• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mapping Structure

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Geovisualization of Migration Statistics Using Flow Mapping Based on Web GIS (Web GIS 기반 유선도 작성을 통한 인구이동통계의 지리적 시각화)

  • Kim, Kam-Young;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.268-281
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    • 2012
  • In spite of the usefulness of migration statistics in spatially understanding social processes and identifying social effects of spatial processes, services and analyses of the statistics have been restricted due to the complexity of their data structure. In addition, flow mapping functionality which is a useful method to explore and visualize the migration statistics has yet to be fully represented in modern GIS applications. Given this, the purpose of this research is to demonstrate the possibility of flow mapping and the exploratory spatial analysis of the migration statistics in a Web GIS environment. For this, the characteristics of the statistics were examined from database, GIS, and cartographic perspectives. Then, O-D structure of the migration statistics was converted to spatial data appropriate to f low mapping based on the characteristics. The interface of Web GIS is specialized the migration statistics and provides exploratory visualization by allowing dynamic interactions such as spatial focusing and attribute filtering.

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Urban spatial structure change detection in land cover map using time-series patch mapping (시계열 패치 매핑을 이용한 토지피복도의 도시공간구조 변화 검출)

  • Lee, Young-Chang;Lee, Kyoung-Mi;Chon, Jinhyung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1727-1737
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a system to detect spatial structures in land cover maps and to detect time-series spatial structure changes. At first, the proposed system detects patches in a certain area at different times and calculates their measures to analyse spatial structure patterns of the area. Then the system conducts patch mapping among the detected time-series patches and decides 6 types of patch changes such as keeping, creating, disappearing, splitting, merging, and changing in a mixed way. Also, the system stores the patch-based spatial structure patterns of time-series land cover maps in binary form to extract changes. This demonstrated that the proposed change detection system can be used as a basis for planning the reconstruction of the urban spatial structure by measuring the degree of urban sprawl.

Performance of Space-Time Trellis Codes with Minimum Hamming Distance Mapping on Fast Fading Channels (빠른 페이딩 채널에서 MHD 매핑을 응용한 STTC 부호의 성능평가)

  • Jin, Ik-Soo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2010
  • This paper studies the performance of STTC with minimum Hamming distance (MHD) mapping in order to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance. Unfortunately, the MHD mapping used in trellis coded modulation (TCM) or multiple trellis coded modulation (MTCM) cannot be directly applied to STTC because the trellis structure of STTC is generally different from that of TCM or MTCM. Therefore, we need a simple modification to apply the MHD mapping concept in STTC. The core of the modification assigns information bits with a Hamming distance in proportion to the sum of the Euclidean distance to trellis branch of STTC. To the best knowledge, this combination has not been considered yet. The BER performance is examined with simulations and the performance of MHD mapping is compared to that of well known natural mapping and Gray mapping on both fast Rayleigh as well as fast Rician fading channels. It is shown that the performance of MHD mapping is much better than that of natural mapping or Gray mapping over fast Rician fading channels, especially.

An Empirical Study on Evaluation Criteria of Projection Mapping Videos in Terms of Public Design (공공디자인에 있어 프로젝션 매핑영상의 평가요소에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lee, Young Woo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.950-959
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    • 2015
  • The necessity of an empirical study on how projection mapping videos are evaluated from consumers' point of view has arisen, as they can lead to visual pollution if factors including spatial characteristics around the structure and details of the contents are not taken into consideration. This study aims to evaluate projection mapping videos and elucidate the question on whether evaluation criteria positively influence the satisfaction level or not. Above all, five evaluation criteria including artistry, creativity, identity, immersion and usefulness were deducted and a hypothesis from preceding research "each evaluation criteria will positively(+) influence the satisfaction level of projection mapping video" has been established. In order to test the hypothesis, big domestic department stores which screened projection mapping videos were selected and a verification experiment has been conducted with ordinary citizens as subjects. In the result of the experiment, among the five evaluation criteria, artistry, creativity, and usefulness were chosen, while identity and immersion were dismissed. The result verifies that if useful information is provided in forms of interesting contents produced with distinctive ideas and creative methods, it will satisfy the consumers as attractive public design.

Evaluation of a Fine-mapping Method Exploiting Linkage Disequilibrium in Livestock Populations: Simulation Study

  • Kim, JongJoo;Farnir, Frederic
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.1702-1705
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    • 2006
  • A simulation study was conducted to evaluate a fine-mapping method exploiting population-wide linkage disequilibrium. Data were simulated according to the pedigree structure based on a large paternal half-sib family population with a total of 1,034 or 2,068 progeny. Twenty autosomes of 100 cM were generated with 5 cM or 1 cM marker intervals for all founder individuals in the pedigree, and marker alleles and a number of quantitative trait loci (QTL) explaining a total of 70% phenotypic variance were generated and randomly assigned across the whole chromosomes, assuming linkage equilibrium between the markers. The founder chromosomes were then descended through the pedigree to the current offspring generation, including recombinants that were generated by recombination between adjacent markers. Power to detect QTL was high for the QTL with at least moderate size, which was more pronounced with larger sample size and denser marker map. However, sample size contributed much more significantly to power to detect QTL than map density to the precise estimate of QTL position. No QTL was detected on the test chromosomes in which QTL was not assigned, which did not allow detection of false positive QTL. For the multiple QTL that were closely located, the estimates of the QTL positions were biased, except when the QTL were located on the right marker positions. Our fine mapping simulation results indicate that construction of dense maps and large sample size is needed to increase power to detect QTL and mapping precision for QTL position.

The study related to the meta data for the attribute mapping from IFC to CityGML (IFC에서 CityGML로 속성 맵핑을 위한 메타 데이터에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Tae Wook;Choi, Hyun Sang;Hwang, Jung Rae;Hong, Chang Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.6_1
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    • pp.559-565
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the present study is to suggest the meta data of the attribute mapping for interoperability from IFC to CityGML. For this, we analyzed the interoperability issue including the neutral information model structure such as IFC, CityGML. To solve the interoperability problem between IFC and CityGML model which is the neutral GIS format, We proposed the meta data including the mapping rule. The meta data is consists of the connection information between BIM and GIS model, the mapping rule based on the perspective of the use-case, the operator and the attribute. By using this, XML to represent the meta data is defined and the information mapping system is developed.

Mapping of Synchronized Contents with Music to 3 Dimensional Spatial Cloned Human-Object (3차원 공간으로 복제된 인간 형상 오브제에 음악과 동기화한 콘텐츠의 매핑)

  • Bae, Moon-Kyoung;Lyu, Jae-Ha;Kim, Sangwook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.620-627
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    • 2014
  • In the contemporary age, social environment has changed from analog to digital. As a media is developed, the public is more familiar to digital than analog. In this society, media art rises as new art. One of the most useful methods in the media art is projection mapping. In this paper, I propose a realization process of artwork 'Cloned Me' that is realized by projection mapping method. Artwork is formed by projecting image contents that are visualized a music on a steel structure. It is different from media facade that the object projected contents has a story composition. It is a strength that the object and contents are connected by story and composition. Also it can be modified each other easily for harmony because the structure is assembly-type. A face that is projected by beam projection is consist of unique structure not fixed rectangular frame. Artwork 'Cloned Me' has significance that it reflects the present age to develop digital cloning.

Design of The Geographic Information Database Structure for Census Mapping (센서스 지도제작을 위한 지리정보데이타베이스 구조연구)

  • 김설희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 1993
  • In order to minimize vectorizing tasks, which require huge reso¬urces and time and to support the census mapping effectively, the geographic information databases structure has been studied. The steps of the new approach are as follows. : Step 1, Scanning the maps of the whole country and storing the image data in raster format. Step 2, Vectorizing the data of specific items for Census operation such as Enume¬ration District, and then linking to attribute data in the text format. Step 3, Designing the database with a Tile and Multi-layer structure to make a continuous map logically. Step 4, Implement Censlls Mapping System(CMS) for efficient mapping and retrieving. As a consequence of this study, the cost, manpower and time effectiveness was proved and it was confirmed to produce lIseful and high-qual ified maps for the Census. In the future, this system wi II be able to provide many organizations and individuals with the various data based on geographical statistical information.

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Structural health monitoring response reconstruction based on UAGAN under structural condition variations with few-shot learning

  • Jun, Li;Zhengyan, He;Gao, Fan
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.687-701
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    • 2022
  • Inevitable response loss under complex operational conditions significantly affects the integrity and quality of measured data, leading the structural health monitoring (SHM) ineffective. To remedy the impact of data loss, a common way is to transfer the recorded response of available measure point to where the data loss occurred by establishing the response mapping from measured data. However, the current research has yet addressed the structural condition changes afterward and response mapping learning from a small sample. So, this paper proposes a novel data driven structural response reconstruction method based on a sophisticated designed generating adversarial network (UAGAN). Advanced deep learning techniques including U-shaped dense blocks, self-attention and a customized loss function are specialized and embedded in UAGAN to improve the universal and representative features extraction and generalized responses mapping establishment. In numerical validation, UAGAN efficiently and accurately captures the distinguished features of structural response from only 40 training samples of the intact structure. Besides, the established response mapping is universal, which effectively reconstructs responses of the structure suffered up to 10% random stiffness reduction or structural damage. In the experimental validation, UAGAN is trained with ambient response and applied to reconstruct response measured under earthquake. The reconstruction losses of response in the time and frequency domains reached 16% and 17%, that is better than the previous research, demonstrating the leading performance of the sophisticated designed network. In addition, the identified modal parameters from reconstructed and the corresponding true responses are highly consistent indicates that the proposed UAGAN is very potential to be applied to practical civil engineering.

RL-based Path Planning for SLAM Uncertainty Minimization in Urban Mapping (도시환경 매핑 시 SLAM 불확실성 최소화를 위한 강화 학습 기반 경로 계획법)

  • Cho, Younghun;Kim, Ayoung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2021
  • For the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem, a different path results in different SLAM results. Usually, SLAM follows a trail of input data. Active SLAM, which determines where to sense for the next step, can suggest a better path for a better SLAM result during the data acquisition step. In this paper, we will use reinforcement learning to find where to perceive. By assigning entire target area coverage to a goal and uncertainty as a negative reward, the reinforcement learning network finds an optimal path to minimize trajectory uncertainty and maximize map coverage. However, most active SLAM researches are performed in indoor or aerial environments where robots can move in every direction. In the urban environment, vehicles only can move following road structure and traffic rules. Graph structure can efficiently express road environment, considering crossroads and streets as nodes and edges, respectively. In this paper, we propose a novel method to find optimal SLAM path using graph structure and reinforcement learning technique.