자원관리 실효성 제고를 위한 협의제도 개선방안 (Improvement of the Consultation Systems Governing Fishery Resource Management in the Development of Coastal Areas)

  • 이대인;엄기혁;김귀영
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes revisions in the law governing assessments of the environmental impact of marine projects. In particular, we suggest strengthening the consultative role of the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MIFAFF), the agency responsible for regulating coastal area utilization and development, in order to improve the system by which fishery resources are managed, thus preventing negative environmental impact. Moreover, such an improved impact assessment statement would include reasonable evaluations of the dispersion of pollutants, such as the suspended solids generated by construction projects, as well as of the dredging, dumping and sand mining involved in coastal area reclamation. Thus, public confidence in the latter would be increased by the development and implementation of standardized and consistent guidelines addressing environmental research, simulation processes and evaluations of data.

Next-generation sequencing reveals the diversity of benthic diatoms in tidal flats

  • An, Sung Min;Choi, Dong Han;Lee, Howon;Lee, Jung Ho;Noh, Jae Hoon
    • ALGAE
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2018
  • Benthic diatoms are ubiquitous in tidal flats and play major roles in maintaining coastal ecosystems. Spatio-temporal variations in diatom diversity have not been well-studied, mainly because of difficulties in morphological identification and the lack of appropriate genetic tools. To overcome these problems, we used the gene encoding the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large-subunit (rbcL) as a molecular marker, and sequenced these genes with the aid of the MiSeq platform. In this manner, we explored the genetic diversity of benthic diatoms in tidal flats of Guenso Bay on the west coast of Korea; differences in the spatial distributions of benthic diatoms were evident. The diatom communities were dominated by Nitzschia, Navicula, and Amphora; their relative distributions were affected by the sand proportion, grain size, and air exposure time. Our results suggest that meta-barcoding of the rbcL gene and next-generation sequencing can be used to explore the diversity of benthic diatoms.

이중 주파수에 의한 천해 천부지층의 분해력과 투과력에 관한 사고 (Sub-Bottom Profile Analysis Using Dual Frequency Prototype 15/100 KHz)

  • 김소구
    • 한국해안해양공학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 1993
  • 이중 주파수(Dual Frequency)를 사용한 Prototype형 천해 지층 탐사기를 사용하여 얻은 탐사 기록지가 제시되었다. 이중 주파수로는 3.5/100KHz 혹은 15/100KHz를 이용해서 고주파수에 의한 고해상도(High Resolution)을 얻고 동시에 저주파수(3.5~15KHz)에 의한 심층 투과력을 높이는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 특히 탐지하는 목표물이 Fresnel 반경에 비해서 매우 작을 때는 쌍곡선형 회절무늬(Hyperbolic Diffraction)가 나타나기 때문에 쉽게 목표물을 찾을 수 있다. 감쇠상수가 큰 모래층은 작은 감쇠상수를 갖고 있는 점토보다 지진파의 투과력을 약하게 만든다. 이와같이 이중 주파수의 동시 운용은 해저 지질. 모래와 점토(Silt/Clay) 분포 오니토 및 해양고고학 유물 탐사에 크게 활용할 수 있다.

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